(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs


Appt at 330. I am feeling so anxious man. I went to gynae check 2 weeks ago and cant see anything so i am a bit worried.

MTH, do you all experience nausea badly in the night, usually i am ok in the day but when come to night now I begin to feel nausea, very heaty in my body and dizziness. Is all this normal? I am a first time mother so dun knw anything.
Thanks for the help!

Winter, u made me kanchong too... mine will be at 230pm(i think)... will be at KKH TPS...

positive thinking...
Hi All,

good morning to all. It is one of the better feeling morning. got zero mood to work man...weekend spirit is hitting me liao.

so far did anyone feeling heaty anot. i have ulcers and hard stool. My MIL been boiling those ginseng roots for me to cool down and i been eating plenty of fruits.

Will like to pose question to those mommies in the 80s. Do you think we are too young to have kids? I am worried that i will miss out in many opporunities later in life. I felt i am still trying to find direction in my life but i am not sure how to impart to my baby.

can those mommies of one share one thing or 2??
i gave birth to my girl when i was 27 and will be delivering this new one next year .. i don't think i am too young to have a baby though yah, i do think about what if we had waited, things like that but when i look at my daughter, it just feels right ..

how long were you ladies married before having your kid(s)? i got married in jan 2006 and delivered my daughter in nov 2006, now the second one due feb 2008 ..
i got married in Dec 2006 and due Feb 2008.
I'm already 32 and i think it's a bit late for me to have baby. Not sure if i can take it at later stage. sometime already feel back ache.
the days to my next appt seems so far away but its only 2 weeks away..haha..

anyways, is it normal to not feel pregnant at all?
dorothy - I went to TMC
Kellie- I also feel heaty at time so far got 1 ulcer. I heard eating those multi vitamin and folic medicine caused heatiness wonder if it true?I dun think it too young to give birth for the 80's mother.

Starry70: Thanks for the encouragement! Will jia you!
me born in 79 - 28 probably still the right age to have babies - but really depending on your priorities in life.
But of cos physcially wise, not too good to have babies when you r too old..risk is higher.
hi all,

I ROM on oct 2004. Hold my customery last Nov only...

6 mths of hardwork...here i am! 8th week pregnant.

initally, i din expect to happen so fast. thought it might take us a year or so. I still hope to tour Europe but now....now my hubby can save up that trip liao....
mo born in 79 too and i think is also the right age to have babies. When you are older, pregnancy might be more risky but I guess it also depends on individual.

Kellie- where u have your check done?
my ms is making me really uncomfortable... i keep wan to vomit... but cant vomit. i feel like force vomit. lunch time soon. feel hungry but duno wat to eat
me born in 75... got married at 23. have my gal when i was 25... actually wan to have #2 at 27 n #3 at 30...

but the plan failed..... #2 at 32... but everytime, i will tell myself that when i 40, my gal already 15... can go shopping together... hahaha
hee. I thought I will be the oldest. I have my first one last year when I'm 33 and now expecting my #2...at 34...so will be expected to do more test....

My advice - if you can start young, financially stable, start young. Less complication, recover fast and you can enjoy more....

At the end of day, stay positive in life...there's never a right or wrong answer to everything.
Hi all,

Personally i think me and my husband are pretty stable now. just that i am greedy, wish to have more first before sacrificing my wants to my little one next FEB.

Julie - my young sis have told me there is no right or wrong time to have baby. All issue will resoloves once baby arrive.

I am also very glad to have good family support for this major arrvial.

Winter Sonata - I am seeing Dr joycelyn wong from TMC. most likely will chose TMC for delivery as well. Who else will be going there?

Hey did you gals notice that Zoe Tay starting to return to advertise the milk powder. She will deliver this coming OCT. Her #2 sure help her to make tons of money this time too.
doink, me 31st also..and also first one...were you asking issit normal not to feel pregnant...me also dun have much symptoms yet...maybe too early? me at around week 6 now...i think preg symptoms varies from individual to individual...so really depends, i guess....

winter sonata, me also seeing dr jocelyn wong...seem like got a few others in the forum selecting her also...
Hi gals,

I saw some opinions on no travel in 1st tri.. can i ask ur opinions on my work travel problems (SIAN! hate traveling for work =( )

i'm supposed to go hk for work end July, will be 11th weeks then (cross fingers), should i go or not?

i go hk quite regularly, me and a colleague take turns, 4 times a year, so we each go every 6 months. If i dont go at 11 weeks, i dont think i can go the next round, cos it'll be right at the end of 2nd tri, and im afraid i will be big like a whale (1st bb, i really dunno how big a person gets at 22 weeks). and i wont be able to go for the next 2 cos it'll be pregnancy term and maternaty leave.

so i'm effectively forcing my colleague to go for the next 1 whole year! and i know she's not fond of HK as well..

Shd i go at 11 weeks or not? Any ideas if i will be able to travel at 22 or 23 weeks? thanks for your comments =)

good luck to all preggie moms here..

also wanted to warn all that YES Ginseng is definately NOT safe to consume during early pregnancy. Can just do a google search ginseng and pregnancy, loads of results. im avoiding all herbs and sticking to the normal stuff. think thats the safest.

i also heard Mangos shouldnt be taken? they're supposed to be as bad as pineapples. has anyone heard the same?

Airline will only stop you from travelling from 36 weeks onwards. I think the decision is individual because it depends on your health condition.

For me, when I'm expecting my 1st one, i have MS throughout (so toilet bowl was my best friend then..) and I stop travelling immediately.

Now currently i'm at wk 6, no MS yet (TOUCHWOOD!!), so i will continue to travel....

You can get your gynae to advise you too.
no answer as to when is best time to have a bb...and by the time you think you are ready, bb dun just happen...

i personnally vouch to that...cos i have been trying for past 1 year plus before tested positive...it is usually harder when you want it...
Hi all, I have just "migrated" from the Singaporebrides forum to here. Just gotten married this mth and discovered I am pregnant this mth as well. I should be ard 7 weeks now and EDD is 13th Feb 2008.

MS is quite sickening. I have the uncomfortable feeling of vomitting all the time but i also feel hungry a lot of times now. I even woke up at 3 am last night to munch some biscuits cos I was simply too hungry!
hi anne,

my job needs me to travel also. My gynae said better not travel at last trimester...cant remember if she said ok on 1st trimester...but i personally think best is dun go cos if anything happens overseas, veri diff to manage...and going there for work somemore, sure stress...but if must, then i think go after 1st tri...since bb stablise after that..

For my case, manage to bargain to stay put in singapore through out my preg, my dept got sufficient pple to deploy to overseas jobs...so heng...

Best person, ask your gynae for advise...he prob can give the best adv cos he know your body condition and bb progress...
hmm...me intending 2 travel in oct leh. dunno how many wks tat is but shld b fine lah. havent travel since 2003, as in sit aeroplane lah. so itching n dying 2 travel.

me ROM in sept00, got married in jun02, 1st bb in oct04, 2nd bb in jul06, now 3rd bb in feb08.
bluefairy...i'm in my 5week. not much symptoms. sometimes i wish i knew what is going on inside daily rather than monthly or biweekly..haha
Thanks Inuovi girl. I hope it will be 14th feb though ha.

Hi doink, have you subscribe to this website called baby centre? Its quite interesting as they will email you week and tell you this week, what is happening to your baby. For example, they will tell you this week, your baby is developing his/her brain etc.
hi ladies, I am also Feb MTB. EDD is 20 Feb. My 1st bb and already over 30. Somemore, it is very tough for us to have one. So super duper gan chiong. Now currently in my 6th weeks.

Cheryl, seems like you are already very active here.
Hi Kel,

No clue on Zoe #2. so far neber read any mag and newspaper that reporting abt it leh...

Think TMC should not charge Zoe for her delivery. She seem to be doing many publicity for the hospital lor....
hi babyhope, welcome n congrats...

mtbs, i back.... my EDD changed to 3rd feb.. bb measures 2.2cm... so happy to see bb n also the little heartbeat!!!!

cuclainne, i think i will go for dr Loh....

CONGRATS to All!!!

I shd be in my 5th week now.....tested positive on 17 Jun and had my 1st visit with gynae last week. Did a v scan and managed to see a small 3.5mm sac.
Going for my 2nd visit 2moro, hopefully able to detect bb's heartbeat!

Juz got married in Apr.....so it's my #1, very happy and kancheong.....

I m yet to visit my actual gynae ( Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC) . Only will be seeing her on 10 july. just detect recently. Will be in 6 weeks then. Hopefully everything will be fine.
Check from the net, my EDD shd be 28 feb.

Anyone seeing Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC?
Hi ladies, I'm currently into my 6th week. Tested positive on the 27th n have yet to visit my gynae yet. For those who have dogs, can you advise me if it is ok for them to still sleep with us? I do not sleep in airconditioned room and my dog usually sleep near the foot of my bed.
Juddy, I'm a Jan 07 mummy, jus share tt my large breed dog slept with me thru out my pregnancy...n she is still sleeping with us now
day time when my son naps on e mattress, my dog also nap with him on e mattress....

it is all about safe introduction and training your dog....
but now tt preggie, gotta take more notice on hygiene, tt's all
when i was preggie i paid some1 to come over my place to bath my dog cos i was too tired to do it...
during my 1st tri when i stayed at hm everyday, my dog was my onli companion...

be warned tt many pple will tell u to give up ur dog, dog not good for baby, etc...

truth is having a dog is better....their fur does not cause allergies or asthma....it is cats tt cause those...
Hi everyone,

I am expecting my first baby in Feb too!! EDD is 4 Feb 08. Currently in my 8th week.

I first saw the baby and heard the heartbeat at my 6th week sonogram.

not much pregnancy symptoms is fine lah. I don't really have the symptoms other than heartburn, and I checked with my gyne and he says that's okay.
hi everyone,

i'm expecting my first baby in feb. edd is 13 feb. i'm the same as wendy tong, got married early this month and discovered that i'm pregnant too. i'm 7 weeks now.

didn't have much symptoms at the moment just that i'm always hungry, eat non stop. i do have stainings so i'm about worried.

haven't decide on gyne, any recommendations?
Hi everyone,

I am expecting my 2nd baby in either late feb or early march but i presume should be late feb. I just discovered too... Havent seen any gynae but shld be going back to the same one or perhaps Dr Lawrence Ang.

My gal is currently 27 mth.

Btw how is the package/price for Lawrence Ang? I dun mind him cos he is jus one MRT stop away from my home. hahaha.....
welcome n congrats to all newly join MTBs...


Happy for u leh... Hee can understand how u feel...

Apple 79,
haha okok.. u can start tellg your bb to b a valentine's bb...

Oh your 1st bb is born in Oct 04,which date huh?my boy oso an oct bb in 2004...hee..wow, u got 3 kids le... so gd,all 2 years gap.. =)

you prefer female or male gynae?
abc, i have seen a gynae and was given a jab each on the 2 visits and medicine to eat.

inuovi gal, this gynae that i'm seeing is a male gynae. so far so good, i'm not sure what to expect later on so i can't tell if i will be more comfortable with male or female gynae.

on my first visit, we can see the baby's heartbeat very clearly but on the 2nd visit, we can't see it cos my stomach is very airy. although gynae did say that the baby is growing and he can see the heartbeat faintly but we are a bit worried. so till now we haven't break the news to our parents. has anyone experience this before? is the baby stable or there is still a chance of miscarriage?

Hi MTBs & MTBAs,

I tested positive on June26, saw my gynae on June27, but think it is too early as nothing can be seen yet. My LMP is May22, so my EDD is Feb26.

My next visit to the gynae will be in 2 week's time. Hope I should be able to see baby by then.

I am a MTBA as I have a 21mth girl, born Sep05.

Celynlee, if you are having staining, do arrange to see a gynae asap. Cos the gynae may order complete bed rest if it is serious enough.
