(2008/04) April 2008

Hihi mummies,

violet: mayb you can try giving your baby some water before giving her milk..

For similac i realise alot of bubbles when i give my baby when she is newborm so i change to s26 which has very little or no bubbles when i shake the bottle.. but for s26 is very heaty so must give baby water or gripe water..

My baby poo once a day which my cl say is better for baby. cos even adults 2-3 days never poo we will feel uncomfortable, somemore is our baby


just realise that our baby share the same birthday =D.. that time during my confinement i found a cl from a agency to help me for one month.. lucky the auntie very experience with baby if not i sure kana depression.. thanks you and jgal for the help..=D
My bb standard 2 days poo poo once, even when i change FM she also poo 2 days once, tik its her routine liao.
jo and jamie, i tried using cloth diapers (Bumwear's prefolds) in the morning but super busy cos baby pee so often have to change her.. i'm waiting for her to be bigger (maybe 3 months old) to start using the Bumwear dioapers I've bought. Hopefully can cut down on disposable diaper usage.

becos my baby poop almost after every feed or at least like 5-6 times a day, everytime poop have to change. and sometimes i think a few hours passed even no poop just urine i'll also change.

i just started using diaper rash cream regularly last week. before that lazy to use but heng also no diaper rash..
Lynn- good to try petpet can cut down your cost. Even though my bb don poo after every feed i also lazy to use cloth diapers, wait till she is bigger heee.
tks for reply.

i also using pet pet in the day cos my bb gg outgrow S size soon, dun wan to waste two new packs of petpet. however my bb only poo poo once daily and recent poo once every two days, so save my trouble of changing diapers, hehe.
lynn...me too using petpet in the day n pampers/mamy poko at nite...i'll change the diaper when it feels heavy or when my ger poo poo...

she been pooing alot so i also change a lot of diapers a day abt 8-10...very xiong so must use cheaper diaper ha ha ha...

i got a colleague using giant brand diaper say not too bad but i dunno if good, i've nv try that...any mummies using it?

i feed my bb Nan 1 at nite so far when i prepare the formular no bubbles leh...marmex also no bubbles...
how many of you are looking after baby by yourself? My confinement lady left last sat, and these few days were really tiring for me and hubby. Hubby will be going back to work on wed, so really wonder if i can handle by myself, cos i need to pump every 3 hrs. Getting very stressed and depressed over this.....2 people already find it difficult to handle, really dread handling her by myself...
Sputnik, me looking after my baby myself too. Really tiring... cos she poo very frequently. After every feed and at even in between feeds. Each day like 10-12 times lidat. So dats y i am quite tired too.

I am also using disposable diapers in the nite and day time cloth diaper... else super siong wor. So recommendation is petpet? Cheap and gd izzit? May need to buy soon.
my baby poos a lot in the evening, daytime seldom. Sometimes so much that her diaper overflows and kena her clothes. Usually have to wash her backside when she poos in the evening cos it is really a lot. And not only once, she can poo a lot 2 - 3 times every evening.
I am taking care of my bb & my toddler on my own. Its not easy, but somehow we will manage. Hang in there, they grow up very fast

I used a wash cloth to wipe clean bb's tongue & gums.
day time diaper
i am currently trying this brand eq. they have this small sampling pack around $3.90 for 18 pcs. it comes in bigger packs too but i dare not buy too much first. so far have tried it for 1 day. quite absorbent but hubby finds it a little thick. but will try for few more days to see if my boy is ok wif it.

tongue cleaning
i clean using those small hanky during bath time.

mine is on bm . he poos once or twice a day. i tot that was kinda little. how about you mummies whose baby oso on tbm?

donno y my boy keeps crying todae. once i carry him, he is fine. he will starts crying the moment i put him down. think he knows that i will carry him whenever he crys.
Musloom: My bb is also on TBM and poops 5 to 8 times a day. PD said if less than 5 times, means bb not enuff to eat leh. How much is your bb drinking?
hi cheesycake
like the mummies above, i also use damp washcloth to wipe baby's mouth during bathtime. gently wipe the roof of the mouth, tongue, gums (interior and exterior), sides of mouth.
hi mushloom
my baby on tbm and poops at least 5 times a day. how's his weight and length increase, have u been to the 1 mth checkup?
hi Sputnik
no doubt it will be really tiring and stressful looking after baby alone. maybe u cld outsource as much as possible - order tingkat for your meals and get parttime cleaner to clean during weekend.
I will also be taking care of bb full-time when i go to KL. Now still got mum, dad and sis and at times HB ard to help out. I think bb will cry more when i take care of her myself overseas compared to now.
violet, according to my mum, barley for babies dont have to really cook one. Just wash e barley, then put in a cup of boiling water, after that pour away e barley seeds then can use e water to mix milk or let baby drink.
My baby finishes 120ml of water every. She doesnt like it plain, so i add a bit of honey. She seems to like it. She is solely on FM and doesnt have any problem pooing.

Jamie, Got it! Thanks!

lynn, why do u want to reduce her feed? I think it's ok to feed the amount she demands.
I also use about 10 diapers a day if she is on disposables. I try to use cloth diapers as much as possible. Better for skin and cheaper! Also using mustela. Infact, i think i over-stocked. Got ten tubes sitting in my cupboard. Now she's two months old already, havent even used half a tube yet!

I agree that pet pet is good n cheap. But i prefer cloth diapers. Removes our laziness in changing after she wet herself.
But im using mamy poko for night time, find it better than pampers. My girl sleeps at least 6 hours straight at night. Dont want to change her diapers just in case she wakes up.

Jo, my girl is taking Friso gold also. On top of FM, she is taking cereal mixed into her milk. She poos at least once a day.

spuntik, have been looking after baby myself since day 1 she came back. Find that it's better coz can adjust myself n baby to a certain routine. Was able to have quite a bit of time to myself. Until recently, i have to prepare for exams and she's starting to stay awake most of the day time. Hang on there!

cheessycake, havent seen u ard for so long. how are u? regarding white particles, have to clean everyday. Use cotton wool. Facial cotton will do. U can go chinese medical hall and ask for this solution to clean baby's mouth one. Tell the person it's for infant. Have to remove the white particles. Very impt. If not will affect baby's appetite and if dont remove for a long time, will become pretty permanent and PD's will actually remove it frm a scraping method.
Re: Vaccination

Does your bb's appetite gets affected after the jabs? Mine seem to drink less than normal. I wondering if its affected by the jab.
hi Sherin,

I am also an April mummy. Have been reading the thread. I think it is not advisable to give bb under 1 year old honey, maybe you want to check this out on the net?

aiyo, last 2 days i give bb pacifier coz he cried n cranky at night, bt i observed that after giving pacifier, bb will skip 1 meal leh.bb last feed at 9pm (EBM), ard 10.30, he cry,carry also no use.at first i let him latch, bt scare he will trow out milk coz last feed at 9pm only, so give pacifier.then till 3.30am, he din cry foe milk leh, i wake him up n feed him.

any mummy encounter this?

milk supply,

since after confinement, have to take care of bb, then no time to pump leh, somore bb like to carry.yest i only manage to go toilet once n drink 1 cup of water for the whole morning till evening..worried ss will drop leh..

bb wana carry,

i cant do anything except carry him!!!!unable to have proper meal, go toilet, bath,pump!!how how how??


bb now 5 weeks, what kind of toy suit bb so that he can stay there n play?
Last time my bb used to poo 10 - 12 times a day too and its v frustrating for me and hb. then MIL came along and taught us some tricks. Works like magic. She said bb poo often bec milk is not warm enuff (my bb takes EBM) and she warms the milk up for bb, not too hot of course and now my bb poos ard 4 - 5 times a day and the poo looks v neat and nice. Hope it helps!
blessed, EBM need to be how warm? My mum kept saying not warm enough that's why baby has wind. but then at the start of the feed is warm, but my girl drinks so slowly that towards the end it's only room temperature already..

piggymummy, my girl also sometimes miss her feed - oversleep. dunno if it's cos she is given the pacifier too. but she seldom suck it when sleeping, only helps her fall asleep. i won;t wake her up to feed, cos my girl's pattern, she'll fall asleep back and not finish the EBM. plus it's great if she can sleep longer in the night!

i started giving full EBM and not supplementing with FM at night already, cos hope it'll help with her wind and regurgitation problem as BM is supposed to be easier to digest. i thought she'll wake up every 2 hours in the middle of the night since it's BM ut surprisingly it's still the same interval as FM (3 hours)..

re: baby want to carry..
mine is also at this phase, damn tiring! she wants to be talked to, entertained or carried when awake. luckily she's sleepy in the afternoon so i can still do my stuff and housework. i complained to hubby he say can consider buying baby carrier so can carry whole day and yet still do my stuff.. hahaha
blessed, me still latching baby directly... how to warm my milk? Owa owa... she oni take EBM once a day oni.

My baby oso wants to be carried all the time wor. Makes me so tired too... haiz...
oic... i tried just now cleaning her tongue with the soulution from medical hall. when i go inner of her tongue she will feel like vomiting. ur bb the same?

sherin: im fine. sorry haven pass u the friso milk powder. how can i pass u again? r u back at work alrd? im returning to work place in abt 2wks time.
my boy is currently around 6kg. according to the pd he is growing fine. drinking amt i am not very sure cos i latched him on all the time wor. he will drink from one breast around 10 mins per feed and will stop.

when you girls say poo it means those really big pile rite? not those stains caused by farting?

sputnik, i oso have the same fear as you initially when my cl goes away. cleaning wise can get your hubby to help. as for meals, i will boil soup (for lunch and dinner) in the morning. lunch i will juz put in some fish n meat into the soup and take it with rice. dinner will cook when baby is sleeping or when he is fine with being alone.
koori, my baby is not satisfied with her milk intake. If i were to go without cereal, she needs to take about 240ml. which is the full bottle. So my mum suggested that i add cereal. She is drinking well. I'm just adding a scoop.

decimal point, i mentioned to my PD and he seems ok with that le. It's just a little bit for taste. Ive not really done any research into that yet.

cheesycake, ya, thanks for e milk powder. I'm not yet. Two weeks time also.
Is e box of e solution yellow colour? Dont clean too deep in. My girl is fine with e cleaning le.

piggy_mummy, dont think a 5 week old baby can play any toys le. My girl does nothing but sleep at 5 weeks. try to carry baby in a carrier, sling or pouch. Frees up ur hands and u'll be able to do alot of things, other than to pump of coz.

mushloom, my girl's poo is a really huge pile. Sometimes may overflow.
Ic. Latch on then not possible. My bb also likes 2 b carried, so my hb and I got this rocker fr FP, newborn to toddler rocker and there is a calmin vibration mode tt bb enjoys and got some colorful toys. My bb enjoys being there so can dun carry for a mmt. It cost $129.
Hi Sherin,

Got a website link to the honey for infants thing: http://www.nutriwatch.org/06FST/honey.html
Honey may contain bacterial spores that can cause infant botulism. Plus, most of the mummies feed baby water to get them used to the "tasteless" of water so adding honey might not help cos they will only drink honeyed water in future.

Not sure how old your girl is.. but 240ml of milk is a lot! Most babies these age only can drink 120ml max cos more will overextend their tummies.
thanks steph.

my girl is 10 weeks old. 120ml is certainly not enough for her. She was already drinking 90ml in her first week. She still wakes up for milk every 3 hours in the day. Not sure if i'm overfeeding her. But she gets cranky if she doesnt get enough. But at night, like yesterday, she takes her feed at 10pm. She manage to sleep until 730am this morning. and when she wakes up, she was super hungry, finishing 200ml of milk.
the last check was done when she was 1 mth old. He says her weight gain was ok. But it was been a mth already.
guess shall have to wait for her next jab. Sometimes i feel she's a giant in the making.
Sherin - ur bb has bigger appetite, mine wan drink alot but stomach cant take it so she will merlion.
Wats weight of ur bb now?

Re : Mittens
When can we take off the mittens from bb?
I din let her wear liao cos she started using her fingers alot...hehee....but must cut her nails more often cos she keep scratching mummy.
