(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

cythia, thanks man...u still work at the same place?

my company sells car... jap car...

ya, we sold another 2K in mar.... if it's now, will keep to buy bb's stuff...

ya hor... i cant work leh... so sleepy....too bad no leave already... if not, will take leave to sleep....

ya me still wrkg at the same place.. beach rd there..

oh really huh? wat brand of your co. carry?

I do wrk in Borneo Motors b4 for 6 years.. Hee..

Wow 2k wor... which shopping centres de?

haha take medical leave lor.. geng... heehee..
i oso when sit down dun 1 to get up liao... but no choice. have to move. when i reach home, basically i wont move unless i wanna go toilet. i will sit or lie on my bed...
hee we r lethargic mummies...im going for my lunch soon at 1pm.. oso dont noe got wei kou to eat or nt, by force lor.. haha..
cynthia, dorothy, me also 70s generation...i am 76...hhaha..we 75,76,77...pai pai zuo...

i am in audit line...internal side so lucky not so xiong lah...but got to travel sometimes...think after maternity leave will look for a local based job...otherwise cannot see bb for at least 1 week, cannot tahan ..
we die die have to eat abit lah.. just nw my fish soup, i eat till machiam wan to vomit liao but oso try to finish all the fish. rice din finish nvm...
Cheryl, envy envy...

Cynthia, we almost become colik!!! ya, me in borneo motors... stationed at sin ming... doing after sales.... work here for abt 2 yrs....
cant geng cos jap boss coming over for a visit.... imgane i mc today n then GM saw me no in... sure face black...
blurfairy, audit? can do freelance hor....
oh, i saw this chinese TCM program on eating the placenta...supposed to be veri nutritious...that TCM doc freezed dried her placenta and gave her younger daugher who is asmatic to eat and results quite good....aiyoh, but i find eating the placenta really yucky leh...
just bk fr lunch...ate teochew porridge n some dishes.. took some fruits oso...

Dorothy,you mei you geng qiao de?!!!
u r in Borneo now.. LOL
I used to be Borneo as recept in Leng Kee leh.. fr 1996-2002 ... hee...
I suppose i do noe some staff at Sin Ming too..
So now they still got those vouchers given to staff hor? good leh..
Do u happen to noe the staff in LK?

Yup same as cheryl, if in powder form, i dont mind taking..
Hee yalo.. Cheryl is the only 80s generation in this forum.. Young..
haha so nice.. pai pai zhuo,75 to 77 de..
later will go n see the forum on keepg the placenta..
bt hor i saw fr a pregnancy bk on it n it looks.. hmm....

wow.. your work requires alot of concentration de lor... ?
Peifu leh.. me huh.. see those invoices i 'tau tia' (in hokkien)
me also a 1975 mummy. i SAHM for almost 3yrs liao.

yikes, wont consider keeping placenta. when my gynae pulled it out of me during my 2nd delivery n showed it in front of me, my jaw dropped.

tell me abt changing taste buds n feeling hot & cold. i cant drink or take anything sweet. even my fav drink coke is sweet. i do fancy sour stuff.

my sense of smell also very strong. can smell funny things in e lift n when i'm outside. husband didnt even detect.

of course MS is here. damn sian! hate 2 throw up but bo pian. cant wait for 1st trimester 2 b over.
hello mtbs...

this is the latest thread that i can find ! found out positive last week only after 3 days missing my period and the kiasu me also went to see a gynae near my house straightaway, even the gynae said "u mean ur period so accurate one ah?" ! hehe... coz really can't believe that the test kit turned out positive...some more the blue line looked a bit blurry to me :p this is my first pregnancy so you can see why am so blur and kiasu :p

anyway, i just anyhow now try to calculate my EDD since i'm not the diligent woman type who note down their cycle...i've no idea what my cycle is though i know it's roughly <30 days. so i use the 28 days to calculate using this www.babycentre.com and based on that EDD should be 21 feb 2008 :p

for my first gynae visit, he did a v-scan for me and i can see the yolk and the small placenta though can't see baby coz i guess it's still very small, think around 4 weeks only ! but that confirm that i'm pregnant liao...still mix feelings between happy and confused but mostly happy now

thinking of changing gynae though now...wanted a female one initially and my colleague recommended dr. caroline khi...but haven't look her up yet...maybe i should set up an appointment soon. :p
dorothy, me and the husband just thought that it would be better for us to confirm with the gynae first and since he said it was ok, after a check-up, we felt safe to proceed ..

cynthia, my EDD is in Feb 2008 though i'm not sure of the exact date since i'm only just 6 weeks' past. holiday baby .. conceived when we were back at husband's home country for vacation to show off our daughter to family and friends .. hahaha and now there's another one on the way. my MIL is still finding the information a bit too hard to swallow - she's just gotten used to having one grandchild and now she's having a 2nd one! hahaha ..

i work at a desk-bound job - not too bad, the colleagues are cutting me a bit of slack (always come in late due to vomiting first cos don't want to throw up in cab) but don't know how at next appraisal ah .. hahaha .. now have so many projects to handle .. feel really stress.. husband wants me to quit cos he thinks my mental health is more important *worried i will take it out on him, i suppose* but never mind, i shall just take one day at a time ..
Finally those Jap left.....

Cynthia, wah... y left BM when the incentive quite good... Vouchers? what kind? i only know the COE incentive... $50Lengkee? aiyah... not many... but i was in the SRC last year so know a few....

Kel, heehee... same age...so qiao...

HI doink!!!!

hi toot, take your time to try out gynae...

me too... planning to change gynae too....this fri me gg kkh... i see how...

my EDD is 1st feb... so i gg to tell bb to only come out on 08 feb... cos mummy greedy...

wait til tri2, let go pig out together....

Culainne, i see... wah strike during holiday... bb made in?
dorothy, me too - can't wait till 2nd trimester so i can start stuffing myself .. after two-three months of constant MS, i think i deserve it .. hahaha ..

which gynae were you seeing before? my gynae is at KKH - Dr SF Loh.

yah lor .. strike during holiday .. what luck! baby was conceived in sweden .. halfway through vacation .. thought it should be safe cos only a few days after menses but boy, were we wrong!
hi all,

really loves this forum that allow us to voice our tiredness during office hours...hee hee

MS is really terrible. Suddenly i realise coke is a good relieve for that..but i noes we cant take too much of that...many ppl are saying the cracker helps but so far nothing help. If want to puke, just want to puke.

y left ar.. actually i oso cant bear to depart de leh..bt becos change of management leh.. mayb next time i PM u tell u who la.. so i tender lor.. ya.. the $50 COE thingy.. i gt ask my HB (dat time my bf) n my mum to submit their ic.. LOL..
Hao zhuan hor??!! heehee..
then like xmas n CNY got gifts n angbaos from sales persons de.. ang baos gt alot de lor... heehee...


Yalo we cant really predict when exactly our fertile dates sometimes de hor.. heehee..
suddenly lost track like that...

Welcome all the new join MTBs..

Yalo.. i always come in to join u all ladies for chat.. hee..


Hw many wks r u in nw?


hmm me abt 5-6wks then feel tired n front there engorged leh.. u?
cuclainne, wah ...bb is MIS (make in sweden)...so nice...tried to do in europe last year but cant make it...realise when go tour, end up at night very tired, no energy liao

ladies, i bought this Sunflower Kernels from Tong Garden at lunch time, cos i looking for some light snacks and rememember that sunflower seeds was one of the foods recommended in one of the preg books...taste not bad leh, think they roast with honey, if you like cruchy snacks and v cheap, $0.95 onli...
Cuclainne, DR LOH!!!

i have seen him before... liked him alot... veri gentle... previously saw him for fertity issue....
i seeing him this fri at KKH TPS... hoping he can convince me to be my gynae.... how u find him?

Sweden? wow!!!

Kellie, ya... coke is a good remedy for ms leh...

cynthia, wow so good... cos i dun liaise with sales side.... me under afer sales so veri sian one....

So we all go pig out after our tri 1... ok.... deal!!!
bluefairy: how many weeks are u?

cynthia: i so far only a bit of boob tenderness and burping quite often after food only.
hi ladies,

actually my gynae say that normally ms starts after 6 weeks only. is that true ?

but the funny thing is that i already start feelign a bit of ms. last week was terrible though i never got to a point where i had to vomid...and my gastric got worse

my remedy for nausea is just eat sweets or eat sweet plum... :p tried mints, but end up with stomach ache coz eat too much

am also trying to stop taking coffee...but it is sooo difficult to stay awake in office as my work is deskbound

dorothy, u oso changing gynae...hmm...actually in the prev gynae place we set up 2nd appt already
kellie, i didn't 'pantang' during my first pregnancy .. my parents, my colleagues were all advising me not to eat this, not to drink that but my husband is my accomplice .. he is the one who hands me a cold can of coke to drink, buys me junk food, etc .. he said he'd rather i eat something i want to eat than not eat at all .. hahaha ..

doink, i find that my MS this time around started earlier .. maybe it's because the body is now more in tune with the signs and symptoms of pregnancy ..

cynthia, yah la .. didn't know will strike. some more was on holiday with my mom .. hahaha .. we rented my MIL's colleague's apartment and my mom slept in the bedroom while we slept on sofa bed in living room with baby .. hahah .. really like teenagers .. it felt wrong to do it when my mom is in the next room but thinking back, we're already adults and married what! hahaha .. me and the husband always laugh when we think back on how we tried to be quiet ..

blurfairy, can understand that .. we were so stressed the entire trip .. it didn't feel like a vacation at all cos every day sure have something to do, people to meet .. aiyah .. so i suppose the baby was a result of a spontaneous stress-reliever moment .. hahaha ..

dorothy, he is great .. he was recommended to me by a colleague who used to work with him. he's a nice man and always take the time to explain things to me and the husband (who had a 1001 questions at each appointment). his clinic assistant is also very nice and would chat with me when getting me ready for scans so i feel quite comfortable with him .. that's why i decided to go back to him for the second one.

anyways, here is a picture of my daughter .. just turned 6 months in this photo ..


anyone has pictures to share? i love looking at babies' photos ..
Kel (bkge):
I have not visited my gyne yet. want to tahan till 11weeks then go, then can do the triple test as the same time.. :p

I guess most gynes will recommend to stop bfg, but I am quite determind to continue unless my body give me signs to stop, or else i will try to tendem nurse both my babies. hahahahaha

Do you walk or stand alot? I cramp when i walked too much.

Something very effective. Chilled cucumbers! Cut into big strips. Very refreshing and helps with the MS. Helps to take away the 'sour' taste in the mouth too.
cuclainne, your gal has such BIG eyes...your hubby caucasian?

cheryl, try to rest more since you feel crampy...try putting a warm waterbottle on tummy see if feels better?
angelin teo

i think i walk alot yesterday.. i haven change my heel yet... so i have been wearing heel... u all oso wearing or stop wearing already?
blurfairy, yes .. i joked that sofi doesn't look like either of us - maybe hospital give wrong baby but he said there were no other foreigners in waiting room that day so cannot be .. hahahaha ..

will this be your first child?

im still wearing heels leh bt nt v high that type de lor...bt if stomach gettg bigger,will change le..in the mean time,jus walk slowly lor.hee anyway dont have the energy to walk fast..

wow.. cuclainne,sofi's eyes big leh...cute n sweet...
Hi all, I'm a newcomer in tis forum. Hee..

Cuclainne, ur bb looks so cutie... Hee..

Cherly, I've stopped wearing my heels, been wearing my crocs.. Nw desperately sourcing 4 comfortable flats.. but no avail..

Any1 knows where 2 get?

Good Morning!!!

Cuclainne, your bb veri cute leh.... i will try to download my gal's pic... but she is 7yrs old already... not so cute...

Cheryl, maybe u can try to change to flat shoes...
btw, anyone experience pain in lower back... bum already?
Esther/Cheryl, there is a bp on crocs in the bulk purchase. the organiser will start one on 09/07... cheaper to get from him...
oh... my sil work in chocs leh, but hor paisay ask her buy for me, cos she already give me 1 crocs... maybe i will get from him...
Cheryl, then ask yr sil to buy loh... cheaper mah... ya.. suan... but when i work the suan feeling will come... dun know y like that....

hee here's my boy's foto.. pai sey, he now coming to 3 yrs old le bt this foto was taken when he is abt 2 mths..cos the recent havent d/l n nt in my PC..

