(2008/04) April 2008

<font color="0077aa">jamie, icicic hehehe.. hmm.. but m still considering whether wanna order from her.. cuz my hubby sae he wanna a big cake .. so if big cakes, dun think will order from her liaoz..</font>

jules i understand your problem. my mom also keep telling me human body cannot do without salt and i should add salt to my baby diet. things gets worse when my baby intake is less and she will nag, saying my porridge is not tasty enuff must add salt. but i still insist on not adding. afterall he has gone so many months without salt. what does he knows abt salty food since he is nt even exposed to it.

lately my boy also nt eating much. hmmm how come the babies all going thru this stage? will check tonight if his molars coming out.

my mum is exactly like yours. they always like to quote "we grew up" eating all these!! so now i rather cook myself. i dont put salt or sugar in my boy's food. for my elder girl who is 2.5yrs old, i also keep salt &amp; sugar to the minimal.
mummies, why our mums so stubborn. don't they know they r adding more stress to us by insisting to put salt? bo bian. I stay at my mum place during weekend. mum instructed maid to add salt. my boy rejected! yeah! we ended up giving him jar food. guess wat. he ate dinner. it's quite tasteless too. we concluded he wants new food. he got sick of porridge and mash potato. at e same time he really got prob with his teething

mummies, can give tips on how to make my food more flavourful?
I'm also having difficulty feeding my gal solids, have to entertain her if not she will refuse to eat... sigh...seems like I'm not the only one. Today fed her quite a lot of banana and yogurt in the morning, and just when she finished, she threw everything up! So sad... all the effort down the drain.Anyone has any simple baby food recipes to share will be much appreciated.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies...</font>

Looks like lots of babies are difficult eater..

For my boy, he does like to eat porridge, guess it's more flavour and chewy.. since he is born, he does not like soft stuff like yoghurt or avocado. He does not like cereal too, has been switching from fruits to carrots to add texture to the cereal, ok if i feed him. not eating if from my mil and maid, not sure why too.. haiz.. diff boy!

jules' mum,
for porridge, i brew the stock using ikan bilis (soak to remove the saltiness) with red dates and wolfberries. then double boil porridge with the stock either with fish, vegi, potatoe or with pumpkin or carrot so far. my mil also suggested to put soya sauce when my boy does not want to eat a few mths back, i threaten to keep my boy at home or cook porridge myself then she relents.. :p
re: salt and baby's intake

my boy also like that but if its a new food or something that he seldom eats or has never tried before he will finish a whole rice bowl leh... think its that they are on the quest for new foods?
but at least my boy will take his milk if he does not take his normal 3 meals

my boy also eat less nowaday, below is my porridge menu:

Morning porridge:
Stork--scallop, pork (rou tou), potato, carrot, corn
use the stork to cook brown rice porridge, put ngoh her (fish), broccoli.

Evening porridge : (3 days in a week)
Stork--pork, or ikan bilis
cook mince pork brown rice porridge for him, sometimes put pumkin, spinash, beans..

sometimes i use the stork to cook macaroni for him.

Evening porridge : (2 days in a week)

i will cook si shen stork with pork for him to eat..

Hope mummy here can share some porridge menu here..cause i out of idea le..
Wow, so I am not the only one having problem feeding bb.

Over the weekend, I did some experiments with the porridge:

1)I blend the mince pork, and use 2 teaspoon of the blended mince meat to cook the porridge and the porridge turned out to be very sweet. And Ernest took a bit more.

2) I cooked the porridge with apples and pork (bau tou), and the porridge is very sweet too, but need longer time to cook. Ernest did not finish all the porridge

3) I used pear and blended mince pork, and the porridge turned out very sweet. Ernest finished everything.

I think I am going to stick to blended mince pork. Hope it helps.
piggy mummy

i give up trying to cook separate meals for my boy already leh... now is that i just cook rice add hot water and mash then the rest of the other items i will use the steamer to steam then add in to the rice loh.
I like ur style, maybe i shd try that hahaha.

Winter n piggymum,
Wow urs is really yummy stuff for ernest.

Dinner for bb
Mine is a simple affair,let me share mine:
Lunch: Mixed ceceal w fruit puree

Dinner: Mine is e lazy one, no stock de. I usually cook 1 hr of BR porridge, n during e 1hr affair, abt 1/2hr add in 4" pork+1potato n towards e last 10mins, add in shredded pork+veg. For fish porridge, no stock as well, cook 1 hr BR porridge n last 15mins add in 4" of threadfin fish+veg.

I alternate shevon' dinner everyday, so it is either pork porridge+ potato+veg / fish porridge + veg.

1 wkend dinner usually wd be pumpkin+porridge/ sweet potato+porridge/macaroni.Easier to prepare/faster to prepare hee.
Simp, I FTWM, so I only get to cook for Ernest during weekend or PH. Maybe that y I will make more effort. If I have to cook everyday, maybe I will opt for 'shorcuts'.

haha i actually prefer to cook macaroni... so simple just put in minced pork, potatoes and carrots + macaroni then boil all till soft can already... but i cant do taht everyday coz my boy will refuse to eat leh... i only do this like 2x per month.... haiz frankly everyday having to plan his meals is a hassel! :p wish that i can just order tingkat for him.... hahahah
Haha. Jasmine... If there's tingkat for babies, I'll order for Julian too.

Mummies, thanks for sharing. I'll try out. The prob is Julian gets sick of eating porridge or potato. He sees it dun even wanna try even though it's tasty. He got sick of his apple and pear puree too.

Pasta : I use bellamy pasta stars. Thinking of introducing him to tomato. hehe.

I saw the tip of the 8th tooth! Hope this is the cause of him not eating. cross my fingers.
Charismama: Pasta stars quite small and soft. I think Alphabet pasta. As long as your child knows how to chew on food should be ok.
pasta/ macaroni,
any specific brand? in case my boy tired of porridge..

wat beans u used?

hv not tried minced meat b4.. so can give baby the meat together with the porridge? or just to add flavour?

my menu so far is only 1 porridge in the evening, trying to increase to twice a day this wk.

weekday (cooked by mil - brown rice):
Stock: pork ribs
Addition of: fish + potatoe + pumpkin/ vegi (brocolli, spinach)/ carrot/ sweet potatoe

weekend (cooked by me - normal rice):
Stock: ikan bilis + red dates + wolfberries
Addition: same as above
--> any other suggestions?

Just learn a trick to cook porridge faster (using double boil) is to soak the rice with water for a while (less than 10mins) b4 adding the stock and ingredients. at least 15-20 mins faster!
hi mummies
Javier had recover from his fever and so-call infection,thanks mummies for the advise and concern perviously, PD said his lung is clear. so happy...but he still had phlegm but can't cough out...he sometime will "hoar' his vocal like lion roar like that haha
anything to help him clear his phlegm?
Elijah is a big boy now.. he really enjoyed himself v much. btw, where u get all those baloons?

for persistent phlegm, i've tried 'hou ning' from eu yan seng, effective for my boy but very expensive lor. then after that I used bao ying dan, also from eu yan seng which can help to reduce phlegm too!

i join bp here on the smh threads they got some really good buys

also there is a shop at centerpoint that my gf went to and they rent helium (30sgd) if you want. think its 40 latex balloons and refundable deposit of $100.
thanks, will search then.. hv not planned anything cos mine is going to be a small birthday party (less than 10) only. but the balloons are cute so thinking of getting some.. cheers
it's powder form.. not sure wat is made off too.. but u can go to the shop to check! think $63 for a small bottle. i bought that and the bao ying dan (abt $16 for 5 bottles).

found a bp for balloon, will check and order from there. thank you! :p
Re: pasta
You can get the pasta stars from Bellamy's. Have tried the macaroni as well but dunno why Kayla doesn't like hahaha...I will cook the pasta stars with tomato, potato, carrots and cheese. Taste very yummy!
farah: i also dunno leh...cos I heard some Cherie Hearts are ok, some are not. I know the one oppposite my place at West Coast is a no-no. Heard bad reviews from my friends who have sent their kids there before. Its just like Learning Vision. Heard the one at Serangoon is not good while the one at Temasek Poly is good. I guess it all depends on the principal managing the school.
Re: Birthday
Hehehe, some of us (a small group of 10 babies), had a mini birthday bash at my place yesterday. It was a blast and we enjoyed ourselves so much...Those of you who are my Facebook friends, can view the pics taken.

my ger fast on her milk during the wkends...
she didn't even want to touch the milk bottle...
realise that her front tooth is big and her gums abit red...

bought some lingyang to brew water for her
and she took her milk this morning...
mil said she too heaty liao...

now she bite her food using the side gums as i think her front gums still sore and painful...
my mom believes in double boiling yellow pear (the roundish one) with water, and drinking the soup. to clear phlegm.

the helium gas comes in a tank... can rent from a shop in centerpoint but am not sure which one leh. it one that sells party supplies too.. foil balloons i got from bp in the shm.... the be helium if you rent the tank its you pump in the gas yourself.

Any of your lil prince/princess still bogeh till now?My gal already 10 mth &amp; 1 wk &amp; yet no sign of any tooth yet.But both her gums are swollen though..
i'm not a big fan of slaving over the stove for long periods of time. my boy takes porridge for lunch n dinner. here's what we do:

morning - boil porridge enough for 2 meals. when cooked, transfer into tiger foodjar. porridge continues cooking inside till nuah.

bring down meats for the day to thaw - mince meat, pork muscle, fish blahblah. + marinate (oops is this a dirty word? heheh ;) ) etc.

half an hour before lunchtime and dinnertime:
scoop out required porridge portion from foodjar into pot. cook over stove, add meat + vege. after cooked, let it cool down a little then blend in Ulike. prep and cook time per meal would be about half an hour.

as for variety, we try to introduce as much as possible
1 fish porridge a day (threadfin, grouper, salmon, cod etc)
the other meal will be meat porridge either pork (mince or muscle) or chicken
vege use 1-2 types a meal, ranging from carrots to pumpkin to spinach to beans etc. any greens that isn't too bitter or fibrous.
so u can come up with many different combinations when u play around with ingredients

the ultimate treat is mee sua tng. cook broth (pork bone, chicken bone, vege stock etc). cook mee sua till soft in boiling water. cook meat + vege in stock, take out &amp; blend. assemble in bowl >> stock + mee sua (cut into pieces) + meat n vege puree.
Joelle and mummyfei, no special recipe for pasta sauce. But I don't want my boy to take tomato yet cause it is acidic. So I replace tomato with steam pumpkin (his fav), and add on meat and vege and ocassionaly add cheese.

Any other mummies have pasta sauce to share?
Dear Jasmine,

you've got some very well-taken photos (esp the family and BB portraits)
Could see you've had a very fun and cosy party! Elijah was in such high spirits!
I must say the balloons really add to the festive, celebrative mood!

thanks! hahah it was really fun but for the next one i would be looking at a family outing to the zoo or birdpark instead! hahha less costly and more places to roam for the 2 babies.... :p
happy belated birthday to elijah
sweet little boy!
u got benjamin to cover ur birthday at quite a steal. he's quite a nice guy in person, he took Dominic's Vday walk-in photoshoot.
mummies, after reading what you are going through feeding the babies i feel that i'm in good company. i also cook stock (chicken, pork, dried scallop plus veg etc) and then use the stock to cook porridge/pasta. but same lah, must alternate if not Adel will get sick of it and not eat. sometimes will add egg/tofu and meat into porridge if i'm cooking froms scratch instead of using the prepared stock.

even though i dun add salt i find the porridge sometimes salty cos of the dried scallop/ikan billis/whitebait. i washed with hot water but still salty?

For pasta i give her bellamy's pasta stars and also eden organic alphabet pasta. both are ok even though she is not an aggressive 'chewer'.

any mummies have recipe for pasta sauce? or any sauces for pasta?

Adel loves her yourget and fruit purees, so far i've given strawberry/peach/apple, strawberry/peach, strawberry/apple, blueberry/bananna, blueberry/apple, apricot/peach etc. any other fruit pureess tha can be prepared and frozen?

any freezer-friendly recipes for grapes and nectarines? berries are not in season anymore leh
jasmine, you got benjamin to cover the party? i remembered they're quite expensive for weekend parties, out of budget for me

yaps he is so sweet... even stayed on later for the last few guest to arrive to take their pix think he stayed on an extra hr leh!
and yah hahah everyone is telling me what a steal i got!!!


my gf was saying that they said can fill 40 latxe balloons

for me i saved quite a bit on the location and the cake...

:p the cake was home made by me and the location was my home.... so hub did not mind splurging on the photographer.... also did not do any studio shots for my boy so i managed to persuade my hub
