(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Thanks, Xiaoyun, looks like it should $70 (promo price) then. Ok I'll order the made by mum pumping band from mumcentre then, since it should be cheaper with the discount at $34.95 (b4 less 15%) and 1 size fits all. No need to go down to Expo. Will order 1 set of membrane cos just found out my cousin also uses Medela and she said she needs the membranes too. What's the exchange rate?

How much more to go?

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) kitsune_sg

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
(6) Jacelyn

(C) Made by moms pumping band (USD34.95 b4 discount)
1) kitsune_sg
there are about USD 35 to go.
exchange rate will be adjusted with credit card rate.
tentatively use 1.5 first. extra will be used to offset the CGW charges

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) kitsune_sg

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
(6) Jacelyn (Jan)
(7) hen

(C) Made by moms pumping band (USD 29.71)
1) kitsune_sg
hi, anyone knows of any CL who is willing to do short term just 1 week for next week? hubby gonna be away for 1 more week & he's worried that i peng san & cannot cope. thanks..
oscarthegrough, me too, i just sent my ex cl back to JB today... turn out they dont allow her to turn back, so she can only come on 1st april, i need to tahan till then.

are you all alone? My parents are shifting in with me, just that day time i will be alone... relaly feeling scared now, cos i am feeling very lost... sorry i think i am very lousy, not a brave mama.

I paid $57 for the set of super shields and handsfree strap. There's an airdry bag thrown in as free gift. Works with medela and ameda pumps. Nipple size - mostly asian women are medium. Extra large are for angmohs.

If you getting the made by moms, only have the strap, no shields leh...for me, the shields were very useful in cupping the whole breast and mimicking the baby's suck.

btw, i asked mumsfairy pp whether can extend the promo price to frens. the mumsfairy lady said she will extend the promo price of $57 if buyers self collect from bukit panjang or if pay $7 for courier.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not getting commission for recommending but if anyone interested, can let me know.
nono, u are not a bad or lousy mommy at all.. we are both in the same boat. hubby reservist for a month, sometimes my mom comes over in the daytime, but she's not experienced with babies, bb cry nonstop for few hours she more kan cheong than me. hang in there, u can do it. i was super bad last week, so depressed, and felt totally powerless and lost too. i think if u don't think too much, i.e. don't think 'how long will this last?' etc, but just try to enjoy every moment, touch your baby and hold her.. hopefully time will pass faster. jia you, we encourage each other for the next week ok?
Bkkgal, oh i see, only $57 then? Looks like worth it then since it includes the Super shield, the Medela Softfit costs USD9.35 each. What's an airdry bag? Can they extend the same promotion to me, I'm willing to pay for courier. Can't go anywhere far nowadays with baby & 3 hrly pumping schedule. :p

Xiaoyun, very very paiseh leh.
I won't order the Made by Moms for time being if bkkgal can get the mumsfairy one at the same promotion price for me.

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) kitsune_sg
(4) babyship (Jan)

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
(6) Jacelyn (Jan)
(7) hen
are you using the small avent bottle with the manual pump? i used the big bottle (260ml) with the pump and it doesn't topple. think the wt of the small bottle can't withstand the wt of the funnel.

for transportation of ebm from office back to home, i used a cooler bag (those normal one with foil inside) and put ice packs in it together with the bottles of ebm. good enuf to keep the milk cold while travelling home. i used the same method when i needed to bring ebm out to feed baby during weekends. the ice packs can last for quite a few hours.
LV Goat's Rue
2 packages (12 bottles in 1 box, 5bottles in 1 box) have arrived in spore on thu. I still waiting for e other shipments b4 i run 2 e post office 2 find out how much postage is and also 2 advise every1 e shipping charges for all 3batches.
hi Stephie, can i know how u warm the ebm outside for bb?cos i wanted to bring ebm but clueless as in how to feed bb w it.fyi, i stored my ebm in milk bag.
hv been bottle feeding my gal EBM for 1 wk already cos her weight gain wasn't ideal previously (re sleepy syndrome that some of you gave me advice on...thanks!)

she has this strange behaviour - after every feed, she will cry and scream and fuss for about 15mins. we figured it's not bcos she's still hungry as she behaves like this regardless of the amount we feed.

i noticed that her mouth continues to make the sucking motion, and will eagerly grab the pacifier if we put it near her mouth. could it be she still has intense need to suckle? anybody's bb has same behaviour?

lezy, berry,
thanks for info re soy milk. is there a way to determine her allergy for sure? i realized that A LOT of foods contain milk, so it will greatly limit what she can consume...nutrition wise am sure that substitutes can be found as what lezy has shared. just more restriction and more care in terms of diet. imagine not being able to eat chocolates!! =P
yeah also wanna know how to heat up ebm, was thinking of bringing hot water and a plastic mug then put the milk in it for a while...

thanks for the contact but i went to buy medela pis advanced already...

re: pump
those who use avent manual, does your pump make squeaky noise when u pump ? mine does terribly such that i cannot pump with baby in the room otherwise he'll wake up...which is another reason why i got the electric pump...
how many pack/bottle did u bring out?
re:thermal bag
whar thermal bag did u use?

re: avent manual-squeaky noise
ya, mine have them too. but to me, it is still softer than medela pump
Pigeon manual pump
Anyone using this manual pump? Any comments about this pump?

Nipple pulling/twisting
My bb loves to pull and twist my nipple during feeds and after feeds making my nipple sore once again. Really feel like giving up on breastfeeding. Told her not to pull and twist but seems like she is still doing it everytime. She doesn't do that when she feeds on bottle =( Not sure if she is fussy about my milk flow or what. Can't rely on bottle feeding as each time I try to pump out, I can only yield about 50ml and shes already drinking about 100ml of EBM! =((

Heating up of EBM
I bring out the EBM in milkbag, leave it in chiller bag. When its time for bb to drink, put milkbag into a mug of warm water to let EBM defrost and warmup(i brought along hot water and an extra mug).
hi mummies,

thanks for the participation. babycenter spree closed:
Domestic Shipping Base Charge 5.99

A) Medela membrane (USD 4.56)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) kitsune_sg
(4) babyship (Jan)

Domestic Shipping:
0.24 /item

(B) LeapFrog Discovery Ball (USD 10.20)
(1) xiaoyun
(2) xiaoyun
(3) emoments
(4) tute
(5) qoosan
(6) Jacelyn (Jan)
(7) hen
(8) kelly
(9) lyn78 (Jan)
(10) stephie

Domestic Shipping:
0.43 /item

(C) Little Monster Hoodie & Pant Set (USD 11.90)
Qty: 1
Size: 6M
(1) icy

Domestic Shipping:
0.36 /item

(D) Non-Burning and Calming Diaper Area Wash (USD 7.62)
(1) xiaoyun

Domestic Shipping:
0.24 /item

(E) SPF 30+ Citronella Bug Blend Sunscreen (USD 13.74)
(1) xiaoyun

Domestic Shipping:
0.36 /item

(F) Sleep bra (USD 15.27)
Colour: white
Size: Small
(1) babyship (Jan)

Domestic Shipping:
0.34 /item

Pmed u already

nipple twisting - mine does it too! i notice tt she does it every time i do a bot feed. maybe she thinks it's fun or by doing it can get a faster flow. now i keep bot feed to min once a day, usually at nite so tt she's too sleepy to tel diff. heh.
heating up of ebm

bought a prince lionheart self heating bottle warmer yday from robinson. bit expensive at $30.90 but i figured useful if i can't find hot water. it's uses those self heating crystal packs, wrap ard bot and quick heat.

transport ebm
i gonna use cooler bag. but i saw one small akira mini fridge can keep bots of ebm. if u drive, can plug the fridge in the car elect socket thing. also useful to put in office if dun wanna share office fridge.
understand from fren to bring hot water n extra mug.

cuz any milk warmed up must be consumed within an hour. applies to formula too.
hi ladies...

haven't posted for a some days...was trying to cope/adjust to life after CL left. not easy!!

but it appears to be more 'flexible' too, now that there is one less person in the house to 'advise' and run to bb before i get to him (this was a significant part of my stress). hopefully i can adjust better n better each day.

jia you to all of us!

i used the yaolan the 2nd day cl left, it's a life saver!

pacifier/thumb sucking
i intro the pacifier but mil prefers to let bb suck his thumb (he will suck his thumb if i dun stuff the pacifier in his mouth). i know both are bad habits but wonder which is the lesser of two evils?

no-underwired bras
i tried to buy some non-underwired bras (but not nursing bras) to wear for going out. went to triumph, sorella but they dun have any that i found satisfactory. triumph only have 2-3 designs and it looks almost like those nursing bras (only beige colour) anyway... sorella has only 1, but its too padded and 'crushes' my breast/nipples.does any of you have any recomendation?
hi all,
this is the breakdown of charges.
exchange rate use 1.5 (adjust again with credit card bill)

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Unit Price</TD><TD>Unit</TD><TD>Domestic Shipping Base Charge</TD><TD>Domestic shipping</TD><TD>Total Domestic shipping</TD><TD>Total (USD)</TD><TD>Total (SGD) </TD></TR><TR><TD>xiaoyun</TD><TD>Medela membrane</TD><TD>4.56</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>0.67</TD><TD>0.48</TD><TD>1.15</TD><TD>10.27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>0.67</TD><TD>0.86</TD><TD>1.53</TD><TD>21.91</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Non-Burning and Calming Diaper Area Wash</TD><TD>7.62</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.24</TD><TD>0.58</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>SPF 30+ Citronella Bug Blend Sunscreen</TD><TD>13.74</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.36</TD><TD>0.70</TD><TD>14.44</TD><TD>82.23 </TD></TR><TR><TD>kitsune_sg</TD><TD>Medela membrane</TD><TD>4.56</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.24</TD><TD>0.58</TD><TD>5.14</TD><TD>7.71 </TD></TR><TR><TD>babyship (Jan)</TD><TD>Medela membrane</TD><TD>4.56</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.24</TD><TD>0.58</TD><TD>5.14</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sleep bra</TD><TD>15.27</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.68</TD><TD>15.95</TD><TD>31.64 </TD></TR><TR><TD>emoments</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>tute</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>qoosan</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jacelyn (Jan)</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>hen</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>kelly</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lyn78 (Jan)</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>stephie</TD><TD>LeapFrog Discovery Ball</TD><TD>10.19</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.43</TD><TD>0.77</TD><TD>10.96</TD><TD>16.44 </TD></TR><TR><TD>icy</TD><TD>Little Monster Hoodie &amp; Pant Set</TD><TD>11.89</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>0.34</TD><TD>0.36</TD><TD>0.70</TD><TD>12.59</TD><TD>18.89 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

please transfer the amount to my POSB savings account 198-15117-3.
yup, will bring a flask of hot water n a thermal mud to warm up ebm.

i use garfield's mthd if only gg out for a short while/knw bb's next feed is due soon

dor - preferably trf ur ebm in milkbag to btl 1st before brging out.

personally, i feel that pacifier is the lesser of 2 devils. fr my experience, pacifier easier to wean off totally cos my niece in law still sucks her thumb when she's sleepy tho she's gg to be 5 yrs old.
the squeaky noise doesn't come on every time. find it ok when compared to medela mini electric.

am using avent manual pump since my girl's time 3 yrs' ago. durable and effective imo.
actually was thinking of giving up bf coz really got no time to pump and sterilise etc... but hubby was encouraging. we decided to buy the medela pis. after using 3 times, found that it can yield the same amt of milk in half the time taken using avent manual pump. what's more, the parts are easy to assemble.

on top of that, i exchanged the free gift (thermometer) for the easy expression bustier. it allowed me to pump while patting my baby and also do other things coz hands-free.

mummies who r really tied down with taking care of bb and pumping can consider this. only disadvantage is cannot walk around unless i use batteries.

now i am more motivated to continue bfing
re: ebm
i brought ebm out in cooler bag + bottle.
then bought a flast of hot water.
but find that it takes quite a while to warm up the milk and need to change hot water a few times as bb is drinking more now.

if warm up the milk first then bring out, must make sure to consume in 2-3 hours time.

how long does the self heating warmer can last? and how big is that? i am afraid that my NUK premium bottle is too big for that.
like what stephie said, i think pacifier is better than thumb sucking.

you got my pm? wanted to get your contact to arrange the collection of desitin.
Hi mummies,

any comment on similac and mamex gold formula milk. i want to start mixed FM for my baby cos not enough BM.
i was feeding dumex (cheapest one) initially - just using as supplement to bfing about 1-2 times a day.

now just started on similac cuz i was told it's the "closest" to breast milk.

baby usally poop once in 2-3 days....but yesterday, she poop 3 times in a day. dunno if it's good or not...
have trf the $ to you. tks!

To Account POSB Savings
198-15117-3 Xiaoyun
Amount S$16.44
Transaction Reference 1628047514
feel a bit sad... just brought my son for his hep b 2nd jab and check up. pd say he still has a bit jaundice, suspect due to bm so now gotta intro formula to him and have to feed him formula 2-3 times a day...
hopefully things get better in 2 weeks time else have to do liver function test according to pd.
hi tute,

dun worry too much, im sure all will be ok soon!

stephie and sunny, thanks for your advise on the pacifier! i also feel the same way, but i know my ILs perceive thumb sucking to be 'better' instead.hopefully my bb dun get 'addicted' to either!

xiao yun,

transferred the $ to you,

Amount : $16.44
Nick : tute
Trans Ref : 1628156179
Trans Date : 24 Mar 2008 01:55 PM

thanks for organising !
