(2008/04) April 2008

in-law hokkiens..same with juniorrain havn't let her choose anything yet...

RE: abacus...
can get at the book store...
cos some student learn "mental calculations" so the bookstore will sure sell this...
i got one at my mum's place...also got from bookstore...

will try the salt bath method...

could i be too heaty?
heaty will also led to toothache rite?

where to buy the bactidol?
normal mouthwash can use?
juniorrain and cloud me. thanks. I'll go prepare e items. my mum and in law dunno and my grandmother bit too old. everyday tell me different things still say I never listen properly. say ask still dun listen. but she's e one who ask me everyday. haha.

cloudme, ya. use warm salt water k. if there's wound will be painful. chinese believe heat. but u pregnant so won't dare to tell u take liang things. dentist prob will say got dirt or food stuck so have to brush it out. will bleed initially but dun worry. let e dirty blood add dirt come out. I always get infection but I still dun dare to pull out my wisdom tooth. haha.
Hi Jules mum

my MIL did mention red eggs...i think is a must if pray...
BTW just called home and realise my MIL never pray to ancestor at all...now she said baby pray ed when he is 4th mth so now don't need. Funny hor everything also she said one.
Tonight I will prepare a big chicken drumstick, calculater, ruler, money, pen and let him chose myself...
my mom said after that let him bite the drumstick to significant baby will have drumstick to eat for his whole life.....
pharmacy got, but try the bigger outlets. red color liquid in roundish bottle. i think bactidol more effective than listerine. it kills bacteria , which is what causes gum infection around ur wisdom tooth. also mild local anesthetic, helps w the pain.

i think heaty causes gum to swell & jaw to ache, but u go easy on the liang stuff, occassional barley still ok . more (safe) fruits n water.
What to put on the plate for baby to choose besides abacus, book and red eggs? Hahahha...I see my old photograph, I had measuring tape, chicken wing, calculator etc... I chose the calculator, and true enough I am working in a financial institution! :p
Anna, can put lobster and let him bite, so he got lobster to eat for his whole life?
cass: i had spaghetti, nasi briyani, curry chicken, wasabi prawn, sushi, sotong balls, sea coconut. Portion was generous esp the rice, noodles and curry. There's 15% off now for 1st bithday celebrations so quite worth.

Wow must let baby choose all those things? Byron actual birthday is this friday so I am thinking ofcooking mee sua for him only... ha now maybe will let him choose the things too
winter : you so cute.

now modern already can use calculator? then I dun need to find abacus. but from the items I kinda guess jules will pick up calculator cos looks like remote control. Hehe.
u so funny......hahaha. I almost fell from my chair. I think my colleagues must b thinking i crazy laughing at the monitor screen.

Btw must oso put food for them 2 choose huh?
dropping hair
ladies dropping hair, are you still breastfeedng? I went to my gp who has a sideline as plastic surgeon n she said most likely it's due to hormones in the system. she also advised not to apply anything on my scalp n I couldn't do anything but to change my shampoo. now using phyto for oily scalp every day n the hair dropping is controlled.
Hi mommies...
Can i check how long the helium in the balloons last?
Like if my party is on Sunday Night... can i go and blow them up with helium on Saturday Afternoon? Will it still float?

Oh and BTW after you brush your baby's teeth with toothpaste...is there a need to rinse off? How to rinse off without them swallowing the foam and water?
gail : i think the ballon only can last a few hrs..

re : teeth with toothpaste.. err.. the 1st teeth toothpaste is safe to swallow. I believe that something you look out for when buying toothpaste for baby.
Hi gail,

I dun think it can last. Normally I buy helium-filled balloon for my kid and by the next day it would be deflated and not floating anymore. You can ask to top up helium at those party shops.. However for me, i rented the helium tank..
Hi All,

Anyone keen? PM me

Below are the details of the private group sign up for studio portrait session. (Foto-U: Benjamin)

============ ========= ========= ========= =========
Mini Studio portrait package @$198.00
One hour studio session
Maximum 5 people
All captured images in CD (high resolution softcopy)
3 pieces of 8R enlargement prints.
Additional person is $10 per head
============ ========= ========= ========= =========

Minimum quota to sign up: 12 mummies
Deposit and payment term: Deposit $50.00, balance payment settle by CASH upon end of session.
Offering period: from now to 10 April 2009.
Validity of booking: 6 months upon closure of offer. (10 Oct 2009)
hi ladies, thks 4 ur reply

I called up some florists n apparently it cost $10 or more 2 fill up a big, i.e 43" balloon. i was wondering if i get it filled up in neighbrhood, then bring to the party place, hw m i gg 2 transport it? lol
Gail, Blessed : I got my balloons from 1 of the BP in the forum and she is helping me pump my other balloons that I didn't get from her and will deliver to my place pm Julian's birthday. You can call her at 98430049 (veron).
winter..u so cute leh..hahaaaaa
how abt put a stack of cash on the table..then all his life got alot of $$$???

then if wan our babies to be artists next time..put wat leh.. hahahaaa..
I realise my house only have certain items..no abalone and lobster.those items are those I dun like one so play cheat abit,i just let him bite on a big drumstick....he enjoying it....then the rest is mummy's dinner haha...
nana...can i put jeff chang...hahaa.. my hubby sure kill me... coz i love this singer too much... i still remember when i about to give birth..still go to his concert last year..hahaaaaaa
Choco : I love Luo zhixiang. Maybe I should put his picture there. Hahaha. Somehow Julian calms down when he heards xiaozhu sing. Maybe he remember I watched his concert while he was still in my tummy? Hahhaa.
jules's mum:
^5 Same leh.... i wonder issit when they inside stomach listen too much of what we loves..hahaaaaa

u also went to watch concert ah...how many months were u?

i remmeber i was ard 8-9months tt time..hahaaa
choco : I can't remember how many months. haha. but i was still dancing. haha. got some stares from people la.

oh! I also went to watch e basketball movie premier and took pics with jay chow. tat time my tummy quite big already. haha.
yvonne : haha. my pregnancy very easy. I was still walking very fast and 'jumping' at 9th month. I was so active and drove till e day I deliver. think cos my tummy not very big la.
thanks for helium responses mommys.
Looks like different balloons stay inflated for different times.
Think it will do it on the day itself la... safer.
is playpen safe???

i caught my gal doing pull up using the play pen from outside. there is also time i saw her trying to climb out of the play pen. wonder i will see her out of the playpen one day or not. worried.... if not dunno where to confine her liao.
Hi mummies, finally received my list of caterers to choose from, very short list

Anyone has comments on the taste/portion size of food from the following caterers?
Four Seasons
Smiling Orchid

Really appreciate your feedback!

I rented mine from PG (at middle road, opp NAFA). The shop is previously from Concourse. I rented the medium sized.. can pump abt 100 balloons (12"). Rental was $90 and deposit $200...
Jules... Wahabahaa... U beri happening leh... Take picture with jay!!!!!!!! Really!! Waaaah!! Can show me anot? I also like jay! Heheeee...

Aiya... Unlike u.. For me I onli swim till last trimester then stomach too weird Liao..

Lynn... U wan to try Meihao?? It's nice leh the food.. Portion also good
My boy Kiefer likes to play with remote control too!....Calculator and my Mobile phone.....

Jules Mum,
U very steady!! Pregnant still go dancing!!!!
Hi mommies

i'm a mom from the Oct 08 thread. My SIL's personal fren's son has got Leukemia and needs B negative blood. Pls help to forward this message on.

Dear Friends,

My friend's little boy, Barney Allan Jeffs, is in need of B negative blood. The blood bank does not have any B negative blood in storage as it is fairly uncommon blood type in Asians. If you are B negative blood type please contact me so we can add your name to a donor list specifically for donation to Barney. The Blood Bank will follow up by contacting you to ask you to come in and donate. If you contact the blood bank directly, they have told us they will give the blood to the next B negative recipient in need.

Barney is 5 years old and he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia unexpectedly on Tuesday. His only symptoms were that he had been tired and pale during the past week. Today Barney had a bone marrow aspiration test to type his Leukemia and received his first infusion of Platelets and Blood to increase his blood count to an acceptable level so that he can have a central IV line placed tomorrow. The line will allow him to start receiving chemotherapy. As there was no B negative blood available in Singapore this evening, he had to be given B positive blood tonight. This not only increases his chances of a reaction to the blood, but it means he has to have a special injection so that his body won't react to the rhesus positive blood. As you can imagine, each additional injection is torture to a five year old!

Barney's battle with Leukemia will be a long and hard one. The family has been living in Singapore several years and his mom Annie is Irish and his dad David is from New Zealand. They are alone here without family to help them through this, so any support we can give them by trying to get donors is very much appreciated. Please help to forward the request especially around the Caucasian communities in Singapore that are more likely to have people of B negative blood type. The hospital has explained that Barney will require many transfusions of blood and platelets over this initial first week of treatment and in the coming months and a list of at least ten donors will be needed.

Thank you to those who have already started circulating information out. Please do have people continue to contact me if they can donate. We have already had a great initial response of 5 Irish B negative donors tonight but more are needed. Please contact me by phone or email with your name, IC or passport number, contact number and date of birth so I can collate the listing to send to the blood bank.


Friend of Annie, David and Barney Jeffs

If you are not B negative, but wish to donate to blood bank you may want to visit www.redcross.org.sg
Things to choose for Baby at 1 year old:
1) Calculator - financial sector
2) Ruler - ?
3) Books - Lecturer
4) Scissor - ?
5) Pens - ?
6) Thermometer - Doctor?

Can advice the meanings?
