(2008/04) April 2008

Exchange rate : US$1 to S$1.48 (organised by Winter)
Please transfer the amount to POSB Savings 102-18206-5. I will order by Saturday.

Shipping amount will be calculated once the items arrive.

7Oz Twin Pack Avent Magix Cup (US$6.36 / S$9.42)
1) Winter
2) Maro
3) gervynne
4) Serene123
5) Choc - tge25

9Oz Twin Pack Avent Magix Cup (US6.80 / S$10.10)
1) Yvonne (ref: 1912188874 02/10/08 10.16am $10.10)Little india mrt
2) Vonn

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (some sat or sun)

hi Winter

i had just transfer you ref: 1912188874 02/10/08 10.16am $10.10. Please check.

Can advise how much will the freight charges be???

Thank you
*faint* =Kayla's fav toy is her bolster hahahaha!

Btw, I started her on the training cup (Bfree brand) yesterday. She just bite and bite the spout haha! Dunno how to drink yet!
Hi Yvonne, the domestic ones (within US) are free, and the international ones will be divided among the purchases. If u want me to estimate, my guess is should not exceed US$4 per person, given that we have 7 now and provided Baby Centre do not pack in extra big box.

Thank you for the info.

Anyone went for the CK Tang sale yesterday??? Alot of babies items having 20% + 10 % + 12% rebate. I went abit late. Lucky tat i still manage to grab something.
has voted for ur boy.

Sherin & Angel
ur ger ger looks so sweetie pie.
Re: Feeding soldies
Someone asked about how to handle fruits/veggies for purees, what needs to be cooked etc.

Can try getting this book.


It's a life saver for me, as I plan to home-cook for Jayden but have no idea how to start at all

This book has step by step guide on how to prepare different kinds of purees and teaches you what foods to introduce at different age, up to 12 months. Alot of my questions are answered. Even comes with suggested daily menus.
Hi Mummies,

What are the signs that a teething baby has? Maddy has been sick since last Saturday and not getting any better. Although the fever is gone. She got phlegm, coughing and runny nose. And same for me too. I feel very bad, don't know what to do as she refuse her medicine.

Does teething baby also have flu alike sign?
did your pedi says what could be causing her phlegm, cough & running nose? Coz these could also be symptoms of allergies. Did you feed anything new?
maddysmum: have you brought Maddy to the PD yet? Kayla has 2 teeth oredi, so far no signs of falling ill (touch wood)...except appetite has been erratic. Hope Maddy will get well soon..
Maddy's mom, flu is certainly not a sign of teething. I've checked that with my PD.
Summer has two teeth and looks like the top ones are coming out now. She also has no signs of sickness. Just alittle more cranky at night.
I think it's best to bring her to the PD first.
and also best to keep from away from animal fur or any wool-type materials. My nephew got flu symptoms often when he was young, it always took very long to go away after medicine, later my sis realised it was caused by our pet's fur.
Sherin, Calamari, Earth Baby,

Thanks... I saw a lil dot in her gum, I might mistaken her as teething or may be she is?
I think she got her flu from me, brought her to see PD already Sunday night. I guess recovering just take longer as she refuse her meds.

About food... hmmm the only thing that I feed her differently is Heinz apple puree and Similac stage one coz BM supply drop already. But she was on similac as well on her first 2 weeks, so I doubt that it is allergic reaction. She is very fussy with drinking as well. And not to mention constant drooling.

I hope flu bug will leave our family soon....
Calamari - don cut kayla's hair or else u regret, tik u already trim her fringe and it looks neat now....hehe...can go photoshoot liao!
Hi Jgal;

Jgal's Spree Pre-order from Drugstore/Amazon/Bulk purchase
Please pays to 001-1-053838 DBS Savings.

Calendula cream 2 Oz. @$17.55
1. jgal X 3 (self)
2.cutie188 x 3 (Paid. Transfer 23 Sept. $280)
3. bebe11 x 3 (Paid 30 sep. Trans Ref 1908672817 $52.65)
4. mifi x 2 (Paid. Transfer 29 Sep.$35.10)
5. littleprincesses x 2 (29 sept- S$35.10 - ATM )
7. XiaoZhu
8. Javier's mum X 2
9. Maddysmum (Transaction Reference 1908325165 )
10. simp (Transaction Reference 1909346582)
11. princess-j IB ref: 1906260355 @ 29 Sep 2008 12:50 PM collect at redhill
12. na_na
13. cyl_16 X 3 (Trasferred $52.65 on 29/09)
14. jaspire
15. calamari x 3(transferred $52.65 on 29/9)
16. Cass_078 x 3
17. dolly23 (transferred $17.55 on 29/9)
18. Babybliss x5 (Transfered $70. Please top up $17.55)

HAPPYBELLIES brown rice @$9.60
1. Cutie x 3 (paid. Transfer on 23 Sept. $280 )
2. Koori x 2
3. Simp x 5 ((Transaction Reference 1909346582)
4. princess-j x 2(ib ref: 1906245827 on 29 Sep 2008 12:43 PM) collect at redhill
5. Porkie x 1
6. Cass_078 x 1
7. taurus2008 x 1 (redhill only)
8. choc tge25 x 2 (Transaction Reference 1906202989)
9. Yo x1
10. ynby80 x1 (Ref: 1906136632 29/09/08 11.53am $9.60)
11. Sherin x 2

----------Shipping undetermine --------------
CALIFORNIA BABY Bug repellent lotion
1. jgal
2. cutie188
3. starling
4. cyl_16

4.littleprincesses x 2

2.Jule' mum
5. Lynn_
6. XiaoZhu
7. Javier's_mum

1.Lynn_ x 4
2.cass_078 x2

1. Lynn_

1. calamari x 2
2. lynn85 x 2 (Ref: 1907078420)
3. bebe11
4. mifi x 3
5.littleprincesses x 1
6. Javier's_mum

1. lynn85 (Ref: 1907078420)
2. littleprincesses x 1
3. VON_TEH_SU_SU x 3

* Have transferred to your account thru' a friend but she forgotten to write down the reference. Her name is Michelle, let me know if you don't reference it....sorry for the inconvenience caused.
jasmine, no prob i will collect from u over e weekends. thanks!
i dont think jgal will conduct or can conduct a spree for GD items. They are really huge, heavy n bulky. Each time i need to change cards, i'll ask my hubby to lug the box out for me.
i got it from GDbaby.
U can refer to www.gdbaby.com.sg
Actually i suggest that u read up abit of Glenn doman's teaching method first before you commit as it requires lots of patience , perserverance and determination as it's carried out over a period of time and on a everyday basis.
Loads of mommies bought and realised they didnt have time to do it with their babies. So u can find second hand ones at WTS threads
Yes...really bulky. Somemore I doing Eng and Chinese ones now. I am postponing Maths as I am afraid it will be too overwhelming for Kayla.
any ideas to get nice bb clothes for boy.. want to bring my boy to the next photo shots.

JL hat for boys- anyone have it. can borrow me for the shots?
Hi Winter,

Pls remove me from the Avent Magic cups list.


Exchange rate : US$1 to S$1.48 (organised by Winter)
Please transfer the amount to POSB Savings 102-18206-5. I will order by Saturday.

Shipping amount will be calculated once the items arrive.

7Oz Twin Pack Avent Magix Cup (US$6.36 / S$9.42)
1) Winter
2) Maro
3) gervynne
4) Serene123
5) Choc - tge25

9Oz Twin Pack Avent Magix Cup (US6.80 / S$10.10)
1) Yvonne (ref: 1912188874 02/10/08 10.16am $10.10)Little india mrt

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (some sat or sun)
Thanks for the advise... shall preserve on and continue feeding her solids... I also dunno whats wrong... She just push it out when we put the spoon in...

Oooohh, all the baby photos r so nice... can't wait to bring zhiyan for studio shoots again...

I second Koori's comment... Dun cut Kayla's hair... Her hair is so nice, black and thick... Her curls r cute, should let her take pictures with them
selling a BRANDNEW Agnes B Bag ..LImited edition selling in Japan only... $200.... Star edition dumpling tote...let me know if interested.
hello mummies, any idea how much should a 6 month old baby weighs?

my baby hardly puts on any weight for his 6 months checkup. which FM would be able to help him gain weight easily? Also, if i am feeding him brown rice cereal daily for lunch and dinner, how much should i give?

any advice would be appreciateD!
anyone want to change one 7oz with me? let me know.

Exchange rate : US$1 to S$1.48 (organised by Winter)
Please transfer the amount to POSB Savings 102-18206-5. I will order by Saturday.

Shipping amount will be calculated once the items arrive.

7Oz Twin Pack Avent Magix Cup (US$6.36 / S$9.42)
1) Winter
2) Maro
3) gervynne
4) Choc - tge25

9Oz Twin Pack Avent Magix Cup (US6.80 / S$10.10)
1) Yvonne (ref: 1912188874 02/10/08 10.16am $10.10)Little india mrt
2) Serene123

Collection Places:
1) Bukit Panjang Plaza(weekdays evenings)
2) Little India MRT (Sat)
3) Bouna Vista MRT (Sat)
4) Hougang MRT (Sun)
5) Plaza Sing (some sat or sun)

Sorry about msn today.. had internet trouble and then got busy with MIL.

I think I can collect the Avent cups from Winter as the collection points are relatively close to me.
Do you want me to put my name down instead? Or put your name down but I collect?

Let's confirm this when we chat
<font color="aa00aa">Morning, Mummies</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Paging for Diva!!

Can sms/ pm me your home address, msg u yday but u no reply.. Would like to go your place at noon to take the cereals, thanks

went to the robinsons warehouse sale yday, cant find any thermal cooker there.
not much good buy for baby stuffs except plenty of strollers, playpens and high chair (Chicco) selections.
Maro, good morning. Yes, I'll be buying the bibs too! How about we consolidate the orders and order under 1 person's name so as to enjoy the bulk discount? 10 for $30 (each piece only 3 dollars!)

<font color="0000ff">Christmas Bibs Order:</font>
1. Angel - 3 pieces (C19, C21A, C32B)
2. Maro - ? pieces
3. any other mummies keen?
oh.. me just post but can retract.. right?
I'm ordering 3 only.. but can buy 5, no problem..

Christmas Bibs Order:
1. Angel - 5 pieces
2. Maro - 5 pieces

