(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

Genice, thanks for the enlightening post. My hubby hardly ever talks about work or tuition so it's interesting to know the different types of students. I will be worried if my kids will end up in category 1 too. I think for me pri school, nearby or fast to get to school most impt cos I think young kids travel very poor thing. But must be a reasonably ok school too, not those notorious type cos I think rowdy students very disruptive for other students in the class. :p

wow, interesting! regarding the different types, what about their parents and the environment that the parents create? have you had any opportunity to observe? like maybe parents are encouraging or parents always scolding?
pauline.. i think by the time ur hub come home, he is too tired to talk abt sch stuffs and i find that as a teacher in sch its quite difficult to understans each kid in detail like how a tutor is able to coz u need to spread ur attention among so many kids. When i was in sch.. i wasnt as attentive also... just noe in general, o.. he is weak, she is strong.. but u do not have the time to tackle each of their probs. I guess in tut is different coz i am paid to tackle their probs..

Iso, interesting qn! I think definitely there is a link!

1) Case 1: Forgot to add the boy has reasonable attitude, does his work!
Profile: only child, hse very messy and full of things, mum is a nurse doesnt seem to upkeep the hse well even though i thot she will practice better hygiene since she is a nurse.. keke.. family wise normal chinese family..Boy is very dependent on mum, needs mum to find bks for him prob coz hse messy? Bad habits passed down.. after seeing it, i make sure my hse is neat and insist on pt cleaner. Somehow, i jut feel that if the hse has been neater, more organised, perhaps the kid will turn out to be a little different. Somthing that shocked me also was the way they switched off the tv!! I assume normally pp will use remote to switch to standby mode and maybe off the switch but the student just off the switch like that, he din even bother to switch off the tv or change to stand by mode.. ( gasps).. soemhow i think it wil spoil the tv with such abrupt cut off.. but the kid says this is what they have been doing all the while... erm...
Mum's maths is weak...she did mention.

Case2: All 3 kids relatively well to do ( all w siblings) and all down to earth.Independent individuals, can decide what is best for themselves, like not going to certain class cause he noes he will end up neglecting his studies. Parents very involved with the kids, talk to them a lot despite 1 of them , the mum flies ard and is very bz. Parents and kids are like frens, dun really nag at them ( from what is see), even though they are rich but they are being kept grounded. A lot more warmth in the house.
Parents are pretty educated and successful.

Case 3: Similar to Case 2 above

Case 4: Only child, a bit self-centered reasonably well to do, whatever she wants, she prob gets it, heck care attitude, hardly talk to father, only talk to mother. Claims that father always scold her whenever they talk. Very cold environment at home, hse seems empty, no warmth.

Case 5: Similar to case 2 and 3 , relatively well to do , landed property, parents own business. Mum is always at home but i dunno why she is slightly different from those in case 2 and case 3. Maybe the interactions between the parents and kids were different, prob e mum was very bz at wrk in the past and neglected her, mum is slightly older, nags more, in the end, the ger turned more to her friends.. or maybe the stream is different and thus the company she hangs out w is different.. spewing vugarities most of the times, everything cant be bothered, attitude like case 4

Hmm..so in summary ( my own conclusion), rich or not rich does not matter, spending time with kids is impt, if not as much time as other, just have to be quality time. As seen above, some parents dun have as much time b their kids turn out fine. Its impt to talk to the kids more and make sure they open up to u since young i guess.Although i conclude that but i am not even sure whether i am doing the right thing or not, just try my best to move in this direction..... lets hope that we are all doing the "right" things.

In education job, you will be able to see the approach of many nowadays parents. Frankly speaking, it is not easy with so much lust ard us.

The case study is good. Most of the parents are still taking the approach as friend to the children. This is what I see among my friends and colleague, occassion parents-roles are necessary at times.
Thanks for sharing Genice.

I am doing fine with *high blood pressure* sometimes dealing with two and rushing to and back from work. other days I just melt seeing them lol
Thanks for the observations. Do you think our children's character/personality traits will change over time? I find it quite hard to divorce myself from distinguishing what my child really is versus my inner hopes/aspirations of what the child can be.

Staying home with no help
Today is my first full day at home with the kids. I managed to accomplish quite a lot and cooked dinner for them too
And I managed to put both of them to bed in the same room!!! WOO HOO!

But hor, the more I stay home the more I buay song those maids who ever stepped into my house. I used to work every day, I don't see alot of things in my house. But nowadays, i can see wa lau, my microwave hasn't been cleaned dunno how long already, or the way that things have been cleaned have been so half past six. If want to do, got alot of things to do. Last time MIL always asked me to find things for maid to do but I could only pick the obvious e.g. clean fans, clean floor, clean toilet. But now everywhere I turn I see dunno how many things need to be done. I was just thinking how those maids can complain say bored, nothing to do. And these few weeks when I went around hunting for a place to rent, you can't believe how many maids I saw who owned a laptop! I saw one maid (employer went on holiday) make herself a milo, sit in front of her laptop typing away and the whole house was in a mess. She is supposed to help employer pack the house to move but I saw empty carton boxes everywhere, the sofas in disarray, oh and she wore her slippers everywhere in the house whereas we had to take off our shoes. disgusting.
bkkgal, clap clap, give yourself a pat on the shoulder. I probably can't look after both the whole day plus cook dinner too. If I put both to bed in the same room, they'll probably sleep at 11pm n I'll get pek chek. :p

hehe, me too, when my maid left, I examined the house, I found more and more broken/spoilt things. Heart pained but the good thing is after she left, I bought new pot, new laundry rack, etc cos now no more maids to spoil my things. Downside is everything in the house gets dusty so easily. Got PT cleaner, but 5 hrs weekly also not enough. :p
OMG, you are very good. **Give you a round of applause**
I cannot never put both of them to sleep in the same room, same timing. At least not with C talking all the way to sleep, while S climbing up and down the bed.

My friend's filipino maid requested my friend to sponsor her to study in Singapore. My friend replied her that she engage her as a maid, not as a student. after a few months, this maid told my friend her boyfriend two-timer then no mood to work and her family problem want her to help to solve. So in the end, my friend went her back to solve herself.

Last night, S has difficult sleeping, hence when her Daddy came home. She quickly popped out of bed and ran to her Daddy, pointed her fingers toher back and said: "Dad~dy~ 我~要~"
Daddy asked her "Yes, darling. What do you want?"
She replied caressing her bulged tummy, "按磨~"

Now S have a habit of falling asleep on the floor. Hmm~

Respect respect. I couldn't do it, guess that I'm ok for my older one & housework, not for two & housework.

Hehe....maids, that's exactly what I am doing now for housework-----taking care of remaining misc stuff.

Share with you, I am very proud of my E now, she's now responsible of watering plant and folding her own clothes daily.

I am also quite afraid that my own mind interferes much with E's growth. For now, I just leave her play on her own as long as possible, as wild as possible. For myself, I try to be calm and contented. Don't know whether it helps in the long run or I will change ways later on.
Pauline, bluegin, thanks *grin* Hope everyday can be like yesterday.

Pauline, agree once a week not enough. Every sat, me and hb have to vac and mop floors. On weekdays, I do some light dusting/cleaning. Maybe better to switch to 3 hrs twice weekly?

On the floor? No mattress?
We used to clean the floor once a week by hand. My place do not practise sweeping floor with broom.

On the floor without mattress. our floor is wooden type, not the tile. Sigh~
Tubao, but you have 3! Already very peifu.

Nowadays, I've been thinking if I could do it again, I would plan to have Sarah after K turns 3 instead of the 2 year gap because I feel that the extra year would have helped me alot. Last year, when K was only 2yo, she really needed attention from me and so did Sarah. I felt at times that I was robbing her of her babyness. If I had S now, K is much much more dong3 shi4 and less clingy. It's really tough to handle 2 or more kids when all of them are under age 5.

My little chubby choo automatically puts her dirty clothes in the laundry basket before stepping into bath nowadays and after bath play, she will keep the toys. My training paid off!! hehe. On the other hand, K still needs reminding - I think spoilt from the old days where we had a maid picking up after her.
Bkkgal, difficult to find 2 days for Pt cleaner to come cos may not be home on weekdays. Now, she coming on Sunday morning, I already have problem cos we need to leave the house at 11+am but she works till 1pm. So I am debating whether it is better to give Pt cleaner my keys or ask her to pass the keys to my neighbor. :p

I felt d same as u after I fired off my helper. I manage 2 do a lot & definitely much cleaner. Maybe the helper tinks tat's nt her hse so chin cai. But I always feel one shd tk pride in watever one does. If u wan 2 work as helper, then carry out ur duties properly. Nt as if we dun let them rest, I tk care my
boy midnite whenever he mk noise/milk etc. My helper k k
dun wake up even though she hears my boy cries loudly.

Saw ur FB comment on ur hb's reservist. Trust me, u ultimately can handle 2 kids without ur man ard in no time! I handle my Cs myself when hb away 4 biz trip almost a mth! Initially I get so tired, stress, angry easily but being left wif no choice, I hv 2 do it. Then tings fall into place & bcome a routine!
I happened to know of a 中国陪读妈妈 who is working as a PT cleaner. If you are interested, I can give you her contact. I bought 饺子 from her. Very nice. Ordering 饺子, 小龙汤包 this sunday again. Yummy.
reg school, initially i was eyeing ur pri sch too apple but i heard its very academic n now i m having second tots too, prob will aim for frontier pri, new school! so can b interesting right. i think travelling distance matters too otherwise caretakers also have prob if have to fetch them.

taking care of 2 when hub is travelling, i used to ask maid to make 1 sleep first then the other sleep later, but after #2 turn 1, i make them nap together n sleep together at night, usually both can go to sleep within half hr, my boy sleeps quite easily n usually my gal is more dongshi when daddy not ard, will guai guai go to bed too. i tink i too hard on my maid, so i make sure she cleans most of the things or rather all, haha, so nothing dirty can escape my eyes, oven n stove is clean after every use.
blueginger, thanks, the pt cleaner I'm using is also from mainland chinese but been here 20+ years liao. She is quite good lar, main problem is that I only want them to come on weekends and their schedules are usually packed and so are mine. But got to compromise somehow lar. Asked neighbour just now but she may not be home, so looks like it's either buy a new police lock (cost $100+
) cos my wrought iron gate doesn't come with padlock loops or give her my house keys. :p
thanks for taking the time to share, v interesting! we are all trying our best, and i know for us we are always interested in learning and finding out more, don't worry about doing the "right" thing, just try and do your best!

woohoo! congrats!! and you still had time to come online, not bad leh

if i had to do it all again, i might either have a large age gap or a smaller one! I was just talking to the PD's receptionist today, who has 3 kids, and the last 2 are like 15 months apart, and we both agreed that a smaller age gap is actually easier, even twins!!

u think that new schools are good? i was thinking maybe not enough experience?

i think leaving her to play is better than nagging at her all day
Bkkgal, agree, think 3 yrs gap may be better too. But I am not young so no regrets having no. 2 at 22 mths gap b4 35 yrs deadline. After all, time flies n she is already almost 2 yrs old. But joked with hubby that 3 yrs gap for no. 3 will be good, but he freaked out. -_-
iso, prob have pro n cons, mostly dep on teachers actually, establish school also have new teachers. i heard from fren this new school does not have tamil.
My older girl help a lot at looking after twins; and in some ways discipline them, at 3 year age gap.

For my twins with 4 minutes age gap, we see that they fight all day along, for toys, for attention, for food, and everything. Sometimes they really get angry with each other. Maybe they're going to fight all the way to 18 years old.

My husband and I still don't know which school we shall send our girls. So far our 1st choice is Ai tong since it's nearest to my ILs' place. We'd like to shift closer to ILs after twins go to full day childcare at 3. So if our helper is willing to continue her work, we will keep her. Otherwise, my MIL just helps to cooks dinner, and she can go back to her own house every night instead of staying at our place at weekdays.
i used to be anal about things being kept in their proper place, and having my house spick and span. all that is down the bin with two kids and no maid. and to be honest, it really irks me, and i spend considerable time putting my house back to some sense of order and cleanliness.

so i really do envy those with FDW to help them. but also to console all of us without maids (bkk, pauline, XY, genice...did i miss anyone?), here's a book dedicated to all of us


A perfectly kept house is the sign of a misspent life written by the creative director of Ralph Lauren

For all those who choose to live "imperfectly" with the messy things they love, this book shows how to do so creatively, happily, and with considerable style ideas from leading designers. A beautiful and inspiring volume, A Perfectly Kept House is the Sign of A Misspent Life focuses on living well with everything that makes a house a home. If you have been influenced by the picturesquely cluttered studios of Pablo Picasso or Alexander Calder, or by the art- and book-filled house of Vanessa Bell, this unique style book will stimulate you with its creative ideas.This volume explores how real-life tastemakers (photographers, textile designers, fashion designers, writers, artists) integrate their life and interiors to live well with their passions, histories, conveniences, and inconveniences. In inspiring essays, Mary Randolph Carter muses on such key housekeeping concerns as clutter versus mess; open windows; and unmade beds. Combining practical tips with liberating philosophy—"Don’t scrub the soul out of your home"; "Make room for what you love"—this volume celebrates living beautifully and happily, not messily. Lavishly illustrated with intimate photographs of different living spaces, Carter exalts in the beauty of imperfection and in living perfectly in our "imperfect" homes. Life isn’t perfect—why should your house be?

With or without maids, makes no difference to me since I had been through the toughest time when both of my kids are infants.
Now, we still take care of the kids after our works and during night-time as well as weakends. Mopped floors, tidied our room, walk our dogs.

The only difference is we take less of catering, outside food like restaurant and kopitams and less time dishwashing, laundry washing.
More quality time with the kids. My cousin said that I am too easy with my maid, still let her have the afternoon nap. I don't know but I think that when they hv sufficient rest, they can work better.

Spend $100+ for a new police lock just becos of part-time cleaner like not worth it leh. The one I recommend can work on weekday, can save up your precious weekend time.

Thank you for sharing such a good book. Yes, we need this badly.

Envied. C just fighted with S on anything in her world, but they will miss each other badly when one was sent away. To look after younger sister is a "No-No".

Same. The book looks interesting and inspiring. Going to buy it from bookdepository. Though having a helper, house is still chaos, and I couldn't locate what I want most of time.

E is oldest at her N1 class. So she is used to be big sister role. Deep in our heart, we hope that she's less Dong Shi, less encouraged by her teachers to be very good girl. But don't think practical. Luckily at our neighborhood there's many older boys and girls who'd like to play with her.
good afternoon all!
have 'disappeared' for some time.
me fell sick, #1 fell sick - took leave to take care of her. tried to catch up at work... etc.

thanks for the recommendation of the book. i think i should read it so that i feel less guilty for not being neat enough. :p

re: juzmusic trial
i had a 'culture shock' when reached the building.
it's packed with SO MANY parents and kids. i can't imagine myself being one of them next time. - hopefully not.
kate was really paying attention to the teacher and seems to like the class.
big C was too excited that mummy attends the class together with her and was so 'hyper' that behaved like a 'siao zabo' - basically not listening to the teacher. haha...
i guess she's still not ready for enrichment class yet. or, perhaps she's more suitable for 'non-accompanied' class.
i agree with you totally regarding the genes + attitude part.
although i m not in the education line, i've seen many different type of ppl at my workplace. the successful ppl are actually not the 'super smart' ppl. instead are the ppl with the right attitude, a.k.a. EQ.

to discuss about your question, bkk, i would say character/personality will change a little over time. but there's no total bad/good about a specific character/personality. more importantly is on how to bring out the best from the personality. - hope you get what i mean.
hence, a good educator should be able to 因材施教
oh! i just remembered i attended a workshop for parents on the different personalities of children and matching that with the parents and how parents can best "parent" that type of personality. anyway, the guy said that their character isn't "set" until about 7 years old. before that they are still experimenting and discovering themselves!

the book would be even better if it was just for people who have kids! no kids, there will be a lot lot LOT less mess! heh.
heylo mamas!

thanks for the book recomm Gar! will check it out in the lib.

Iso, that's reassuring...still some time to mold them.

XY *nods* yup understand.

Pauline, haha I think most guys after 2 kids will freak at the mention of a 3rd.

Esty, agree! what can't kill us will make us stronger
by sheer necessity, we will manage somehow. No matter how exhausted we are, when no help is around, we will finish the task.
i already tried to look for it in the lib catalogue but they don't have it, but i've already recommended it to them ;)

so so true about EQ in the workplace! That and people who talk a lot and know how to arrow others *roll eyes*.
yup. the price is rediculous. it's even more expensive @ GNC.
dun buy from the FB seller.
i directly get vitamins and snacks from iherb.com. much cheaper even after direct singapore delivery. 1 week can deliver to your doorstep liao.
ooh ok, will check it out if i need anything!


mummies, would you allow your maid to scold your children? i've seen this one particular maid a few times, and just now the 2-yr old was crying and she scolded and beat (lightly) on the leg, like twice. i'm sure it can't be easy for her to look after 3 kids below 5 years old, but...

and my own maid, maybe because her english is not so good, really copies the way i speak. it's a bit annoying, but recently i've not been too happy with the way she has a condescending tone to E, but i think it's hypocritical of me becuase that's the way i speak to him when I'm annoyed that he's done something. But then I'm the mummy, right??
I let my maid correct my kids if they are in the wrong. Not to the extent of beating them.
I believe in correcting the kids immediately. So sometimes her way of correcting might sound like scolding. S spent most of her time with my maid, I also ask her to teach S Bahasa.
Iso, nice! will the library acquire more than 1 copy? should i go and ask them to acquire too?

Phew, still some time to go before 7 years old. So maybe still can "mold" their character, eh?

Btw, thanks for the tipoff last weekend. it's a nice set up. i bought some. hee.

I allowed my first maid who is a mature mother of 2 to scold K (but not to beat her). In fact, I had always said that as the adult, I expect her to guide the child. But the other maids after that *shake head* cannot. definitely no.

I fully understand wat u mean by "I'm the mummy rite etc.." keke...

So sometimes I'm in a dilemma. BUT then I dun expect my maid 2 scold/beat my kids. I feel tat if once the maid is given tis authority, even be jz scolding, I tink the maid will resort to more scolding even if minor mistakes. ESP if we r not @ hm. So upfront I told my maid, u can't scold/beat my kids. Tell me & I'll discipline them myself. If my kids shout/beat u, tell me. I'll discipline them.

I saw a few maids shout & scream @ the crying kids @ my void deck. I was like ... Huh.

My helper and ex-helper are mature and experienced; I let them scold my E such as asking her to say "sorry", "thank you."..... Haha...I feel that if I don't allow them, they will feel itchy.
re: maid 'teaching' kids
i was in playground, saw a maid took out her slipper. beat the floor (as if threatening to beat the kid) and scolding the kid to sit down in order to play the slide.
felt so uneasy about it. >.<
hi mummies,

thinking of applying leave tomorrow for shopping.
Borders Expo Sale
Metro Expo Sale
Toys 'R' us Sale
or probably i should go Bugis to shop for my watch?

anyone interested to go with me? :p
XY, wa, I'm keen to go toy r us sale with you but kallang leisure park quite out of the way if taking public transport. Go there, sure lug big and heavy toys back cos those are the cheapest. :p
hello mummies!

happy that long weekend (i took monday off) is arriving..planning a driving trip to Malaysia,malacca and genting :D with only hub and kids! so looking forward to it.

maid - i expect the maid to voice out if the children has done something wrong (shout, hit), but merely sternly warn the child, not to the extent of scolding, beating is out of the question. very sad to always see children with maids at void decks without parents, then the children just do anything while the maids chit chats among themselves, worse is seeing those poor baby in pram, and the maids seems to be making fun of the baby (let her cry), irritate her, or feed the poor baby those tidbits full of msg! sigh

lapbooking parents workshop - i just saw on her blog she is organising a 3rd and final session on august 21st 4-5.45pm.
Hee~ I think XY driving mah.

Too bad I cannot take leave this week. Enjoy your shopping.

What is lapbooking?
no harm recommending to the library, maybe they will think more people interested and buy more copies?
but yah, i hope there's still time to teach them or to make amends for teaching bad things!

i agree should let them voice out if the child is not behaving, but shouting is out of the question.

what kind of "scolding"? there's a difference between saying "you should say please!" and shouting at them right.

XY, QL, you're right, feel so uncomfortable seeing some kids mistreated by the maids. sometimes i wonder if i should give the maid a stare, like a i'm-watching-you kind of thing.

holiday sounds nice!! i also want to bring my kids on a drive holiday....

hmm i prefer to let her tell them no/cannot, but recently i don't q like her tone towards E..

It's gonna b a great holidays! Njoy! We drove up to Sunway lagoon in Apr &amp; reali had a great time! It is reali fun &amp; enjoyable trip 4 us without maid!

totally agree with qingling. for my helper, definitely no shouting, no ignore, insist on children saying sorry, please is ok.

There are two helpers at my neighborhood that I can't take it. One has boyfriend who we bumped into them two three times at voice deck, we wanted to call police, but didn't do it because of very end part of twin pregnancy. Another one let toddler pick up anything at floor to eat while she chatted with maids.

I tried to hint their employer, asked how they felt their helper's performance. You know what? They are contented with their helper since they did well at the tasks assigned to them. The first one's employer turns TV all day on for their only child at weekends.

The second one's employer are very devoting and loving parents. Daddy and mummy are P.H.D and high flier , but mummy was so proud of telling me that she had army of support----both sides of grandparents and helper that I couldn't mention her helper's fault. In the end, recently the toddler got a big big bruise at forehead when helper took care of him alone at downstairs. Now they're scared; helper is not allowed for outdoors. His mummy came to me, saying 'don't know how a simple trip to downstairs playground made her son fall so badly.' with lots of heart pain. I almost regretted that I didn't tell her earlier.
Iso - i did! haha..i keep staring at them, i just minus the action to go over and scold them. But i was with Heidi, and there were 2 of them so i did not want to create a scene.

Bluegin-we had some discussions earlier about lapbooking..read more here :D

tubao, keke, I'm the kaypoh mummy when it comes to maids. Last year, the maid of one of RaeAnne's PG classmates is always chit chatting with other maids, she will stay back after picking the boy and chat with them while the boy stands and waits. Usually, I dun bother so much cos all human beings needs some social interaction. But that day, it was raining, she had an umbrella with her and still stand there to chit chat. Our covered walkways was not built up then. The next day, when I saw her 'Mam', I asked her what time did her maid go back yesterday and told her what I saw. A few months after that, the boy's mummy was desperately calling my agent to recommend a maid cos her maid stole $. I think most maids start with doing small mischief and if you don't notice or reprimand, they become more daring and move on to bigger crimes. For my ex maid, I always time roughly how long she takes to walk back from RaeAnne's school. I will peer out of the balcony if she's late and ask her when she comes back. Once or twice, she admitted that she was talking to someone, or she went to buy something at NTUC. :p
Me too! I frequently stare daggers at all those dumb expat maids in my area, all dressed up in spaghetti tops, short shorts, make up, pushing pram crossing road and talking on hp. I have even told off one to watch the road before. Sure, I may be rude but hey, better be safe than sorry!

I think it's a good thing we the mommies stare at the maids if they are not taking care of their charges well. Better still if we know our neighbours. Build up a community of kiddy-friendly watch volunteers! Not say we wanna be KPO but sometimes, it's good to let the neighbours know what's going on. E.g. my neighbour's maid knows that if my neighbour ask me, I will tell the truth. Recently, she got a big scolding for letting another maid into the house. My MIL say and told neighbour. Who knows if something goes missing in the house, how will my neighbour know? My neighbour also told me before how one of my (failed) maids tried to climb back into my house through the window. If he didn't tell me, I wouldn't know!

Employers should watch each other's back right? But of cos, there are some people who would rather not hear bad info about their maids. In this case, better shut up.

agree, i think if my maid is acting up i would also want my neighbours to either say something or stare daggers too. of course they also need some interaction with their own "friends", but it's natural that when the cat is away the mouse comes out to play!

but as for other people's maids, sometimes not easy hor, other people might not like it, and a lot of time with helpers we have to give and take a bit. maybe they not so clean at home but very good with the kids, or something like that. i think next time if someone asks me about my maid I will ask them what they think in case they have something to tell me!

me! i keen!
