(2008/04) April 2008

adrynna like a big girl lor..

jayden so cute.. why he raised his hands like that? this pose is when we ask my boy where yr ears then he'll do the exact same stunt..

kids dash
got below 3 yo? will be fun. my friends' boys took part too, but above 3 cat.. where can find the details and when?

ya lor.. she behaves like a big girl now.. abit buay tahan.. my mum was telling me that this morning she picked up my dad's nb bag and asked him to go work, somemore say byebye to him..
can faintz!
smart girl.. haha.. she must hv observed that everyday so just imitate..
i guess our babies now always surprise us.. haha.. :p
Hi Maro

Jayden is always doing funny actions. He meant sleepy when he did that. But he can't pronounce any words still. If he likes something, he will clap his hands. If he is happy, he will put his hands on your mouth and go "muah muah".

The marathon info is on www.singaporemarathon.com.
Hi all, Kayla and I are back finally from our 16 day hols! Really enjoyed it and didn't want to come back, even extended another day for shopping hahahah! But stupid qantas was so ngiao with my 7kg overweight, so i had to throw away some of my old clothes when coming back, at the airport hahah

Re: oz baby girls clothes
aiyo, no need to even buy oobi brand clothes, there are even nicer clothes than oobi brand there!! Almost went broke buying her clothes there...:p

chewy: hey, i only read your post about sleeping bag now...sorry,...

hope everyone's doing well!

any 1 noe where to buy the cookie cutters?cos trying contacting the BP,they dun have it anymore,sad sad


any 1 drinking friso?got the friso the backyardigans dvd?
welcome back calamari!!! your pics look so nice! I'm sure kayla had a good time!
Make me so so so so gian to go OZ too. Got nice boys clothes there?

goodbb: you can get cookie cutter from Ikea, diaso, spotlight etc. very cheap too.

Kids Dash: I signed Byron up already! Who else is keen??
Hi calamari,
welcome home! The pics are nice, especially like the one in colourful top, so sweet. Like wat scubababe has said, u make us so tempted to go.............
Wow! Our babes are all so grown up now! Little ladies and gentlemen.. kekeke

calamari: my DIL looks fab! Glad u all had a great time :p Yes yes, Oz bb clothes r really nice...I am gonna miss out alot soon... heehee

Gonna miss all the actions here soon, can't join the kids' dash
All have fun !
stefy, scubie, jnrrain, strawberries, chewy: thanks for the welcoming

scubie, chewy: I only managed to find daily rompers wear for boys in Oz, no specially nice clothes for boys in Oz leh...
Either that or I was looking at the wrong places hehe.

scubie, jnrrain: yeah, go go hols in Oz. Weather now should be even better, not too cold. Go before you have your no. 2 ;) For me, lucky I am only in my 20 weeks, so not so siong, still can walk non-stop for 4 hours hahahah
we gonna to miss u & Elliot 2........... if got chance shall visit u, hehehe.

wow u can walk 4hrs non-stop, for me i can't, hehehe. Ya planning hols in Sep/oct but still hv nt decide the place yet hope is a long wan this time but dun know how Eshin will behave in the plane for long flight.
juniorrain: hmm, you might want to consider buying a child ticket for Eshin instead of him travelling as an infant. As you know, Kayla is quite a petite baby and already has problem fitting into the bassinet at 15 months. We were soooo lucky that the day flight back was not full and the 2 seats beside us were empty, so Kayla at least has 2 seats to play with her toys, watch cartoons and sleep more comfortably. Day flights are a bit harder to manage cos they can do without sleeping. Might want to consider a night flight where they can sleep through for a good few hours
Good morning mummies!

Welcome back Calamari. Princess Kayla look very very stylish in her winter clothes. The pics look great, must have been a relaxing and enjoyable trip

Oh yes Qantas are super duper 'ngiao' about the weight of the check-in luggage. Even if you're travelling as a group, they don't even allow you to check-in the bags together, each person must be accountable for their own bags. And they'll ask you if you packed the bags yourself etc etc. Very strict. One of my friends shopped too much and paid over $200 for excess baggage last year! Her heart pain...

We're going Adelaide in Dec to visit Dana's cousin and have booked a special farmstay. Flying with SQ. So looking fwd to the hols too!
but first must build up her immunity as she's still ill....
Thanks for the advise.
Ya i was thinking dun know he can fit into the bassinet or not although Eshin is not very tall also. Yes nite flight they can slp if day they will wan 2 walk abt in the plane, will b super headache.

Hope Dana recovers soon.
Angel - is Dana better now? So shiok i also looking forward to holidays lei....dream on.

Calamari - u super kuazhang hahha, i cant imagine how to bring back all those barang barang hehe.
hey calamari.. welcome back!! You really make me feel like going to OZ for all the shopping.. Seems like you were right to push on for the trip *winks*

btw, Where's chewy going?
speedy recovery to dana..

how long was yr flight? is Kayla ok during the long hr flight? I'm really worried that my boy (super notti) cant take it and cry, will be super paisei if that occurs.. haha.. so still considering where to go, else will be bali..

i hv been trying to convince hubby to go OZ.. some more told him child under 2 no need tickets but now le after calamari's recommendation to get a ticket for child too, hmmn.. better dont mention first. haha :p
angel: Thanks for the compliments. Is Dana better today? Oooh, another trip to Oz for Dana and you! Should be just as fun as now she is older
Yah, I will never ever travel with Qantas man....super ngiao...ssshhh, but in the end I manage to smuggle 23kg worth of hand luggage between hubby and myself...hehe. What's more annoying was that the flight was not even full and they are so unaccomodating. *faint*

tratties: I took a chance lor hehehe...but seriously hor, I forgot about H1N1 when I was in Oz, cos there was no really many news there about the virus. Lucky us.

maro: my flight was 8 hours. The TO night flight was very a breeze as she slept in the bassinet for 4.5 hours straight. The rest of the 3 hours or so were spent eating etc. But the flight back could have been a disaster for us if we did not have the 2 empty seats beside us. As it was a day flight, Kayla only slept for 1.5 hours leh...sianz. The rest of the 6.5 hours were spent entertaining her. At one point she was whining non-stop and we had to walk around the plane with her...argh. But overall, I must say Kayla is a 8/10 good traveller on the plane
Oh when we touched down in Oz, someone actually came to me and compliment that my girl is a good girl, never made noise,...hahaha. Bali should be a good place to start your boy off...go for a relaxing hols. Any flights 4 hours and under should be quite easy to manage and maybe can do with just an infant ticket ;)
wow! all the kids are so CUTE

mummies, do u find ur kid like super active at this age?? mine cannot stay still at all. he wants to walk ard the house and climb up the sofa, chair, table, bed and even climb out of his PLAYPEN! I got a scare, man -.-'''
there's no way that i can leave him alone, even go loo, must bring him along, haha.

are any of your kids also like that? i think my mum loose weight again just by taking care of him
jojoz: hi5! my girl also just cant sit still, not even for 5 mins on the couch to watch TV!! but on the hindsight, her sunday classes are a very form of workout for me - solid 1.5hrs trying to chase her!! hahaha...

calamari: not because of the news still nowadays on h1n1 deaths in spore, i have more or less forgotten about it.. only siam when my girl is with me and i hear people coughing or sneezing furiously..
cannot stay still rite, looking aft him during wkends is really a workout for mi too by following and chasing him wherever he goes. u send ur girl to wkend palygrd ar?
jojoz: yeah.. my girl is attending wkend playgroup.. I realise that tots walk without looking where they wanna go!! their head or eyes focusing on something while they walk.. very stylo.. somemore her class got a few cant really walk yet.. then i gotta be looking out for them not to be trampled by her!! hahahaha..
ya my boy is also super active, wkends are always tiring for me & hubby. Only when he slp then we can rest.

Nice talking to you at GUG yesterday.

Yes, my boy also dun look at where he was walking. On sat nite, he bang into the wall while walking to my room, then gt a bruise on the forehead.
luann is also the same, cannot sit still 1. She is constantly on e go....so tiring to look after her on weekends haha...but gd workout for us mummies so cant afford time to workout keekee....
ju also walks and move around alot. My maid said the only times he stop moving is eating and sleeping. haha. I childproof most parts of my house so i let him walk freely. Only my eyes busy. Body on sofa or bed. Haha
haha, they help us save some $$$ to go gym & slimming centre.

Jules' Mum
at least Ju can sit still when eating. My boy cannot lei even eating, meal feeding is hectic for us.
Stef - Ya they are always on the move nowadays, can be busy watching or going after them. heng my house quite safe to walk, so i let her walk around freely in the house. Now since she can get on/ off the bed & sofa on her own i can leave her to play, at times i will call out for her then she will come running to me. keke.
seems all the kids are super active hor, haha. my son unwilling to sit still for meals also and mum got to change diff venue to feed him. he dun like to sit in high chair at all! feeding time is also quite challenging.

And i need to get those safety clips to secure my wardrobe cos he likes to slide the door open always.
jojoz : I bought lots of safety clips to lock up the drawers and doors. My hubby kept complaining ugly.

Juniorrain : We only allow him to eat on high chair so he is used to it maybe? If he makes noise we will take him out then no more food. But he will keep playing his food the mess up the floor.
Ur boy so guai can sit in high chair 2 eat
, my boy dun wan lor when @ home, he will wan 2 roam ard in the hse during meal, oni in restaurant then he will guai guai sit 2 eat.
My hubby also complaining the safety clip ugly, nt so willing 2 put then so i vy buz hv 2 keep stopping my boy 2 open the drawers & cupboard.
juniorrain : from start he have been doing tat. so he tot meal time only on high chair. We never allow him to come down or allow anyone to carry during mealtime. Similarly, in the car, he tot go out must sit on carseat. he dunno someone can carry him in the car. hahaa. we dun wanna start "bad habits"

My hubby also complain! but i dun care. I told him he rather ugly or rather ju hurt himself. THen I secretly buy and put. By the time he come back all put already. I also bought the padding for lower cupboards and tables. My hubby say he feel our place is like those indoor playground. Haha.
Adrynna also sits on her highchair during meal times at home BUT she needs lots of toys to play with for the whole meal!! thus going out for meals is a big challenge at times as she cant sit still and eat as there isnt many toys around in restaurants to catch her attention for long.. Pretty embrassing at times coz its like we have to restrict her and make her sit down while she is sometimes screaming away wanting to come down or be carried..
Calamari: Welcome back ! Nice pics of Kayla ! How I wish I can ask hubby to take leave and go there ! Been wanted to go there long time back !

Angel: Dana's fell sick? Hope she gets well soon ! Hugs to her !

Jules' Mum: hahahaha.. same .. I got those clips to lock the doors of the cupboards. If not never ending leh, Xav keep pulling out the stuff inside, in a day dunno how many times, I gotta put the things back!

Where to buy the paddings for the tables?
Xav always walk blindly, so scared that one day he will just bang into the table corner and hurt his eyes

Re: Feeding on highchair

I also dun allow Xav to run about during meals. The chinese sinseh has told me running about during meals will cause their intestinals to "lowered" in mandarin is "xia4 chui3", which is no good for them.

It's a habit I have instilled in him ever since he took his meals in the high chair. Think it shouldn't be a problem to start now. Life will be easier when we bring them out for meals.
xav: thanks! U can buy those safety paddings from Safety 1st brand. Can find them in all major department stores in the baby section. Same as you, I also always make sure Kayla sits in her high chair when having meals, but like Tratties, with lotsa toys too hahahah plus her own bowl for self-feeding. Even when we were travelling and eating within the apartment, Kayla is strapped to her Dinky Diner or inflatable booster chair.
Calamari : Ju dun wanna sit being strapped onto the Dinky Diner. he will struggle to get out. I bought a portable booster in case the places I go doesn't haev a highchair.

Eating on highchair : Ju have alot of utensils when eating. At restaurants, he have to keep eating for him to sit still. If we eat for 2 hours, he will eat non stop for 2 hours. haha. Recently I bought him a serving tray (those u see in japanese restaurant when serving kids meal). He likes it and eat more from that tray.

Xav : u looking for corners or the whole strip? Kiddy palace have. in case u cannot find safety 1st, u can buy Prince lionheart also. There's this Singapore made brand for locks not bad too. Can't remember the brand. Think it's Lucky baby? they use 3M tapes and the price is quite reasonable.
haiz mayb wkdays daytime taken care by parents, they let him run ard when hv meal so when come 2 wkends, we take care him so difficult 2 let him feed in high chair. Mayb must really enforce nt running ard since will cause intestinal no gd.

Thanks for the info on the running abt during meals, must tell my parents abt it so 2 enforce my boy sit when hving meals.
my son initialy can sit in high chair duno why last week onwards he refuse unless he got lots of toys and his own bowl and spoon in front of him. i feel he's not as obedient as b4 already. and same as u the only way to make him stay in his pram or highchair when eating outside is to keep his mouth bz, haha.

As for safety in the house, i need to get tapes and locks ASAP.
Calamari: Thanks ! Shall check them out

Junior Rain: no problem. It's always the case, my parents as well as in laws are the same. Definately going to spoil the kid. Gives in everything to him so long as he dun cry. I was so angry yesterday when I scolded Xav, and my mil in law kept repeating "Never mind " in mandarin to him !!! One hand trying to teach my son, the other hand, she trying to tell my son it's ok not to listen to the mummy !!!

Jules' mum: Looking for preferrably whole strap. Xav very accident prone. Always display different stunts .. Always gives me heart attacks..

I finally got a chance ot use that tray !! And true enough he eats more from there !! hahha ..

Here's busy Xav, eating up the cherries first on the serving tray !

ya lor, grandparents always like to pamper them. I always tell my parents that if my boy do anything wrong must scold him or beat him in order he will not repeat the same things again. Btw the serving tray xav is using is very nice.
Where did u get that? I wan 2 get 1 for Eshin also.

Xav: ur boy can feed himself le ar? So clever.. Mine tends to mess up e whole high chair if she feeds herself.

Calamari, where did you get the Dinky Diner or inflatable booster chair? I'm thinking of getting one so that i can settle my gal down even if we're outside. Its really tough to make my gal sit down w/o sometin to restrict her movement.
