(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

faten, the brand is MIM whcih is Mums in mind. Hehe actually my bb is only 6 days old and I stared slinging him yesterday, so no, your bb is not too young.

thanks. will start when my mum goes back...hehe
if she sees me with sling, she will make noise ...hahah...she has this mindset that cannot always carry baby, later he will get hooked and dont want to be held by anyone...hehehe..the stories old ppl cook up sometimes crack me up..hahah
faten, haha yeah I've heard of that one before. I carried my DD all the time and as much as I could, now that she is 3.5 yrs old, I never regretted a single moment, in fact, I really missed those baby days (even tho now is really wonderful too- just that once their babyhood is gone, it never comes back) and wished I had carried her even more tho I am not sure how that is possible haha. So whenever I can, I try to carry my bb boy too cause I know this stage will be gone too soon. Plus the more securely attached to mummy a bb is, the more confident and independent they turn out later.
BX and winnie.. how is ur supply like?? u all very good leh can total breast feed baby. U all latch on how many times a day?

How much can u all pump now?? I think now my ss dropping .. jia lat.. dunno why.. breasts not swollen at all. Today morning only managed to pump 40 ml.. previous mornings can pump 90 ml.. Why.. why??? so upset.
ya...his face is chubby...hehe...not like when he was just born...
i would say tt u just latch on whenever he wants. and dun worry abt pumping so much...i tot my ss is low too but if u using manual pump...it will always be lower than compared to bb suckling. for me, i am lazy to pump and pump and pump for now...coz i see like not much, but when he suckle can see that he taking in alot. i mite consider an electric pump when i go back to work.
so dun feel sad okay?
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
happymumtobe.. thanks... think all bb look the same.. waiting for her to open her eyes and with less puffy eyelids so can check whether she got double eyelids.
i dare say tt im tbf my son..hehe..even though at night sometimes i will grumble and ask my hb to prepare the fm..but later i will grumble again and change my mind and bf him untill he fall asleep...hehehe..
mummies..how do u dress ur baby's to sleep?
past few nights, i just use the normal onesis tt he wears and i notice he will make up more often and get cranky...prehaps he's feeling cold. so last night i dress him in a sleepsuit and i half swaddle him after feeding and he slept longer!!
my bb is not sleeping much. yday, he's awake most of the time in the day. at nite also refused to sleep from 11pm plus to almost 2am. so afraid he'll have insufficient sleep. i remembered my girl used to sleep quite a lot during her 1st mth. my bb also wanna to be cuddled to sleep. tiring man.

do you on the fan? maybe can try so that it's not so hot. me too can't get to sleep when it's hot. feel very pek chek too.

i hv a sling but dunno how to put baby in in a craddle position. last time only bought when my girl was 5-6mths old. so only used the koala bear position. is it difficult to master?

for full month celebration, some pple use the chinese calendar, i.e. 30 days. some follow strictly by the month, eg. if born on 2 Feb, full month is 2 Mar. there's no hard and fast rule actually (based on the geomancer my hubby consulted). for giving cakes/celebration, usually pple do it before the full month.
you are very cute. still remember wat you said at the delivery suite when your bb was passed to you after she came out. :p
ya am in aust n my fil came to help to cook. other stuff are all done by hubby and myself..

got to on the fan, if not i think i would have gone mad! prefer to sleep with air-con though.
Hi garfield,
For my bb full mth, i counted his DOB as the 1st day then we celebrated his full mth (FM)on the 28th day. As wat i had been told was that You can celebrate earlier but not after the 30th days from his DOB.

you are really an independent mummy. Hopefully i manage to handle my boy alone too.

I m going to the polyclinic to collect my son blood test result. Going there with my CL. We went there on last mon, and my son got minor jaundise. Am so worried, hp fully the result is fine
stephie.. yar lor.. cause sometimes she looks like have sometimes dun have.. i a bit confused lah.. Cause both my hubby and myself got double eyelids leh.. (+)(+)=(+) mah..
tbf mummies,

may i know how often you breastfeed your baby? Every 2-3 hours or whenever he/she cries?

I breastfeed my baby every 3 hours, but she only sucks for 5-10 mins then fall asleep liao. Although the flow is a lot (coz i can see it overflow and keep leaking when baby let go). My mum said its okie to let baby sleep, she will cry when hungry, but i still worried lei...

stephie.. u also very good .. got so much breast milk.. did u pump out??

Frankly speaking i do not really carry my baby ger except for feeding cause i scared next time w/o cuddling she will not sleep leh.. like that will be jia lat liao. ALthough i love to look at her and carry her.. bit i try to resist. think thats why she very ok when nobod ycarries her.. she can still sleep..or just look around. But i also notice she's staying awake more often..

Stephie.. how old ur son?? u got breast feed ur daughter?? until how old?
thanks for sharing. i'll probably get one and try out. is it possible to BF with the sling? i guess have to use the cradle position right? now i'm using the football hold so finding it a challenge to BF outdoors without my nursing pillow. arrrgghhh......need to experiment with other positions liao

congrats! i know what you mean. i'm also concerned that my bb is not getting enough BM. but so far she produces a lot of pee and poo so am using that as a gauge. i'm using a manual pump so yielding about 60-80ml only. my LC assured me that bb can suck up to 2x to 3x this amt. can't wait to weigh bb at PD tmw!!

vaccination package at KKH,
the cost is $450 for all injections.

*hugs* i get very pek chek when hot too. told myself during my pregnancy that i will shower during confinement or sure will go cranky and go into depression.

the motto of our feb08 thread is happy mum = happy baby!! (courtesy of berry i think) so do whatever it takes to destress
got no choice coz mil is working. n my mum know nuts abt confinement stuff. am living in perth now, might be back either in april or december.

i am currently feeding bb on demand like you. my bb also doze off n slp while feeding and only latch on like 10mins.
Garfield, yeah the sling is excellent for BF in cradlehold position. Actually if your bb has established a good latch then u can experiment with other positions liao, the sling can be adjusted in such a way that if you are wearing a nursing top, you can actually BF bb in sling w/o anyone knowing at all, so if you practise at home w your sling and work on learning to latch bb v fast then u will have no problems latching bb in yr sling everywhere you go.
andrea: hang in there. i was having a down period 2 days back too. felt so frustrated, tears rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably and bb's cries make me so upset. got mi mum to look after bb one of the night so tat i have a gd nite sleep. after tat things look brighter and i'm able to cuddle bb w/o feeling irritated. take care ger
jia you jia you!
thanks *winks* ya i will just go ahead and shower later when hubby is back from work.

btw, do you mummies shower with normal tap water? or herbs? or boiled water. am so confused but i will just go ahead with showering myself with warm tap water!
my bb a bit siao siao one...there are days when she's such an angel and cooperative (will open her little mouth wide open), and other days when i want to tear my hair out in frustration haha!!

don't dare to aim for discreet BFing in public haha....will be over the moon if i can BF smoothly in the public nursing rooms!
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)

Breastfeeding is really tough...all mummies have to encourage each other..jia you jia you

My mum boils lemongrass with ginger for me to bath..but i still rinse to warm tap water.
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
I nearly give up on BF liao. on today my 15th day, latch on b4 FM take an hour. pump after latch oso abt 20~40ml normsl? I always wet my pyjames within an hour. Should I give up?
i intend to only msg after my confinement so can wait. find wiping off e oil as kitsume suggested troublesome also .hehe.

that sounds like a good idea. can try when i decide to pump out the milk.

i might be taking the jabs at kk too. btw there are other optinal jabs like puneccocal , rota, chicken pox) that you can consider too. yes i do miss those days bb is inside me. don't have to bring so any addition stuff out (ie wipes, diapers...). but don't worry, as they grow bigger, the stuff gets lighter .he.
Hey ladies.. something worth celebrating! dUN GIVE UP HOPE... i just finished afternoon feed for my ger and i give up on my pump already.. now i do manual pump.. Ilatched baby on and my ger did not resist.. latched her on for abt 15 mins on both sides.. by that time i start leaking a bit drop by drop on both sides then i put her to rest ( she satisfy a bit so quiet down) and i manual squeeze.. can squeeze 60 ml. So blue ginger and snowbelle dun give up... i only squeezed 40 ml in the morn!! Using hand to squeeze is quite effective.. u all should try!!
how come i am the only one using Mamex gold.. erm... i asked the hos and they say dr A normally will his patients to drink that leh.. Can i check the px of Similac and enfalac... how much is 1 bottle.

Mamex gold is $30.30 for 800 g
don't think of giving up today. let today be the last day . give up only tomorrow....(there is always a tomo's tomo) bf is never easy to start off. set short terms goals like 1 month , then 3 mths , then 6 mths.
Anyway ,like someone shared earlier- be happy is impt.

i do have tot of giving up at times... esp bb don't seems to appreciate by struggling , ppl comment on milk supply.... jus try not to entertain these tots.

trying out the breast friend pillow now. bb seems to enjoy sleeping on it!!
tute, my bill is $2.1K after medisave. ur $3 is b4 or after medisave?

jeannie, my ss not good lah. this morning pump only 60ml. i decided not to give FM at night after trying out once. she still wake up one hr later crying. so i find latch on faster. i just feed her everytime she cry lor.

today brought my girl to the polyclinic coz she seems to have a stuffy nose. at the same time check her jaundice level. the result say 151. Izit very high? tmr must go back again for another test. now, mil say could be my breastmilk that caused the jaundice coz i eat ginger and drink the longan tea. hello! i told her before not to put ginger until bb's jaundice subside, she dun listen. now she point finger at me. she suggested to feed FM to bb for today. sad...
how do you warm up the milk? i take it out straight from the fridge and put it inside my pigeon food warmer. But i find that it does not warm my milk at all.

can we bring EBM out when we go shopping or it must be consumed straight away once out of the fridge?
dun give up! if you are pumping immediately after latch on, the amt will definitely not be as much one. our breasts are like reservoirs and build up milk supply in between feeds. when baby latches on, it's like draining the milk from the reservoir (whilst the breast continues to produce milk). so after a feed, naturally the reservoir level would have gone down. doesn't mean your ss is low.
blue, dun give up...

my ss also sian... usually pump every 4 hours... to get 100ml... today after pumping at noon. 2pm leaking already so i pumped, managed to get 80ml... is it my ss increasing???

what does the $450 INCLUDE?

abt full month
my boy was borned on 4th feb. will be doing this sun 2nd mar n also another one on 4th mar...
garfield, i ordered cupcakes.. will post pic of it.

i think bb loves it.. i am using littlepods one.. my boi loves it... berry, think i might join u to sling him around the hse when i an alone with the 2 kids.
bx, i also put my ebm into avent warmer to warm. it works ok.

"can we bring EBM out when we go shopping "- how huh?
Hi Mummies,

So encourgaged to see so many mummies breastfeeding. Anyone knows how to increase ss? I pump out every 3hr and only managed to get about 70 to 80ml. Scared not enough for my gal. Din let her latch on cos previously nipple cracked and bleed. Bottle-fed her a few days and now she's very impatience to suckle. She also doze off during feed. She will suckle for 15min and dozed off so i'm afraid i'm not feeding her enough. When bottle-fed, she drank about 60ml every 2hr. But if i latch her on, she will be hungry every hour. My mum said i must train her to feed every 2hr and that my ss is not good that's why she is hungry every hour when i latch her on. I'm not sure how to keep up with her appetite with my pathetic supply.
Total Breast feeding
1) eliaw
2) garfield
3) emoments
4) yen
5) Winnie
6) andrea
7) stephie
8) purplecurlZ

Total formula feeding
1)moi_dar (nan 1 Ha)
2)cheryl (nan 1 Ha, will switch to nan 1 soon)

Mixed feeding
1) Jeannie ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Mamex Gold)
2)Dor11 ( breastmilk/FM daytime and FM Night)
3) Blueginger ( Breastmilk, FM, Similac)
4) Vine_Gal ( Breastmilk, FM Similac)
5) julie lim (BM/FM alternate, FM Nan HA)
6) Hppymum2b ( Breast milk daytime and FM night, Enfalac)
7) kitsune_sg (BM mostly in daytime, FM after midnight & early am, Enfalac)
8) jaslynloh (BM, FM Similac)
9) snowbelle (EBM for 1 feed, FM Enfalac)
10)twtw(BF mainly for day. 4x FM ,NAN )
11) Hweiz (BM/FM day and night, Similac)

Does anyone of you thought of getting a baby carrier instead of sling - more for breastfeeding? Thanks
jeannie: i think KKH package include some which is like 5 in 1 kind of injection. he nurses vaguely mentioned something like tat. polyclinic is individual vaccination

Hi bx,

Jaundice level below 200 is perfectly fine. Near or above 300 will be dangerous and need to admit into hospital for phototherapy.

I've checked with two doctors who commented that jaundice has nothing to do with mummy's food intake. Jaundice is a result of excessive bilirubin in baby's body and his/her liver is still immature to expel the excess out of the body.

Just make sure baby has good bowel movements ( 6-8 pees and 3-4 poos per day ) and jaundice will subside eventually.

