(2008/04) April 2008

Xiang - the wood seem slightly thicker than plywood. hehe.
For the size - mine seem taller a bit and less deep. Actual measurements will know on Sat.

I also quite like the ikea one but bit ex so i changed.

Actually i find ikea things quality not very good, and also need to fix up yourself, and sometimes it is not very well made, so can be difficult to fix nicely cos the holes not align.

Oh, thik there was a barang barang warehouse sale last weekend, some of their things are quite nice and quality shld be better than ikea. Maybe can look out for the next sale. I also bought some shelving from home merchant when they were having clearance sale, only abt $200+ and much nicer than ikea. And they will deliver and install for you.

actually some of Ikea things quality is good. You just have to source and it's more expensive than their standard furniture pieces.
Spuntik - yes barang barang got nice wood material stuff. I haven been shopping alot now, so just settle with neighbourhood shops to buy.
xiang...i got a similar drawer from vhive leh...but cant remember the exact px...quality is gd its 5drawers instead of 4

y dun u chk out vhive...

We checked out Vhive already. Dun like the chest of drawers from there. maybe it's the handles that puts us off..
oic...i'm not getting any drawers...waiting for hubby to clear out 1 row of his old wardrobe for bb's things


in my mum's plc will put bb things in my old wardrobe....coz no space liow
Xiang - actually one of the drawers also have not so nice handles, so we picked our existing one. Hope it doesnt put u off, its the normal type of grome curve ones.

Oh i see.. however, i do look forward to your picture. remember to snap it, ok?

It's kind of "painful" to buy furnitures nowadays as you have to consider so many safety issues for kids.

What I like abt Ikea's chest of drawers
- no handles (kids won't bump into them and have a "mark" on their face / body)
- it's wide and deep enough.

Actually, $269 for Ikea's chipwood is abit expensive. If I see a similar design - plywood and it's cheaper than $250, I would seriously consider.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Geryl,
2nd time more experience man... 1st time more gan chiong...

Hi koori,
yup do check

Hi Xiang,
Since I will be 100% go for latch on for my no2... so bb is going to sleep with me... even though my mother in law will be doing my confinement, still don know whether she will be staying over at night... haha my no1, I do it myself during the night...

Hi Zishumo,
me too was at kk, coz i though i don felt bb movement, scare myself out of it... even cry... my boy was so worried abt me... keep asking mummy why cry.... then today bb is so active... keep moving... i was gived a chart to fill in call the Ftal Movement, had more than 10 movement since more... not even 9 pm ... haha</font>
poshies - i din tabulate the movements, roughly estimate since morning till now already got 10 times. At night she will move more.
Hi Ladies,

Had a good weekend i hope
Everyone changing their nick to include their babies names
Shall we start a list with everyone's babies' name, msn add, Facebook or friendster account or babies blog?
Little dreamer collection :
25 Feb (Monday) 7 pm @ redhill mrt
1. Prawnie
2. Esther (+ Helen A)
3. Little Princess
4. Sherin
I think its a great idea! Then we can start to inform each other when someone pops..... like the Feb and Mar mummies.

Re: Ikea cabinets
I agree that its nice and deep, but i found the base of each drawers to be really filmsy, ie: its made of some thin cardboard like material. As such as you put more and more stuff in your drawers, the bottom will cave in and eventually fall apart, and you will have a lot of difficulty fixing it back as the board will already have the concave shape. If you know what i mean. This is what happen to my existing chest of drawers so I decided to get those cheap plastic kind of drawers for my baby stuff.
Okie i will do it...
please give me the info and i will create one...
what shall we put in?

our Nick/Username
our due date
our POP date
our babies' name,
sex of baby
msn add,
Facebook email account or friendster account
our babies blog (if have)

what else i missed out ... please let me know k...

from now u can start sending me the info...thanks
Okie...please give me the info and i will create one...what else shall we put in?

our Nick/Username
our due date
our POP date
our #1, #2 or #3
which hospital,
our babies' name,
sex of baby
msn add,
Facebook email account or friendster account
our babies blog (if have)

what else i missed out ... please let me know k...

from now u can start sending me the info...thanks
Nick/Username = Xiang
Due date = 16 Apr
POP date =
Child# = #1
Hospital = TMC
Baby's Sex = Boy
Baby's Name = Ethan (1st choice)
MSN = [email protected]
Facebook email account or friendster account = same as msn
our babies blog (if have)

Nick/Username = Jgal / ConnieMum
Due date = 2 Apr
POP date = 2 Apr (natural/normal)
Child# = #1
Hospital = Mt A
Baby's Sex = Gal
Baby's Name = Constance
Baby's Chinese name = 曾雋琦 Zeng Juan4 Qi1
MSN = [email protected]
Nick/Username = Simp
Due date = 12 April
POP date = 28 March - 2 April/To be advised by gynae (C-sec)
Child# = #1
Hospital = TMC
Baby's Sex = Girl
Baby's Name =
Baby's Chinese name =
MSN/facebok = [email protected]
Re: Chest of drawers
Just to share with you. I got a baby's wardrobe from Ikea to put my baby's clothes, bedsheet set, breastfeeding pillow etc. I also bought a very cheap set of white drawers from The White Collection at $99.

Re: baby towels
I bought 4 sets of them in Aussino. Very soft material esp for babies.
I am on leave today because the whole night my bb girl was kicking and squirming non-stop inside of me, so I only slept for 3 hours
Hopefully she turns head now soon or else my gynae will try to her down to position using ECV.

Am watching Tyra show, and Jessica Alba is pregnant too. They had a baby shower for her, so sweet
Hi Geryl,

Nick/Username = calamari
Due date = 15 April 08
POP date =
Child# = #1
Hospital = TMC
Baby's Sex = Girl
Baby's Name = (prefer to keep it p&amp;c)
Baby's Chinese name = (prefer to keep it p&amp;c)
MSN/facebok = [email protected]

cheesycake: ECV is External Cephalic Version whereby gynae will try and turn your baby to be head down, accompanied by ultrasound to make sure umbilical cord is not in the way. I think gynae will try a max of 2 times. If baby is still stubborn, he will not try it again. More details at http://www.parentingweekly.com/pregnancy/pregnancy_information/ecv.htm.

My baby was in a transverse position at 32 weeks. I got a feeling she is still in that position this week at week 33. Hehe. Really hope to go natural birth, so have been talking to her to turn head down.
scubababe - yeah, that was what happen to my ikea chest of drawers previously too. The base of the drawer is pretty flimsy. It's worse when you need to shift the drawers to another place, or need to shift to get something which drop behind the drawers. Cos usually too lazy to take out everything before shifting, so will shift the drawers with the things still inside. As not very well made and due to the weight of the things, once shifted, the drawers tend to go out of alignment. Another problem i encountered was when I cut some scotchtape and pasted it on the drawers temporarily before using it. When I removed the scotchtape, the paint/top layer came out too!
Nick/Username = sputnik
Due date = 30 April
POP date =
Child# = #1
Hospital = TMC
Baby's Sex = Girl
Baby's Name = Still deciding
Baby's Chinese name = Still deciding
cheesy: here the update of my bb

week 33
bb weight - 2.003kg @ 33wk
mum's weight gain -no change

bb head turn down already but not engage yet.
Hi, Pls update mine too!

Week 32
BB weight : 1.7kg @ week 32
Mum weight gain : 9kg

Very stressed now.. part of my tooth just chipped and I am scare that it may get infected if I dun go see a dentist...
Anyone knows if its safe for dentist to perform tooth repair during pregnancy?
Xiang: yeah mine is Ikea chest of drawers, think the amoeba range or something like that.

Nick/Username = scubababe
Due date = 16 Apr
POP date =
Child# = #1
Hospital = Gleneagles
Baby's Sex = Boy
Baby's Name = still thinking
MSN = [email protected]
Facebook email account or friendster account = [email protected]
our babies blog (if have)
