(2008/04) April 2008

first teeth toothpaste...
does ur babies enjoy brushing teeth now?
mine sian leh...brush he bite my finger or simply refuse to open mouth..

amy...me cham liao..i buy the scrapbook material after see urs... then hor..do for 2 days then it is now sitting in my shelf liao.. hahaaaaa

faint faint... but urs realli very nice leh...

Hi Choc,

You might want to let ur baby try this:


My girl enjoys using this. =)
Congrats Mummy Calamari!
Kayla is so cute!!!!

My boy Kiefer started walking last week. He is now walking the whole house non stop! Hahahaha
Summer's Mama..
okok..this look like the one amy's girl is using.. hahaaa..

i go get one this weekend! hehee...exciting hor..to see them brush their teeth..
mine follow his mood....he will only allow me to brush for awhile and its tougher to clean his tongue however when my mum does it he is fine..sigh....
Hi Mummies,
Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement
You all just made me feel better despite the lack of sleep

There are a few steps depending on the number of teeth your baby has. You go see. There is a value pack consisting of all three stages
Re your scrapbooking ah... aye, remember we have a date *wink*
yalor..i remember our date..wait hor..coz my boy just recovered from the mega flu...better wait till all clear..hahaaaa

okok..will go see the toothbrush!

Ur gal is soooooo pretty!! Has ur gal stop BF liao?? Mine reali jialat leh.. Die die dun want to drink FM. Duno how leh..

Any mummies here living in Bukit Batok? Any good CCC to recommend? Have to send my gal when she turns 18 mths old cos MIL canot cope. Haiz...More worries for me.
deby82: Thanks hehe. Yah, I have successfully (FINALLY!) transited my girl from BM to Similac. I will be trying to transit her to Gain IQ soon (or if so I hope :p)..stupid me, should have waited for her to turn 1 first before transition from BM to FM. So as of last month, she is on 3x FM, 1x BM per day. Have you tried the last resort of mixing BM and FM in a bottle of feed? I did that leh even though it was not recommended. But only did that for 2 days, and with each feed, i gradually reduce the amount of BM in the bottle. And it worked for me. Why don't you try transit her to 1 year old milk like GainIQ, EnfaGrow, PediaSure now? Actually take your time lah, till now even after a month, I still feel very guilty that I made a deliberate effort to wean her off BM , but was afraid that my BM by 1 year, will not be nutritious enough for her

any babies has molar yet? jules gums looks swollen and is cranky. not sure if molar is on its way.

calamari, I'm so excited about my sydney trip too. hope to get some toys too.
Jules' mum: have fun in Sydney! When r u going?

I did not chk Kayla's molars as she will try and bite my finger when I try to pry open her mouth. Do your babies bite the teats? I've been throwing away bitten and broken teats once a fortnight! :p
calamari : I'm going on 30th midnight. 1 day after jules and 1 day before my birthday. Hehe. looking forward to it.

I got my hub to put his fingers in cos jules bite very painful. haha. my maid made him laugh and saw e gums red and swollen.

jules will bite but haven.t break teat. I'll check though.
For those that are still considering caterers, I will recommend Neo garden. My guests raved over the food and the set up was beautiful too. Moreover there is discount for 1st birthday celebration. Only managed to take a shot of the buffet line here.
toothbrush: I am using the same as the one calamari is using, with a disc to stop the baby from pushing the brush too deep in their mouth. But I think Byron is juz biting the rubber then really brushing his teeth. Anyway he only has 3 visible teeth so can't use those with bristles yet, right?

cloudme: I drop alot of hair after I had Byron, even my hair stylist says can feel the difference. Even now I dun feel my hair is as thick as before and I dun have a lot of hair in the first place!

amy: your blog so sweet! I cannot see the slide yet my connection is so slow its taking forever to load!
Hi mummies

wow so fast our babies are a year old alreay...

i'm also busy planning for Clairese's birthday. her cake will also be from pine gardens.
Shah – thanks! Will check out target if I happen to see any. Planning to cart lotsa baby food back too… hehe..

Pinky Poh – Have booked most of my accommodation. Planning to drive down to Albany from Perth.

Jamie – yeaps, heard abt the harbourtown place as well, so will be going there, hopefully can get nice stuff for my gal.

Calamari – Only me and hubby going, not bringing my gal along. Bad parents hor, go holiday and enjoy without her. Maybe will bring her for a holiday later this year. We flying by jetstar, very cheap. Only $237 per person including taxes.
re dropping hair, I'm also dropping hair. Sad... not much hair to begin with. But am going for hair treatment now, hopefully will help.
Hi mummies,

also busy planning for Ashton's Bday this coming Sat. Ordered catering from Yan Palace and cake from Pines..
Re: Angeli
I find portion bit small, esp the chicken wings all finished le. As usual leftovers all the mee siam & carrot cake...other side dishes all finish. OH ya i duno why hor Angeli gave me super small plate lei! the size like eating cake one. Those who are ordering pls ask them to provide bigger plates ok.
Hi scubababe,
Happy Birthday to Byron!

JTS, Eshin playing his new toy bought from the Kallang toy fair. After playing this, nw he dare to walk w/o support oredi.

<font color="aa00aa">morning mummie..</font>
same as choc, me drop hair only after delivery also..

my boy same same, bite my fingers or refusing to open the mouth at all, will try to get the toothbrush recommended by mummies here but likely they'll just bite :p

happy birthday, Bryon.. looks like he enjoyed himself very much.. Order Neo garden b4 for my housewarming, nice..

Eshin likes the toys lor, really good buy.. ah, my boy still too lazy to walk, just stand only..

sorry, was away over the weekend so nv reply yr sms. yr stuff with my sis for 2 wks already. you can go over anytime after 9pm, she'll be at home.

Care to share what you had order for your catering?
Mostly i will be ordering fron their sister company DEHI HUB but clueless on which package to order,
gd morning ladies!

our babies are all turning one soon! i am getting so excited as april is approaching..happy birthday in advance to all April babies!

nice cake! did it taste just as good?
btw, how are the servings for neo garden like?

cloudme, sputnik,
me too dropped lots of hair although my baby is a girl..hehe
where are you going for hair treatment?
Hi mummies

Uregently need ur advice on filling up of balloons 4 party. i.e those big balloons like bought fr celebrate express or bd express, those in the shape of cupcakes or animals i.e. 30" and above, must we use helium? Can we just use ordinary air pump i.e. pump swimming float pump to inflate it? My boy's bd is this Sun and overlooked the fact. Can some1 kindly advise. Tks heaps in adv!
always order from deli hub (halal) the mini buffet for my lunch in our company. worth ordering is: breaded fish or cereal fish, curry or rendang chicken and the chocolate eclair is very good too.. dont like the timsum dishes though.. hehe.. hope this helps!
high five! hahaaa...same lar..drop hair after delivery..till the hairdresser try to sell me their hair spa package etc to prevent hair loss..

heng i didnt act on impluse..else...siao liao...
but now hair dun drop that much liao leh...

Sputnik: u tried changing shampoo? i tried to switch...seems to works...dunno issit the period for hairloss is over for me or wat...

JuniorRain : WOW! nice toy..so now after Eshin play with the toy he can walk...??? dun tempt me leh... hehee... now my heart itchy... help!

cakes: u mummies making me so tempted to get nicer cake leh...originally intend to get simple one..after i see urs..WOW! one word, beautiful!
Blessed mummie,
Yes, you need to use helium if not the balloons will not float. Will stay on the floor like how the latex balloons will be if you manually blow them. You can bring the balloons to local florist to have them fill will helium if you have only a few. Prob cost you a few bucks for each...

Can i check, anyone knows for teochews. On the baby's first year birthday, are there anything that we have to prepare? when we go back and pray to ancestors? Need to distribute cakes to relatives?
ya this toy quite fun &amp; worth it lor cos it cost oni $29, haha cheap hor.

At first my boy oso lazy or mayb dun dare to walk juz like to stand oni, so i decided to buy this for him 2 practice how 2 walk lor.

Thanks. Ya after using this toy afew days he started to walk on his own w/o support for like 5-6 steps. Hehe
Re: Baby walking..
Yeah.. it's abt building their confidence. My gal can make steps when she is 11mth but.. it took her 1 mth to walk without assist.

1 wk before she walk on her own, we started to bring her out for strolls, we hold her hands and walk with her. Did that a few times, and she is ready to walk on her own at home..When she is outside, she still prefer to be held. Yesterday, she refused to let us hold her at home.. she want to "explore" on her own..ha haha
i think for chinese following lunar calendar, the 1st month is a bigger deal, because they count age from conception, therefore 1 month == 1 yr already haha.
thanks for the feedback mummies,

well...this pregnancy is totally diff from my #1...pimples popped and hair dropped...
but heng no rashes for me...

haiz and now wisdom tooth also got problem...
hi Amy

My son is Teochew and today is his lunar birthday...
but my MIL is only preparing some food and cakes to pray offering only , do not need to distribute.
Cloudme: Your wisdom tooth pain? Poor thing. I had that prob when I was pregnant with Julian. Hehe. Was suppose to extract but by the time I wanted to extract, I found out I was pregnant. The nurse at the clinic taught me to salt bath the tooth and brush well. Luckily it went off after few days. Hope this is useful for you.

My hair dropped too but I got alot of hair so I didn't bother about it. Haha. My hair texture also changed. Abit more coarse.

Anna : Need red eggs too? Any hokkien babies? Heard we need to put few items on the floor for them to choose? Abacus, cloth ruler ... What else? Where to get Abacus?
help needed.

Wanted to order cakes from pine but they say must provide your own toy figurines.

Any one know where to get the Pooh bear and friends with honey pot and Pooh bear candles.
rinse mouth with bactidol after brushing teeth. helps with tooth/gum infection. not sure if preggy-safe but don't swallow lah ;)
we are hokkien. That day pray for my boy's lunar birthday, we hv cakes, red eggs &amp; angkus oso. But hv nt let him choose the items yet lei.
Wat items must we put for them 2 choose huh? Can let him choose on his birthday?

u're hilarius.. haha

think need to check with my mil (teochew) if there is any tradition.. if dont hv, will check with my mum (hokkien).. haha.. :p
