(2008/04) April 2008

sherin: When was Summer's neck steady already? Kayla is still like a 'bu dao weng'! haha! I dunno when I should put her in her bumbo although I did try it with support in her 8th week.
SHerin, ur biz always very gd hahahaha! Oh mine are all board bks. cannot get paperbks man, my son already drooling ALL over..I wanna keep these bks for my 2nd one... hahahaha

I want these board books! Who can combine with me? Can I tombang Chewy/Amy/Angel?

1· Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see
2· Grouchy Ladybug, The
3· Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?
4· Papa, please get the moon for me
5· Mixed-Up Chameleon, The
6· My Very First Book of Shapes
7· My Very First Book of Colours

Other titles that we're keen to buy but they're not in the list. Can you try asking supplier if they can bring in?
· The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Hi Jgal & JuniorRain
Thanks for the tips. I'll try to bottle feed my gal when she's real hungry by adding in fresh EBM...no choice, hard pain also have to do it within the next week before handing her over to caregiver.
Hi Sherin,

I am interested to get the following books in paperback:

1· Do you want to be my Friend?

2· From Head to Toe

3· Have you seen my Cat?

4· House for Hermit Crab, A

5· Rooster’s off to see the World

6· Secret Birthday Message, The

7· Walter the Baker

Order for Batch 2 had been placed.

<font color="0000ff">Prawnie, Jo &amp; Kea</font>
<font color="ff0000">The following items are <u>OOS</u>.</font>
Prawnie - Women's Twill Cuffed Shorts (Bright White)
Jo (Princess_J) - Women's Twill Cuffed Shorts (Black)
Kea - Women's Twill Cuffed Shorts (Black)
Calamari - Denim Tie-Belt Minis for Baby &amp; Piped Skorts for Baby (Aqua Splash)

<font color="119911">Prawnie &amp; Jo &amp; Calamari:</font> The excess amount that had been transferred will be refunded to you when I had calculated the shipping charges.

<font color="119911">Kea:</font> Can you pm me your account number so that I can refund you your order?

<font color="0000ff">vonvon (von_teh_su_su) &amp; Scubababe</font>
<font color="ff0000"><u>Item Price Revision</u></font>
von - Women's Mid-Rise Twill Bermudas (12") from US$11.25 to US$15
Scubababe - Women's Low-Rise Pleated Denim Shorts (3 1/2") from US$9.99 to US$7.19

<font color="119911">Von &amp; Scubababe:</font> I will take the price revision into account when calculating the shipping charges.
Hi Sherin

good morning. I'll want 10 titles of the boardbooks, listed only 8 as the rest still pending your check with supplier if they can include them in for the same price. Do let us know ya? Yes, am a book worm myself. Hubby and I can spend hours inside Borders/Kino etc. Thanks! Bringing bb for her jab now...
Hi Sherin,

Here's my list of titles for the BOARD BOOKS:
1. Little Cloud
2. Have you seen my cat?
3. My Very First Book of Colours
4. My Very First Book of Numbers
5. My Very First Book of Shapes
6. My Very First Book of Sounds
7. My Very First Book of Words
8. Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?
9. Papa Please Get The Moon For Me
10. Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

Thanks for organising.
Dear mummies, I will note down all your orders and forward to the supplier and see what's the best offer they can give. But tentatively, it would be $105 per set of board books and $85 per set of paperback.
For those mummies who didnt make up a set of ten i will try to group you together so as to enjoy the discount.
Anymore coming in?
Hope to close this by monday? Then can consolidate and order and wait for our books to come !!! yay!!!
I see an interest in boardbooks. In replying to the question, is it different only in e cover. No. Every page is different.
Need to bring little summer for vacin now. Will post e pics later, ok?

Im still waiting for the supplier's reply on the other titles which were requested. Will update accordingly.

Calamari, cant remb when was she stable le. But i put her in her bumbo when she was like 8 weeks old? Now she dont really like her bumbo that much already, prob because her thighs will feel quite tight sitting in there.
<font size="+1">tsukushi</font>
<font color="119911">arh.. i think will spend the $ on Eric Carle’s books set org. by Sherin, thanks for ya lobang

<font size="+1">Sherin</font>
<font color="119911">wow goodies goodies again
here's my pick for board books for the time being

1) Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
2) Have you seen my cat?
3) The Mixed-Up Chameleon
4) My Very First Book of Animal homes
5) My Very First Book of Sounds
6) My Very First Book of Words
7) A House for Hermit Crab
8) Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
9) Little cloud
10) Panda bear, panda bear, what do you see?
11) Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?
12) Today is Monday

anyone keen to combine with me for the next 5 paperback books?

13) Pancakes, Pancakes!
14) The Tiny Seed
15) Rooster’s off to see the World
16) Do you want to be my Friend?
17) From Head to Toe

Other titles that Im keen, pls help to chk the availability:-

* 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo, 1968
* The Very Hungry Caterpillar, 1969
* The Very Busy Spider, 1984
* All in a Day, 1986
* The Lamb and the Butterfly, 1988 Ages 3-5
* Animals Animals, 1989
* The Very Quiet Cricket, 1990 Ages 3-6
* Draw Me a Star, 1992 Ages 4-up
* The Very Lonely Firefly, 1995
* The Very Clumsy Click Beetle, 1999
* Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?, 2000
* Where Are You Going? To See My Friend!, 2003
* 10 Little Rubber Ducks, 2005
* Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?, 2007

Hi all

been so bz with little jay and work that i seldom come online. Saw many cute cute bb photos here.

Xiang you are buying from VS. can I join? Pls sms me ya. Thanks.
Hi Sherin

I am also interested in the board books. Can you help me to tompang with others. Pls sms me the amount to pay you in case I missed the postings.

1) Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?
2) Today is Monday
3) My Very First Book of Words
4) Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
5) Have you seen my cat?
6) Do you want to be my Friend?
7) From Head to Toe

Many thanks for the trouble.
Can order other stuff from drugstore besides the first teeth tooth paste? Think i want to order destin creamy liao n also the sunscreen babybliss recommend.
My second weekend at home with baby after she started to go to nanny's place. Hmm, she overcomed her dislike for bathing liao and also picked up the pacifier. Dunno is it a good thing or not coz its definately easier to break a pacifier habit than a finger sucking habit. But it feels so wierd that last time she only 1 2 suck on my breast but now she wants to suck on a pacifier... Feel kinda less impt to her now

Hi, I placed the cream order with you, from the Oct MTB thread.

Just to check, any news on the arrival? Can you email me at [email protected] 'cos I seldom come to this thread so am not sure if you posted update. Thanks!

Of Cos. Can order other stuff from Drugstore, I will also plan to buy the sunscreen that Babybliss recommend.

Let me know what are the items you want.
thanks Amy... he is abt 14 weeks old next week. Cries alot... I am glad that i din fall into depression.

Amy, dont think that way. Baby is highly adaptable to new environment. When she is at Nanny's place, she can't latch on so have to find ways to comfort herself. but ultimately, there is always this motherly bond with baby. Mothers are always the most important person to babies.
Hi Sherin,

i'm also interested in getting 1 set of paperback as follows:

- Do you want to be my Friend?
- From Head to Toe
- Grouchy Ladybug, The
- House for Hermit Crab, A
- Mixed-Up Chameleon, The
- Rooster’s off to see the World
- Secret Birthday Message, The
- Tiny Seed, The
- Walter the Baker
- Pancakes, Pancakes

I'm also very interested in The Very Hungry Caterpilla, The Very Busy Spider, Dream Snow either in paperback or in boardbooks..

Thanks for the lobang!!
sherin, me want the books! when must i confirm the titles with you?

any idea how much they're selling in the stores here? was thinking of ordering from amazon, but since you have lobang then can order from you!
Hi Xiang

I will like to place order for First teeth toothpaste. Goodness, i saw them at cold storage and they are going at $23. I tot i saw the wrong item. the prices are a lot of diff.
Lynn, i think i posted a webby of www.wonderbox.com.sg. Each book is about $13.90. More ex from borders n kino.
Amazon cheapest paperback is $5.99. So if you convert, it's already more ex than the paperback which i am organinsing for which is approximately $8.50 per book only. I hope to order by monday le. So gan cheong to get the books!
<font size="+1">hi Mummies</font>
<font color="119911">there's a BP for BECO Butterfly Carrier gg on, will be ending in 10th Jul

any west area mommy or any other mummies who dun mind to travel?
I chanced upon Baby Jumper Gym @ HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Clubhouse
http://www.bjg.com.sg/programs.htm $37 per trial lesson for 1hr, only on wkends, max. 7 kiddos with 1-2parents,

The activities for 5-14mos grp:
Music and Movements (with single words on flash cards)
Photographic Memory Enhancement
Eye Training / Sensory Play
Gym (Physical Intelligence)
General Knowledge
Chinese Words Recognition
Mathematics (Dots Card)
Encyclopedic Knowledge

anyone keen when our baby reach their min. age requirement?
hi sherin
I'm keen on the EC books! Here's my order for 11 board books

Eric Carle Board Books TITLES:

· My Very First Book of Animal homes
. My Very First Book of Colours
· My Very First Book of Numbers
· My Very First Book of Shapes
· My Very First Book of Sounds
· My Very First Book of Words
· Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see
· Today is Monday
. Papa, please get the moon for me
· Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?
· Little cloud

I may be interested in a set of paperback books too, but since there are so many requests for other titles, i'll wait to see if there are more titles upcoming before ordering. thanks so much for bringing us this deal, it's very kind of u
Xiang: I have yet to transfer you the payment. How about the other colour? If have then proceed ok? let me know the amount again.
babybliss - yea saw the BP on beco quite tempted to buy but the design i wan she say not coming in with her shipment.
Hi Sherin,

Here's my list of titles for the BOARD BOOKS:

1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
3. Have You Seen My Cat?
4. Do You Want to Be My Friend?
5. Dream Snow
6. The Mixed Up Chameleon
7. From Head To Toe
8. The Tiny Seed
9. Today is Monday
10. Hello, Red Fox

Thanks for organising.
Hi Sherin,

Here's my list of titles for the BOARD BOOKS:
1. Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see
2. House for Hermit Crab, A
3. Little cloud
4. Mixed-Up Chameleon, The
5. My Very First Book of Animal homes
6. My Very First Book of Colours
7. My Very First Book of Numbers
8. My Very First Book of Shapes
9. My Very First Book of Sounds
10. My Very First Book of Words
11. Secret Birthday Message, The
12. Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?

Other titles I'm keen in (BOARD BOOK):
13. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
14. The Very Busy Spider
15. The Very Lonely Firefly
16. From Head to Toe
17. The Very Clumsy Click Beetle
18. The Very Quiet Cricket
19. The Tiny Seed
20. The Mountain That Loved a Bird


Gosh, i think i'm more interested in buying the books for myself lol!

Really hope the supplier has all the titles i want. The last 2 titles I've listed are available in your paperback list. If they're not available in board book format then I'll get the paperback edition..
koori...u thinking of getting carrier again ah...tt time i ask u abt beco u said cannot buy anymore...ha ha ha...i like the carnival design but coz the carrier cannot carry face out wonder if bb will not like it when she is older
Hi Mummies,

sorry to interrupt but I'm letting got 2 BN packets of Pampers Baby Dry - S size coz my girl is wearing medium already..


you can PM me or email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Letting go at $9 per pack (retail price $11.65)

Pick up location at Seng Kang or Buangkok MRT station..

Thanks for your time..
hi sherin,

lobang again! hehe

here's my order, maybe can collect together with the blender

1• Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see
2• Grouchy Ladybug, The
3• Do you want to be my Friend?
4• Papa, please get the moon for me
5• Mixed-Up Chameleon, The
6•Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?
7• A House for Hermit Crab
8. Little cloud
9. Have you seen my cat?
10. Today is Monday
Hi Sherin,

Would like to order the EC books. My choice of titles are:

For Board Titles:
1. Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see
2. House for Hermit Crab, A
3. Little cloud
4. Mixed-Up Chameleon, The
5. My Very First Book of Animal homes
6. My Very First Book of Colours
7. My Very First Book of Numbers
8. My Very First Book of Shapes
9. My Very First Book of Sounds
10. My Very First Book of Words

Am also interested if you can get the Hungry Caterpillar in Boardbook.

How do u gals store/organise your frozen milkbags in the freezer? I put them in lock and lock containers and label the containers, but running out of containers and freezer getting very crowded cos of other food. Can share what you do, cos i dun want to get a separate freezer just for storage of EBM... not enuf to warrant that ;-)
sputnik: My situation is worse haha! I store mine in glass bottles which take up more space and have them in also my mom's and my aunties' house! LOL. I also have milkbags which I put in lock and lock containers. Maybe u can try storing some at your relatives or friends' place.
BF mummies, I have a question. Do you wear breast pads everyday? I don't really leak, and am thinking to do without breast pads. Very ex leh, everyday change 3 disposable pairs. Plus wearing breast pads, if wear tighter-fitting clothes looks crumpled at the boobs. :p

sputnik...my fridge also full liow....ha ha ha..thk we all facing the same prob :p thk i got abt 80-90bags in the fridge liow....no space for other things...jialat
