(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Any moms with good tips to share? K uses it for nap and bedtimes. Without it, she will ngek. She doesn't look for it actively all day. Just at nap/bed times that she needs it. After waking up, I'll tell her to surrender and she will take it out of mouth and hand over to me. But I'm afraid she may become too dependent on it. MIL says that the teeth devt will be affected too.


i think its okay for the current situation.
My son too uses pacifier to nap and bedtime.
And he noes it will self soothe him...as sometimes when he suddenly wakes up, he look look for it with his hands and pop it back to him mouth. other than nap and sleep time, he doesnt look for it. Ive read that its okay to use pacifier (if used during sleep) untill they are 2yrs.

I suggest..when she is dozing off...try slowly to loosen the grip of the pacifier..start small steps and see how she reacts...day by day
Then when you can finally full the pacifier out, tell her bye bye pacifier...sleep now..big girl.
ashlynn exactly the same as kate lynn. needs it to sleep. when she wakes up, i tell her tu tu take out, then she will release it from her mouth, at times she will feed us with it.

i think i will not wean off as yet. maybe when she is more sensible, can understand more words, then i will explain to her that she is too old for her tu tu le.
E uses for sleeping also - unless he's really tired then he prefers to use it to go to sleep. but once he falls asleep i'll take it out. sometimes he'll nek nek if i take it out, most times q ok.

bx, he also tries to feed us or his bears with it if we ask him for it, quite cute right, haha.

i will have to try and wean him off it soon too :S

yah cos cheap mah, so i thought i just buy first, think later, haha. now i think i got too many
the girl's one was so cute i thought i buy and give away but if got pple want i might as well sell.
how come you spoon feed milk leh? isn't it troublesome?

yah, think i shld try to give more meat and see how. currently he has a lot of fish. but looking at all the feeding schedules it doesn't seem like he's eating v little. maybe he's just like me, need to eat more in smaller intervals.
the shoes - there's 2 spots on the bottom that are more for gripping - it's not really like rubber though, but i think looks ok. the rest of the shoe is suede-like, like shooshoos? here's a shot of the soles.
bkkgal, ya I was telling hubby I sure won't gain weight during first trimester at this rate due to MS. After the start of my 2nd trimester (which happily is the start of June holidays), I want to go on holiday, relax and pig out. Wanted to go Taiwan so much but preggie, cannot go hot spring leh, so wasted. Plus haven't decided whether to bring RaeAnne and that's another factor, if we bring her then it must be child friendly, more mafan, and I definitely can't relax, bad mummy!
ya..i try to be as creative as possible..everyday eat rice also boring right?

coz im thinking in childcare, provided i choose one tat is creative in their menu..hehe..he will be exposed to all sorts of food..hehe

have anyone started giving beef to their babies?
how about salt and pepper?

the only seasoning is put in red pepper which is sweet and have nice smell (yummmy) and dash of oregano or thyme to chicken sometimes....
i give heinz custard... taste very yummy and C loves it. i usually give custard when we go out, more convenient rather than giving fruit.

in the past when we give his food i.e. cereal/snack. and now i use bigger spoon because he can suck more milk without choking as he's used to drinking from straw. if cannot finish we usually carry him and bring him out while spoonfeeding him the milk... it takes lots of patience but not impossible

C is not really fond of milk, he prefers water. He will protest if he sees his water mag2 cup and yet we give him the other mag2 cup with milk inside. I think my fault lah, i got 2 diff color of mag2 cup, one for water the other for milk. Now he associates the color with the content! Anyway, spoonfeeding is the only way i can ensure that he takes his milk (and the fastest). The only time he drinks milk via cup is at night and that will take up to 1 hour and he hardly finishes 180ml of milk.

i know this is not the same thing but C used to suck his thumb whenever he goes to sleep both for nap and night sleep, then slowly he only do it for nap only bcoz night time we will rub his tummy, pat2, read storybooks & turn off the lights so he'll get into sleeping mode through that way. anyway, suddenly few weeks ago he stop sucking completely, and i didn't do anything. only thing is that whenever he falls asleep i make sure i pull out his thumb, so maybe can do that with paci? straightaway take out when baby is already asleep?
harhar, i'm worse - i told her that cockcroaches will come out of choop choop (our word) if she cont to suck! hehehe. bad mummy right? :p

I tried to give lamb, beef, duck. In general, she is not adventurous with meats. She takes a long time to accept something new in her diet. So I take it one step at a time. So far with duck she's ok - must be shredded finely. Beef only if it's in pasta/lasagna. Lamb was no no - smell too strong I think.

I gave her baked portobello mushroom with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, thyme and tomatoes and she likes it. She can eat a big portobello by herself. It's easy to do for weekends when I don't cook.
my son chews like an old man!! hahahaa...so slow sometimes...and when he's trying something new...he will make an old man face...like...wat is this?!!! hahaha....
after that he will like normal.

mushroom...ehh..hmm...i never tot of that yet...tot hes still too young.....
ah ok.. even with stage 3 milk he still doesn't like? E suddenly quite likes to drink his milk now. my mum says during the day if he wants it he will point to her and after she makes the milk he will happily walk to the room and lie down and wait for the milk...

ooh portobello, yumm yumm. for mushrooms, can K chew it? E gags quite easily *roll eyes*
yeah he still doesn't leap up to milk even after we intro stage 3. last time stage 2 worse, can only give to him when he's sleepy. at least can give when he's wide awake. he's drinking mamil gold now and he refuse promil/pediasure
that's when i resign to the fact maybe he doesn't like milk. am thinking to intro fresh milk to him. maybe he'll like cold milk :p

btw, i don't mind taking over the green snickers. it has velcro to secure right ?
i wish gwen can suck on pacificer... maybe she can sleep better. SHe used to do that when she was below 3 months but after that she refuse the pacifier. ANd now i have problem with her sleeping.She still wakes up for night feeds.

bkkgal.. K poos so little.. save diapers.. hehe.. but i cna understand can br quite frustrating cause you wonder where the food goes. for me my problem is the opposite.. G poos too much.. 4 x a day.. i very sianz.. to wash her backside 4 x a day.. sigh..
kitsune.. i think if u going taiwan to pig out.. better not bring raeanne.. think taiwan is really eat and eat plus shopping.. they are not as child friendly IMO.

You should go for trip b4 u deliver else must wait a long time.. hehe..
Sleeping through the night
I guess this is a constant battle for us.
My son will be able to sleep all through the night if i am not beside him. Hb and i switched sides and i noticed that when he wakes up to cry...he will go back to sleep if he sees my hb.
Normally when i am beside him he will cry and want milk...i still latch him at night but i noe his not hungry...just habit..

Now its better....actually i can all the way with him...teach him to learn to fall asleep on his own..but honestly i don have the strength to survive the night..hehe...but at the same time im satisfied with the current arrangement.
I was just thinking, won't our kids be horrified to know that we discuss their poo patterns in such great detail in future? teeheehee. so embarassing (for them).
I came across this blog by this Vietnamese-American single mom from Dallas who went on a 1 yr assignment to China. She's one plucky lady. She adopted this little girl and when the little baby was 12 months old, she relocated half way across the world alone with her. Through the year, she travelled all over Asia with her dd. She did everything herself, FTWM taking care of baby, couldn't speak Chinese, had to rely on domestic helper, set up home, tried to have a social life, exposed her baby to different things. Because she was single mom, never married, she had to make up an imaginary husband for her chinese helper's benefit. So funny.

She's my inspiration
Don't know if I can travel with baby by myself, let alone relocate to another country.

Read if you have time. As you can see, I am so motivated to work. hehe.

Genice, ya I think so too but problem is both my mum and my MIl have not been to Taiwan and they seem quite gian to go. Like very bad to take off without them leh. :p
my bb also wakes up many times a night. I think bbs who take pacifiers sleep better in general ie they fall asleep more easily compared to those who dun take. I gave my bb pacifier on the day he was born, and was worried that he may be hooked onto it, but when he was just a few wks old, he suddenly didnt want it anymore.

also, i think bbs look so cute sleeping with pacifiers. Too bad i will never get to see it with my bb. Sigh...
it's sooo quiet! where is everyone? i'm bored at work

i always inspect poo - last time when he was young my MIL will even keep it for me to see - she says mummies must know! :D
Genice, I checked under archived, she posted here a few times last year. She asked cheryl, Kelly a few questions. Think she mentioned her gal in Feb08 leh.
Hi mummies ,

on preschool/childcare.

Just wanna check you all will prefer to put babies to one near your house or near office. For Office the advantage is you can visit at lunch hour.. If nearer home, whoever is home earlier can fetch baby home first.
Hi Lezy , will be going Perth in mid May too !
Self drive, also very excited ! you can check out some thread in Temporary Holding Place. They are discussing Australia trips there
Nicole, for me, I will prefer to put baby near home and preferably near 1 set of grandparents. If one day both hubby and you are late or you got dinner function etc, grandparents can help to fetch him/her home.
Dor I may have to send RaeAnne to school this year, don't want make too many changes in her life after no. 2 comes in Dec. Better to start this year then Jan next year.
so cute right!! i haven't started doing anything cos no time, now just reading up. did you buy the bento making equipment? think i shld just start making little shapes for bb, like carrots and egg
re: dentist
thanks your help for finding out.
indoor stadium, not very convenient for me.

dropped you pm.

re: fruit
yes. i try to feed more during weekends when we are at home.
you feed mangostines?
i did'nt know that blueberry and mangostine can be stored for some time in the fridge.
for blueberry, i normally take out the portion for 2 days, then dump everything into freezer.
never try feedding mangostine before, cos i myself is not a fan of it.

you power ah, show black face to your MIL. i don't dare too. my hb will be not happy if i do that. also, considering that she's already so tired to take care of the little one, feel pity for her too. Why not prepare porridge yourself and bring to MIL instead of ask her to do? easier and no need to depend on her.

re: sleep
hope C can be that smart too.
however, she's still not walking at 14 months, seldom talk too.
but i am pretty sure that she's a easy-going person.

i never check with PD regarding the sleeping part. cos it doesn't bother me that much - very happy indeed. i am just curious why she sleep so much.
in normal days, she also sleep about the same amount as shaun.
from 9:30pm till 6am. 7am till 8~9+ am. + 1 nap in the morning and 1 nap in the afternoon.

re: rash on skin
C has that on the neck too.
due to the hot weather, she will get itchy, then scratch scratch until red and swollen.
so, trying to on the fan/aircon more so that she don't perspire that much.

your baby wash recipe, how long can it keep after preparing?
need to rinse after using?

re: potty
i am not very consistent in offering the potty.
that's why not very successful. :p
MIL also not very consistent during weekdays. so, i am only half-hearted doing that. :p

re: talking
C can say a sentence: "ma3 ma2 ma4 ba3 ba2" - meaning "mummy scold daddy' HAHAHA...
it's just my hallucination but it's so coincidentally happen she say it after i scolded my hb. :p

no, she seldom speak too. except 'fish' a few months back, 'gi la' (giraffe) a few times after watching the vcd, 'take' - her favorite word, 'bo' (ball). yesterday she said 'ti ke' (twinkle) when i sing the twinkle twinkle little star.

re: clingy baby
give her fruit cubes instead of biscuits? less heaty.

ee.. is she having 6th sense? maybe 3 went Japan and came back with 4? :p

re: weight
C is the champion!!!
still 8.3 kg @ 14 months.
she was 8.1 kg @ 12 months.

height is about 72 cm.

re: diaper
hehe.. i am using cloth diapers with no maid.
i soak them overnight with water, then soak into diaperkleen detergent. after that wash in washing machine.
it's achievable without a maid.
the problem is, got to change it very frequent and the house and baby is always smelly during day time and toilet is smelly all day long. :p

re: vaccination
it's said that MMR will cause autistic when taken too early.
but there's no proof on that.

re: preschool
long time no see.
no itention to send her to any school yet.
will let her play at home till 3 yrs old.

after which, she's going to have a hard time.. we are planning to let her learn piano.
checked out the Yamaha music school, it's about $23 per 45 minutes session.
Iso/Crystal - bentos, me too!! i bought a some cute stuff from Daiso, and recently some from japan too!! got hello kitty egg moulds! :p

XY - haha..no way! how to with bb "kiap" in between us..hahahaha...and now she's used to sleep between us after coming back from Japan, lagi no chance.hahahaha.

How to train her to sleep back to her cot? She refuse to sleep in her cot, i put her down when she's asleep (assumingly), but 1 min later, she wails, wanting to come out and sleep with us.
it's extremely cute! i gotten some bento equipments from daiso, ebay and some sprees. i got quite a few gd bento blogs to share. i even gt one that a granny blog about doing for her grandson!

but currently i hv nt start bento-ing for my girl. still too young for that. i am bento-ing for myself. haha!

you just went japan right? so cool. japan has so many really nice and beautiful bento boxes! and i think they are quite cheap esp in those 100yen shops? i badly want to get furoshiki man! aiyah.
oh, so it's you! ;) i replied liao

diapers - do you wash ever other day? i live with ILs, and for myself i only do laundry every 1 or 1.5 weeks - sometimes no time! or always raining. so i think would be difficult to wash cloth diapers. and i think maybe not so nice to ask my MIL to help me wash (she wash clothes more often)

wah crystal you make for yourself? i got no time to make for myself even, haha. but also my office got no microwave, which sucks. unless i make those that can be eaten slightly cold.
for a starter like me, i usu make breakfast or snack bento for myself because it's alot easier and faster. i am no good cook. if i had bento lunch, i usu home-packed from my mom's the previous night dinner if i go over to her place.

i enjoy making breakfast bentos because it's fun, easy and fast. i usu do the night before, so the morning i don hv to rush.

in the future, i would also make breakfast or snack bento for the kids. don tink i will do lunch bentos for them yet cuz don tink they are able to take in huge quantities yet. probably till they are older.
Isobellies, can share your blog. I want to learn about bento too since I'm a SAHM. Hope to make some home cooked bento for RaeAnne at least once or twice a week next time when she starts school although CC teacher told me they don't encourage this practice. :p

Crystal, wa, cheryl goihg to start full day CC, are you going to phase her in? I want to send RaeAnne to half day CC but scared she will cry and cry cos she very clingy and timid leh. :p

XY, I want to let RaeAnne learn piano too. When is the earliest age to start? Is it Yamaha at Tampines Mall?
no choice lei. if nt my dad (care-giver) cant cope with an infant and an active toddler by then. but for the first week, i wont straight away start her on full day. would probably start half day then slowly increase the hours. i also worry she might nt be able to adapt. some more cheryl has stranger anxiety too. sighs.
crystal, which month are you starting her? I'm thinking of August after she turns 18 months. Give her 3-4 months to adapt before no. 2 comes. When is your no. 2 due?
hi all.

wow...a couple of Feb08 mummies are with #2 already! congrats!!
For me and hb..we are still wait and see...im thinking after my son gets settled in CC perhaps we can start the ball rolling. Im guess im thinking the CC as a milestone. Part of me wants to start now...but dunno la..hehehe...
Coz i know for sure...if #2 comes along...i wont cotinue working full time..am thinking of asking my boss wat are my options...perhaps flexi week..hmm inthe meantime i must work hard to show her tat im worth it la..coz im just here for a yr!

hmmm...sounds interesting....sometimes interesting for him to see when he eats.
have previously bgt cookie cut outs and thinking of using them with sponge cakes. But still havent do yet..procrastinating...hehhe

XY..thanks for the info..i guess thats why the clinic didnt allow me to bring forward the appointment.

YUP YUP...im deff placing him in CC when he turns 18mths. Hopefully it will go well. So far his can open up to new ppl and situation quite well.

i know what u mean.. i just got a new boss in feb, and earlier this month i thought my period was late (actually i remembered wrongly, haha), so i was a bit worried.. i also dunno whether i can get anything flexi, but better to work a while first.

oh, what kind of things do you make for brekkie? can share some ideas?

PM u liao
later i go look for some links and share them here..
