(2008/04) April 2008

mushloom , Yeah.. my maid is playing "peek-a-boo" with my gal with the towel... ha ha ha

Actually, everytime i see these photo.. heart feel abit sore also.. cos' i do spend as much time with my gal. *sigh*

scubababe: hope u recover soon.. u got fr ur HB izzit? THank god you din go HOrtPark, Elliot fell sick after tt outing.. viral infection, hence he had fever for past few days.
scubababe : get well soon
Hi mommies if you are as bo liao as my husband...can try Photo Funia with our babies photos... quite silly but addictive.. hee.


Nice meetin you today Jolene.... Can't wait to meet more mommies tomorrow at Steph's place.
Ya Yvonne that is my baby Noah...here is another one... ha ha..we are very bo liao!!! sorry pics are so big...i dunno how to make smaller.

ya photofunia is really cute & fun, me 2 make afew fun pics with it

Hope u recovers soon!
ya we shld hv a huge gathering with all the mummies here, will definitely b interesting manz....... can't wait 2 hv 1

oh Elliot is sick, ya that day at Hortpark was so hot & humid then later heavy rain pluz so many ppl packed in that open air-con function room, probably there is some air borne virus in that room. Hope Elliot recovers soon 2!

issit, I looked like ur fren, hehehe
Dana oso hv that leapfrog learn & groove station, nw Eshin like 2 jump in it & his saliva is on every toys of the station, has been licking all of them.
okie, got it.. thanks

hoon, maybe mine smaller size, that's y so fast outgrow. my boy really small size, though he is tall..

oh.. many similar baby clothes.
my sis bought it from Japan. Gap there is real cheap.. most of my boys clothing from there..
Gals ... i going to stock up major on the happybellies and I suggest you do the same. Cos' I just read Lynn's latest email on the HealthyTimes. Seem like wealthy parents in china are getting large shipments of organic food due to the milk scare, so I forsee a shortage soon.. and price increase. Let me know if you want other organic food from amazon. I ship in for you too.
Note : Expiry date of the cereal is June 2009.. est. 1 can is 20 tblspoon.

1. HappyBellies Brown Rices 7oz( $9.60 each ) - jgal
- Amy x 1
- Puffish x 2
- Angel x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Chewy x 1
- choc-tge25 x 4
- scubababe x 2
- ynby80 x 1
- na_na x 1
- taurus2008 x 2
- sputnik x 1
- iijo x 1

2. HappyBellies Oatmeal 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- littleprincesses x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1
- cheesycake x 1
- princess-j x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Chewy x 1
- Porkie x 1
- Puffish x 1
- choc -tge25 x1
- scubababe x 1
- na_na x 1
- sputnik x 1
- Esther x 1

3. HappyBellies Multigrain 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- littleprincesses x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1]
- cheesycake x 1
- princess-j x 1
- cass_078 x 1
- Chewy x 1
- Puffish x 1
- Esther x 1
agreed ur maid take very nice pic of Constance, really studio std
Constance looks very sweet.

ur gal eyes oso big and she is a sweety with the little flower headband.

Thanks, Eshin better not electrify 2 much gals if nt me will b buz next time hahaha
little kee kee looks like a supermodel, know how to pose lor.. hehe.. :p

the photos so cute.. isit a software or a website to edit these??
mummies, HT is FINALLY delivered! Pls arrange for collection

jgal - pass you when i collect the CB and First Teeth from you?
goodbb -
jo -
amy - i will 'deliver' to you heehee
angel -
raynsky - pass it to you when i meet you?
maro - babyling -
lynn85 - 10 Oct at Sembawang MRT
babyliss -
JuniorRain, thanks for the compliment! =))
Actually, i think irl, my gal's eyes very small(inherited from mama's & papa's single-lid eyes). Dunnoe why in foto always seem bigger, anyway it's a good thing.. hehe..

I now let my gal takes hb br cereal once every night cos she started to get interested in what i'm eating. (She will stare at my food from bowl to my mouth!) But eversince, her milk intake seems to drop!! =(

Brown rice vs Oatmeal vs Multigrain

Just to share what I read from books.. brown rice is quite safe to introduce as a first food for baby because it is less likely to trigger an allergy. Oatmeal is pretty safe too. However, it's not advisable to introduce multigrain so soon. The HB label says 6 months onwards IIRC. My super bb food book says it's ok to mix grains from 7th months onwards.

The book also mentioned that it is OK to start cooking porridge from 6 mths onwards. Just blend the grains before adding into the pot to cook. If you want to let baby eat brown rice and oatmeal on the same day, probably can split them into 2 meals.
HT cereals new packaging.. pretty sneaky, i was expecting a smaller box. but no, the box looks like the same size, only with 'new' lower weight!

btw it doesn;t come with a plastic wrap anymore. dun see HT jars/cookies in supermarkets. anyone knows it's selling? need to buy when bb finishes what i bought..
just tried giving my girl HB brown rice again. at home this time, she's ok and finished what i prepared, but everytime she eats this at my mum's place she complains and won't finish!

dunno if it's because she's distracted by too many people watching her eat? actually i noticed she eats the fastest when i feed her alone, with hubby a bit slower and a bit more pattern. at my mum's is worst with my mum and sometimes dad too watching and goo-goo-ga-ing over her. hmmm...
i'm only giving half a tablespoon (using measureing spoon) of dry cereal. seems like a lot when mixed with water leh. so envious of the babies who can finish so many tablespoons of dry cereal in one feed! 4 tablesppons must be almost like a small porridge bowl already..
maro, north can either pick up at sembawang mrt or woodlands/yishun (pre-arranged) cos i often go woodlands and yishun
*Yawn* finally scan thru all the 1 week+ postings.. Din login quite awhile... XD

<font color="aa00aa">Jgal - Sorry dear, will pay u when i collect the stuff. Will sms u ok. Muak muak.. :)</font>

<font color="ff0000">Wow..so many handsome and pretty babies here...</font>

<font color="0000ff">HT cereals - just brought some at PS carrefour.</font>

<font color="119911">Kea - I'm using heniz rice cereal, my boy dun like it. Mixed with other cereals + FM, he can accept.</font>

RE: Si Sen Brown Rice
My boy likes it. Will cook and mix with FM.

Since he dun like drink milk, so every cereal feeding will mixed with FM. XD

RE: Porridge
Got this multi function rice cooker, can time and slow cook porridge for 3hrs. Morning prepare, lunch can eat liao.

Now my boy very cranky due to teething. =.='' Keep crying, ppl dunno think i beat him. Ha..ha..
3 days after clearing my blocked ducts... it's back! exact same position

very scared now.. last 3 pumps yesterday cannot clear the blockage, think maybe later gotto go TMC again. really feel like giving up bf-ing. if only my girl can drink like normal and won't waste so much milk i can give her FM liao. if not i'll be pouring $$ down the sink everyday.
have u recieve the "Enfa" milk powder that are suppose to be sent to us by parkway health group?

till date have not recieve any single call from the vendor who is suppose to sent to my place...
Last call for Spree items ( order will be close made by 6pm)

1. HappyBellies Brown Rices 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Puffish x 2
- Angel x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Chewy x 1
- choc-tge25 x 4
- scubababe x 2
- ynby80 x 1
- na_na x 1
- taurus2008 x 2
- iijo x 1
Total : 18 cans

2. HappyBellies Oatmeal 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- littleprincesses x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1
- cheesycake x 1
- princess-j x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Chewy x 1
- Porkie x 1
- Puffish x 1
- choc -tge25 x1
- scubababe x 1
- na_na x 1
- Esther x 1
Total : 16 cans

3. HappyBellies Multigrain 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- littleprincesses x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1]
- cheesycake x 1
- princess-j x 1
- cass_078 x 1
- Chewy x 1
- Puffish x 1
- Esther x 1
Total : 11 cans

By Jgal
Order for Desitin Diaper Cream (Creamy) from drugstore$ MOQ : 20 $9.50
1. Jgal x 2
2. Calamari x 2
Total : 4 tubes

Order for First Teeth Toothpaste from drugstore. @$7.50. MOQ : 20
1. JuniorRain x3(blue) &amp; x3(pink)
2. scubababe x 2
3. Lynn_ (pink)
4. jules mum x2 blue
5. cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
6. ynby80 2 x blue 2 x pink (as spoken, pls ignore the order earlier)
7. Maro (blue)
8. linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
9. Jolenebeh 2xpink
10. Puffiet blue x 2
11. Cass_078 blue x 2
12. Javier's_mum X 2 Blue

Total : 32 Tubes
Angel : i went back and tried to figure out why we only paid <$150 for the ergo.. And I realise I was using the rate $1.4 then.

If you really want me to ship in for you, I can shld be able to ship for $10-15. Because I can lump it with the cereals.
Last call for Spree items ( order will be close made by 6pm)

1. HappyBellies Brown Rices 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Puffish x 2
- Angel x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Chewy x 1
- choc-tge25 x 4
- scubababe x 2
- ynby80 x 1
- na_na x 1
- taurus2008 x 2
- sputnik x 1
- iijo x 1
Total : 19 cans

2. HappyBellies Oatmeal 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- littleprincesses x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1
- cheesycake x 1
- princess-j x 1
- Cass_078 x 1
- Jolenebeh x 1
- Chewy x 1
- Porkie x 1
- Puffish x 1
- choc -tge25 x1
- scubababe x 1
- na_na x 1
- sputnik x 1
- Esther x 1
Total : 17 cans

3. HappyBellies Multigrain 7oz( $9.60 each )
- Amy x 1
- Xuanxuan mummy(lynn85) x 1
- littleprincesses x 1
- cyl_16 x 1
- ynby80 x 1]
- cheesycake x 1
- princess-j x 1
- cass_078 x 1
- Chewy x 1
- Puffish x 1
- Esther x 1
Total : 11 cans

By Jgal
Order for Desitin Diaper Cream (Creamy) from drugstore$ MOQ : 20 $9.50
1. Jgal x 2
2. Calamari x 2
3.Javier's_mum X 2
Total : 6 tubes

Order for First Teeth Toothpaste from drugstore. @$7.50. MOQ : 20
1. JuniorRain x3(blue) &amp; x3(pink)
2. scubababe x 2
3. Lynn_ (pink)
4. jules mum x2 blue
5. cyl_16 X 4 (blue)
6. ynby80 2 x blue 2 x pink (as spoken, pls ignore the order earlier)
7. Maro (blue)
8. linah29 (2xblue + 2xpink)
9. Jolenebeh 2xpink
10. Puffiet blue x 2
11. Cass_078 blue x 2
12. Javier's_mum X 2 Blue

Total : 32 Tubes
for those letting bb eat Healthy Times Brown rice &amp; oatmeal, how long does a box last? heard the new weight is 170g now instead of 227g shown in their website? is organic food, so will expire v fast? and price also increase?
Hi Mummies...

I collected the nestle goodies bag from changi business south already....
The contents:
01 tin 400g Nan pro 2 probotics
01 sachet 25g brown rice
01 sachet 25g oats with prunes
01 sachet rice &amp; chicken
01 milk/powder dispenser
All packed nicely in a blue nestle box.
hey Gail
ur pic of Noah is wacky! can share the website?

ur lil princess looks like she is exploring something under the towel
sweet babe!
hi jgal,

Nice meeting you yesterday and thanks for helping to order all the items. Your constance is really cute... so gentle and cheerful :)
Happy bellies brown rice...

hi mummies

can i know usually how many tlbspoon u feed ur bb with? do u add with water/ milk? if add milk, then how many spoons of FM u add into the cereal?

pls advice
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies</font>
no la, still jie jie la

do u mind if i request lynn to pass my HT cereals to you cos Sembawang/ Yishun is really out of the way for me.. i'll collect together with the first teeth toothpaste. Thanks a million.

thanks for organising the spree. woodlands/ yishun seldom goes, me staying at SK..

if jgal is ok, then pls pass mine to her can.. cheers :p

I tried the sasame oil method on Julian. It works! He poo soon after rubbing the oil. Thanks.

All the babies getting cuter. Love all the gals. So pretty.
Makes me wanna try for no. 2. Haha. If hubby sees this post he is going to faint. Haha.

thanks for all your well wishes. Am back at work but super drowsy coz of the medication ha.

chewy &amp; jnrain: oh no elliot is sick! Sorry i feel so bad, jio ual to go but in the end i cannot go and little elliot is sick.

haahha so funny little constance calling us jie jies ha..... i like the pic of constance too, very pretty and photogenic
haiz i miss all the little gals like how calamari miss the little boys too!

cloudme: i received the enfa sample from parkway already, think it took abt 3 weeks. Its a 900gm can that comes in a nice bag.

By the way, any mummies on NAN? I may get some offers so if anyone wanna share with me can let me know. only limited to april mummies or else i will get super confused
PM me for more info
