(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

my MIL is the one saying that cannot carry so much otherwise will spoilt her. when #2 is crying and need to be carried, she kept saying that my CL spoilt her..

so, I think getting a yaolan is a better choice.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"><blink>FREE</blink> YAKULT Factory Visit</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Anyone is interested in the visit?
As long as we are able to gather 40 (inclusive of adult and kids), YAKULT can arrange a bus to fetch us at 1 pickup point for the visit.
After which, you will be entitled to purchase each packs of Yakult @ $2.50

Please suggest the date and time.
I will check with Yakult on the possible pickup points</font></font>
Xiao Yun, hee we are keen. the yakult factory visit seems interesting.

actually for ourselves, every sat 10.30am we should be fine. because i think sunday and public holi should be closed ba.

Why not we take down the name and # of people first?

FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
I'm keen.

FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
Hi xy, i m keen too..

FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
Hi Xy,keen to go too, missed out 1 organised by my neighbourhood yakult auntie

FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
(5) genice (2A +1C)
I'm keen too. Sounds like fun!

FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
(5) genice (2A +1C)
(6) jass1408 (2A+1C)

Iso: think its somewhere is senoko or something. north area near woodlands wan.
FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
(5) genice (2A +1C)
(6) jass1408 (2A+1C)
(7) tubao (2A+1C)
FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
(5) genice (2A +1C)
(6) jass1408 (2A+1C)
(7) tubao (2A+1C)
(8) sweetpea (2A + 1C)
FREE Yakult Factory Visit
Date: Sat ??
Time: 10:30 am ??

(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
(5) genice (2A +1C)
(6) jass1408 (2A+1C)
(7) tubao (2A+1C)
(8) sweetpea (2A + 1C)
(9) Esty (2A + 2C)


I intend 2 bring my Cayden along. Can anot? &amp; Btw, is tis tour open 2 others besides the FEB mummies group? If can, I would like 2 ask my SIL if she keen 2 bring my 2 nephews 2 the tour.

Hi, i'm an experienced pre-school teacher now SAHM. My kids are both 4 and 8 yrs old now. I started doing playgroup style cum phonics teaching with them when they were 2/3 yrs old. Both started reading elementary books and able to spell many words by age 3.

Many parents sent their kids to phonics at the age of 4 and some kids at age 5 still unable to spell or read well. In fact, once a week phonics class is not enuf. At least 2 times a week is more effective. Giving toddlers early exposure to phonics with effective material and fun lesson plan is beneficial. My girl loves reading and without tuition and the need to do assessment book, she's the top scorer for English in P1. Her strong English foundation will not be possible if i did not expose her to phonics at an early age. There are many phonics material sold in bookstores and internet but many are not interesting. The one i have is used by a popular playgroup and my 2 kids love it and listen to it many times which is impt for their learning process.

Thus, I'm thinking of starting a training course to mothers who wants to learn how to teach phonics YOURSELF effectively. It's oso good bonding time with your kids and with those who have more than 1 child, it's even better to do it together. U can bring yr kid along as long as they dun distract you. Lesson plan, CD and material will be included. I will teach hand actions on songs and rhymes as well as ideas on art and craft to make the whole teaching session meaningful.

Details as follows:-
- 6 to 8 week course
- 2 hours per SESSION, once a week
- Weekday morning except Thurs (pls state your preference)
- Time : 9.30 to 11.30 am (time can be adjusted)
- $50 per SESSION (including lesson plan and craft material)
- Phonics Book and CD to be purchase at $20/- per set.
- Location : Sembawang
This phonics course is basic phonics comprise of Consonants and Vowels. Suitable for children upto 4 yrs old.

If you are interested, pls email to me at [email protected].

All enquiries are welcome
wah, got Yakult tour? Sounds like fun.. And what is Yakult auntie??

BTW, my #2 almost 1 week no poop liao. How? Think becos of that, his milk intake drop a lot too. Stress.
bring cayden! ask your SIL to join too! the more ppl the merrier.

i will check with Yakult lady again - dun think it will be that fast. hopefully can secure a slot soon.

yakult auntie is the auntie who delivers yakult to your doorstep.

#2 1 week no poo? you can try to stimulate it through insert cotton bud to his anus (apply some baby oil). no need to be very deep - just make the muscle start working.
any mummies know whether we're allowed to bring EBM onboard a plane?? I've just been away for one night, back tomorrow, so I will have some with me..

1 week is normal, but when he does finally poo, if he is experiencing difficulty or the poo is v hard, consult a PD. otherwise it's normal cos i just recently asked the PD about my #2 too, hee. Otherwise i also read about XY's method!

i'm q interested in the yakult tour, but also depends on which sat..
(1) xiaoyun (2A + 1C)
(2) winnie (2A + 1C)
(3) kitsune_sg (2A + 1C)
(4) happymum2b (2A + 2C)
(5) genice (2A +1C)
(6) jass1408 (2A+1C)
(7) tubao (2A+1C)
(8) sweetpea (2A + 1C)
(9) Esty (2A + 2C)
(10) Iso (1A + 2C)
my friend did bring EBM onboard previosly. '

re: Yakult visit
I checked with the Yakult lady.
(1) Transportation
We can drive there and if want to drive, bus will no be provided. (She will confirm about it again as she has never bring a self-drive group before).

(2) Date &amp; Time
She said there's 1 more slot in December and she will double check with Yakult about it and get back to me.
No Saturday and holiday as the factory is not in production.
I think you all need to take leave for the Yakult visit liao.

Are we still able to gather 40 ppl in this case?
anyone looking for glass milk bottles with 'anti-breakage' safety feature?
pm me for more info (special promotion for Feb08 mums).
thanks for letting me know abt the cotton bud method. PD used thermometer on him last Fri, so finally got 1 batch after a week. But over the weekend, again nothing. Looks like I got to use cotton bud liao.

His poo came out normal. But he is taking so little milk now, i am worried. Like 2-2.5 oz in 3 hrs!! And even then, it will take an hr to feed that amt.

Also, past few nights, #2 would cry inconsolably for 15 min each time, 3-4 times a night. I thought it was wind in tummy, tried burping him, but nothing. Sometimes, he would fart, but his tummy feels ok. Then the crying would suddenly stop, and come back exactly 1 hr later. Anyone got similar experience?
is he taking less milk after poo? i know sometimes before poo they are a bit more fussy and drink less, probably because they're already so full of poo, haha.

wow, 40 pax is quite a lot, guess that's adults only?
he is still taking less milk even after Fri's poo.
i expected him to have more than 1 batch since it had been a whole week, but till now still nothing, so guessing there's more poo in there.
re: poo
my #1 had a record of 10 days previosly. PD inserted her finger and the 'cream soup' texture poo ooze out immediately. she didn't show any discomfort nor drop in appetite that time.

for #2, i can see that she's very bad mood when she doesn't poo for 2 days. luckily she still pass motion everyday now.

would you like to try massage his tummy in circular motion (clockwise). also, move his legs towards his tummy like doing a cycling excercise?
hope it helps too.

re: Yakult visit
not sure about the date. Yakult auntie will call me in this 2 days to comfirm with me.

40 pax include kids. for the list we have already got 32 pax - provided everyone can make it on weekday.
Sorry, been a silent reader in between changing jobs and also, going crazy over korean serials now - something i"ve never done. ugh. good grief.


My current helper actually had HB problems last time. She's currently divorced, has 2 children who are already quite grown-up and independent - one is already married.

She used to work for my family about 7-8 years back when my grandmother was living with me. Back then her HB had affairs and created a lot of problems in village. Initially she very distraught and etc, but eventually with our counselling - rationalizing her needs/future/etc, she plucked up her courage, returned to Indo and went through a divorce.

That of course meant that we had to let her go and look for another helper for my granny. After some time, she returned back to SGP to work after a period of settling down her family and etc. She worked for other employees during those few years and kept in touch with us throughout the years.

Just a few months back, she contacted us again if we needed a helper. Right now, she's back in SGP, and working for us again. (MY HOUSE IS CLEAN! WOO HOO!).

how to manage your maid will depend on her character/strength/family-village values, etc. But be prepared to 'lose her' and find a new helper if she decides to go back to settle her marriage issues.
i was just thinking about you and you appeared!!

change job? so exciting. thought your workplace is good till retirement? :p
ooh XY's suggestion for massage is good! i even massage #1 sometimes. the last section of the intestines runs parallel down the body to the right, so i'll massage starting from just under the lungs all the way down. once a PD even showed me how to feel the poo in #1's tummy! but seems like after taht i can't seem to feel anything anymore.

at any rate, once a week is still normal lah.
wow Clover next month. that's fast. hope you maid can one out of it.
my granny's maid found out her son had been lying to her about his studies. she was very distraught for a fee months and only discovered she had prob when her phone ls came up to 2000 bucks. we also counsel her and let her call home but she will have to settle her bill.
Sweetpea, it's difficult when they are so faraway n having family problem. I just talked to her n asked her to made a decision soon.

5 weeks more! *gulp* sleepless nights soon!
My helper kan kai liao. Her hubby left her for her friend when she was pregnant with her 1st kid. Came back to her after a while. It happened again for during her 2nd and 3rd pregnancy. Last year, he returned to her village with his girlfriend (her friend) and their children. Then he found out that she is working overseas, went to jio jio their eldest daughter.. spreading rumours about her. So, I got her to call home and write letters to her daughters more often. She was quite worried about her daughter then. Then, she made some childcare arrangement to let her eldest daughter live with her sister's family who is residing in another city. Problem solved!

Sometimes its quite kelian hor, to work away from home for so long a period. But I always encourage her to save more for her children's education and think about her future (minus her hubby).
oh, do the "cycling" action towards tummy ah? that means all this while i do wrongly.. ;p

wow, just 5 more weeks! U must be excited

BTW, what happened to all the other mommies? Must be very busy, so long didnt see them here liao.
Jass, yr maid poor thing. Married an a**. I asked mine what she want to do with her hb, reconcile or separate. Understandably she still dunno coz in a confused state. I tol her if she go back now, she can't find a job n has to rely on her savings n will eat into her children's education fund.

Fairfield, yes finally it hit me. Haha. Just 5 more weeks! Yikes!
hellooooo mummies !!

long time never post... with #2, the day seemed to be shorter and shorter ! and #2 is sleeping vy little in the day ! last nite wakie 4am n play till 6... *zombie now*

btw, mummies any suggestions where i can bring #1 for classes on mondays ? i'm off every mondays and wanted to bring her for lessons instead of going shopping or just walking around. But not many places have monday classes leh...

My Maid has same problem. After 4 months staying with us, Her husband asked her to remit $$, and then use that $$ to get married with another woman.

She was quite distraught then, cried a lot, called home a lot also. Well, sometimes she called and cried from 9pm to 3am, mostly complaining to her friends in Singapore. We just bear with it, didn't console her much, since I was in bad shape at 1st Trimester. But she requested to go back to divorce her husband in July when I was much better at 2nd trimester. We said no, since she haven't finished her loan, and didn't have much savings.

Now she is ok, accepted the fact. She didn't talk much about divorce now, since her ILs took good care of her son. Otherwise, nobody took care of her son, now she says that she will save more $$ for herself and her son.

Poor girl, sometimes I wonder whether she is jealous when seeing our family play happily together. Luckily, she adored my girl very much.

Though my maid is very experienced——worked in Hongkong, Taiwan before, she worried a lot about her son, her mother, her sister. Now I am more used to that, try to walk away within 10 mins after she talks about her sad story. We didn't limit her to complain on phone with her friends at night, and closed one eye if she woke up late due to long phone talk.
thanks for the info on your friend bringing ebm onboard , in the end i just check it in because short flight, i wont ask the crew to keep for me anyway.

if it's long flight will they help us to freeze the ebm?

i also pump onboard using nursing bib, but of course no one sitting with me and hubby, so not so pai seh, haha

they all q poor thing hor, have to be away for so long and always kana family problems. my mum's maid q smart think she not interested to get married! her brother quite "happenning", work in middle east and took a wife there. even tho he has a wife in philippines..
Tubao, I will be v sian if my maid cried everyday n dun perform well in her job. Mine is distracted at times but so far still not bad. Now I dun leave her alone at home, coz dun wan her to 胡思乱想。What kind of man will ask the wife to send back $ so that he can marry another?!?!
Hi, I havent been posting for a while. How are all the mothers and child(ren) doing?

I'm doing a spree for sunscreen, for those who are actively outdoors with your toddler, you might want to consider this spree. I have used up 6 bottles/tubes of sunscreen since Jun (when DS2 took up swimming) and it costs me a bomb. Looking for alternatives and found this Aussie site.

Singapore is selling it at $75/bottle but online we can get it at ~ 35% off.

Check out the spree details below if you are interested. Thanks.

RE: pump resistance
Anyone ever experienced no let-down when pumping even though u know there is milk?
I had this problem with #1 from around 3-4 mths onwards. In the end, had to feed exclusively, cos even if i pump a long time, there would be barely anything.

Seems like i am having this same problem again with #2.

Nothing seems to work-- hot showers/massage etc. yet when feed directly, i can feel the milk let-down..
fairfield - i have this prob if i try to pump directly after a feed..nothing out even i know that there is milk. I usually wait another hour or so before i pump again. which pump are you using? i tried stimulating letdown with hand squeezing - perhaps can try? then when letdown you can use your pump again?
fairfield, when I have to pump immediately after Raelynn latch. I will make a cup of hot milo and drink half a cup before I pump then continue to sip the hot milo as I pump. Usually letdown will come after that. Hope it will work for you too.
qingling and pauline,
thanks for ur suggestions. Will try it soon!

Everytime i think abt washing and sterilising breast pump, and pump so long, only to get so little milk, like not worth my effort. Might as well feed directly instead..

i am using medela PIS. I used lansinoh breast pump with #1, so last time i thought it was due to the "cheaper" pump. Now medela also like that.. so the problem lies with me.
how's E now? still sticky? C is being less sticky (thank God!) and my worry that he would make tantrums when i had to go back to work did not happened

for C's case no choice, he would not take any other milk - so rather than no milk, i give him choc milk... though not very much, i also supplement yoghurt for calcium intake.
Do something relaxing when you pump. For me, what works best is watching TV or surfing the net or reading magazines. When my mind is off pumping, a letdown comes very fast.
yesss still v sticky! sometimes i really buay tahan. i wonder if it is because he is also getting used to school, or if it is a phase he is going through. a lot of times only mummy can do things for him, which makes me very stressed because i have to look after all 3 boys! sometimes he is literally so sticky he will cling on to my leg. aiyo!
