(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

considerations for #2
have to confess that for me - also sian at work so thot it'll be a good break =) plus age not on my side!

oh no....better rest more! i notice you still carry K quite often - maybe you should try not carrying her at all? i know it's tough....=(

Caterpillar kit
Iso, it's a starter kit for kids to learn how a caterpillar grows into butterflies. You actually bring home the caterpillars, feed food etc and watch them as they cocoon and emerge as butterflies.
both my kids were conceived on 1st try without protection too. hence, i'm also not sure about the ovulation thingy. though hv read before that we can look at the discharge. fertile when it's transparent and stretchy.
Bkk: take care

Sian at work: Me super duper sian also. I can't decide to move on to a new job first before trying #2 or have #2 first before moving on to a new job. Currently just off and on look out for job.

Stephie: yah but sometimes I have discharge pretty often so a bit blur.
bkkgal, yup, my spotting stopped after 1 week plus, maybe because I stopped carrying RaeAnne, sent her to my ILs place in the day. Nowadays, I still carry her on and off when she make noise and wants me to 'bao bao'. Thinking next time got Mei Mei maybe difficult to carry her also so I try to entertain her once in a while lor. :p

Hehe, looks like everyone had the same idea. TTC, strike liao, take ML and resign. I was thinking of that initially but not confident that I will strike so fast and don't want to stress myself during TTC process so in the end quit first and say goodbye to the 4mths ML. Haha.

Qingling, bkkgal, aiyoh, I'm bringing RaeAnne for my bloom photo shoot this Sat but never thought of preparing any props or tutu skirt for her. Never think of what clothes to bring for her to the shoot even. Bad mummy! :p

Apple, another way is to monitor your BBT but a bit leh cheh lar cos every morning once you wake up must take temperature. If BBT increases by at least 0.5 deg and you have Egg white mucus, means you are ovulating. Can also confirm with opk if you want.
err...actually after conceiving #2, i changed my mind about resigning. cos my current job allows me to leave on the dot. even if i have work can bring home to do. can also work from home now and then. i think with 2 kids, i need this kind of understanding and flexibility. pay wise also very reasonable. so it's a good place for work-life balance.

recently boss asked me about my career progression and aspirations - told him i'm quite happy in my current role

i hv spotting on and off thru out my preggy wif Cayenne tat time. gynae say not blood, it is actually infection. & sometimes could be the "old" blood inside us. did ur gynae check 4 infection?

i still rem my gynae ask me 2 cut dwn on sugar. so i was basically off sugar almost totally! I dun even dare 2 eat rice!

re : carrying #1 while preggy wif #2.

i did thru out my preggy wif Cayden. my gynae say it is alrite 2 carry as long as u be careful & dun over exert.


u must check if ur menses regular anot. if yes, then do the calculation on roughly when is ur O-day. then when roughly +/- 2 days b4 ur O-day, start 2 observe ur body c if any changes. frm there, u can easily find out if u hv any discharge.

stephie is rite on the fertile ting (discharge transparent & stretchy)


4 me, i carry cayenne most of the time after cayden is born. she become super duper sticky 2 me.
Pauline: thats really ma fan leh haha

Stephie: OiC, i will take note next time

Garfield : that is very nice. U can retire there liao. Not easy to find such a nice working environment.
Gar, that's true. Leaving on the dot is important too. I used to be able to do that when my previous manager was around. But when she resigned, my AD who is in her 40s (no kids) is a control freak who will make me stay back just to wait for an email, print it and show her at 7pm after she finishes a meeting. Worse, I got to wait for her to finish her post meeting discussion with another staff before I can show the email to her. After that, I realised under her 'management', more of such things will come. So I decided to go after getting Dec bonus. :p
Esther, thanks for sharing. I'll cut my sugar intake for now and ask my gynae next time I see her if it's poss infection.
Feb08 2nd time MTB EDD List
1. Crystal (popped already)
2. Esther (popped already)
3. Nagsterak (edd 8 Nov 09)
4. blueginger (edd 27 Nov 09)
5. Pauline (edd 8 Dec 09)
6. June or princessgx (edd 14 Dec 09)
7. Garfield (edd Feb 10)
8. bkkgal (edd 9 Feb 10)
9. sweetpea (edd tba)
10. Qingling (edd May 4th)->maybe i aim labour day.haha
11. Bx (edd 23/24 May 10)
12. Snowbelle (edd May 10)
13. Isobellies (edd June 2)
14. dianA (edd ???)
15. Genice (edd 16 June 10)

Qingling - public holiday is good to give birth! less crowd and rush in the hospital. E was born on 2nd day of CNY, and even for visitors, we all felt v relaxed, hahah.

sounds so fun!! maybe i can order one, and if i can't make it, lezy can help me pick up and i pick up from her on sunday? (not that i've asked her yet, heehee).

yah, just have to tahan. luckily things might be getting better! at one stage i was really super sian i thought of just quitting. but for now think i can tahan a bit more *ren*

i think it's a tough decision to make. maybe just let nature take its course, cos might take a while to conceive also? or might be next month you can announce already, you never know
Iso: Opps maybe I make u blur, no I am not trying now. Must decide first which course to take.

new co we must work how long before we entitle to ML>?
i think as long as you join 3 months before you're due you're entitled to ML. but in reality, who is going to hire once they know you're preggers, unless it's civil service? hee.
actually i meant, these kind of things, how to decide which course to take first?
i was also in the same boat, so now the decision has been made already, got to stay (unless can find another employer, which would be super tough).
stephie, pauline,
ya not easy to find a place with good work-life balance. hb told me to be more appreciative of my job too!

ya haha...may really be retirement job lor. my 2 cents worth is that it can be quite siong to TTC for #2 in a new job - usually more stress in terms of adjusting to new environment, got to work harder to establish credibility etc. maybe you can identify and join a very pro-family organization =) i know a few out there.

Q: What are the changes that have been made to Maternity Leave?
[ 2 Workplace Relations and Standards > 1 Employment Standards > 1 Employment Act ]

With effect from 31 October 2008:

a) Paid maternity leave will be for up to 16 weeks (previously 12 weeks). For the first two confinements, the first eight weeks of maternity leave will continue to be employer-paid. The last eight weeks will be funded by the Government (capped at $10,000 per 4 weeks i.e. $20,000 per confinement including CPF contributions). For the third and subsequent confinements, the full 16 weeks will be funded by the Government (capped at $10,000 per 4 weeks i.e. $40,000 per confinement including CPF contributions). The last 8 weeks may be taken flexibly within a 12-month period from the birth of the child.

b) To qualify for maternity leave benefits, the mother must have worked for at least 90 days with the employer (previously 180 days).

c) Maternity leave benefits will be payable even if the pregnant employee is retrenched within the last 3 months of pregnancy.

d) Maternity leave benefits will be payable even if the pregnant employee is dismissed without sufficient cause within the last 6 months of pregnancy*.

e) Mothers will be able to claim maternity leave payment from all their employers if they work for more than one employer at the same time.

*Includes termination of employment with or without notice.

Employers will be required to grant the additional maternity leave to their employees after 31 October 2008 when the legislative amendments take effect. In the transitional period, they are encouraged to grant such leave from 17 August 2008.
Even civil service may not hire. The reason for rejecting may not be explicit to you lah but i think no one wants to hire someone for 6 mths and have them leave for 4 mths.

Ok, i'll reserve a kit for you then
Gwen so cute. Still can pretend to carry baby.
my girl she has a Minnie mouse which she will carry over her shoulder and walk ard patting her backside to sleep. One day, she begins to say change her diaper and pretend by putting a diaper under Minnie mouse and also feed Minnie her food. I fainted.

I super KS. When having no. 1 already thinking of no. 2, then have no. 2 now already thinking of no. 3. Then I can close my factory and focus on all the kids.

I dun have the chance to time my ovulation then. I only have one mens before striking. Then I was like "Oh no, dun tell me I kenna. Then I wait and wait for my mens and it nv come anymore..." But I wish to have more sufficient time to prepare myself for the next pregnancy.

Envied. I stayed in my job just for the ML even though I can go home on the dot. Job-wise not very achieved. colleague are pushing their responsibilities. So when I heard of my company project R. I'm so happy =)

Recently Channet is like a Koala bear. Will stick to me and dun wanna let go. But she is aware and looking forwards to the arrival of her "mei mei". point to my big tummy and said "meimei inside, sayang sayang".

R you feeling better now?
My friend spotting on and off through her 2nd pregnancy too. And in out of hospital, eventually still delivery naturally. So don't worry about it. Rest more.

Where is the meetup point for the butterfly farm tour? Hope you can make it for the tour.

Jia You
Gd morning mummies !

Thanks to all mummies for the well wishes !

I always wanted to have more than 1 kid (3 preferably). But due to my age, I think I would hv to stop at 2 ;p

And since now I'm working from home, at least its not so tiring for me to travel thru & fro to work. And I get to lie down abit.

My 1st preg wasnt an easy one, due to low placenta, bleeding & cramp, apart from hospitalization, I was "bed-bound" throughout my pregnancy. I was soooo depressed.... And the ms (all throughout the day/nite) which last till 2nd tri adds on to the depression...

I hope this time round I would be better. And of course, instructed by gynae, no exertion, less walking, no carrying heavy things...

btw, we tried for 3 months I think.. I came across this chart during the last month. And we hit jackpot!

Feb08 2nd time MTB EDD List
1. Crystal (popped already)
2. Esther (popped already)
3. Nagsterak (edd 8 Nov 09)
4. blueginger (edd 27 Nov 09)
5. Pauline (edd 8 Dec 09)
6. June or princessgx (edd 14 Dec 09)
7. Garfield (edd Feb 10)
8. bkkgal (edd 9 Feb 10)
9. sweetpea (edd tba)
10. Qingling (edd May 4th)->maybe i aim labour day.haha
11. Bx (edd 23/24 May 10)
12. Snowbelle (edd May 10)
13. Diana (edd 26 May 10)
14. Isobellies (edd June 2 10)
15. Genice (edd 16 June 10)
personally i prefer to conceive while in the current coy. cos usually in new coy, it's not so good to keep taking leave which pregnant women/women with new borns tend to have higher tendency to do so. So bosses may judge u based on that even though we can't helped but to take leaves. hence if you are already with the coy for quite some time and your bosses know you are not those that suka suka go on leave, i feel they will be more understanding.
BKK/Iso: Thanks. So its 3 months. I ever went for interview before whereby the employer actually ask me if I will be trying for a baby soon cos that time I am going to get married.

Garifield: Yah you are right to say its siong to be in new environment and to TCC. Actually we were thinking of trying for a rabbit. But that will mean I will TCC next yr and it means I will be stuck in my current job for a good 2 more years if I don't move on soon. Can disclose the pro family organisation? Anyway such Cos have lots of pple wanting to get in haha
genice: thks, u take care too ya. N is very sticky to my mum now. she has my mum, my hubby & the helper to play with. unless my mum not around. she will come look for me.

for mummies who are spotting, pls rest more and do take care

1st tri pls pass fast fast can......
if there's still 1 year timeframe before you will TTC, then quite ok to look for new coy now. like i said earlier, it's a risk looking for a new coy cos you never know what the boss is like, colleagues, environment etc just by attending interview. if really unhappy with current coy then the risk probably is lower.
Stephie: You are right. My current boss is ok with me taking leave every now and then and even at last min.

Blueginger: haha I want to be more prepared for #2 too cos #1 we were not prepared
Yeah, I was also asked at interviews whether I planned for #2. Frankly, I find that very OFFENSIVE cos it betrays to me what the organisation is already thinking. I'm sure MNCs don't ask that type of qns.
I also have the uneasy feeling when I started working in the new company even after Channet is 8months as I'm still bfing and there are a lot of uncertainty in new environment. Luckily, this company have a nursing room and my boss supports woman who bf. But my boss boss is not so understanding, he complained abt me taking mc for my gynae visit, etc. However, he also took a lot of timeoff when he go to hospital and come in to office late. He demanded we have to return to office sharp after lunch, which he din make it for several occasion as well. My hubby said I cannot complain abt him as he is the boss.
Re: ML

bkkgal but i remembered MOE has this rule that 6 months before u join back teaching ( eg if u on NPL for extended period and suddenly u preggie than u want to cut short ur NPL so u can get ML you cannot be pregnant else u will not be entitled for the ML)..I remembered this very clearly cause a lot of teachers it seems practiced that previously so MOE do not want them to take advantage.

Erm.. out of curiosity, does it mean if i join back teaching i will actually still get ML benefits?? since i have a long way to go.. definitely more than 8 months.. hehe..just asking only.. what do u all think?

Re: supportive env

I think very important that the work env allows flexibility or at least ur bosses are not so particular abt u leaving on the dot or taking urgent leave.I guess as long as u are comfortable and a job is just a job.. things will be easier. But when ur butt itchy like me and u wanna move out of ur comfort zone than u must be willing to take whatever that comes with it.

For me, i took q while to adjust, a lot of internal struggles even sometimes i still have the emotional ups and downs.. definitely not easier than teaching. For teaching.. i was already so comfortable that i can do minimal and achieve a lot whereas now its the opp way. But, i told myself i dun want to have regrets so i have to do it, i dun want to look back and say ' If only".. Whether it turned out to be a good or bad choice, i just have to live with it but luckily hubby quite supportive.. he told me just try it out, if u dun try u will not know. To be honest.. our HH income dropped by half and our expenses went up and our lifestyle has changed..its really not easy plus now with 2nd kid..things will be tough. But i believe i will SURVIVE!!!

Spread some good luck to me k!!
No mood to work. Company is now undergoing heavy renovation work. Tearing down walls and replacing floor carpets. The air-condition is down since monday. Very hot, dusty n smell of paints. Yet still have to work.
So happy.. hubby going on biz trip to US again.. than he asked me want to follow or not.. but i dun think i am going cause nothing to do there... the same place we stayed previously unless we go for tour to other places.. told him we save air fare.. he help me buy more maternity wear from ON and baby stuffs..but this news certainly made my day yester.. make me reminisce abt my trip..
ur hb is very sweet
mine so far like not very enthusiastic. sigh... actually i also not very enthusiastic. dunno izit normal to feel like this for #2?
yalor, boss calls the shot. they can do whatever they like just because they are the BOSS. just that a little difficult for us to obey willingly when they don't set good example.
my colleague just came back from USA for holidays. when i asked her if the trip was good. she said very boring, nothing to buy! i was like "huh? nothing to buy meh?". other than those branded stuff, i thought USA is quite a good place to shop. maybe because i shopped a lot for baby stuff previously.
bx, I think it's normal to feel like that coz we women think longer ahead. =p

ladies, thanks for the consolation. I will try harder. lol.
why nobody here?? only u and me??

bx.. ur hubby is very sweet .. much sweeter than many hubbies.. but i think both of u are bz now.. thats y.. i am not as enthusiastic too abt second kid..but still i am looking forward to the new baby just now the big tummy at the end of 10 months.. sianz..

I believe come holis.. u will dig up all the aby stuffs again..i am trying to fins all the baby posters to paste in my room.. hope i will be more motivated to work harder when i noe i got 1 more mouth to feed.. just that now the 1st timester is horrible.. but things will et better soon.. Lets meet up during ur hlois.. i can bring gwen to ur place..

Re: alvernia

Anyone tried mt alvernia.. how is it compared to thomson??
stephie.. a lot of things to buy.. their baby stuffs are really cheap.. even branded also cheap mah.. haha.. i think ur fren not as shopping queen as us lah..
jia you!! it's admirable that you have the courage to try something out - at least must try right!

hard to say, when i joined a MNC the HR lady was SUPER unprofessional!! try and make it sound like she doesn't think i'm up to the job, that sooner or later i'll want to settle down and just go home on time and take pay. probably she was thinking about herself, haha. that was 8 years ago, i wasn't even anywhere near getting married.

did you know that in finland it's actually illegal to ask whether you're planning to have a baby? i can't remember if it's illegal to also ask if you're married... cos it's discriminatory!
that kind of question can be considered as discrimination actually. I am really careful when I do interviews and my line manager always reminds me not to ask this and that. Some people can be honest, but if I go for interview and someobody asked me that, i will ask what that has to do with the job i'm applying. Maybe it's because the job has the requirement for relocation etc? But then again, still impolite for them to asked that.

alvernia... their clinics looks pretty old to me as compared to TMC as TMC has renovated. But for delivery, afaik the waiting room+delivery room is the same unlike Thomson where you wait in a shared room and then when you are about to deliver they will push you to a different room. Not sure if still the same... u thinking of delivering there? R u going back to dr. woodworth? I remember last time you travel all the way from holland v to his clinic... :p
nothing to buy in the states??

i gave birth at mt. a, will do so again for #2, i feel it's less congested than TMC. but i'm also catholic so i'm biased! heh.

can't work from home?? what if u all get sick from the dust :D
wah! few days never get to log in and so many gd news!!

Gong xi gong xi to iso, diana and genice. u ladies make me so gian leh...mayb i shd also start try g tonight??? :p

why don't go US, go lah...else when no. 2 comes may not be so free liao wor....

me too! when i went for an interview at an MNC, the HR lady asked me if i was getting married any time soon. Thot it was a v rude question cos i was not v young then n might find it offensive if i didn't have any bf. Ya, alot of countries do not require u to have such particulars declared. Companies in Canada doesn't even need u to declare ur age.

Bkk, count me in for the tour too and i want to purch the caterpillar kit. how much is it by the way?

1. Bkkgal + hb + K
2. dor11 + hb + G + G
3. tute + hb + C + helper
4. xy + hb + C
5. lezy + hb + Ruth
6. clover + hb + alex
7. bluegin + hb + Channet (provided I din pop on or before 8 Nov)
8. leila + hb + L
I'm at TMC for no. 1, will deliver no. 2 at Mt A. Let you know next month. =)
Went for both hospital tours.
Personally, find TMC delivery ward hospital-like whereas Mt A more warm and homely. As for 2-bedded ward, TMC too congested while Mt A more like 1 bedded layout (referring to theirs newly renovation ward). TMC dun have free wireless, while Mt A has for 2-bedded. hope that ans your question. But TMC has free parking, Mt A dun have.

cannot. Boss like us to show faces ard in office. Besides, at home, Channet will pester me. Cannot do work.

US nothing to buy??? I'm not a brand shopper. Still I bought 5 levi jeans, 2 shirts, ON & Gap clothing, bakeware, camera accessories, halloween hat etc. cheap clothing from the factory outlet. Food as well. Asians usu 2 can share one set meal. M&M chocolate is US$3 for very huge packet. It's crazy.
mt a
i love it there. the envt is not noisy and the sisters and nurses are caring. will definitely go back there for my next one.

argh. let me be preg soon!
mt. a - i thought got car park redemption? or is it pay max $5 a day or something? i was too busy to bother, let my hubby deal with that, haha.
working from home - yah can imagine! hard to do anything with the kids around.

gar, how u work from home? won't A come and try to use your computer?

jia you!! more baby dust for you!! *sprinkle* :D

tsk!! maybe i should complain to WDA or MOM, plus the prime minister. heh.

do they charge if you use their delivery suite before midnight? i know Mt. A doesn't, but I heard Glen E does - so they extra charge if you go in before midnight. macham hotel.
Wah few days didn't log in here and so many good news! Congrats congrats!

Looks like I haven't updated my EDD, so here it is:

Feb08 2nd time MTB EDD List
1. Crystal (popped already)
2. Esther (popped already)
3. Nagsterak (edd 8 Nov 09)
4. blueginger (edd 27 Nov 09)
5. Pauline (edd 8 Dec 09)
6. June or princessgx (edd 14 Dec 09)
7. Garfield (edd Feb 10)
8. bkkgal (edd 9 Feb 10)
9. sweetpea (edd 29 Apr 10)
10. Qingling (edd May 4th)->maybe i aim labour day.haha
11. Bx (edd 23/24 May 10)
12. Snowbelle (edd May 10)
13. Isobellies (edd June 2)
14. dianA (edd ???)
15. Genice (edd 16 June 10)
