(2008/04) April 2008

Re: Pneumoccocus

I think i'm gona give my dd this after 1 yr old, that is 2 jabs.. just before she goes to playgroup at 18mths. Now thinking if i shd give her the flu jab...

kea, maro...
pneumococcal, be taking it next month for my boy... but see u all say till so scary..
i so worried my boy drinking pattern will change again leh... haizzz
diva - yes wld like to hold another gathering when my schedule is not so crazy. when are u leaving again?

haiz, i m very tempted to cook porridge for val but for various reasons (eg: travelling in nov) i hv to put the idea on hold. let's see if i can tolerate her refusal to eat before i surrender.
her wt is stagnant at 7kg @ 6 mths n 16 days..
i envy those hearty eaters like Ethan n baby summer..*green*

34.5 for body temp is rather unusual..
Re : pneumococcal

My ger below 6mths took 3 jabs only , not 4. She already completed all her 3 jabs. I give early to minimise any risk, its not worth taking the risk.
kea / maro - hee, no choice mah , drs cannot influence patient's decision...so use the same line
Calamari, thanks for sharing info on Pneumoccocal jabs. Am relieved to hear baby Kayla didn't react adversely to it as it'll be Dana's turn this Sat. According to PD, Pneumococcal is a compulsory vaccination for all babies in USA so she encourage us to take it. Koori, how was bb Kaylen after the jab? Dana just recovered from her flu so afraid her immune system is weaken now?
Re: Pnuemoccocal Jabs

In fact, my PD sort of mentioned it's complusory. It's a complusory jab in most countries. This shows how impt and critical it is. So i asked him why isnt it complusory in singapore. So he says that it's simply because singapore doesnt have the budget for it. If it's made complusory, then singapore govt would have to subsidise the vacins and we all know that this vacin is quite ex.
short term pain vs risk ... i rather choose a short term pain for her.
angel: Good to hear that Dana has recovered
Maybe you want to postpone her pneumo jab as she has just recovered. Afraid the jab might be too "strong" for her at this time.
angel, u might want to call ur pd and let him/her knows that dana just recovered from a flu. They might advise u to delay e vacin.

lynn, veg i've tried (summer has tried):
carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin,corn n broccoli.
vegetables are known to be high in fibre so i only give her in alternate with fruits and once a day.
Not sure when we're leaving, hubby just left for KL this morning and won't be back till the weekend.
We're thinking of getting a new helper as mine is slowly but surely sucking my blood and hubby has started stepping in which makes it less than pleasant

So if we get a new one, we'll need her to 'train' under my mom's maid before taking her to KL. I'd rather her blunder here than over there when I've got no one else to count on.

Might go to KL for a few days as hubby and I are looking for a new place, so I've got to be there for the viewing. Ethan will be left here but the sheer thought of leaving him is already raising my pulse, this mama's definitely got some separation anxiety!

34.5 is very unusual! We're hoping that it was the thermometer's mistake otherwise I've really got 2 cold blooded men in my life

You're going to Japan, right? Whereabouts?
My mom's been wanting to go to Hokkaido for awhile now, but always cites Ethan as the reason why she can't leave! Haha
My grandmother too, supposed to go to the US to visit my cousins but can't bear not seeing Ethan for a few months.
I think I'm gonna be shelling out big Xmas presents this year, to make up for all the lost vacation time!

What does Val like to eat?
Will she only be on milk during the trip? Or cereal+puree as well?
I guess baby jars will suffice, tough traveling with baby.. I can understand why you wanted to leave Val at home
Do you refer to the MMR jab that should be taken when baby is 1-2 years old?

That's the only one I know which is compulsory and meant for 12 months+.
Angel - kaylen is fine after her jabs, she took Pnuemoccocal together with her 6in1....very slight fever bit fussy only. Tik her 2nd dose was the worst one, fussy the next day after jab but nothing major.
Thanks Koori, Summer's Mama and Calamari. Dana's jab was supposed to be today but we postpone it to Sat to give her more days to rebuild her immunity. Hopefully, she'll be fine. It's esp tough when they're fussy and these days Dana's been rejecting her milk! Getting nottier. Sighz.

Mummies, do check out this BP by Alien if you're looking for good CDs for your bbs:http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/1778233.html?1224121639
diva/ little princesses,
i also stayed near bt timah. wanted to meet up with u guys with little princes and princeses for play gym but no chance yet..
Halo mummies
so many posts for 1 day that i nv login. Haiz Eshin is down with flu & cough since yesterday....... pd say cos he is teething so immune system is slightly low so easier 2 catch virus, i think mayb i pass the virus 2 him cos me hv abit of phelgm oso. Really hope he recover soon cos with the phelgm in in throat & nose he like so xinku, seen oso so heartpain
Then these 3day b will b SAHM 2 look after him.
Mummies do b more careful cos nw alot ppl is sick, hope all bbs free frm the virus.
jgal, ib done
Amount S$60.80
Transaction Reference 1933172864

Closed)Spree for SleepSack 100% Cotton Interlock Wearable Blanket by Halo Innovations from babycentre
Color :
USD$16.99 : Blue,Pink,Yellow . Deposit : SGD$30.40
USD$19.99 : Barnyard,Dog. Deposit : SGD$35
Size : Small, Medium , Large , x-large

1. Jgal (Pink , x-Large):$30.40
2. littleprincesses (yellow large & blue large) :$60.80 Transaction Reference 1933172864
3. Vonn (Blue, X-Large):$30.40 Reference1933290895
4. Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
5. cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
6. XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
7. jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
8. Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
9. cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
10. Choc tge25 (Blue X-Large) :$30.40 Reference 1933135544

Please place the above deposit when convenience. WIll refund if less $4 in shipping for each pcs. Order will be done today. Hope to get it. Will be in next next saturday.
cheesycake: my boy also had this kinda lump since few mths back. i asked dr ong EK about it. he said it's a lymph node. but you can check if your PD just in case.
i am posting this on behalf of a friend whose baby just turned 6 months old.

These 900gm Enfalac A+ are unopened and their expiry date are in 2010.

wanted to sell off $34.50 each tin. if take more than 2 tins she will sell of at $34/-

self collect : Jurong area

pls do not pm, email: [email protected]
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Cass_078 &amp; Hoon </font></font>
Please come my place on Saturday to collect your things. Cos' you have alot with me now.
and we need to clear our accounts.
HAPPYBELLIES Brown Rice Cereal Contains DHA and Probiotics, Organic, 7-Ounce Canisters
1. BBRoYcE&amp;LeBelle
2. Jane
3. Rainebow
4. Rainebow

HAPPYBELLIES Multigrain Cereal
1. BBRoYcE&amp;LeBelle
2. Jane
3. Rainebow

1. BBRoYcE&amp;LeBelle
2. Jane
3. Rainebow
hi mummies: thanks for ur concern. Tonite i am bringing her to baby specialist. hopefully it is nothing serious/ important. praying hard!!!

but felt relieved after i read the post on baby ctr tat it is normal. it will go away in a while. still i will bring her to the clinic for reassurance.
hi mummies, as Elliot recently caught some viral fever, we discussed with Dr Ong EK if Pnuemoccocal jab is advisable. He advise shld take as these days even breast-feeding, there are new viral trends which our body might not develop the antibodies yet. Hmmmm....

cheesycake, how's ur bb?
keep us updated on ur dd k

Re : pneumococcal
yah, thinking of letting shevon take tis as well if i were to start her on kindkermusik or gymboree music class in kl later. Pd has been bugging us to take as he says can lead to death in bb n he has seen a few cases. Im scared of bb getting high fever as she usually has fever for her 6-in-1 jabs except the last dose.

PD says mmr is compulsory,
So m taking separate doses for bb next yr. More jabs for her i guess :p M also dun like too many vaccine after reading some info on that.

Pls take care of urself and bb Eshin.

u r moving in kl? Maid from spore to kl also a lot of pattern de. HB' colleague brought her maid from spore to kl then pattern so much. When they deported the maid back to indon/philippines, she got her bf befriended in kl to burglarise the house 2x until our fren and children were worried sick everyday. Now they shifted to mont kiara w/o maid from bangsar, pretty near my place.Thank goodness i stay in apt but also not 100% secure. Has heard cases from spore mums that scars get stolen from condo in separate places 2x.

If my 2nd bb comes along next yr if i do get successful conceiving, i prob need a helper employed from spore. I wd need Jgal' referral though, i simply luv claire. She is one of the nicer helper i hav come across thus far

Think i now super scared to take shevon overseas. Was just thinking of taking her abroad when she turns 1yr for her birthday. Hmm now i think no way.
Hi mummies,

talking on the jabs....my son has completed his 5in1 course injection + rotavirus, beside pneumococcal job, what other jabs he needs to take as optional? my PD told me the next booster will be when he is in the 13 months...?

any advice..?
didn't really sleep well last nite cos Eshin was cranky. Nw hv abit of headache. I think better catch some rest if not i fall sick.

Dun worry, I think ur ger will b fine.

How is Elliot? Good 2 hear that his urine is tested ok.
<font size="+1">Outstanding payments for sprees from babycentre , drugstore , amazon</font>
Hi all, The amount that is outstanding is getting abit huge hitting $900 liao. I will appreciate if the following outstanding be settle before new orders are made.

There shld be some more happybellies purchase and toys purchase. So dun delete my acct from your IB yet..;)

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) linah29 :31.20
(Toothpaste) Maro : 7.80
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) na_na :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) iijo :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)princess-j :$9.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(HappyBellies OA) na_na :$9.60
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Mozart Cube)mifi : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) JuniorRain : $46.80
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)choc -tge25:$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) choc-tge25 :38.40
(Desitin Cream) choc - tge25 : $19.60
--> Total : $67.60

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(sleepsack) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(HappyBellies OA)cyl_16 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cyl_16:$9.60
--> Total : $54.20

(sleepsack) jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
(Toothpaste) jules mum : $16.60
(Calif. Cold &amp;Flu) Jule's mum :$16
--> Total : $63

(Toothpaste) ynby80 :31.20
(HappyBellies BR) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)ynby80 :$9.60
--> Total : $60

(Toothpaste) Jolenebeh : $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) Jolenebeh :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Jolenebeh:$9.60
--> Total : $35.8

(HappyBellies OA) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
--> Total : $19.20

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies BR) Puffish :$19.20
(HappyBellies MG) Puffish :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Puffish:$9.60
--> Total : $38.40

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
jgal..payment made for 67.60 thanks!
To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 jgal
Amount S$67.60
Transaction Reference 1933529251

Outstanding payments for sprees from babycentre , drugstore , amazon
Hi all, The amount that is outstanding is getting abit huge. I will appreciate if the following outstanding be settle before new orders are made.

There shld be some more happybellies purchase and toys purchase. So dun delete my acct from your IB yet..;)

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) linah29 :31.20
(Toothpaste) Maro : 7.80
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) na_na :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) iijo :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)princess-j :$9.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(HappyBellies OA) na_na :$9.60
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Mozart Cube)mifi : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) JuniorRain : $46.80
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)choc -tge25:$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) choc-tge25 :38.40
(Desitin Cream) choc - tge25 : $19.60
--> Total : $67.60 Reference 1933529251

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(sleepsack) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(HappyBellies OA)cyl_16 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cyl_16:$9.60
--> Total : $54.20

(sleepsack) jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
(Toothpaste) jules mum : $16.60
(Calif. Cold &amp;Flu) Jule's mum :$16
--> Total : $63

(Toothpaste) ynby80 :31.20
(HappyBellies BR) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)ynby80 :$9.60
--> Total : $60

(Toothpaste) Jolenebeh : $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) Jolenebeh :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Jolenebeh:$9.60
--> Total : $35.8

(HappyBellies OA) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
--> Total : $19.20

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies BR) Puffish :$19.20
(HappyBellies MG) Puffish :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Puffish:$9.60
--> Total : $38.40

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
Our current lease in KL will be up soon, so we're looking into finding a new place since our present area isn't the best for us.
Am looking at Bukit Ceylon since it's right by KLCC and hubby's workplace is very close by too.

The maid situation is always tricky. Can't get one that's too dumb and can't get one that's too smart either.
Mine is on the slightly dumb side now. She can work, is cheerful but can't think to save her life!
I have to keep repeating the same things to her, I'm starting to nag and can't stand it.

My mom's helper is fantastic, been with her for over a decade now.
But again, it's the luck of the draw. Everyone looks good on paper

We just pray that we'll find the right one for us and all will fall into place.

You're planning for #2 already? How many kids do you plan to have?
I would like my 2nd one to be 2 years younger than Ethan, it's nice to grow up with a sibling close in years. It's something I didn't have but always wanted, so I'd like that for my kids
<font color="aa00aa">jgal,
no, definitely wont delete yr account, it's permanent at my IB liao. hehe.. cos yr spree is the best!

have transfer the payment for the toothpaste (below), thanks for organising</font>

Outstanding payments for sprees from babycentre , drugstore , amazon
Hi all, The amount that is outstanding is getting abit huge. I will appreciate if the following outstanding be settle before new orders are made.

There shld be some more happybellies purchase and toys purchase. So dun delete my acct from your IB yet..;)

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) linah29 :31.20
(Toothpaste) Maro : 7.80 <font color="aa00aa">(Reference 1933542858)</font>
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) na_na :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) iijo :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)princess-j :$9.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(HappyBellies OA) na_na :$9.60
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Mozart Cube)mifi : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) JuniorRain : $46.80
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)choc -tge25:$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) choc-tge25 :38.40
(Desitin Cream) choc - tge25 : $19.60
--> Total : $67.60 Reference 1933529251

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(sleepsack) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(HappyBellies OA)cyl_16 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cyl_16:$9.60
--> Total : $54.20

(sleepsack) jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
(Toothpaste) jules mum : $16.60
(Calif. Cold &amp;Flu) Jule's mum :$16
--> Total : $63

(Toothpaste) ynby80 :31.20
(HappyBellies BR) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)ynby80 :$9.60
--> Total : $60

(Toothpaste) Jolenebeh : $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) Jolenebeh :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Jolenebeh:$9.60
--> Total : $35.8

(HappyBellies OA) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
--> Total : $19.20

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies BR) Puffish :$19.20
(HappyBellies MG) Puffish :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Puffish:$9.60
--> Total : $38.40

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
hi jgal

i had just trf to you.

To Account DBS Savings Plus
001-1-053838 Jgal - SMHF
Amount S$60.00
Transaction Reference 1933554928

Pls check.

Thank you
haha me also nv delete. Thank you for org all the spree. i really save alot $$$

Outstanding payments for sprees from babycentre , drugstore , amazon
Hi all, The amount that is outstanding is getting abit huge. I will appreciate if the following outstanding be settle before new orders are made.

There shld be some more happybellies purchase and toys purchase. So dun delete my acct from your IB yet..;)

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) linah29 :31.20
(Toothpaste) Maro : 7.80 (Reference 1933542858)
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) na_na :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) iijo :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)princess-j :$9.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(HappyBellies OA) na_na :$9.60
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Mozart Cube)mifi : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) JuniorRain : $46.80
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)choc -tge25:$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) choc-tge25 :38.40
(Desitin Cream) choc - tge25 : $19.60
--> Total : $67.60 Reference 1933529251

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(sleepsack) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(HappyBellies OA)cyl_16 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cyl_16:$9.60
--> Total : $54.20

(sleepsack) jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
(Toothpaste) jules mum : $16.60
(Calif. Cold &amp;Flu) Jule's mum :$16
--> Total : $63

(Toothpaste) ynby80 :31.20
(HappyBellies BR) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)ynby80 :$9.60
--> Total : $60 1933554928

(Toothpaste) Jolenebeh : $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) Jolenebeh :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Jolenebeh:$9.60
--> Total : $35.8

(HappyBellies OA) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
--> Total : $19.20

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies BR) Puffish :$19.20
(HappyBellies MG) Puffish :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Puffish:$9.60
--> Total : $38.40

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
Outstanding payments for sprees from babycentre , drugstore , amazon
Hi all, The amount that is outstanding is getting abit huge. I will appreciate if the following outstanding be settle before new orders are made.

There shld be some more happybellies purchase and toys purchase. So dun delete my acct from your IB yet..;)

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) linah29 :31.20
(Toothpaste) Maro : 7.80 (Reference 1933542858)
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) na_na :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) iijo :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)princess-j :$9.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(HappyBellies OA) na_na :$9.60
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Mozart Cube)mifi : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) JuniorRain : $46.80
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)choc -tge25:$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) choc-tge25 :38.40
(Desitin Cream) choc - tge25 : $19.60
--> Total : $67.60 Reference 1933529251

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(sleepsack) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(HappyBellies OA)cyl_16 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cyl_16:$9.60
--> Total : $54.20

(sleepsack) jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
(Toothpaste) jules mum : $16.60
(Calif. Cold &amp;Flu) Jule's mum :$16
--> Total : $63

(Toothpaste) ynby80 :31.20
(HappyBellies BR) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)ynby80 :$9.60
--> Total : $60 1933554928

(Toothpaste) Jolenebeh : $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) Jolenebeh :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Jolenebeh:$9.60
--> Total : $35.8

(HappyBellies OA) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
--> Total : $19.20 (Ref: 1907078420) - Outstanding $230.90

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies BR) Puffish :$19.20
(HappyBellies MG) Puffish :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Puffish:$9.60
--> Total : $38.40

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
Hi Jgal,

Have transferred $19.20 to ur account for HappyBellies BR and OA. Reference no: 1933595431

Outstanding payments for sprees from babycentre , drugstore , amazon
Hi all, The amount that is outstanding is getting abit huge. I will appreciate if the following outstanding be settle before new orders are made.

There shld be some more happybellies purchase and toys purchase. So dun delete my acct from your IB yet..;)

single outstanding
(sleepsack) Koori (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(sleepsack) XiaoZhu (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(Toothpaste) linah29 :31.20
(Toothpaste) Maro : 7.80 (Reference 1933542858)
(Toothpaste) Puffiet: $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) na_na :$9.60 (Reference: 1933595431)
(HappyBellies BR) iijo :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)princess-j :$9.60
(Calif. Shampoo/Body) bebe11 : $14.50
(HappyBellies OA) na_na :$9.60 (Reference: 1933595431)
(Mozart Cube)gervynne : $45
(Mozart Cube)mifi : $45
(Desitin Cream) Calamari : $19.60
(Toothpaste) JuniorRain : $46.80
(Toothpaste) Lynn_ : 7.80
(HappyBellies OA) Porkie :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Cutiebb: 39.20

Multiple outstandings
(HappyBellies OA)gemini05 :$9.60
(Desitin Cream) Gemini05 : $9.80
--> Total : $19.40

(HappyBellies OA)choc -tge25:$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) choc-tge25 :38.40
(Desitin Cream) choc - tge25 : $19.60
--> Total : $67.60 Reference 1933529251

(HappyBellies BR) scubababe :$19.20
(HappyBellies OA)scubababe :$9.60
(Toothpaste) scubababe : $16.60
--> Total : $45.40

(sleepsack) Esther (Pink, X-Large) :$30.40
(HappyBellies MG)Esther :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Esther :$9.60
--> Total : $49.60

(sleepsack) cyl_16 (Barnyard, X-Large) :$35
(HappyBellies OA)cyl_16 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cyl_16:$9.60
--> Total : $54.20

(sleepsack) jule's mum (yellow, Large):$30.40
(Toothpaste) jules mum : $16.60
(Calif. Cold &amp;Flu) Jule's mum :$16
--> Total : $63

(Toothpaste) ynby80 :31.20
(HappyBellies BR) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA) ynby80 :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)ynby80 :$9.60
--> Total : $60 1933554928

(Toothpaste) Jolenebeh : $16.60
(HappyBellies BR) Jolenebeh :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Jolenebeh:$9.60
--> Total : $35.8

(HappyBellies OA) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG) Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) :$9.60
--> Total : $19.20 (Ref: 1907078420) - Outstanding $230.90

(HappyBellies OA)cheesycake :$9.60
(HappyBellies MG)cheesycake :$9.60
(sleepsack) cheesycake (Pink, Large):$30.40
--> Total : $49.60

(HappyBellies BR) Puffish :$19.20
(HappyBellies MG) Puffish :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)Puffish:$9.60
--> Total : $38.40

(HappyBellies MG)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies OA)maomi :$9.60
(HappyBellies BR) maomi :$9.60
--> Total : $28.80
Hi jgal, just want to check if you have extra calendula cream to spare? If so, I will transfer money for it along with the HB. Where is place of collection? Thanks! =)

I will transfer the amount to you tonight. I have not collected the colustrum from you(under araid22). Do I owe you anything for that?


I live in bukit timah too.
Regarding the wetsuit, I will not carry on with the purchase. Will prob get from mothercare. Hope it's not a control priced item.
just for you opinion

do you all think that alien's price will decrease? coz now she is having a sale on her bumper mats.... am considering but hubby say that seems her price has been decreasing after the 'price war'...don know if there will still be further decreases.

hahah this comes after seeing the playmat at serene's place. me drooling....
