(2008/04) April 2008

Simp - this bra extension only got black avail, so i drop your beige one? btw - the cost is $2.90 instead of $2.10. Is it ok wif u?

size #250 2-hook 1-1/4" wide

jgal - my ger also needs to be pat on chest b4 putting into water, then i also need to give her something to grap.
yup, it stimulates more milk in shorter period of time. definately better than mini electric.

Re: bathing
Usually, the clean her face wash her hair part is ok. i will lower her into the water face down first then usually she will scream when i flip her over. Depending on her mood, sometimes she start screaming even before i lower her into the water sometimes she onlyy start screaming when i flip her over to wash her front... haiz...

Re: drink milk
I think coz i latch her on most of the time, so i also dunno how much she actually drink each time coz like somedays she latch for very long sometimes like latch for a while only... now she is 6wks, weighs 3.5kg nia... my friend say she very small... She was born 2.6kg...
The bra extension that i am ordering for all is under the category of 4 rows of hooks, that one has black, white and beige colour each at $2.10. The one u saw is under the category of 3 rows of hook whereby there are 2 pcs in a pack at $2.90. I just check under the category of 4 rows of hook, the items are still available
Starling: How many do you need? I am not ordering from overseas website cos the shipping for small items not very worth it, unless, I'm buying other stuff and consolidate everything.
I happened to find a local seller who sells relatively cheaper. Let me know how many you want and leave your address in my email. [email protected]
blessed, wah pump 60mins not painful meh? i usually pump 15-20mins only. but i think i slowly getting used to the pain. where and how much did your rent the PIS from? me thinking abt it now..

amy, when i bath my girl i use those net thingy and after cleaning eyes, face and washing hair i'll lower her into the water and she'll lie on the net thingy, so my both hands can be free. So far she'll scream if she's not fully awake for the bath, or i wait too long and her diaper's already soiled (cannot bath immediately after feed mah, and she'll usually poo during/after feeding). regarding your gal's weight, if the pd never say anything then should be fine bah. my gal is almost 3 weeks old and drinks from 60-80ml depending.
blessed - Nope, did not buy the PIS advanced. Borrowed it from someone to try out.

Amy - After she drinks the 3oz of EBM, she will cry and her mouth will open as if she still looking for food. She does not always fall asleep after feed. Sigh... just my luck to have a baby who drinks a lot when my ss not that fantastic.
For those who pump, how many hours interval do you pump? My baby is now 4 weeks old, will my ss still increase, cos it seems to have stagnanted for the past week? Quite worried that it will not increase as I am feeding baby on EBM and dun latch on. I try and pump every 2.5 - 3 hrs.
spuntnik, me also feeding EBM. i try to pump every 2.5-3 hours, same as you. count from start os session to start os next session right? In between have to wash and sterilise pump, warm up EBM for baby etc. time flies so fast before i know it it's time for the next pumping session liaoz..

i increased my frequency from last wek, last week i pump every 3 hours and one night session and supply stagnant. so this week try 2.5 hours and 2 night sessions so got a bit more. but dun think can increase the pump frequency any further already leh..
hi all

long time din online liao..my mum nags at me if find me online during confinement period..now i am at inlaw place daytime and no internet there..so bored..

pd teach me how to calculate bb milk intake..
for example,my boy is 4.5kg..
u take 4.5 * 150ml = 675ml per day (est)

if bb feeds 8 times,675/8 = 85ml (est)

i pump abt 4 times per day and 3hrs interval..only getting 100-120ml each pump and the rest of the day,i latch him on..

blessed..i also wan to rent PIS advanced..cos now using my fren pump and returning to her soon..
i find the best & most comfy nursing room is in CK tang. there's a sink & steriliser in each room.

i dont sterilise, just wash with water.
hi ladies, i have received 10 orders for the Baby Art Magic box, so will proceed with the order tomorrow.

I have checked with the seller, once order is made, it will take approximately 2 weeks to get the stock. Will advise on the actual delivery date. Once the stock is here, my dear husband will self-collect on our behalf to save cost.

Please tt $19 to my POSB savings ac 032-3-017080 by 20/5. I will advise on postage charges for those that opt for it after I received the items.

1. Scubababe
2. steph(superbunny)
3. Simp
4. chiffon
5. mushloom
6. calamari
7. koori Kaylen
8. jo
9. Sputnik
10. Lynn
April Mummies Outing:

When: 12 Jun 2008 (April)
What Time: 2pm
Where: Tanglin Mall Starbucks

1) Sherin & Summer
2) Koori & Kaylen
3) Chewy & Elliot
4) Xiang & Ethan
5) Jamie & Bryan
6) Stefy & Luann
7) Amy & Zhiyan
8) prawnie & Xavier
9) scubababe & Byron
Apologies, it shld be my DBS Savings ac 032-3-017080. Please quote your SMH nick in the trans. ref.

venus: added your order too

1. Scubababe
2. steph(superbunny)
3. Simp
4. chiffon
5. mushloom
6. calamari
7. koori Kaylen
8. jo
9. Sputnik
10. Lynn
11. venus (2 sets)
RE: MIM bras
Stefy & Koori: I also dun mind getting one pc MIM Padded Multi-Way Bra with Removable Underwire with removable shoulder straps to try.

Any one also MIM Padded Multi-Way Bra with Removable Underwire with removable shoulder straps with me? Get 2 can be cheaper.
chewy - wat size and color for MIM Padded Multi-Way Bra with Removable Underwire with removable shoulder straps ?
Simp/ Stefy/ Chewy - please pm me ur email address, i send u the consolidated order to check. Sorry i dunno how to post my excel spreadsheet here, anyone can enlighten?
scubababe: I want 2 sets of Baby Art Magic box. Have transferred $38 to your DBS account on 20 May 2008 02:50 AM. Transaction Reference 1714899682. Thanks for organising! And thank your hubby for helping us collect!
Let me know the postage or where I can collect from u k?
what is the interval of ur pumping? i realised i took 1 h yest cos i got clogged ducts. after massaging and clearing, things r bck to normal.

I got massage and stop halfway. but sometimes lazy to massage thoroughly. now i know must massage quite thoroughly then got milk flow. can i chk with u all if u express abt 7 - 8 x a day?

Thanks! But I have decided to bring my bb to clinic nearer my place as also got gd reviews abt the lady dr.
Re: C section
Hi ladies, for those who went thru C section, was wondering if we have to abstain fr seafd for 100 days or 6 mths? Also, can we
- drink cold water like orange juice
- eat sushi (lol, have v strong craving for sushi, non seafood based on, but dunno if seaweed considered seafood)
Lynn - How many weeks is your baby? how i count the 2.5 hrs is as follows. If i start at 9am, pump for 0.5hr, so end at 9.30am. The next session will be 2.5 hrs later, at 12pm. Is this how you count? I pump every 2.5 - 3 hrs, day or night, so quite tiring to wake up at nite. BTW, are u looking after baby alone? I worried how to pump next time when confinenement lady leaves, cos baby likes to be carried, so next time pumping schedule will depend very much on baby.

I counted the same way as u did! cos its more accurate right? since pumpin time end at i.e. 930am, our breasts r empty at this pt in time and milk needs another 2.5h to replenish.
sputnik and blessed, me start counting from the start of the pumping session leh. but more or less the same, cos always a bit late for pumping becos of baby.

me looking after baby alone, no CL, but mum will come over to help cook. hubby will take over when he comes back from work and i can stick to my pumping schedule better when he's around to ja-ga the baby lor. for me, when baby is sleeping is the best time to pump, but not always possible. if not i will bring her to the room with me and pump and watch her. if she fusses then very ma-fan lor. my baby also likes to be carried, but but her in those rocker also can. she'll watch me pump while lying in the rocker, but i'll feel a bit guilty cos she'll look so bored like tat..

i agree it's super tiring to wake up at night to pump. i force myself to wake up, but at night more xin-ku, can't seem to get letdown, maybe too tired that's why. in the end have to pump longer to empty the breasts.
Lynn n Sputnik
Ya i always have to force myself 2 wake up and since after givin birth, i never slept straight for 8 h liao! max is 6 h in which i kanna clogged ducts
Anyway after 8 wks, supply will stablized, then can slowly cut times of pumping.

What is the total milkflow for u gals now? Mine is ard 350 - 1litre, but only got 1 bottle extra per day to meet my bb's dd. Do u all ve lots of extra for storage?

Btw, my bb now drinks ard 120 to 130ml per feed and wakes up ard 2 - 2.5h interval. He is 6 wks now. Do ur babies drink tis amt too? I m pumping v diligently to match his appetite!

Btw, i bought PIS adv liao for $549 fr first few yrs. So gonna pump for at least 1/2 y else my hubby will kill me if i give up after 1 mth
i pump 6-7 times perday, the rest of the time, i latch bb, but he always finish one breast n fall as sleep liao, so now i will pump out to empty the breast.

currently bb 3 weeks plus, i only manage to get abt 70-90ml (both breast) for each pumping session, izzit too little? quite worried abt the ss..

how mummy here store ur BM. me use bottle n store at fridge, coz my ss nt much, so i din store at freezer..the freshly express milk can store at fridge for 7 days rite?
i also worried after confinement, i am alone to take care of bb, have to latch, bump, wash , sterilise...

currenntly stay at home, b4 give birth, wana to be a SAHM, but now, have to think twice liao, i think working n become partime mummy better..
blessed, you're right, never can sleep 8 hours straight! me also max 6 hours, and then immediately regret cos must pump double the usual time to empty the engorged breasts!

i didn't count my total supply, but i have abt 300ml leftover everyday cos i supplement with FM 2 feeds at night. freeze with milkbags in the freezer. piggymummy, i tot can only store in fride for 48hours?
i do take cold drinks or even fruits from the fridge. so far baby is quite alrite.

piggy mummy
i used to think like you. but once you get used to the routine, it will be better. or see if your hubby can take 2 or 3 days off after the cl leave to help you to adapt to the change. it helps
Lynn – I seem to get slightly more milk during the day as well. I guess what they say abt more milk when you pump at night is not true. I realized that when you read those breastfeeding books or when you talk to LCs, what they say is not necessarily true, guess it really depends on individuals.

Blessed – do you latch on at all? wah, at least you can managed to sleep for 6 hrs straight sometimes! I thik ever since I gave birth, if can sleep for 3 hrs straight I happy liao. As I pump and dun latch on, my total milk supply for the day is abt 700 – 850ml. Barely enuf to meet dd, no milk for storage, sometimes even have to supplement with FM. My baby 4 weeks old, she usually drinks 90ml, but abt twice a day she will drink 120 – 150 ml, that’s when have to supplement with FM after giving her the 90ml EBM.

piggy mummy – each time I pump will get abt 90ml, sometimes if lucky will get 120ml. I thot EBM can store for 48 hrs in fridge? Thik diff books say diff things also.
BTW, if i know baby going to feed within 3 hrs, after i pump at nite, i will leave my EBM outside and not put in the fridge. In this case, do I need to warm up the milk bef feeding baby? Cos my confinement lady will warm it up slightly bef giving baby.
cause i bot the medela PIS, the book inside write freshly express milk can store 7 days, but if thaw fr freezer, may b can last for 2 days..but usually i will nt keep up to 7 days coz ss nt enuf.

AVENT storage bottle,

when i bot the medela PIS, the salesgirl told me avent milk storage bottle can store milk at freezer leh, must store in fridge leh..i got 3 bottle milk store in avent storage bottle leh..throw away very wasted..
Transfer done, pls check and confirm:

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
20 May 2008 10:48 AM Singapore
To Account DBS Savings Plus
032-3-017080 Scubababe
Amount S$19.00
Transaction Reference 1715228711
I will confirm nearer the date if i am joining the outing then join u at ur place to tanglin mall

Actually i stopped taking seafood, cold drinks, raw food or questionable food except processed food if i want to bf. Think i too kiasu as i scared bb develop skin allergy or reduce milk supply. So as long as i bf, think i will reduce or avoid exotic food hee.

U all r quite super, got excess milk. I dun have that luxury. I don have excess at all, in fact i have to supplement 1 fm feed at times as no milk to meet bb's hunger. Hungry = cry / dun sleep. I wish i have excess daily to store in freezer. Then when i go out and bb at home, dun have o feed fm or rush back.

If u search in the internet on the storage of B, u will realise a lot of things. Storing milk outside for sometime like an hour, maybe milk may spoil. Do need to check for freshness everytime b4 u feed bb. Storing in fridge is good for 1 day as we keep opening fridge thr out the day for cooking etc unless u have another sall fridge . freezer then can store longer. In freezer, i think can store a while longer like 1 to 2 mths. I dun think if we keep opening freezer, ilk can last so long. However i learnt my lesson, always test the milk b4 giving bb as they dun know how to reject yet. I realise if fridge is not cold enough, even store for a few hours, milk is fishy or taste like iron. However if fridge is cold, milk still will taste like fresh, i mean direct milk from our boobs. Taste good. So now i rather store in freezer and thaw under a cup of warm / hot water then store in fridge. My mum will say too cold, veg become frozen then i say milk fishy taste. So i put in freezer if i do have excess. However i do not have much reserve. If milk is fresh, u will also like it de, if fishy or taste iron, u wont like it. But a lot of mummies say it is ok and milk tend to taste fishy or iron when store in fridge or freezer. For me, i think if i cannt stand my milk, i dun want to give my bb :

MIM bras,
Ya i think i am hooked on their bras, i got 1 black non-padded bra, 2 black soft padded bra, 3 tube bras already hee. I think in tmc, the tube bra only selling at $10 and if u have FBI card, another 5% off when i think the online store does not offer any. So if anyone is going tmc for check-up for bb or mummy, can ask them to help buy. Tube bra is easy to manage, no need to find hook and clip, just pull down or lift up can liao and no need to really add in disp breast pad
blessed, sushi n seafood no prob already. My mum says only need to abstain frm seafood, including eggs for 2 weeks. I went for sushi 5 days after my c-sec. I asked my gynae before consumption, he says to go ahead and enjoy. So far, went for sushi a couple of times already.
regarding cold drink, i think it's up to individual's confinement beliefs. I take cold drinks almost everyday frm abt 1 week after my c-sec, up till now...

hi everyone..

April Mummies Outing:

When: 12 Jun 2008 (April)
What Time: 2pm
Where: Tanglin Mall Starbucks

1) Sherin & Summer
2) Koori & Kaylen
3) Chewy & Elliot
4) Xiang & Ethan
5) Jamie & Bryan
6) Stefy & Luann
7) Amy & Zhiyan
8) prawnie & Xavier
9) scubababe & Byron
10) steph & justin

Can't wait to get out of the house. Baby caught a cold so i have been home confined even after my confinment. Very sian. Luckily, he is getting better now :p So, looking forward to seeing u all at the outing.

Scubababe - have done the transfer. Ref no:100000990245688. Am doing it via a UOB account so the money might take 2 days to get through. Thanks for organising the purchase.
