(2008/04) April 2008

Jules' Mum, that's a very nice pic of Jules, he looks so contented in be next to the big and cuddly teddy! Handsome boy indeed

yes Amy hope you're recovering well. Yan Yan always give such a sweet smile

Xav_mummy, Xav really enjoys bathing! I've yet to bathe Dana using the shower head. still in bathtub, how to transit ah? She doesn't like water to fall on her eyes/face...

wow photo time! ha been a while since we post pics of our babies!

angel: Byron HATES water in his face too. He like to shower but will scream and cry when I spray the water over his head to wash his hair and face. But i dun care, still shower him like that. FYI i wear a poncho when i shower him coz he moves here and there and sometimes run to me to hide from the showerhead going to his face ha

anyway here is Byron on one of the rare occasions i manage to get him to sit on his potty


and looking dazed when I brought him to east coast for cycling
beans: i bought the Activa Jane high chair for Byron, it can be converted to a toddler table and chair. I feel its very sturdy and good value for money. You can find it in Isetan i think.
All the cute little tots !!

Jules'mum: Nice pic with the big teddy!

3 times a week !! lol.. Jule's must have love water ! I'm planning to bring X to wild wild wet ! See who wanna join in ya !

Mummyfel: That's Kiefer King !! So cute !

Angel: Maybe u can try bringing Dana to watch fountain. Let her associate that bathing can be as fun as watching the fountain. It was after I allow X to try to "catch" the water from vivo, since then he likes bath time.

Scubababe: hahaha.. Did Byron tried to lift up the potty handle infront of him? I tried letting X sit on a similar kind, he rides it like as if he is on his rocking giraffe.
scubababe, Byron looks cute on the potty, luckily censored appropiately lol! he's such a big boy using the convertible seat liao ah? i tot i read that during potty training should let the legs touch the ground, easier to 'do business' lol..

Haven't start to potty train Adel although bought the potty liao, but my neighbour's girl is diaper-less at home in the day at 19 months! impressed leh, i tot we dun toilet train so young?

these days before i bath/shower Adel i'll ask her if she wans to sshh sshh, surprisingly she will keep quiet and pee or shake her head or tell me no. that was after she once peed before showering after her diaper was off and i think she was surprised by it and i tell her it's ok she peed and good girl..
scubababe.. ur boy is so cute...sitting on the toilet bowl.. hahaaa...

jules...ur boy boy also very smart looking leh..

nana... u posted a summary of the little ones!
Xavs Mummy & Amy: Your lil tods are good. Realy enjoy bathing. My gal is so afraid of water. Even until now, she'll scream & cry whenver i shower her. Haiz.. Duno what to do.

Mummies, i saw some posting abt the Nature's way Sambucus. Taking this is not good? Kindly advise.Cos im giving my gal daily leh.. Now i oso confused liao, duno whether to continue to give her anot.
wow.. all the babies pics so cute.. some censored photos too.. haha

hv to resize the pic to smaller dimensions: 600 x 600 else will get error..

wat happen to nature's way sambucus.. i just bought :p

see raphael yday, he big boy already and so cute & handsome.. haha..

u wan to lelong alaric?
nana... u wan to attract which girl girl... hahaaaaaaa

mummyfel..ur boy using his tongue to attract us leh.. LOL...

Lynn..can post close up pict of ur gal...she look so cute! but abit blur leh.. can close up pls? LOL

Leo's mum...where ur boy pict? or i miss it?
leo's mum..no wonder..i got a "feeeling" its BIG!! coz dun look cluttered..though a small section being shown!! hhahaaaaa

ur boy walk very zai liao rite..u no need to worry ba... for me i like dog like tt..he go where i follow.. LOL
u eyeing at lynn's adel too? haiz.. :p
haha.. LOL

oh.. dont know so complicated le.. the nature's way sambucus is recommended by my colleague who has given to her children under 6 for a long time. I even bought Childlife Echinacea separately, meant to boost my boy immunity.. haha.. maybe too much now.. but hv not given any of them yet, will reconsider and check with my coll again (she is on leave) but yr girl has been taking, got no allergy right?
this is my baby

scubababe: my boy also hates having the shower over his head! scream like no tomorrow...
we're trying to potty train him too.. but most of the time can't catch in time.. haha! by the time he tell us want to pee all wet already.. :p
wow, so many bb photos, here is Kaylen's latest photo, hard to capture her looking at camera cos now she don like to take photos, keke.

*wolf whistle..*

my turn..to wolf whistle liao.. wahahhaa..i tink u all know why... drooling...

*Shouting...someone stop me...KAYLEN!!!!!!!
Wow, all the kiddo pics really brighten my day...

Thanks angel and jules mum for asking... after my mum came over and help me out with yan plus cooking for me... am feeling better already... its been a long while since my mum 'look' after me when i am sick... Tonight she also packing dinner over... haha, feel so pampered...

Jules mum,
Jules is so cute, he dun look underweight lei... he got chubby face...

Byron looks so grown up
like the blur look on his face

Ah pheal got a lot of gf liao lor... must save some for others hor... wahahahawahahaha...

Kaylen is so cute
she alot of pattern now hor?
Amy...Raphael's gf is my "WANT LIST"...but whether or not the other party want anot..is another issue..heheheeee

All babies realli not babies liao lor... hai... last weekend i look at my boy at 7am..i wished he was 1month old ...can put on bed...no need worry he fell off bed
So happy to see all the kids photos.

Leo's mum : Alvin from dphotofolio is not bad. At least he is very patient. I tot ju was very active and can't take nice shots but i was suprised and pleased by the photos taken.

Amy : Ju face big like me la. Dua tao. hahaha.

Mummies with kids afraid of shower, u can try sprinkle some water on their face. Either with hand, cup or a toy. Get them used to the water on their face. Or give them the shower head. They might accidentally spray themselves and let them know they are the ones who sprayed themselves. That's wat the swimming coach I met taught me. Do it slowly. in the beginning, if u pour water over them, let them get ready. they will love the shower eventually. Now my son will cry if we take away the showerhead from him.

Brought ju to swim at 5pm yesetrday. He is tanner. No more tofu. I'm so sad. i will not bring him swiming at such hot sun anymore. Haha. Vain mum.
dear mummies

had a super busy day at work but cheered up by the sharing of so many babies'pics here! All our babies have grown so much in a yr...good job mummies!

Here's one pic of Dana taken during my co retreat in Bintan last month.

Everyday no matter how tired or troubled I am from work, it all melts away the minute I am greeted by her smile (and hug)!
Koori, when Kaylen smiles, there's a glint and sparkle in her eyes, I like it very much!

Choc, Raphael looks pan-asian indeed! Next time will be really dashing.

Scubababe, Byron so tame, can sit on the potty train obediently!

Nana, that's a nice collage of the 7 Princes! Must have spent some time doing it.

Mummyfel, kiefer looks so cheeky, must be a really fun-loving boy!

Lynn, yes do post a close-up pic of Adel for us to see how she's grown!
wow, so many Q tot!!i don have the lastest photo on my pc. this photo take few months back..hihi..

now my boy very skinny, he is sick..heart pain

wOw so many nice bb pix.
Stef - I like luann's chubby face, kaylen face not so chubby now

Amy - ya kaylen alot of pattern now.
Angel - Dana still let u put on hat & bib for her, now my hats and bibs all wasted, kaylen will pull them away the moment i put them on.
managed to find a non-blurry pic of Adel in hubby's phone.. now whenever she passes by any kiddy rides she'll say she wan to 'sit sit'.. hiaz we just let her sit on the still ride also fun? sideline a bit, dunno why she say things like ball ball, dog dog, sit sit etc repeat the word. why ah? we only tell her ball, dog, sit etc leh..

so sad ah, recently very very few pics and cideo clips, cos she's too active.. missing out on documenting this really cute and busy phase of toddler-hood
deby82: Have you tried swimming with her?Mayb that could be a good start to start her with.. Or try the fountain @ Bugis. Try not to let her get wet though.

Leo's mum: your boy looks pretty ok. It's ok to be leaner now. Cos now they started to run about, X also losing his fats ..

Koori: Kaylen always has maintain this grin when she takes pic ! heee .. so cute !

Yvonne: Tiffany sure resembles you !! Though I have a vague image of your hubby.. kekeke ..

Angel: Sweet little Dana! I always love to see her wearing hats .. So envy ... how I wish X would wear caps at times.. hahahha .. The moment I put on his hoodie, he pullled it off immediately!!

piggy_mummy: Hugs to boy boy .. What happened to him ? Hope he gets well soon!

Luann_mummy: Luann has grown much since I last saw her ! Luann see you real soon !

Lynn: lol.. Agree with you. Now so hard to take pics.. Only can take when it's meal time ! ahahaha..

Adel's cute ! Think they are attracted to all this kiddy rides now. Once put them in, hard to bring them down ! hahaha.. They will hold onto the steering wheel so tightly !!
Morning all..
wow.. so many cute photos.. brightening my sleepy morning.. haha..

jules' mum,
thanks for the tips.. my boy also dont like to use the shower yet.. any special shower head? mine rather heavy le, scared he 'kok' his head..

dana is so sweet and kawai (with the fingers at the cheek)

hope yr boy recover soon..

my boy loves the kiddy ride esp this barney one.. also just still ride, he also likes.. haha.. normally he saw these rides, he'll just point, he is lazy to talk la.. for us we told him repetitive words to make a point but he just say 'ball' instead of 'ball ball'. anyway, for dog.. he'll sort of bark like a dog (woof woof) haha..
i think my boy likes to associate actions instead of talking.. not sure how to get him to talk too.. :p till now, nv call me too, haiz

anyway, a pic of him at the barney kiddy ride..

maro, so cute! same ride, different baby lol.. why your boy stick his hand into barney's mouth? i very lousy leh, only know barney by name, the others i tell her are just barney's friends.. time to educate myself i think..

my 2.5yr old niece very cute, once i put her on the ride, before getting off she turned to hug barney and said 'barney, i love you'.. i so so tickled.. sad sad she's not in SG to play with my girl liao.. i miss the non-stop 'ah-yee ah-yee' chanting
apeaking of animal sounds, Adel loves to roar like a lion. then for cat and dog she does the unconventional. she does a low growl like my mum's nosiy male cat asking for food, and a very fierce threatening growl like my dog barking at strangers! die ah.. how to correct to 'meow' and 'ruff' kekeke

her latest obesiion is to disturb my very very old 10 yr old rabbit. i scared he cannot tahan liao..
haha.. aiyoh i nv notice myself but good question, not sure why he stick his hand there too.. same here.. my hubby just ask me the other day, what are the names of the barney's friends.. i no clue too.. also time to do some research..

yr niece is so sweet.. :p

my boy also imitate the sound of dog from our neighbour's dog barking.. they are really good with imitating now.. haha.. adel so cute, wat is she doing with yr rabbit? poor rabbit..hehe..
my boy oso like the barney ride..next time i upload my boy barney ride photo. lastime causway point got 1, now the changed to other character...
wah piggymummy, you so observant still knows where can find this ride and that they've changed it!

can i ask which brabd of pull ups is good? i've trieed huggies, drypers, mamy poko value pants all leave marks on my girl's waist (the elastic band).. any ones that are softer? anyone tried like nepia pull ups?
