(2008/04) April 2008

Calamari...so pretty leh..ur girl so so pretty and so attractive leh... can go enter those competion like wat the other mummies said!

Pretty baby

Kayla is so adorable and pretty
The xiao mei niu of the Apr thread :D

Kayla is so pretty **as usual
, agree with Amy, she is a xiao mei nu and for sure will grow up to be a stunning babe!!

Love the pics w/ wings, she is indeed a lil angel
Xmas party!!!

venue:Serene123 condo Function room (I try booking on monday and confirm)
Date : 20 Dec
Time : (Evening?)
Food: Caterer??, anyone have good recommendation. must re-book early if not no slot.
Budget:$30 per baby with a small present for them???
Theme : Red for girls and Green for Boys. Mummies and Daddy come in white (ok?)

1) Serene123 (How about get x'mas hat for all?)
2) Mushroom
3) Yvonne
4) Winter
5) Vonn
Angel ah,
I posted on the thread lei... was wondering why you never respond. Yours is the only pair that is still with me. Your design was sent to me in wrong size. Bigger size. You still want it or do you want me to do a refund for you?
serene the christmas party can make it in afternoon or not? at nite i need to go back to my parents house. my father oni see baby once a wk.
mushroon- if we start at 430pm ok with you? still have to check with msct if evening still avialable if not afternoon is also fine.
Oh Amy, I was wondering why no news and waiting till neck *long-long*. Cos I didn't bookmark the spree thread and can't find it already. What size is the shoe? Can you email/PM me instead? Thanks
Re: teething

Jayden has 2 little teeth growing out. Very cute but he turned real cranky.

Anyone knows where to rent medela swing?
Calamari: Kayla looks great !!! Makes me looking forward to bring the little boy for the shoots !!

Re: Teething

Mummies whose darlings already have the pearly whites. Can I find out prior to that, do they lose their appetite in milk (drinking less than usual)
Prawnie, my baby not only has lost appetite in milk, she's rejecting all sorts of purees which I lovingly made for her too (apple, pear, banana, avocado etc), made this mummy so disheartened
Dunno whether it's the fruit puree she dislikes or the HT brown rice cos I always mix both together. So far she does not have any teeth sprouting out yet so dun think it's teething-related. Maybe it's because these 2 weekends she was down with flu + mild fever due to jab. Will try papaya puree tomorrow, hope she likes it. *fingers crossed*

Also, recently, bb has found a new use for her voice and she would scream/shriek whenever she's unhappy, tired or bored (e.g. when she doesn't want to finish a milk feed). Make us wonder if we should start some form of discipline soon...any mummies also facing this prob?
Angel: maybe u try to give her separately ? Normally, for HT brown rice / barley cereal, I only add in blended veg (sweet peas, sweet potato, pumpkim)

For fruits like avocado, banana, papaya, apples and pears: I will give alone mix with a little of ebm.

Mine also no teeth sprouting, but milk intake decreases. xavier too screams and cried like mah chiam in pain when I refuse to give him things which he managed to get to put into his mouth.

Now, I am using my old mobile phone, clean it up for him to chew.. haha..since he like to chew on remote controls and mobile phones

Dun be disheartened, slowly feed and coax.. haha... Dana will eat it up
Prawnie, my boy already have 2 lower teeth, 2 upper teeth on the way coming out, can see pearly whites already. So far he's only very cranky and will suddenly cry out loud, but his milk and cereal intake didnt drop at all.

Angel, don't be disheartened. So far i only success in making apple puree for him. Tried many different apples and finally found 1 type of apple that my boy likes, so tiring! But when i see him finishing 1 bowl of apple puree, felt that all my hard work is worth it. =D Going to try banana puree tomorrow!
My approach towards introducing new food to baby is the same as prawnie's. Will intro veg purees together with cereal and fruit purees on its own as a snack in the evening. I make sure there is only one 'unknown' ingredient in her food. For example, new puree will mix with old cereal. if cereal is a new brand, veg puree will be something she has tried. And on top of that, each combination will be given to her for 4-5days irregardless she likes it or not. In the event she dun like it nanny or myself will stop after she starts protesting but the same combination will be given again the next day. Coz i feel that rejection can be due to several factors, since i started already might as well see if she will grow on it and also to test out the 4day rule on that particular ingredient. If by day 4 or 5 she really dun like then i will not repeat the combination again.

If her teeth is not visible, it might also mean that they are cutting through which means her gums r probably most irritated right now.

My gal has her teeth already and also discovered her voice :s just yesterday she refused the pacifier and started to 'sing' at 4am with her eyes shut -_-"
prawnie, how you prepare the sweet peas puree? did you use fresh or frozen peas?

angel, my girl screams at the top of her voice if she's the slightest bit displeased or bored etc (in car seat, when we leave her alone and we're eating etc). Seems like she screams to vent her frustration and also to get our attention or to get her way. me also thinking what i should do to 'discipline' her.
Hi mummies, thanks for the compliments.

Angel: Do you follow the 4-day rule about introducing new stuff to Dana, in case of allergy? Don't give up, maybe u can add a bit of milk to the pure fruit puree to give her a familiar taste. My girl also so far only like banana puree and her HT brown rice hehe.

Prawnie: My baby's milk intake dropped a bit when she was teething. Lucky she wasn't that cranky/fussy.

Puffish: My girl only loves banana puree so far haha! She doesn't like pure apple and pear purees leh. What apples did u use? Think will prepare apple puree mixed with EBM tomorrow to give her a familiar taste with the apple and see how it goes...
RE: C-Sect
Mummies who have c-sect....can share what are the food to avoid during confinement?
and when do c-sect mummies start taking confinement food?

mine is a natural and my mum's also natural...so she no experience at all when doing c-sect confinement for my sis....therefore i need some advise from mummies....
Hi mummies...

Am one orh bak kak mummy today... for the past 2 days, my gal has been waking up at 4am and refuse to go back to sleep till 5 plus. And i have to wake up for work at 5.40 am. When she wakes up at 4am, she usually will be wailing loudly or screaming in discomfort. Thought she wants milk but tried to latch her she dun 1, give her pacifier she also dun 1. I felt her gums, her teeth on top r cutting through. Guess that must be why she is so uncomfortable. Any suggestions on how to relieve her discomfort? Coz her PD is on holiday, i am not comfortable with buying teething gel from the pharmacy and apply for her just like that.
morning mummies

amy, I had a terrible night too.
think my son was over stimulated last night. cry every 2 hours! he is seldom like tat. not sure if he is teething though.

mummies, do u change baby's diapers in e middle of e night? these few nights julian's clothes were soiled but e diapers were not full. any mums experience this? any brand of diapers good for night use?
Amy, can give chilled teether? Adel's not teething yet but she loves her chilled and frozen teether..

or can massage her gums with with finger, applying firm pressure. i also read about mummies (forgot who) who freeze a washcloth and let the bb bite on it as though it's a teether.

mummies, where can i find more information on blocked ducts? kena again last night and this morning tried to pump out still cannot so gotta skip work again (waste my MC).. maybe i'm stressed out cos Sat and Sun brought my girl out and she's so happy she refuses to sleep and drink her milk. or i'm physically strained from carrying and rocking her to sleep? will that affect letdown too? i have a super terrible backache from carrying my girl!
anyone knows where to buy purple sweet potato? i can only find japanese sweet potato (with purple skin only) but i'm looking for the one with purple flesh, i think it's called hawaiian purple sweet potato. any ideas mummies?

my girl likes the jap sweet potato but not the local one. so trying to find the purple one, the colour should interest her heehee
Angel, Summer didnt experience any decrease in appetite when she was teething.
Just realised she has 4 teeth already.
But yest i realised she only had milk thrice !!! Meaning she took 3 x 200ml making 600ml for the whole day. I suppose that's a huge decrease in appetite. Getting worried.
She is also always screaming non stop.
I suppose they are just discovering their voices. No need to discipline. But i did read that, we should acknowledge their babbling and ignore their screaming so as to let them know which is the correct way of communicating.

Calamari, Kayla is so pretty!

Re: night diaper
I've try mamy poko n pampers active.
Mamy poko can last through the night. But I find that it's thicker and warmer as opposed to pampers active.
I very dislike Pampers Active man! Hahaha! so far failed thrice on me, the 3x i used hehe. In the day at home, I use Sealer, going out/night I use Fitti Premium/Nepia/Mamy Poko.
huggies ultra works the best for me overnight cos it can really absorb a lot, but really thick lor..

pampers active i find the surface a bit damp in the morning leh, so wonder if it'll be uncomfortable for my girl. just bought mommy poko at ntuc cos of the promo. will try that out soon..
Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

We should do one for our April bubs too since most of us have already been meeting on ad-hoc basis!
Like what the March mums are doing, we should avoid setting the Mass Birthday Bash date in April as it will inevitably clash with some bb's private 1st Bday celebration so I propose 1 May 2009 (Labor Day)? Attendees: Mummies, Daddies and Babies. Venue: we need a big condo function room. Any mummies can volunteer the venue? Cost: Shared among everyone(Mar mummies are contributing $30 per baby for 1-3 adults).

Anyone keen? I think it'll be really fun to see how our babies have grown in a year! As for Bday cake, I like the idea of ordering small cupcakes with our babies' names on it (I've a contact who might be able to customise the cupcakes for us). My hubby has also kindly offered his photography services. Other mummies are needed to help plan/coordinate other aspects (e.g. venue, catering, fund collection, decor, music, invitation cards etc). What do the April mums think?

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!
1. Angel, Hubby & Dana
2. scubababe, hubby & Byron
3. strawberries, hubby & gideon
4. puffish, hubby & Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) & Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby & Claire
7. Winter & Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby & Alaric + maid (maybe)
9. Serene123 & roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby & Eshin
12. Jaspire & Kayla + maid (maybe)
Re: Mass Birthday Bash for April Babies

We should do one for our April bubs too since most of us have already been meeting on ad-hoc basis!
Like what the March mums are doing, we should avoid setting the Mass Birthday Bash date in April as it will inevitably clash with some bb's private 1st Bday celebration so I propose 1 May 2009 (Labor Day)? Attendees: Mummies, Daddies and Babies. Venue: we need a big condo function room. Any mummies can volunteer the venue? Cost: Shared among everyone(Mar mummies are contributing $30 per baby for 1-3 adults).

Anyone keen? I think it'll be really fun to see how our babies have grown in a year! As for Bday cake, I like the idea of ordering small cupcakes with our babies' names on it (I've a contact who might be able to customise the cupcakes for us). My hubby has also kindly offered his photography services. Other mummies are needed to help plan/coordinate other aspects (e.g. venue, catering, fund collection, decor, music, invitation cards etc). What do the April mums think?

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' Bday Bash!
1. Angel, Hubby & Dana
2. scubababe, hubby & Byron
3. strawberries, hubby & gideon
4. puffish, hubby & Tristan
5. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) & Tiffany
6. Stretch aka cia, hubby & Claire
7. Winter & Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
8. na_na, hubby & Alaric + maid (maybe)
9. Serene123 & roy zak
10.mushloom, hubby n ivan
11. JuniorRain, hubby & Eshin
12. Jaspire & Kayla + maid (maybe)
13. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan & Clairese
morning mummies....was a nice monday morning to sleep in ha ha ha...

Luann just had her 6mths jab on sat and for the past 2 nites she has been very cranky, refuses to sleep on her bed only on our shoulder..if not she will be screaming all the way...haiz...stressful nites...

angel...like wat the other mummies say dun be disheartened okies...keep trying...
my ger is the same but i know for sure she hates nestle plain cereal....at the sight of it she will arched her back way back until she almost topple over...
My ger recently also cry & scream very loud at nite, she wil sleep then half way wake up to cry. After i carried her over my shoulders she will sleep on my shoulders and when i put her on bed, she will cry again...duno isit becos of teething hor! Seem like our nightmare is starting again cos the 1st 2mths she also like tat...sigh.

i tink the carrier not v good..now bb at this age , they wanna c things and v curious, facing inside, for my boy , he don like...personal opinion of mine..
lovemum, you can try ergo baby carrier? i saw it at Metro selling at $199 and i think there's a 20% off too..

personally i love my pikkolo (bb can face in or out or hip carry). my girl loves to look around but is happy in the inward facing position and she just look sideways out.

I am a c-sect mum, i think for the first 2 weeks my confinement lady never cook chicken for me. Also, some ppl believe ginger might cause keloid on the scar, but cant help it i still take some coz it helps to remove wind.
koori...we in same plight...ha ha ha ha...maybe teething qua i also dunno...but my mum's fren say luann's 2 upper teeth like coming out soon...
Lynn: I used the frozen peas as good as the fresh ones. I will boil and removed the skin one by one and sieved through the mash

There are some simple recipes which I prepare for Xav in my humble blog with simple instrucions, you can check it out


For purple flesh sweet potato, can be found in cold storage. It's japanese sweet potato with purple flesh
Xavier prefers that to the orange flesh ones. haha..

Re: Loss of appetite when teething

Thanks mummies for the sharing. I shall continue to watch him and make him eat !!! hahaa

Re: Night Diaper

Mamy poko can last !! Dun even need to wake and change

Amy: Try a cold teether or massage with towel dipped in ice water. should be able to do away with the discomfort. I also dun agree with using teething gel.
prawnie, didn't see the purple sweet potato at cold storage leh

how is it labeled? cos the jap sweet potato (purple skin with pale flesh) is labeled japanese sweet potato..
prawnie, shall try with frozen peas soon. tried using fresh with the pods and taste very 'green'..

any ideas what to mix avocardo puree with? any fruits that'll go well with it? pretty tasteless to me but my girl doesn't really mind.

just made a little bit of apple puree, surprisingly did not turn brown (i mass it through a metal sieve and did not use blender) but it's not really sweet, in fact it's a little sour
what kind of apple would be yummy? i used the small royal gala whatever..
Thanks Prawnie, Puffish, Amy, Lynn, Calamari, Summer's Mama and Stefy for your encouragement and sharing your tips on feeding bb semi-solids. I also kept the cereal constant (HT brown rice), changing only the fruit puree which I mixed into the cereal every 3 days. But so far, didn't yield much success as Dana does not like it - after 1 mouthful,she'll scrunge up her face, arch her back to fidget out of her bumbo, even wave her hands to hit the spoon away etc. Once or twice everything overturned on the playmat
Sighz, feeding times are beginning to be stressful for me as I can't figure why she doesn't like the food I prepared...haven't started pureeing vegs though, still at fruits stage. I shall persevere till a breakthrough or mealtimes will be nightmare...

Re: Diapers at Night
We use mamypoko, comfy and absorbant (but slightly more exp). Daytime using Huggies Dry Comfort

Re: Purple Sweet Potato
Lynn, sometimes NTUC carries this 'Vietnamese Purple Sweet Potato' already pre-packed/pre-sealed for only $2 or $2.50. We bought few times for Sweet Potato Soup, very nice purple flesh. You can try asking the store supervisor if the NTUC outlet near your home sells them.

Re: Xavvylicious Blog
Prawnie, you are really a great mama, patiently peel off the green peas skin one by one! Salute you! I love Xavier's photos on your blog, such a darling! His eyes are so charming, will be a heart-throb when he grows up, I'm sure
I miss Bintan - love the sand, the sea and the leisurely feel there!

Miss meeting up with all bbs here. When's the next gathering (if any)?


avocado can go with banana. imo if girl can take plain tasting foods, sh keep it that way, rather than getting her too used to sweet foods.

can try NZ Fuji apple
