(2008/04) April 2008

Cath: hugs to Jay.

Xavier is sick too. Had high fever and cough for 2 days. Now runny nose. Had to be on antibiotics and neubaliser for three days.

Just one session on neubaliser, after that he doesn't want me already. Think he's going to hate me for sure.

Wonder if any mummies here would want the leapfrog books for the little touch system? Have these 3 books to let go:
- If I Were?
- Dora The Explorer
- The Animal Dance
anyone knows where to get Measles jab (individual jab) and what's the cost?

i'm not very comfortable with giving my girl MMR jab. i just prefer to be more cautious..
cath, xavs_mummy,
hope jay and xavier will recover soon..

u can try to distract xavier while on neubaliser, like watching TV or hv somebody to play with him.. works for my boy.. hope this helps.
Hope baby Jay and Xav will recover soon...hugx2. Make sure keep them hydrated as their appetite will be reduced.

and hope to hear good news from Jasmine soon!

Lynn, i checked with my PD and she said MMR jab is compulsory in SG, must do by 2 years old...not sure where to get indivdual jabs...
Maro: Thanks. I tried to let him watch the wheels on the bus. He kind of get used to it a bit. Did not resists as hard as the first time. Hope things get better.

Angel: Thanks for the wishes. Yeah, I hope he start to take his meals soon. He even refuses milk.
calamari, thanks for the immunisation schedule, very useful reference for all parents!

lynn, i'm not sure, it's what our PD Dr Yvonne See told us yday when we brought Dana there for her diaper rash
She also told us all the researchers who initially published the paper that MMR is linked to autism and ADHD all withdrew their names from the paper cos all claims were refuted by new research hence it cannot be justified. But all vaccinations still carry some risk as we're injecting a small dosage of the virus...
Thanks all. Wish that Xavier is getting better too.

Fake Measles are Roseola.. this is a viral infection that will only affect young children. It began with children who are near to people who are affected, and gotten their droplets of saliva when they laughed / speak. Fake measles do not spread, and is generally alright but it is the fever that accompany the illness that will need good attention. The fever will recur in the night especially. Have to drink lotsa water but do not use cold water to apply on the child. Only use lukewarm water to cool the child.
Hi Mummies

I have got a question for BF mums here.

I started weaning my girl in early May and by early June, I have successfully weaned her. On Saturday, I started having my menses.

However, the flow is very very minimal, almost like spotting. This is very different from my pre-preggie menses, where my first day would usually be very heavy and I would have very severe cramps.

Did any of you encounter the same issue? I am now into my 4th day of the cycle.

Another question... when does ovulation start? before or after menses? how many days before/after menses? hahaha, paiseh, I'm not bio student and I never bothered about ovulation cos I had irregular menses in the past. But I heard from my GP that post-partum menses would be more regular.
r u trying for #2? kekeke

o start after menses...
no specific how many days after menses cos it varies with ppl...

if u trying for #2...
monitor ur 1st temp after u r awake ...
try to plot a chart so it's more accurate and u will roughly know ur full cycle...
u can learn more in 2010 TTC thread...
thank you cloudme and jgal...

yar... hb wants 3 kids and hopefully have all 3 before I turn 35. Now I 28... if next year give birth #2 and 2 years later #3, my quota finish liao... hahahaha
Wow...Rantingbaby...You want 3kids!!!

My no. 1 is already a headache..and Im preggy with No.2 now...

Going through tiredness and Morning sickness, sigh..not a great experience this time round!

personally I only want 2 - a girl and a boy.

But my hubby wants 3, cos he feels that in future when we are old, it's very taxing for just 1 or 2 kids to take care of us. So to him, 3 is more ideal.
rantingbaby...the first time my menses came..when i drop a pump... also beri little blood..then the 2nd cycle like foc blood... hai....

cloudme... WOWO!!!so fast..ur 2nd one... hehee... nervous bo?
<font color="119911">Xav mama,
wish Xavier speedy recovery. How's he doing.. better now?

jiayou for no.2! you saved alot on pxds hehez. I started my flow when Owen turns 4mois, having spotting like brownish staining, irregular thou. Resumed to my normal flow subsequently.

Do share wif me how you wean Faith off ya.</font>
rantingbaby: hmm, you could be pregnant leh. Cos when I discovered I am pregnant with #2, I had the same kind of symptoms. Thought was menses, but its light spotting. My hubs also wants 3, but for me, 2 is enough, regardless of whether #2 is g or b!

cloudme: wah so fast..u are giving birth liao..jia you!

mummyfel: u know gender liao?

i dun think so lar... cos it's been about 4 days liao...


i lengthen hours between feeds by giving FM dor alternate feeds. Then, I slowly reduce the amount of time for latch on from 15 mins each side, to 10 mins each, then 5 mins each and on the 4th day at the same feed time, I just give bottle.

I only latch in / pump if uncomfortable. but usually after a day or 2, the body will not produce as much milk liao. not sure if you understand.
nana/vonn... NONO...not at the near future..i got a terror to pacify liao..cannot imagine one more.. will die leh
ur turn also will come fast...
dec very fast come...

hmmm, do test with a pregnancy kit..since calamari mention...
to clear all doubts....
some bleed/spot due to hormones weak...(usually will happen if carrying a ger...)
may not be a real menses after all...
<font color="ff0000">For those who are pregnant with another one, please check with your gynea / PD before vaccinate your older child with MMR. </font>
The reaction from MMR on the older child may can be contagious to the pregnant mother and might be dangerous to unborn.
<font color="0000ff">Hugs to babies JAY &amp; XAVIER!! HOpe they recover soon!</font>

HI mummies, I am helping Xavier's mum to update the trial sessions at Little Neuro tree this sunday.

<font color="119911">Little Neuro Tree Trial class (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)
On 28th Jun, Sun, 2pm-3pm

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies
Outlet: Paradiz Centre/ PoMO</font>

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
3. cyl_16
4. Scubababe

Pls kindly let us know by this Fri so we can prepare the centre. Thks so much!
Congrats to the apr'preggies mamas! *hugs* I cannot imagine myself to be pregnant with 2nd now.... yes yes, "terror"-ised already now as well hahahaha.
oh paging for xiaozhu. Babe: can you make it tis sunday for the trial class?? PMed me K? Or u still have my contact no from our old contact list??
Me too!! Weekends are better for us!

Little Neuro Tree Trial class (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)
On 28th Jun, Sun, 2pm-3pm

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies
Outlet: Paradiz Centre/ PoMO

1. Prawnie
2. Chewy
3. cyl_16
4. Scubababe
5. cotegr


from my photography teacher, william.
anyone keen?
PM me

Course on Photographing Toddlers

Toddlers are fun to photograph. Toddlers are new to walking. Most children learn to walk around 9 to 12 months. But some learn much earlier than others. I think of a toddler as a child up to 2 years old.

As soon as they are able, children constantly explore their environment.

Because they move around so often and fast photographing them can be exasperating. The best photos you will get are likely to be candid.

Many parents are delighted with their photos they take for their children, because their minds and hearts are only seeing their beloved children. What they may not be seeing is the photo quality. They do not see that the photo itself is not doing justice to the children.

Helping you see your children through photographs is the goal of this course. You will learn to make photographs that show the genuine child, capturing a range of emotions and spontaneous moments that show delight, puzzlement and even stubbornness. Candid photos require great patience, lots of anticipation and shots, and a certain amount of luck.

This 2.5-hr course will provide you with 15 tips to create incredible portraits. The content covers equipment, composition techniques, background control, and how to make great pictures at playground, swimming pool and birthday party, just to name a few.

The fee is $35 per person, or $60 per couple. Concise course notes will be provided.

Class size is limited to 6 to 8 persons to be held at Blk 417, Bedok North Ave 2, #14-01 on 18 Jul 2.00 - 4.30pm or 19 Jul 10.00am – 12.30pm.
Hi Cloudme,

No.2 gender unknown yet. Will be able to find out next month. Im now at 13wks.

By the way how many month should take the MMR vaccine? I dont think my boy can take that since Im now pregnant...
Jgal, do you know what is the link between our pregnancy and MMR on our older kid? Do you happen to have any article on it? Thanks in advance! =)

mummyfel, i think MMR should be taken ard 15 mth.

Cloudme, are you the one searching for Naptisan? I found the bleaching powder for baby's clothing at Velocity Cold Storage.
<font color="119911">Hi all, Xavier's mum can't make it to LNT this sunday as Xavier has acute bronchitis. Let's wish him speedy recovery!</font>

Little Neuro Tree Trial class (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)
On 28th Jun, Sun, 2pm-3pm

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies
Outlet: Paradiz Centre/ PoMO

<strike>1. Prawnie</strike>
2. Chewy
3. cyl_16
4. Scubababe
5. cotegr
Esther Zhang : I was reading this thread when i stumble upon this.


Accordingly to the mummy, she was advised by the nurse to postpone her older child MMR until she is in her 3rd trimester, just in case , the vaccination virus spread to her . I am going to double check my gynea this wkend on this.

For Constance, I will probably give her measle vaccine only when she is 2 yr old and delay all the rest of the vaccine until later.. or before she goes to childcare, which may require her to be vaccinated.
Hi Chewy,
Decided to miss this trial. Will join another time. Thanks.

Little Neuro Tree Trial class (3 trial classes @ $75, U.P is $150)
On 28th Jun, Sun, 2pm-3pm

Min 2 babies, Max 6 babies
Outlet: Paradiz Centre/ PoMO
1. Chewy
2. Scubababe
3. cotegr
I just realized my 4-yr old niece was also vaccinated with measle only.

According to my cousin i.e. her mum, in japan and Australia MMR is given to troddler when they are 4. She advise me to go japan green clinic or kinder clinic for the shots.. the total shld be ard $100+ .
RE : fever ..

Anione tried giving Sambucol to your little one when they having fever? very tempted to get this for my gal. She just had a viral infection.

I want to try this one when she have her next fever *touch wood*.
me not sure yet...maybe will check with my PD...
if really dangerous, then i think i will wait till i given birth (in another 8-9wks time)

yup, i am looking for babycare Napisan...
specially for babies...
velocity cold storage...will pop by...
thanks for the info...

how come we are all fine huh?
we were young, we also have these injections mah...???

RE: walking ...
my ger has started her walking adventure after her 14mth...keke

like previously what other mummies shared...

she also like to see what is on the floor and pick up...
Cloudme : actually not all of us are vaccinated that young. Measles vaccination was introduced into the Singapore National Childhood Immunisation Programme in October 1976 and was made compulsory by law for children aged 12–24 months in August 1985. Some of us not vaccinated until Pri 6.

I guess it's up to individual which bet they want to put. 1. risk getting serious injury from vaccination or 2. risk getting the virus itself. For me, I am just sharing what i think is useful to other mummies so that we all will be aware.

I dun wish to get into another debut on whose child is smarter under what kind of upbring.
