(2008/04) April 2008

Kayla is so beautiful in those pics!!!!!!! Wow she must b enjoying herself during the shoot cos all the pics she is so smiley.

joelle, thanks for the avocardo + banana combi. but i tried giving banana alone and she hates it..

my girl seems to like food that are plain tasting, even plain brown rice cereal (without milk or ebm cos she doesn't like) she shows a preference for HT rather than HB which is a little more tasty imo..

any mummies noticed that HB 1 tablespoon makes more cereal at the same consistency than HT 1 tablespoon? my girl's fave seems to be HT barley, but that yields the least amount of cereal per tablespoon cos it seems very light and 'airy'.

me agree. my boy doesnt like the hb as nuch as the barley. with the ht barley he will gulp it down but not the hb which he give a sour face.
Re : HB

My ger seem to like frisocrem more than HB haha....so far she doesnt seem so enthusatic in eating HB cereals but she still manage to finish all.
Lynn: Avocado can go with papaya too as wat I read in Annabel Karmel's book.

Apples make great combination with pears too

Only Xavier has the power to make me do these. I dun even do it for myself.. hee.. you're a great mummy too !! I'm sure Dana will appreciatethe yummy food you made for her.

Maybe we shall go on a trip to Bintan with the hubbies n babies if there is chance.

Jasmine Chen: Supposed to meet you today. But my phone could not switch on at all. Anywhere I can meet you in orchard? cos I might b going down
Jamie: thanks !! Mayb I shall ask Steph when she can open up her place again hee.. Mayb a small gathering before X'mas?? Can have pot luck with the babies

i read yr blog, u bring bb to allergy test ah...was tinking to bring my boy go out...coz don wish to avoid egg etc...wan him to use the first teeth tooth paste.is it accurate?
mummies, any opinion on sweet corn for our babies at this stage? i seem to be reading to different opinions on whether it is suitable to be introduced or not. soem website says not so early as it might be a potential allergen like wheat, others are ok and some even have stage 1 baby jars with sweet corn in it.

i already gave some to my girl and she has no allergic reaction plus she loved it very much. wondering if i should continue giving her or stop and wait..
Argh i am so irritated cos hor everyday i will receive some ' nuisance' calls from either credit card companies, now to the extend of some stupid yoga/ spa companies. They say they gt my number from my frenz and cannt reveal the person's name. I told them i believe they got it from other sources and she kept quiet. SO PISSED....i suspect the numbers were sold to all these corporate companies.
I want. M coming back end nov, hopefully can join b4 im back again in cny

HB is thicker compared to HT, i gave on alternate days on the BR. HB 1tbs i need 2 tbs water whereas HT 1tbs i need onli 1tbs water to mix. I usually mix 1 to 2 tbs HB BR w 1 to 2 oz fruit/veg puree = 3 or 4 tbs of cereal. For 1 HT BR, i mix w 1 tbs of Nan 2ha fm w 1 to 2 oz of fruit/veg puree also. I realised when i changed the spoon from pigeon to combi, bb eat faster becoz of the design.

Can give teether or use ur finger covered by the hanky and let bb have it to soothe gum.

Diaper for Nite
I use either pampers active or mamy poko. Both r ok for bb.

Im a csec case who dun eat any tonic really as if csec mum want to bf, many things cannt eat also, may interfere w milk formation/prdn for 1st time mum. I took little ginger, no bean curd, no broccoli, no cabbage, wine i took as it is cooked. Food that is healthy and boost milk pdn i take like papaya fish soup, fish, veg, black bean soup etc. I dun take any yomeishu or DOM. I did take red date tea w longan which is tonic n gd for bf csec mum also
Re : pampers active/ mamy poko
Both i hv tried and can say they last thruout the nite...but hor i tik mamy poko is still better than active. Mamy is almost dry when i feel the diapers, but active bit cold cold feeling....the only thing i don like is mamy poko's thickness.

sure i am so super happy... :p hahha
just give me a call any time. will be at orchard till 5pm. heehhe dinner not a good time as i am still handling a fussy teething baby at the moment. :p
Kea: erm.. quite accurate I would say, cos its recommended by a friend whose baby has real bad eczema. After the test showed that baby is allergic to eggs. So the mummy avoided all food that has egg contents in them as she is bf-ing the baby. And baby's skin improved when I saw her. Same for Xavier, I was worried that he is allergic to cow's milk and others, so went for the test to put my mind at ease.

Jasmine Chen: let me kow what time you can leave office. I dun have a phone cos phone died on me !! I wait for you at Mos burger ok for you ?
Then, you pass me the brightlings and you see if you wanna get your diapers today
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Please arrange for collection on this Saturday! 11 - 3 pm. </font></font>

Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations from babycentre
2. littleprincesses (yellow large &amp; blue large) :$60.80
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large):$30.40
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
7. jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
8. Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
9. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
10. Choc tge25 (Blue X-Large) :$30.40

Our price is $16

Our price is $16
2.Jule's mum

Our price is $14.50
3. bebe11
4. mifi x 3

Calendula cream 2 Oz. @$17.55 ( not ready. Will be in after 25 Oct)
2.cutie188 x 3
3. bebe11 x 3
4. mifi x 2
5. littleprincesses x 2
6. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3
7. Maddysmum
8. simp
9. princess-j
10. chewy
11. cyl_16 X 3
12. calamari x 3
13. Cass_078 x 3
14. dolly23
15. XiaoZhu
16. Babybliss x5
17. jaspire
28. Javier's mum X 2

Happybellies Cereal @$9.60 (ready for collection)
Brown rice
- Simp x 5 ((Transaction Reference 1909346582)
- Porkie x 1 (paid)
- Puffish x 2
- choc-tge25 x 4
- scubababe x 2
- ynby80 x 1
- na_na x 1
- iijo x 1
- maomi x 1

HappyBellies Oatmeal 7oz( $9.60 each )
- princess-j x1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1
- cheesycake x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Porkie x 1
- Puffish x 1
- choc -tge25 x1
- scubababe x 1
- na_na x 1
- Esther x 1
- maomi x 1
- gemini05 x 1

3. HappyBellies Multigrain 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1]
- cheesycake x 1
- cass_078 x 1
- Puffish x 1
- Esther x 1
- maomi x 1

Order for Desitin Diaper Cream (Creamy) from drugstore$9.80
2. Calamari x 2
3. Javier's_mum X 2
4. choc - tge25 X 2
5. Gemini05 x 1
6. Cutiebb x 4

Order for First Teeth Toothpaste from drugstore. @$7.80.
1. JuniorRain x3(blue) &amp; x3(pink)
2. scubababe x 2
3. Lynn_ (pink)
4. jules mum x2 blue
5. cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
6. ynby80 2 x blue 2 x pink
7. Maro (blue)
8. linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
9. Jolenebeh 2xpink
10. Puffiet blue x 2
11. Cass_078 blue x 2
12. Javier's_mum X 2 Blue
13. Limmasters x1 pink
<font size="+1">Outstanding. Please pay up before Wednesday!! Else you will be remove from my spreeist list.. :p </font>

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80

sure i can leave office at 4pm. which mos burger? oh can collect the diapers? but you are bring xavier out right? can cope? if not its ok lah
wow... I c a pretty girl
Calamari, I love the photo where she's in her b'day suit and the wings. So angelic

Koori - my boy is the same, don't know if it is the teeth, put him in the cot, close his eyes and cry cry cry. Carry him, quiet and smile at you somemore.... *Sigh!* I am like a Panda now

Angel - Keep it up, you are a great mummy! I can't be bothered to do puree now... hahahaa... jus pinch some food off my plate for him :p Oh, Dana doesn't like HT is it? You want to switch to HB or some other brands? Maybe Dana doesn't like the taste?

Re : Teething
My boy appepitite went down, couldn't finish most of his feed
But he will gulp up all the cereal and puree. Maybe should give him more cereal and reduce his milk feeds :p

It is a MONDAY... haiz! 4 more days to weekend.
Winter: Test is $120 + Consultation $80.

Jasmine Chen: Is your aunt gonna send you to pick up the diapers at my place today? If not, then I will mett you to collect brightlings first. Then you let me know when you wanna collect your diapers.
Meet you at Mos at Isetan Scotts at about 4.30 ?
calamari. the type of apples my boy likes is called Red Delicious, the skin is very red, taste sweet too, no sourish. =) The rest of apples like fuji and royal gala he hates it.. oh ya, thanks for recommending Bellamy teething rusk, just let my boy tried, he loved it, kept biting and chewing it for very long, though it gets a bit messy here and there :p haha
Jasmine Chen: so I meet you 4.30 pm at Mos Burger. In case you dun recognise me.. haha.. My hair is super short now. Pls look out for Xavier instead.. hahaha

Winter: yup. Got it. Looking for my IB token.. heh heh.. Will transfer to you either by atm or IB.
cannot catch up the thread again
stealing some time to read but so many stuff going on hee

calamari: Lovely pic of Kayla! she really looks like a little angel!!!

anyway cannot tahan all the JR hats that all our little gal babies have, so i bot a baseball cap for Byron. hee love how he looked in it, but his daddy says he like super big boy in it :p
my boy used to poo poo every dae. ever since i intro hb brown rice to him, he would poo every alt day or even 3 day once. but his poo poo not those pebble kind. still like normal pastey kind juz thicker... is tat constipation?
byron so cute!
cant wait to see him again!

lynn, as mentioned, corn is not easily digestable. You might want to do further researches on this if you still want to continue feeding corn. Just my two cents worth.

Angel, it's a tough battle feeding semi solids. All the hardwork of choosing fruits/veg to cooking them and blending them. And crossing our fingers that our little ones will like it. It's alot of trial and error. Though Summer is taking almost everything well except frisocrem, i still cross my finger each time. So pls dont give up! =)

Koori, i still got a tin of unopened friso, i pass to u on monday ok? Summer doesnt take Frisocrem le. That's one of the few type of food she doesnt take.

Re: baby bumps
just want to share a story abt a friend who just passed away. She knocked her head a mth ago, there was brain injury which was unknown to her. There wasnt any signs. Last week she passed away with brain haemorrage. Please be very careful with our little ones. Do bring their for detail checks if they do have a bump. Betta be safe than sorry.

just to check any one know of the health supplement mannatech? me thinking to give it to my boy as it seems that it has 8 natural sugars in it. its something new so how to hear all your comments.
jgal.. paid for my First Teeth (ref 1938575449).. Leave it with you first okie? Collect everything together later..
hi winter

i had just trf to you. I will collect it at Serene's place this Sat.

To Account POSB Savings
102-18206-5 winter smhf
Amount S$5.52
Transaction Reference 1938630017
thanks for the compliments!

screaming babies: angel, Byron is also screaming his head off, very very often! happy or sad he will scream. I guess I will try like Sherin said, dun acknowledge him when he is screaming so he knows its wrong.

He is also waking up at 3+am EVERY night now for milk, i dunno izzit growth spurt (again?), or irritating but yes its like back to the earlier days when I have to wake up in the night. Panda eyes for me too
Scubie: Byron is so cute leh! Looks like 1 year old oredi!

koori: u know when these stupid credit card companies call, or some dumb yoga packages, i will just cut them short by saying " I AM GETTING RETRENCHED, NO MONEY". Most of the time, they will say sorry, and put down. hahaha.

puffish: glad that Tristan likes the teething rusk

Thanks again mummies for the compliments. If Kayla understood, she will be damn 'hao lian' lor muahahahah! :p
hi jgal,

sorry for the late payment. will collect together with Calendula cream. tks

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 Jgal
Amount S$14.50
Transaction Reference 1938670767
Re: waking up at night


think its a growth spurt as my boy did the same. will taper off in a few weeks i think. my boy did that for 2 weeks then back to the normal routine.
bebe1 : do i pass to your friend? or you come and collect frm my place ?

This saturaday.. shld be everything lor.. i hope dhl pass me my cream! .. cos' they want to pay GST cash.. I told them already paid to BDL. So now they checking with BDL.. dun know will ding-dong how long.
