(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

cynthia, i brought her along to my gynae appointment a month ago - first time he saw her since she was delivered - wah, he pinch and pinch her cheeks ah .. hahaha, i don't mind cos i like to pinch too .. she has mummy's cheeks.. hahahah ..

esther, thanks .. i have not worn heels in a long time. i'm using a pair of pumps from URS now but i have not gotten water retention yet. my first pregnancy i just used sandals so i suspect that i will be using that later on.. hahaha ..

cynthia ur baby cute leh...

the bp closed.lol. wat a boring day, morning i wake up top left of my tummy pain leh... duno y....
another 1..

this was when he turns 1 yr old..
Hello all,

Wah, been a few days did not log in to post suddenly lose track liao.. hee, happy to see all the MTB chit chatting here..

Cuclainne, ur baby eyes so so huge n so cute ler.. must be darling

I'm also having ms ler.. but the funny thing is that I still have very good appetite to eat.. only that after eating feel like want to vomit.. haiz.. so have to eat sour plums or sweets to curb it.. hope the ms will go away soon..
dorothy, upload la .. i'm sure she's very pretty one ..

cynthia, your boy so cute .. i love it when they flash their toothless grin .. hehehe ..

good leh, at least u still have good appetite.... i hungry, when i eat the food i like, it just taste not nice. maybe i shd try to buy sour plums. maybe can curb
haha cuclainne,

your gynae so cute ..actually do u feel awkward w male gynae? hee i dont noe la, mayb i shy, prefer female...

yalor now lookg bk my boy's bb's foto.. yalo miss those toothless grin.. hee...

oh your hb is a caucasian, hw abt u?
Hi cheryl,

Yeah, sour plums helps.. I brought quite a lot & always bring some with me in case I feel like vomit...hehe..

Hi Inuovi gal, ur boy veri cute
My boy is coming to 22 months, also very naughty, aiyo, cannot sit still & like to run here n there..
guess all boys are like tat...
chris27, my MS is on-and-off. it seems to be getting better and then all of the sudden, BAM! feel sick again .. argh! i'm eating the sour mix mentos now .. quite shiok but then again my tongue becomes painful after eating so many ..

cynthia, actually no la .. i'm ok with it because the husband is ok with it .. my gynae didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all and my husband accompanied me to most appointments so he's there when the doctor poke and prod me .. during check-ups not so bad but worst during delivery time .. i told the husband that i've never felt so manhandled before.

who is your gynae?

i'm malay .. the husband may be a foreigner but he's asian on the inside .. loves durian, eats sambal - don't like western food .. he likes it here ..
cynthia, that is a lovely name for a boy .. i was thinking of johan or johann if i am carrying a boy this time. hehehe ..
hi Chris,

long time didnt c u here liao.. busy?
yalo most boys are like that i guess, n my v chor lor at hme bt in nursury, v gentle n obedient(thats wat his teachers wrote in the com bk).. when my hb n me read that, we burst of laughter!

Can d/l your boy's foto to shw us?

sorry huh, now u hw many wks le?


my gynae is DR Dolly Wee fr Mt E.. actually saw Dr Lisa Chin fr Gleneagles b4,quite like her too..bt since Dr Dolly is my initial gynae,so jus stick with her..
cynthia, i've heard from some ladies that some female gynaes tend to be unsympathetic to their patients - a case of been-there, done-that so stop whining - is it true?
Hi Inuovi gal,

Yalor.. last few days busy with work so did not come in lor.. my boy still with babysitter, intend to put him in childcare when he's abt 2 1/2 year old.. here's Shaun's photo taken a few months ago at Pasir Ris park

I'm now 7 week ++, next appointment will be when I'm 9 week.. I'm with Dr lawrence Ang from Sun plaza, feel comfortable with him so will stick on also..

Wow, all yr boi boi veri cute leh....

cuclainne, i try to load tonight... but hor... she veri big leh....

i like Dr S f loh cos i think he is veri gentle....

ya i did heard b4 leh... bt i jus couldnt step out of my own wall to see a male gynae leh...bt so far Dr Dolly n Dr Lisa not bad.

Dr Dolly's charges ar.. last sat i went mah..
Her 1st consultation is $70-80.. ulta sound abt $30 ba.. plus vitamins, it cos $120. bt think subsequent visits will b cheaper..

Bt hor Dr Lisa's charges v ex lor. 1st visit w/o any vitamins hor, charge $157 leh..bt she is indeed a v nice lady..
Hi Inuovi,

Yalor.. now i preggie sometimes after work, feel too tired to play with him, but hor he will pull my hand & show me his toys or books to ask me to play or read to him.. hee

My last check up EDD should be 5 Feb ler.. 2 days before CNY.. how abt u?

Hi Dorothy, yeah, please load ur gal pic for us to see hor..
hi chris,

hanlor, my boy oso v sticky to me.. bt recently he addicted to watch barney n want me to watch with him.. so i just lie dwn on bed n watch w him.. me oso tired..

oh my EDD will b on the 6th Feb.. we very near hor? Which hospital u gave birth in for your #1?

yalo, waitg to see your girl's pic... i can somehow still rmb hw she looks. hee...she oso a gentle gal..
Morning all

thread is moving fast eh - had a hard time catching up. sigh. these few days MS finally kicks in...so unbearable..no vomit..but feeling very giddy and naueous, and a lot of gas in the stomach...grr..how to work..i just feel so tired..zzz...i still hao lian initally no MS at 6 weeks yet...suay suay next few days keep feeling giddy and nauseous...duh. sian sian..any idea how to reduce gas in the stomach? i keep burping out gas to relieve but still...sigh..
Hi Inuavi,

Hee.. guess maybe they know they gonna have didi or meimei soon, so tend to stick to mummy now..
My boy also like to watch Barney, drink milk time must watch de...

Oh, our EDD very near ler.. I gave birth to Shaun in TMC, #2 also will be in TMC.. how abt u?
chris27, your boy very adorable leh .. who is babysitting him? i had no choice but to put my sofi in infantcare cos my mom already told me beforehand that she can't cope with another child - she's taking care of my nephew but somehow i think she feels guilty about it so she tries to babysit when she can. it's a bit troublesome too to send to her place cos we're not living nearby and the child care centre is more convenient cos it's at my work place so i can come and see sofi whenever i want to..

dorothy, you'll be seeing him at TPS right? then you can decide after that la .. will you be seeing any other gynae before you decide?

cynthia, i think it's more important that you are comfortable with your gynae - very important so once you find a good one, stick to him or her .. hehehe :D
Cynthia, she gentle? hahaha....

cuclainne, ya.. seeing him at TPS. actually, i have seeing a female gynae at Mt. A... but hubby wans me to go KKH as he likes Dr. Loh...
but as i wan to go for natural birth(1st one c-section)i dun know whether Dr Loh will agree or not... also i think nowadays, KKH's bill is not longer cheaper than other hospital...
ok, found a pic of hers....next time, we go out together, she can helps the rest to babysit...
Hi Cynthia,

I'm currently 6wk plus i tink. My scan pic show "5w6d" in small print when i visited my gynae on the 23rd Jun. Though i nt sure what does tat stand 4.. so i assume i shd be 6wk plus ba.. Keke...
Hi cuclainne,

Thanks, I manage to find a good babysitter near my place so he been with the nanny since 3 month old till now..it's also my luck to find a good one.. else, I also have to put Shaun to infantcare as both my parent & in laws are not in S'pore..

Hi Inuavi, yes yes.. the nurse there quite friendly.. last time I by C Section ler.. as my amniotic fluid suddenly drop very low so I gave birth week 36 ler.. abt 3 weeks early than the suppose EDD.. so scary.. luckily everything is ok lor.. This time hope I can natural birth ler..

Jialat.. today no mood to work..

My LMP is 11th May, my EDD is on 16th Feb..

I oni see the sac and havent seen the heartbeat yet.. In fact, i 4got 2 ask my gynae when can see bb's heartbeat.. Going 2 see him in another 2 wks time.. Am worried ever since i get preggy, tend 2 worry alot & getting paranoid! Hubby always tell me 2 relax..
Dear all,

I read frm above posts some of u gals dun hv MS rite so it's normal ah..

So far i din experience any. I oni feel bitterness in my stomach if i dun eat or even if i eat, the bitterness sometimes still there.. Is it normal..

Oh plus, whether eat or no eat, i feel tasteless in my mouth.. Any1 experience tat?

I do feel crampy sometimes & backache. Errr.. 4 backache is it normal or 2 EARLY 2 experience tat? I felt weird and abit "kua chang" abt having backache... *shy*
Hi doink

I tend 2 worry the worst/negative things.. Cos i experienced miscarriage last Oct.. I reali worried alot tis time...

When i knew i preggy tis time, i dare not do hsework, walk 2 much, whenever possible, i jz rest & lie down..

See? I reali crazy rite...
esther: i think you are just being precautious. Once bitten twice shy. good to rest and not move around too much in the 1st tri. that's what my gynae told me...she even advised me not to travel and i think i'm going to postpone my krabi trip that i booked a few months back...sigh
dorothy, your daughter can be big sister to our kids .. :D

i want to go for elective caesarean this time cos i waited almost 24 hours for normal delivery - still no dilation of cervix and irregular contractions so in the end go for emergency caesarean. i pity my husband cos he was quite excited about the birth and after waiting the entire night, he couldn't come with me into the theatre so he missed out ..

i am sure that if it's what you want, he will respect your decision ..

julie, your son looks like you .. so cute and a full head of thick hair .. my daughter's hair quite fine and just like daddy, won't have so much hair until after one year .. haiz ..

esther, no you're not crazy .. you're just being cautious after what has happened. my GP advised me not to carry my daughter so much but i have no help so if i don't carry my daughter then who will? we also live in a walk-up apartment on the second floor so every evening i have to carry her, her bag and her stroller up the stairs .. by the time i reach our door, i feel like i want to collapse! but we mummies and mummies-to-be want the best for our kids .. so if you are cautious this time, no one is going to judge you ..
doink, yes they say that first trimester must always take care and not do anything too strenuous - i was also planning to go on a weekend trip with the family (birthday surprise) but then i started having MS and feeling lousy so we had to put it off ..
thanks doink and cuclainne for ur kind words and support.. I felt much @ ease in the forum..

Ya doink, u better postpone/cancel ur trip if u hv booked. when i got preggy last Oct, i was abt 2 go holidays in 1 mth time, tat time my gynae (not my current gynae) told me no pro on travelling.. But in the end, i got 2 settle the postponement on the trip b4 and after i did the operation. I was so sad, stressful tat time..

Nw my current gynae advised me 2 rest more, no holiday trip.. he said the most important thing 2 do now is 2 survive the 1st 3 mths!

Upon hearing his words, i got mixed feelings.. It's indeed true tat must survive the 1st 3 mths, if not, hw 2 continue the whole preggy process rite.. But on the other hand, i got worried. I worry my womb is not strong enuff or my whole body is not strong 2 hold the bb.. Sigh.. so much things 2 tink abt..

dun think so much. baby is very pantang 1... any negative thing u think they will knw 1... better dun think... i think i cant walk too fast, cos i get crampy... my fren just tell me, dun see all those negative stuff abt bb, unhealthy....

i oso think u r nt crazy at all lor...

mayb u r new to this forum, i did mention i oso worried for my 2nd bb in my stomach now...
Cos havent detect heartbeat yet n...
sighz... jus hope everything ok..

These few days i just cant set my mind at ease..
think it will persist till my next appt on next sat... sighz...

Though i try my best to think positive but i still very scared n worried...
cuclainne: guess that's some sacrifice we got to make..hb's even all ready to do away with the amt spent on the tickets and cancel the trip altogether.

esther: tat's what my gynae said too. she even said i cannot go out..-_-''' and gave me alot of no-no type of food. but well for the sake of the little one, i'm ok as long as he/she is growing and healthy.
doink, maybe u wan to postpone yr trip to 2nd tri?more advisable to travel then.


i too have neg thoughts.... especially on the eve or on the day of appt, all funny thoughts will flow...sigh....

cannot tell husband cos he will sure "scold".

cuclainne, if this one also c-section, i will opt for epi c-section so that hubby can see... i went thr GA previously...


at last wk, im wk 7 bt on my gynae's ultra sound,it shows 6 wks...
my menses nt that regular at times,sometimes will late for 3 wks...
