(2008/04) April 2008

xav mum : Wah! xav eat so much ah! Ju eat 1/2 the portion i happy already. Haha.

Juniorrain : There was a BP on it. I am buying 1 more. Let me check if she still have it. Will let u know later.

Xav Tratties : I also cannot tahan when the elders say nvm. Like wat Xav mum say. Like dun need to bother about me. I always tell my parents if I'm teaching him dun interfere. Even between me and my hubby. When 1 is teaching him, the other suppose to keep quiet even if we are not happy. Only after that we can say behind him. My in laws like to put me and my hubby down in front of him. For example, u see, ur mummy dunno this, dunno tat,.. ur daddy this tat.. luckily we seldom see them so nvm. haha.
Xav, before my in-laws say "nevermind" to my gal, i beat her in front of them for her bad behaviour. I tin they scare of the way i beat my gal, so they don dare to pamper her too much. kekeke.. For my mum, i scolded/said her directly and show her the bad habits tat my gal had pick up from her "nevermind". I tink my mum can understand the reason why cannot pamper but she just cannot bear to lay her hand on my gal. =)
piggy mummy: ya .. he finished all.. But he will finish the fruits first !! Buth it's only one normal bowl of his porridge, I split into two plus one side dish and fruits .. looks alot right.. hahaha..

Junior rain: I bought from the recent BP. Been looking for this serving tray for quite some time. This tray is good, got a bit of depth, easier for them to scoop up.

Violet: he only self feed himself fruits. Proper meal yet to allow him.. cos as what u said all over the place.. hahahha..

Tratties: yeah man.. I am beginning to wonder, how come they dun allow us to do this and that when we were young and yet now they allow our kid!!

Jules' mum: can lah .. slowly increase his portion. Now Xav eat like not enuf like tt, I am trying to slowly increase, if he cannot finish then so be it.

Haiz .... the in-laws ... hahahha .. No comments.. I super sian liaoz..
Violet: hahaha.. you dun look that fierce eh .. ya.. I'm always very fierce to Xav in front of my in laws. Just that my smack have yet to show infront of them..
Xav's mummy, i can't get enough of the cute pics you post of Xav! He's such a well-trained and clever boy, able to self-feed alrady and can sit still for meals! Your sacrifice to be a SAHM really pay off! That serving tray is very colourful and cute, I wouldn't mind having dinner from it

Dana still down with runny nose and cough, almost 1 week already. I dread it when she falls ill, takes very long to recover
Now her daddy is also ill with flu, hope i'm not next to get it!
Juniorrain : I've contacted the BP seller. She'll hold another BP in mid aug. It's the tray xav's mum posted.

Violet : U really don't look fierce leh.

Angel : Poor Dana. Hope she gets well soon. Drink more water.

for those buying toys at the taka toy fair,must test the toys,cos some cant work,some packaging also turn yellow
goo morning mummies, looking forward to the long weekend
this morning woke up thinking it's Fri already, hahaha but then realised it's only thurs.. hiaz..

angel, hope Dana recovers soon!
goodbb, did u managed to get an exchange or refund for your defective items? the taka toy fair seems pretty good, is it still on this weekend? a couple of weekends i went and got some great deals on Disney Princess's babydoll furniture lol.. Now Adel's babydoll has her bed and highchair, very cute now she knows where to seat the baby when it's time to 'feed' and where to put baby to 'bed'.

anyone knows where to find a nice well-made tricycle/bicycle with training wheels (pref with parent's push handle)? didn't see any nice ones at taka fair, only those pastic icky-looking ones. but Adel was sooooo taken by them, I told her we're not buying these cos they're ugly but she still hug onto them and refused to let go without staging some drama..
Thanks for helping to contact the BP seller. Ya me very keen 2 buy the serving tray. I look out for the BP in mid Aug.
Hope i dun miss it again. :p

Thks. Hope my boy can also self-feed himself soon cos planning to put him in CC soon. Xav is so clever can self-feed oredi.
Calamari, thanks for the info.. i'll try to look for it, if not will go crazy chasing after my gal for her meals.

Jules & Xav mummies, my looks always deceive other ppl. Hee.. I tend to be very fierce to my gal in front of my in-laws, if not they tot i can be bully de. They were actually quite shock about my temper. Haha...
piggymummy, smsed you yesterday.. As to what age to enrol into CC, very much depends on yourself lah. Cos i have colleagues putting the child in infantcare, some parents wanna wait for 2 yrs old, some even 3 yrs old.. but most kids will still fall sick in the initial period due to the increased exposure to so many other children. My neighbour's son goes to GUG for a few hours a day at 2 yrs plus still fell sick in the initial months, now ok already..

just have to prepare yourself to deal with the baby falling ill for the first few months. for me, i'm trying to build up Adel's immunity by giving supplements lor..
Calamari, thanks for the info.. i'll try to look for it, if not will go crazy chasing after my gal for her meals.

Jules & Xav mummies, my looks always deceive other ppl. Hee.. I tend to be very fierce to my gal in front of my in-laws, if not they tot i can be bully de. They were actually quite shock about my temper. Haha...
Lynn : I also looking for 1 tricycle. I saw my neighbour's son having 1 that's quite nice but his mum look quite dao i dun dare to ask.

JuniorRain : No worries. I'll remind you when the BP is on. I'm getting as christmas present for my nephews.
hi mummies
Long weekend coming.....any gathering for our kids? Javier like to mingles with lots of outsiders so thinking of let him make more friends...
lynn, jules' mum: a colleague bought a similar kind of tricycle for Kayla from Mothercare. Not so cheena looking. You can check it out.
Jules' Mum: can you also let me know once the bp is up again for the tray which Xav is using? tks tks

Violet: woah!! didnt expect that you are so fierce!! you dont seem like those mummies who will beat children.. hahahahaha..

Lynn: you might want to go down to TaiSing (authorised dealer for Combi) near Arab St.. their selection of tricycle is quite a fair bit..

Mummies - are you all beginning to feel that our tots are at the beginning for the "Terror 2"?
Angel: You might wanna boost your immunity by taking vit C everyday. I am very prone to falling sick. After taking one capsule everyday, my immune got better. Try the Vit C from GNC with the time release. It's good !

Lynn: I bought one tricycle similar to the ones you have shown but with a removable safety guard that surrounds the kid @ those shops below the flats @ Bedok Interchange.

Junior Rain:
He can only self feed for fruits. hahaha.. Sometimes, he is too impatient to use fork then will end up using his hands.

No worries about whether if Eshin knows how to self feed or not. I believe the cc will help to feed him if he still doesn't know how to.

Piggymummy: Agree with lynn that it depends very much on you, on your comfortable level. Like me, no choice at that point of time. They took in Xav becos he can walk already despite the fact that he is only 16 months which most childcare will not want to take in. But earlier you put the child in, the easier they gets adapt the the environment. If older, some kids will just simply cry all the way due to anxiety.
tratties: u bet!

piggymummy: agree with Xav it depends on your situation. The principal of Pat's Schoolhouse told me to delay sending Kayla to half-day toddler care cum playgroup only after she turns 24 months or even better, at 28 months. She said if start too young at 18 months, the child might be too overwhelmed and suffer from anxiety. She's had to remove a few too young children due to that. Oso depends on the kid i supposed.
calamari: Adrynna nowadays knows that if she screams & cry, she will bound to get things done in her way.. i dont know what to do at times manz.. dont give her she cry until very pathetic, can cry until no voice & trembling!!! fierce..

piggymummy: i've also planned to defer cc for Adrynna till she turns 24months as had a conversation with the principle of the school which i'm planning to put her in - 18 months for 3 x weekly vs 24 months for daily half-day is not much of a difference but can be quite a big thing for the little one to handle.. they prefer kids to be on daily basis and kids immune system is more developed after 24months so she advises me to put her in after 2yrs..
tratties: Yah lor, I think all the kids are probably at this stage now. I think my mom has kinda spoilt her. In front of my mom, she will act 'ke lian' and cry when we don't give her what she wants. But now its such a fun stage huh? Hahaha..cos now communication is 2-way. Just yesterday, she told me "mummy, you mei mei" *blush* hahahahah then this morning, she woke up and told me "morning!" but seemed to know I am going to work, so it followed with a "bye bye, muak!" :p
Tratties, I guess my temper built up since my 1st job as an Project Eng.. Got bully by many irresponsible ppl, so now i get irritated super easy. :p

My gal is at the next Terror stage. She'll use her hand to shield her face during meal times and sit down on the floor to cry if she can't get wat she wants. Now also likes to scream. Once we went to the shopping mall, she refused to walk on her own. She just sat on the floor and cried v loudly.. My mum and I just walked away then she got no choice but to chase after us.. We were actually quite embarrassed cos a crowd of aunties and uncles gathered ard her watching wat's happening. -.-"
Btw, anyone know where is the best place for a nice toddler haircut? I need to get my gal's hair trimmed.. She has been rubbing her eyes frequently, not sure whether is her fringe too long or eye sight prob.
violet: i just got my girl's back hair cut for the first time at Little Red Dot at Forum Galleria. They gave me a certificate with her hair for the first haircut. hahaha.
i just saw this at muji!! it's so cute and almost the same as the one you want.. it's $139 without the basket.. i saw it at the muji in bugis.. too cute! i'm still trying to convince the daddy to buy for baby.. haha!
Xav's mum,
Xav's dinner look so appetising in the plate. Did you buy it from a BP here? Still have the contact?

So cute, the salon actually gave her a certificate? Did you keep some of her hair as a momento? I lover kayla's long curls so after hair cut still have curls? or are her hair long and straight now?
thanks xav's mummy, calamari and cotegr.. i'll go check out the places mentioned for the tricycle, my hunt begins this long weekend!

i am looking for a tricycle with removable parent handle bar, and with adjustable seat so that ideally it can grow with the child till abt 4-5yrs old when they graduate to a proper bike..
calamari: wow.. kayla can say so many words already.. adrynna is still at papa and mama, recently its star & ball and she just communicates with body language more... dont know hw to improve her talking leh..
Hi Lynn, i jus saw the tricycle u posted at $149 at suntec....if i am not wrong, its exactly the same but come with harness.
Usual is $199...hope this helps
Hi Vonn, you saw the Kettler tricycle? At which shop? $149 is a super good price! Makes me wan to rush down to grab it now. Let me know the shop can? million thanks!
violet, amy: yah so funny hor got certificate. And they paste a bit of her hair on the certificate hahahah! And this salon charges cheaper than Junior League! She cut liao, now her hair still a bit curly at the bottom heheheh.

tratties: my girl is exceptionally 'di da' i think. No need to improve, Adrynna will self-improve eventually.
Lynn, i'm also looking for this type of tricycle where I can push Dana around in the garden below our flat...can sms me if you found it eventually this weekend? Thanks!

Xav mummy, can post a pic of the what you bought?

Calamari, the one from Mothercare must be really nice but expensive (as with most of their things)!

We already have one Winnie the Pooh type (bot from Toys R Us) but want to get one where Dana can peddle as we push...
Lynn, its not krettler. Its like 'cars' brand but look similar in red and black. Handle can be removed and sit not adjustable but there is harness. She dnt allow me to take a pic.
Paiseh, make u excited for nothing:p
The shop name Learning Kingdom at #03-13
angel, there's a lot of these tricycles with parent handle bar, but me lah, dun wan the plastic cheena-looking ones.. looking for one that is convertible to a tricycle that they can really use when they learn to peddle.. the pooh one you have from toys r us is it the airplane push-along ride-on? I have that! Adel loves it soooo mcuh but her feet can't touch the floor to properl herself along, and it's back-breaking for me to do it

i just called Mothercare, the one which looks similar to the one I posted is OOS and they say dunno when would restock. they have other models but not on the web so I gotta go down and take a look. Price quoted is $200+, but if it's solid and well-built then it'll be a good investment.
Vonn, thanks for your help! I'll go check it out over the weekend
Can tell me if it's plastic or metal construction?
calamari, the Mothercare $200+ one is not the one i posted, that one unfortunately is OOS. the person say there's one with canopy (which I'm sure is useless) and harness for slightly over $200, but no pic for me to see..

if I ship in the Kettler one will be more ex leh, $300+ leh. I'm sure hubby will disapprove lol..
