(2008/04) April 2008

Maddy's Mum

why don't you consult the PD again on this reflux problem that Maddy has? I'm concerned about her frequent vomitting

Maddy's mum: Hi, I hear my sis-in-law talk abt her nephew on her side having this problem as well. What you can do is after feeding, keep baby upright for 5-10 mins, even after she has burped. I think the PD also prescribed some sort of medication.
Maddy's Mum,

Yes, please see your PD as the frequent vomiting is a very worrying sign, even if Maddy looks alright otherwise.

It may have nothing to do with keeping baby upright but I agree with Maomi that you should try to hold Maddy up for as long as possible.

Try everything
Hi mummies, I'm looking to buy the Medela Pump in Style Advanced (backpack or whatever bag doesn't matter) in good working condition. Prefer to have short warranty coverage but if dun have still ok.

Pls PM or sms me condition, selling price and warranty as I need ir urgently. Will self-collect.

Pls sms 97903961 or email [email protected]
HI Maddy's Mum,

Julian has reflux. I think I mentioned to you when we were at little princesses house. I was complaining that Julian is so small size.

For Julian's case, he was difficult to feed and was always arching his back when feeding. He regurgitate alot too. We saw a few PD since he was 1 month and many just told me nothing wrong with him and his intake of milk is low because he just don't wanna drink. I was not convinced. I saw another PD near my place and he diagnose reflux. Julian might have inherited reflux from my husband. He referred us to a pd who specialised in Gastroentologist as he tried treating Julian but the condition didn't improve.

Julian was given medication, Zantac and motilium and was told to do the followings. I was told to give him small feeds more frequently then 1 big feed, hold him upright after drinking milk, if maddy is able to sit, you can let her sit too. Julian was too young to sit then. So, we had to carry him. Also, we were told to let him sleep elevated. Put a pillow or wedge under her mattress. If this is not possible, let her sleep on her side. We were told to change milk too. To either milk meant for reflux which is thicker, or soy milk. We gave him soy milk as he has ezcema. His condition improved. He just weaned off his medication last week.

I suggest you consult PD too. In the mean time, try the above.
Had a long day of meetings today and didn't have time to read the archive till now.

Jgal, I like the pic of Constance peeping through the towel - very arty! What a nice and rare shot. As for the Ergo, the colour I like (black with cranberry is OOS leh, dunno when it'll restock).

Scubababe, hope you'll recover fully quickly

Jules' Mum, PD says Dana has slight eczema round her neck and cheek and suggests we try soy milk. What brand is Julian drinking?

Btw, i've also collected my Nan2 sample from Mothercare this evening. Mummies who haven't done so can sign up with nestlebaby.com.sg.
hi angel,

Julian's drinking isomil.

Did you try the California Calendula Cream on Dana? Julian's ezcema was bad. It was all over his body, face and arms. He used to cry when taking shower cos it's painful. He's quite poor thing... Inherited all the bad things from me and my husband. My husband's reflux and my ezcema. Julian was referred to a dermatologist as well. The dermatologist insist i apply steroid on his face which I wasn't keen cos it will thin the skin. I tried California Baby's calendula cream and it works.
got yr book order.. :p

<font color="aa00aa">paging for cloudme</font>
i'm finalising the ec boks orders with the supplier, send me yr book list at the soonest. cheers
I use either hip carry or kangaroo style when i use pouch for my ger. Now must learn the hip carry using pikkolo carrier. Where do u intend to get 1?
Araid, Maro, Angel, Lil Princess, Maomi, and Diva

Thanks for your concern and advise. I will wait and see first. Will start to take note of the pattern. So far, I feed her EBM although she can't finish at one go she hasn't puke. So we'll wait for a few more days to see how.

Araid, yes, I do remember talking to you about this. Perhaps I also should try enfalac, But she was on similac before when she was much younger then everything was ok? Although then she also vomit occasionally if were not burp properly.

I also notice that these things happen after she roll around and being active. So now I am holding her straight for a while after a meal.
How's Jules now?
Jules' mum:

My boy Sean also has pretty bad ezcema, which he scratches a lot til it bleeds sometimes, esp his calves and behind the knees. PD prescribed steroid cream which I have been using on him, it works, the ezcema goes off, and then comes back after we stop. In the end, we seem to be relying on the cream. We do use alot of moisturiser too.

Poor boy also seems to have amazingly hard nails and alot of strength, such dat he can scratch himself til he gets bleeding streaks on the scalp, face, everywhere! Coming 6 mths and he still wears mittens to bed. We cut his nails regularly.

Qn: where can I get the california cream?

To all mummies, anyone knows what I can do to prevent all these, besides cutting nails and mittens? Any recommendations for moisturisers etc?
Dear mummies,

I just open 1 HT barley cereal which i brought at Tiong Bahru. Got shock as something crawling. Inside got a few insects. Dunno wat it is. Quickly seal back. Tml will go down NTUC to question them. Pls be check ur cereal b4 feeding ur baby.
things from NTUC got no quality one. got buy chips b4 which is not crispy and once bought apple which cost a few bucks for 2 apples. thought tat it is good but when bring home and cut open, the inside is brown one. then end up need to bring back to toa payoh's NTUC to change cos i am very angry as it is NTUC. Still remember tat i was few mths pregnant. conclusion-always check when u buy things regardless which supermarket.

a bit loh shou.
maomi- sorry busy at work.. you can join us next time. most probably want to orgainise once every bi-weekly if possible.

want to get the little ones used to have bb and adult..

mummies- please remember to come.. i prepare the food and yvonne its ok i can get drinks. just come will do.
Hi All

Update on the california baby spree (exclude calendula cream from ima)

The following items are oos and are not delivered to me.
- Bug repellent lotion

(Ima's price : $20.55 Little Dreamers's price : S$28)
<font color="aa00aa">Our price is $16</font>
4.littleprincesses x 2

(Ima's price : $20 Little Dreamers's price : S$28)
<font color="aa00aa">Our price is $16</font>
2.Jule' mum
5. Lynn_
6. XiaoZhu
7. Javier's_mum

(Ima's price : $16.75 Little Dreamers's price : S$25 )
<font color="aa00aa">Our price is $14.50</font>
1.Lynn_ x 4
2.cass_078 x2

(Ima's price : $17.05 Little Dreamers's price : S$22.90 )
<font color="aa00aa">Our price is $14.50</font>
1. calamari x 2
2. lynn85 x 2
3. bebe11
4. mifi x 3
5.littleprincesses x 1
6. Javier's_mum

-----------the above mummies please pay your balance to DBS 001-1-053838 --- and arrange for collection
Hi Serene123

Thank you for organising the meet up.

Do we meet up at the club house or ????

i have an appt at 4.30pm so i will not be staying for long.
Hi babes,
THanks for sending your regards to Elliot, he's better today. But no vaccination as PD said only when Elliot recovers a wk later then he is ok to go for his jab. He had to have his urine tested though as PD suspected urinary tract infected. Initial test passed! But still need to wait for the urine culture test next week. So far he's ok, Was afraid Elliot not drinking well but heng, he puts on alittle, weighing 8.5kg now.

Scubababe: Aiyo.. no worries! Miss u &amp; Byron, &amp; daddy Byron too. HOpe u &amp; HB ok now. The weather was bad that day and guessed we stayed too long hence Elliot caught some virus there. But it's good to train his immune system... I guess

Diva, Jgal: THink there's misunderstanding on Elliot getting sick. Jgal thanks for ur concern, it's not coz we waited long :p
maddy's mum: Hope Maddy's better. She still not drinking well ah.. Hmmm yeah shld check with PD or even seek 2nd opinion. Like Elliot our usual PD not ard, so went to another. TUrned out quite different diagnose. Wish maddy speedy recovery *hugs*
<font color="0077aa">xiaozhu, serious!! i haven open mine wor.. duhz.. so scary!!

wow all the dudes &amp; babes so handsome &amp; pretty..make me oso wanna share.. but i cant load up my boy pic lehz.. keep telling me to resize which i resize liaoz still cant upload
<font color="0077aa">serene123, actually would love to join but m working morning shift tml .. and ur gathering starting at 2.30 pm.. guess i gotta forgo this meeting session le.. would love to join if there's another session :D .. </font>
Finally make my boy sleep. Wonder how u guys make ur baby sleep? Sleep by it's own?

Just now really angry. 1 thing is baby keep crying, then hurry prepare the food, open up, got shocked by it. -_-'' It's looks like fruits fly. When open the plastic wrap, wonder how come powdery, then it indicate open the side seal. Peel up, got a black insect wanna fly out. Quickly look inside, wa..got a few insect crawling. Then faster seal it back.

The packaging is different from another HT multigrain which i brought in carrefour. Carrefour's, the box of cereal is cereal 'inside' a sealed plastic bag. Not like NTUC's, cereal inside the box and box just simply wrap with plastic. Wonder how come the HT cereal not in standard packaging...

<font color="0000ff">chewy hope ur boy get well soon</font>
yvonne : i think there is some essential oil ingredients that is useful to relieve flu/cold.

maro : no problem.. i can collect from lynn on your behalf.

lynn: please note abt maro ht order. Also.. your total is $74. .. could you offset with my remaining outstanding.. and transfer me the balances
Jgal - just now ur gal really well-behaved and cute, really envy. She can sit by herself on the mat. If my boy, he will cry like mad. =.=
California baby spree ( exclude cream)
Please pay the following :-

cass : $16 x2 +14.50 x 2 = $61
cutie88 : $16x2 = $32
littleprincesses : $16x2 + 14.50=$46.50
jule's mum : $16 = $16
lynn : $16+ 14.50 x 4=$74
xiaozhu : $16 =$16
javier's mum : $16+14.50=$30.50
lynn85 : $14.50 x 2=$29
bebe11 : $14.50=$14.50
mifi : $14.50 x3=$43.50
Jgal - U mean can collect the stuff? I'll pay u cash when i collect? Just now i pay u correctly right? Coz in hurry and u not in.
sad to read the following in Xin Ming Wan Bao

a baby being treated roughly by nanny and who may become blind will not be prosecuted by presecutor. If i am the parents, i will be real sad. Something should be done to this nanny. If not, will cases like this continue to happ as nanny, maid or caregiver will think tat bb can't talk so no one can say is the nanny that ill treat the baby.
xiaozhu.. yeah.. can collect liao. no problem.. i didnt know the cb pdt that come in today.. so didnt know yours are here liao. :|

amt correct lah..
Like a lot of mummies staying near Boon Keng

How about having a list?

1) Yvonne(ynby80) - near Bugis
2) Serene123 - near Boon Keng
3) cyl_16
Woke up by baby..haha..laptop still on.


Like a lot of mummies staying near Boon Keng

How about having a list?

1) Yvonne(ynby80) - near Bugis
2) Serene123 - near Boon Keng
3) cyl_16
4) maomi - moving to BK

Like a lot of mummies staying near Boon Keng

How about having a list?

1) Yvonne(ynby80) - near Bugis
2) Serene123 - near Boon Keng
3) cyl_16
4) maomi - moving to BK
5) Winter - near farer Park
6) Jasmine - moving to TPY
Maddy's Mummy:

Jus sharing my exp, Ernest showed a bit of reflux when he's younger, tt's y at 3 mths, still feed 2 hourly and the feed amt was 90ml each time. When he learnt how to flip, couldn't let him flip after feed, only like half an hour before his next feed, then like him have some tummy time.

This reflux thing ceases when I started HB BR, don't know if it is because of the probiotics or bcos he outgrow it.

N read tt maddy's problem started only after the medication, could it b unsuitability of the medication? Better monitor n c.
Winter, Ernest not bad already, Dana wakes us up at 5am every morning and demands for us to play with her! She's an early riser, how I miss my weekends where we can sleep in. hehe

XiaoZhu, the HT cereal should come in a sealed plastic packaging inside the box. Perhaps yours have been tampered with. Better return to NTUC and demand for refund. How can they sell things with insects inside and it's for bb's consumption? As for sleeping, we usually play with Dana till she's tired then put her in the cot, pat and sing to her, she'll trash around then fall asleep gradually. Initial stage was tough, she'll cry and demand to be carried but crying down is a way to teach them to fall asleep on their own (according to Gina Ford).

Have a good weekend Mummies and Babies
May all the bad virus go away...
Maddy's mum,

Julian is better now. Slow in drinking still but at least he is drinking and dun arch his back anymore. Julian's taking probiotics too. Like Winter, I dunno if it's because of the probiotics. My friend's kid had reflux and medicine didn't help. After taking probiotic, his reflux is better. Dunno if I xin li zhuo yong but Julian drinks more after taking probiotics. Hehe. Ya. After he learn how to flip, he regurgitate more so I don't allow him to be on his tummy for at least 30 min after milk. Worse is he sleeps on prone position so after night feeds, I'll have to force him to sleep on his side.


I was like sean when I was young. He is so poor thing. Did you file his nails after cutting? My parents found out that I can't use J&amp;J products. After taking allergy patch test, I found out I was allergic to lanolin products. So, I am very careful with what Julian and I use.

California can be found in some organic shops like Brown Rice Paradise in Tanglin Mall, Mums essential but they are rather pricy. At times, there are bulk buying in the forum. You can look out for it.

Dr advise the followings.
Don't bathe in too hot water as hot water is drying to the skin.
Don't use soap base cleanser. You can try QV, Seba Med or centaphil. My son's using Seba Med.
Try to minimise bathing time and frequency. I usually give him a quick bath in the morning and wipe down at night.
Wear 100% cotton clothes
Keep him cool.
Keep moisturising him throughout the day.
If he scratch till bleed, no choice have to put steroids. After it heal, try to stop and keep moisturising. Hope this is useful.

Julian's ezcema improved after all the above plus the california baby. But at times if there are rashes on his body, I still put steroids la. Heal faster. But, never on the face. My aunt put steroids on her face unknowingly for 10 yrs and her skin is thin.

Hope sean's ezcema will improve. Doctor did mention that kids will outgrow it after 1 yr or 2.

As for moisturiser, I've been using California Baby Calendula cream on him. I'm going to try the lotion for sensitive skin as it's cheaper. Hope it works as well.
Xiao Zhu,

For Julian, we realised he cannot be put on the bed when he is too tired and cranky. We do set a routine for him. Usually we will clean him up, change pj, turn off the lights, turn on some soothing music and put him on his cot or my bed. When he was younger, he could fall asleep on his own. But now that he can flip, he will turn and wanna play. So, we will hold him down till he sleep. He did fuss at the beginning but he got used to it after awhile. He's got this funny pattern now. He don't usually like to be rocked. He only wants to be rocked in the afternoon and in standing position. He hates to be cradled. At night, he needs a flat surface or his carseat. I dunno if it's good or not. Haha.
A good Saturday to all!

Great to hear that all went well at the PD and that Elliot is gaining weight!
Love his huge eyes, my lil Korean boy has teeny ones

Dana is such a cutie pie, a truly beautiful girl

I looked at her pictures on Facebook, lovely!

All the HT cereal I've ever bought comes with plastic packaging on the outside, none inside the box. I just need to peel off the side seal and pour the cereal directly out into a container.
This is the case for HT whether I buy them here or in KL.

This may not be a problem with NTUC but with HT themselves since I would assume that all supermarkets receive the HT shipment and put it directly on their shelves.
Either way, go back with a complaint and you'll definitely get a refund.
But I do suggest you make a complaint to HT as well, they should know that they're selling cereal with worms and flies in it.

We used to put Ethan in the sarong and let him rock till he falls asleep, that used to be what he wanted and the only thing that worked.
However over the last week, he's been rejecting the sarong and instead wants to be put down in his crib to sleep on his own.
We sometimes stand there and pat him till he's asleep, then we'll flip him and creep away.. hehe

There was one rainy afternoon when Ethan was un-pacifiable, so hubby carried him while I held the umbrella and walked through our estate.. well it worked! I guess the rhythm of the raindrops helped

All I can say is that what works one week, may not work the next.
So try everything, tiring but you'll find the answer eventually. Or at least they'll fall asleep while you try! :p

i jus open my HT Brown rice cereal...is packed in a seal plastic bag inside......the brown rice cereal is white flaky in color before mixing with FM?
