(2008/04) April 2008

Leo's mum : Thanks. Ju didn't allow us to do cold compress so we gave him ice-cream. his morning I saw, I think subside already. regarding breakfast, I give ju bread (corn bread, chocolate bread, with cheese, with butter, french toast) or cereal (cornflakes, rice crisps with milk or without.)

Tratties : I started giving my son rice with food we eat. We try not to put too much salt in our food. He rejected his own porridge and food specially prepared for him and kept asking for our food. He likes teriyaki chicken, fried chicken, fried bee hoon... He doesn't allow us to put sauce or soup in his rice.

Xav : Ju still taking 4 feeds! but 1 feed is at midnight la. Dreamfeed. hehe. recently been throwing alot of milk. He drink 100 dun wan already.

xav: oic, hehehe. My PD told me to continue 4 feeds for Kayla cos she is quite petite. My girl after taking lunch and dinner, must and still can have milk one hahaha..

jules' mum: how is ju now?
Just brought my gal for the pneumococcal vaccine yesterday. She is currently 74cm, 8kg, so only 3rd percentile! But doc say it's ok, cos i am thin, and my hubby also not too big size, so can't expect my gal to be big size. And she also drinking bet 500-600ml of milk with 2 solid feeds.
xav & jules' mum: i just tried ham & tomato omelette with rice & broccoli earlier on for lunch.. she took in the first few spoons herself after that started spitting out.. i dont know what to do with my gal.. she always like that.. first few spoons will be alright then start spitting out le.. the only thing she gobbles down quickly are her FRUITS!!

Adrynna is currently drinking 3x milk per day at 210ml each time..
Sputnik: Then, Xav is normal. hahahah.. I tot I gave him too much. Instead now, I will try to add in one additional milk feed with fresh milk.

tratties: Is the rice too dry or she hates greens? heeee.. Normally I will see what X dun like, I will try again the next day but will hide the green smell from him with cheese or minced and mix into whatever mixture there is.

Same here ! X also gobbles down all the fruits first !! hahaha
Tratties : Try more times. Ju is also like that. He accept new food very slowly. After like 10+ times then he will accept it. Haha. Think 2 weeks ago, I was complaining that Ju doesn't wat rice. Now, he is eating already. But he wants it plain. Cannot add soup or sauce. He will not like it. Try few times to see what your baby wants. Amy thanks so much for telling me not to give up. Hehe.
leo's mum - i just paid her this morning.

re feeding baby
My gal seems to eat everything i offer her, not really fussy abt food, just that she needs entertainment before she is willing to open her golden mouth. Unless it is food from the table, then she open her mouth wide wide.
Aunite Lynn,
Thanks for the pretty dress
Just nice for a hot day like today

Jules mum,
So now jules is ok about eating plain thai rice? LOL, good news for you, Thai rice cheaper... Now its my turn to get fustrated... The princess turned diva after falling sick... These few days everything 2-3mouthfuls and she had enough liao... I wish i have a funnel to just pour her food into her mouth >.<" Thats how fustrated i am...
Amy: That's a very nice pic of Yan ! She looks so sweet !!!

Lynn: wow.. with your skills can open shop to sell bb clothing !

Junior Rain: Can always buzz me one day before or let me know in advance if you wanna buy the bike. can bring you there
amy : he eats la but like yan lor. 2 3 mouth. so e 2 3 scoop i scoop as big mouth as possible. haha. if they dun eat we feel terrible hor. today brought him for northen indian food. gave him naan, tandoori chix. he likes it.
hi calamari...welcome back from Brissy...did you give QUT a visit? haha.
Anyway am headed for a farm stay down under next month and was wondering if they have Gain IQ there or did you just bring in an unopen tin? Any issues at customs? Can i bring in 3 in 1 milo/ coffee ah?
Oh another thing... i have chope the bassinet seat on SQ but i chose the side bassinet seats by the window... are the bassinet seats in the middle a better idea? thanks in advance.
JTS, on my recent trip to perth in june, i brought unopen tin of FM. no customs issue as long as u declare. dont think u can bring in 3 in 1 milo &amp; coffee, but most service apts do provide complimentary coffee tea.

bassinets: personally i dont see any difference for side bassinets seats or those in the middle as the leg room space for all bulkhead seats are the same. anyway i didnt use the bassinet for my boy as he's too big for it liao.

visa: everybody need, including babies. u can apply online.

which state u heading? do hv a good trip

its common to kenna fr family members. when my #1 is sick, my #2 will also get it. so dont feel bad. wish leo a speedy recovery!
gail: Yes, I went bk QUT and took a pic hahahha! Not much changes leh, quite sad place Brissy hahaha. But good to go back and recall back the old days....at Milton, Sunnybanks, Pancakes, etc hahahhaha ;) Brissy does not sell Gain IQ. I brought my own Gain IQ there as well. Just play safe to bring in an unopened can. But still have to declare to the customs. Long q at customs man but once they see u with baby, they'll ask u to move on as its baby food. Howver, I dont suggest u bring in coffee or milo, wait invite more problem with customs. As what Jamie said, no diff for bassinets and baby will need a visa oso. Am sure u will enjoy your trip there. Remember to check out the markets.
Thanks guys for the customs &amp; visa &amp; bassinet advice...: )

Calamari...Am actually heading to Albany in WA... got family there la... but am dying to make a trip back to Brissy. I was from the Paddington/ Ashgrove area...bars and drunk pp every night. hahaha!! Thanks again...
hi mummies,

on taking meals &amp; milk, my boy's timetable:
8am - milk (240ml)
10am - breakfast (bread + egg/pandan cliffon cake etc)
11.30am - milk (240ml) before he went to lalaland Zzz....
1.30pm - lunch (porridage, must be watery those kind)
4.00pm - milk again for 2nd round of nap zzz
6.30pm - dinner (mee sua/rice + soup)
9.00pm - milk (last feed)

any good menu to share..? my boy is quite a fussy eater. sometime got to coax him with toys for meal time. and need to sit out by the corridor door to feed him. each meal time is so stressful for us.

headache on what to give him, he is quite small weight. last weight at PD is 10kg!!!! faintz...

on, will be on a cruise next month, was wondering if i need to bring a portable cooker there to make him food...heehee!
Jules' Mum &amp; Xav:
Will keep on trying, no matter what.. even if its just a small bowl per meal also gotta patiently feed and not lash out..
last nite i cooked rice porridge with slice fish for her dinner, she took about 8-10 mouthfuls then the spitting started again.. and asked for her fruits again!!! then because its barely half of her usual intake, scared she hungry, so went to make bread with ham for her see if she wants to take it.. she cleverly eats the ham ONLY and takes out the bread from her mouth!
Screams and cry when we take the ham &amp; fruit away from her!!
every mealtime is a nightmare for us these days!!

at least your son is willing to eat his food, my girl is only 9.5kg now even smaller..
gail: wherever you go, am sure it'll be enjoyable as its the company you are with

tratties: ok lah, Adrynna not as small as Kayla. She is only 9.2kg hehe. Hoping she will hit 10kg by 18 months. She eats and esp drinks milk like a monster but dunno whether the consumption all went to hahaha.
leo's mum : r u the main caregiver? if so, chances of him falling sick is high ah. how can ur hubby blame u.

Tratties : Is your gal teething? I can feel 7 of ju's teeth trying to come out. Very sian. So long already still dun come out.

Calamari: Ju's same weight as Kayla! He's boy leh. haha. Tot boys suppose to be heavier. Always console myself. nvm la. Healthy can already.

Von : My son also difficult to feed. Hope this is just a phase la. Hope they start eating well. I hate weekends at my parents place. If he dun eat, my dad will give him all kinds of snacks! i can't stop him cos he just dun care about me.
Jules' Mum: dont think she is still in the teething phase as majority of her bb teeth are out already except for 2nd molars &amp; 1 of the lower canine.. i also hope this is just one of the phases which she will outgrow one of these days soon!!! if not, i'm afraid i'll lose it and start whacking her..

i cant try out crying out method with her as she always vomits whenever she crys too much.. anyone got the same experience? is this normal?
Leo's mum: I think quite normal for the virus to be passed around.. Hugs to leo. Hope he gets well soon !!

Von: I think it's ok lah.. Xav only 9.7 kg only. Worse was he lost 1 kg during the first week in cc as he was adjusting and refused his food.

Tratties: did u show her the fruits when she is having her meal ? Maybe u give her a plain bread to start off with ? heee .. take away the ham first.
Tratties : Ya. I really hope it's the phase our babies going through. I did whack him before. When he was about 10 months. In the end, he got phobia of the high chair and didn't wanna eat even more. So, I told myself if he dun wanna eat dun force la. Maybe it's like us. Somedays we feel like eating, somedays we dun. If he got 1 proper meal a day i'm very happy already.

As to crying out method, my fren's baby also like that. I think it depends on individual babies la. Another friend's baby will cry till face red and hold her breath. Try to reason with her. Maybe she will understand?
Hi Artist : Welcome
I bought 1 pack of seven star tea wanting to give my son. I open up and saw what's inside and decided against it. I think I saw some dried insects. But I do know of friends saying it's very good.

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Hi Jules' Mum,
ya, already heard that there are some dried insects in the tea formula... but i am trying this out to prevent my son from getting flu and cough... going to send him to childcare next month...

think these dried insects are fine as they are processed ones and safe to be used as chinese medicine.
my son used to sleep through the night but nowadays kept waking up in the middle of the night, crying. only i gave him milk then i managed to get him sleep again... anyone's child behaving like this? Is this part of the developmental phase or is he simply getting jealous and cant really sleep well (i just gave birth to a baby boy this year May)?
Hi Mummies,

Regarding to this seven star tea, do they come in instant packet form? I have asked Eu Yan Seng, they dont have instant one...need to boil and cook the tea... any idea where I can get those instant one?
Artist : Is seven star for cough and flu? Actually i dunno wat is it for. My friends told me will increase his appetite but i saw the insects I really dun dare to feed him. I freaked when I saw it. haha.

As for not sleeping through, my son is like that but i suspect it's due to teething. i gave him pacifier and he's back to his lala land.

Mummyfel : I only saw those that need to brew. Haven't seen instant ones.
xav: the fruits came out when she didnt wanna eat her main meal anymore, she asked (demanded)for her fruits!!

Anyway, I think my girl trying to test her parent's patience la.. i just called home to check on her lunch, my mum told me no problem.. finished up everything.. *pissed*
anyone knows where i can buy a trike (3-wheeler, no peddle)? We bought an inexpensive one for Adel over the weekend and she loved it, learning to push along with her feet (she loves her pooh ride-on but her feet can't touch the floor yet), but one of the parts broke and we had to return it, and it's discontinued so so couldn't get it anymore

found Aprisin selling this little tikes one, but dun really wan to spend so much.. i remembered seeing similar wooden ones but they're even more expensive..

Any ideas mummies?
Jules' Mum,
just heard from my mum that the seven star tea is good for preventing flu n cough n to increase appetite. i recently gave my son to drink (brew the packet one... turned out thick and bitter. only i dilute with water and added extra honey, then my son drinks it). he had the instand one before and my mil said it tasted like ribena...

tratties, since your daughter likes fruits, maybe you want to cook main dishes with fruits in it? e.g. apple porridge?
Xavs_mummy, me also worried about my gal's weight after sending her to CC. Just went for her 2nd dose of Prevenar this morning. PD checked her weight ard 11kg (with shoes on). Was quite happy with her current weight.

Her daily meals as follow:
Morning wake up : milk (140ml)
~9am : 1 pc of bread with butter and chesse
~1pm : 1 bowl of porridge / mee sua / macoroni
~3pm : milk (140ml)
~7pm : 1 bowl of porridge / mee sua / macoroni
~11pm : milk (140ml)

She didn't tk much milk, I suspect her weight gain mostly from the main meal. These few days she likes to eat what I cooked. She didn't make much fuss like the past few weeks. She also likes to share our food even after her fulling lunch / dinner. Hope she continues eating, if not i really can go crazy. :s

Tratties, past few weeks my gal also very pattern. When my mum feed her, she eat. If i feed, she'll just turned away her head or push my hand away. Very frustrating till I smacked her. But when i saw Jules's msg of not forcing them when they don't want to eat, it actually works lor. I'll stopped for awhile when she don't want to eat, later she'll look at me then I gave her the next mouth she'll eat again. Really needs alot of patient... I'm still learning.. :s

Calamari, yest i brought my gal to Little Red Dot for haircut. The person who helped to trim my gal's hair was very skillful. I like her short hair. Too bad, they did not not give a certificate.. LOL
hi mummies,

may i check with all of u which product can be taken daily? sambuccus or sambuccol? very confused.. i know one of this can only be taken when needed due to certain ingredients
Violet : Good to hear that Olivia takes more after not forcing her. Ju got a new pattern. If u praise and clap hand, he will eat more. Very tiring la. he wants the WHOLE family to clap when he eat 1 mouth and he really OPEN mouth big big. I take the opportunity to stuff more rice in. Haha. TOday my maid told me he ate the chicken but rice only few mouth. I really surrender la. Up to him la. Haha.

Leo mummy : Nvm la. healthy is most important. Ju not very far away. Think he's 2nd smallest boy here. Haha. jia you.
At least we know we tried our best right.

Artist : if u can feedback how it goes will be good. I may consider giving my son if can increase appetite. Haha.
Artist: Welcome !

Tratties: she sure knows who to "bully" hahahaha .. I normally try the "starve" method, fi eh doesn;t want food, sorry, no milk will be given and he will starve. Gradually, he will give in when he gets the message across. Think she knows that if she dun eat, you will give her fruits. hahahah..

violet: Good heh ! depends on individual. Was happy to hear from the teacher that today Xav din cry at all. Resigned to fate tt he has to be there.. hahahah.. and he is eating well. This is his third week.
Calamari, no wor.. Was a lady who trim her hair. I was actually standing there for a few seconds waiting for them to tell me tat they gng to give me a cert but they just say "See you!".. LOL

Jules, yalor.. Kids nowaday really hard to please. =S

Leo mummy, don give up cos you are already doing your best le. BB every month got new pattern de. Needs super lotsa patient with them. I'm still trying to control myself from losing temper over my little gal.. Haha..
leo's mum,
dont worry. my son also small. he is around 8.3kg. most of the time, his appetite is good. perhaps he is on the smaller side. but then healthy is most impt to me...

Jules'mum, dunno whether the tea worked or not. my son recently on food strike started to eat his meals after i gave him the tea. or maybe his gum was not so painful already...
artist: she likes her fruit cut &amp; whole not mixed with anything.. i've tried that method already..

anyway, this weekend i shall try the starve method on her..
oh no.. my mum just called me, my girl is sick.. just came back from doc, doc said that she is coming down with a bad cold, can start seeing the mucus forming...

dont know whether issit because of the guy which was @ airport yday - sneezing crazily away w/o putting on a masks.. we were standing about 5m away from him and drifted further and further away..
hi mummies...

seems like our little one all got pattern when eating..luann also pattern 1 sometimes she will eat a lot sometimes after a few mouthful she will start her spitting habit...but she sure likes soup everynite 1 bowl of soup without fail...

read from mamil mthly newsletter tt this is a normal phase and will go away ard 2yrs old...endure another few more mths ha ha ha...

Leo's mum,

Thanks! Heard a lot abt certain ingredients in either sambuccol or sambuccus that cannot be taken daily so was kindda of worried
