(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

re: probiotic
I bought from John Little. Can't remember if it's suitable for 2 yr and above or 1 yr and above.

Thanks for your encouragement

The probiotic you recommended Life Floral is selling at $49 for 2 oz at Vitakids. The US website sell on average US$13 (exclude shipping). It's so ex because need to be transported in a cold chain is it? But Vitakids said it was the most "potent" probiotic cos it has dunno how many strands or something like that.

My colleague is telling me to use the LactoGG that she uses cos no need to specially keep in the fridge, easy to bring around on holiday.

Dilemma - dunno which one to get leh.....
Still waiting for your answer to Purple's questions on taste, texture, smell of the probiotics. That will help me decide. Many thanks in advance!
lactogg contains only one strand hence might nt work 'overall'.

probiotics has a milky taste.it's white powder and can b consume by all kids n adults even infant. my boy start probiotics @ 1 mth old.lifeflora is kept @ rm temp. once open nd to b refrigerated.I find d ones refrigerated r better as probiotics r live bacteria which cannot survive @ temp abv 40. it can b added to milk, cereal provided the milk n cereal is nt hot.

for probiotics to work well, it nd a certain strength. d probiotics in formula milk n childlife colostrum is too minimal tat it only act very mildly. my ger taking both childlife colostrum n lifeflora probiotics .actually breastmilk contains probiotics too.. :)
acTually if u dun mind u can try order online but like I mentioned i'm jus afraid the 'live' bacteria become 'dead' by the time it reaches me.however my gf ordered from overseas before n she say it's still alive after reaching her. to test whether bacteria is dead or alive, use it to make yogurt as yogurt culture n u'll knw.

hope tis helps

Where can i get the rubbermaid bottle? My girl doesn't water at all..milk bottle, sippy cup, straw cup all don't work. the only water she take is milk. 3 times a day at 120ml.

how to train her to drink from straw?
i find my children all drink more from straw. I think u can get rubbermaid from robinson or John little.some NTUC oso hv. Some home fix oso sells.

vernon knw how to drink it less den 1 day.. i mean b4 he knws he oso bite... den i keep showing him how to suck, and suddenly he can drink from straw
Mine also dun drink plain water - except when we're out at restaurants that serve plain water - she'll want to sip from our cups/glasses. hah - but that's really little.

What i do is to give her water mixed with abit of ribena / gripe water / delrosa. Super diluted form that is cuz she's just happy to have a bit of taste. Guessed that's the best we can deal with since she refuses water mostly.

wow!!veron took less than a day to figure out how to suck.. i've been trying for weeks..


will try your method tomorrow. milo failed..that's why thinking of adding honey. didn't know they can take ribena at this age
1) zoo - bkk, abc, qingling, tubao,
2) sentosa - qingling

Hi, sweetpea

Science centre sounds fun; keke....more for ourselves......
bkkgal, how's kate today? Any poo poo? The Reutefene I have is tasteless and colourless liquid but a bit oily but once open, needs to kept in the fridge at all times. But if it has settled, must shake the bottle before dispensing the drops, if not it can look cloudy.

ABC disney, thanks for informing about the KP sale. I need to buy some stroller hooks for my maclaren stroller.

Qingling, I'm keen esp now that school holidays is approaching. I vote for:
1) zoo playdate - waterpark
Cos until now, RaeAnne has not been to the zoo nor ANY waterplay. :p
note that it's very very diluted amount. To us, better that she enjoys and drinks a whole load of water all day - even with abit of taste than nothing at all!
RaeAnne loves plain water, she probably inherited this from my hubby cos I hate plain water. :p She'll 'good good good' down the water and finish half a cup of her Tommy tippee straw mug at one shot.
matthew loves drinking from our normal cup but end up either choking or spilling most of the water. i give up on sippy cup and straw liao. keep biting the straw.

and he loves cold things... shit. ice cream, cold milk, cold water.... headache. even porridge he wants it cold. a bit warm only he spilt out. weird boy.
hey grace, let's make a date then

this thread is more active than the march thread. lolz. i'm hardly online except for late hours like now, so bear with my slow reply.
oorrh... yeah yeah, i also have to do the same thing, well i umm resorted to hiding his mag2 cup if i know he's been drinking too much near his meal time... for C he will throw up if he has too much water before meal time... :p

err.. in this case then he really likes the taste.. maybe try not to give too often ? but personally i think if he has no problem then you shouldn't worry if he's not taking that much, he prob get water intake from some other sources..

long time no see!! cold things... C loves cold things too... he loves holding on to ice so we'll put ice in his gerber training cup then he will put the cup beside his cheek... to enjoy the coolness.. oh btw, maybe you can try using training cup too... the stopper really helps from choking and water spillage... still can choke/spill but reduce the chance/effect

forgot to mention before... congrats for your #2 arrival !
u jus teach her how to blow bubbles in the bottle. Once she saw the bubbles she might be fascinated to try. After tat jus gv her the bottle to play. Slowly she will learn.

drinking water
my #1 oso love to drink water. such that sometimes go out i hv to refill her water bottle over n over again. But my #2 dislike water. I wun say he is drinking very little but moderate bah. Anyway sometimes switching bottle helps too. He think it is a toy..

tubao n others
anyone keen to go hay dairies this sun morning? Say meet 1030am at hay dairies?
Good Morning all,

I called up Friso to request for a small to try out. Hopefully it will go well. Tried looking for their website but the staff said they were undoing a global updating...hehehe...

I think will make a trip down to Vitakids to look see look see.. i would most prob buy frm SG as i don want to risk the life bacteria becoming 'dead'

ABC - how will we noe if its still 'alive' when we mix it with yogurt..wat will happen? hehe

Drinking cups
My son drinks his milk frm mag2 sippy cup and bfree sippy cup. Thought it will hard to wean him off bottle teats..but there was no struggle..hehe...
Water, he will drink frm mag2 cup with straw.
Sometimes when he sips the straw..sip and sip...but he wont actually drink it coz i can SEE the water flowing back..hmm...anyone have similar experience?
but when he is really thristy, he was sip 3/4 of the cup...so weird! but i try to slow his down coz he will breathless after that.

Gerber cup - how diff isit from the normal cups tat are available?
No poo

She kept saying "erng erng" and hold her tummy yday but when we put her on potty, she struggle...dun wanna sit... I think she scared of the pain already...dunno how...maybe it's really really painful...i dunno how to help her
did u try applying ru yi oil on her?

No.. i mean the bacteria is alive if they can be used to make yogurt. For me i make my own homemade yogurt. Thus to see if teh bacteria is alive ir "working" i put probiotics as yogurt starter instead.
ooh....i see....is it easy making your own yogurt? can share...

hope she will be alright. can try to excercise her legs? but if she still active like normal?
you can also try to massage her tummy clockwise, let her lie down and exercise her legs like cycling motion. when you bring her to poo poo, apply some olive oil at the anus area 1st to soften the skin at that area.

how many days since her last poo poo?

abc mum
did you get the yogurt bacteria from the yogurt bought outside or from the culture? if it's culture, where did you get it?
i got yogurt culture from vitakids too.

i bought the machine to make yogurt. very easy. add milk, yogurt starter then leave inside for 8hr can liao. buy from tangs. $79.90 but very worth it!
Dear Mummies,
I'd looking for "mother and baby" magazine May2008 issue. Suddenly see my baby's photo on that issue, so wanna keep a copy for him.

I've called MediaCorp hotline, they dun hv also. If anyone have, can call me @ 98295218. I wanna buy.. Thank you !

Thank you all for your concern. Good news! K poo-pooed after I left for work this morning. MIL said she did not scream so bad this time and she applied the cream for her afterwards, so the discomfort should ease. Will cont monitoring over next few days. Hope all the mtds work.

Almost contemplated bringing to Pauline's PD liao.
<font color="ff0000">HURRAY!!!! bkkgal.

Read your first post and I was thinking aiyoh, kate so poor thing, still haven't poo poo. Don't know painful or not. Then read your second post and immediately went YEAH!!! Machiam like my personal victory liddat. haha.
hahaha Pauline! understand, understand!
I oso feel sad when I hear the babies here fall sick or kena hospitalised. You mommies here are closer to me than most friends in terms of sharing about our los progress, ups and downs. Somehow when in trouble, I think of coming here for advice first. When got good news, oso share first

saw the website. it got small &amp; big bottle rite? can u ask if we can transfer some 2 a travel size container so tat can bring out easily?

yes it can... 238ml for $9.80... quite cheap. actually if u go sakae sushi to eat they use it there too. That's where i discovered this santizer.
Jass, wah you gave M ice cream already, he sure loves it hor.

Abcmummy: this Sunday got event at hay dairies bo? I interested to go hehe. Where is the place? The handrub sanitiser no need to use water to wash off one?

Bkkgal: what a great relief news!
hahaha, bkkgal, true true. Sometimes, really takes a mummy to understand another mummy. I also don't like to share such things with my other single/no kids gfs cos I'm afraid they'll find it very boring. I used to find it so boring when my married colleagues start their 'mama' talk too. Hope you got more good news to share soon! And not necessarily only about Kate. ;)
abc - am interested

by the way, what r the insects repellent that u gals get for the babies ah? wish to get something so that when i bring her to places like zoo or watever can apply. now i am only relying on the mozie patches.

it's cheap leh. Me interested 2 get a bottle.


I gave Cayenne ice cream last sun @ bird park. She loves it! She protested when she saw me finished the very last bite! Haha...


Currently am using CB Summer Lotion. Not bad as it can add as moisturizer 2.

U can try CB Bug Repellent Spray.
Let's do the order of the hand santizer here. Pls cut and paste. Btw if there is delivery fees incurred then we will split by bottles ok? right now is $9.80 per bottle.
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 2 bottles

Collection at admiralty mrt, woodlands mrt, tanjong pagar. Other areas to be discussed.

i am using burt bee insect repellant.

no event at hay dairies. jus bring the kids to feed the goats. Anyone interested?

Date: this coming sun (24/5)
time: 1030am
Venue: hay dairies to feed goats
1. abcdisney n 2 kiddos
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 2 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles

abc, esther - tks for advise on bug repellent, now need to see whose selling..hee hee
shawn is exposed to soft drinks, ice cream and junk food quite some time ago. jiat lark, started to eat rubbish liao. my girl lagi worse, ate bak kwa when she's 1 year old.

Kits handub santizer (pls cut n paste)
1. abcdisney - 2 bottles
2. Esther - 4 bottles
3. Qingling - 2 bottles
