(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

7 yrs.. yes, a lot of work need to be done.

just had a super hard time with hubby last night.
#1 was around. she quietly watched the tv, bring her balloon and play it in front of us while we are having the tiff.
when hb is not around, she asked "mummy, why are you so sad?" asked me to sit beside me and she holds my hand tightly..


Rents have run up 30-40% in the last 2 years.

children are super sensitive to such things. But a book I read said that parents fighting in front of them is not necessarily a negative thing as long as the parents make up later. It shows them conflict resolution process. Kate also would ask me "why are you angry mama? dun be angry ok?".
Hi all,

Juzmusic Junior Playtime class (2.5 yrs and up)
23/Jul this sat 2 time slot: 1030~1115/ 1130~1215 (pls state)
They do not have sunday class yet.
1. Bluegin (both timing OK)

Juzmusic Junior Discovery (1.5 yrs and up)
23/Jul this sat 1045~1130
1. Bluegin

Pls note that a fee of $8/pax will be charged for attending the class.

Big C is so sweet.
The last time I hv tiff with my hb in front of the kids. S opened her eyes wide. C said "Daddy hold mummy's hand and Mummy holds Daddy's hand."

Sure. Will let you know.
re:music class,
I have just enrolled Cayleb in mandeville (United Square) - my colleague's recommendation though her daughter is in the toddler's class. actually not sure if their programme is good or not - so will just have to see... for now the class is accompanied for the first term, as and when the child is ready subsequently they can go in on their own. as it is the beginning of term, there are a lot of kids on trial but i feel the class is big with 16 kids... and actually i kinda feel bad about enrolling him in a saturday class because essentially now he goes to class every day since he has sunday school on sundays but i really want him to pick up piano so this is a chance for him to explore music... on the up side - i guess he can learn to socialise more?
hi mummies,for hfmd, are ulcers in the mouth the first symptoms? heidi started w wat look like ulcers on both upper n lower lips on sat, the monday legs started to appear rashes(i wonders if its blisters but got scatch by her because its itchy n now becomes red swollen patches,, saw doc on sun he says probably so ask us to monitor, mon the mouth seems to appear a few small transparent blisters not ulcers. and now she is running a fever today, we brought her to another doc but he diagnosed her as not hfmd, just normal ulcers n allergic skin( for the rashes)..he din even measure her temp, i felt he was not examining thoroughly so i duno to believe him that its not hfmd..for those of u w kids w hfmd b4 does the blisters at the hands n legs appear concurrently w the mouth ulcers? i tink i will monitor Heidi for another day, also last wk a girl in her class has hfmd so i m even more suspicious since that gal was her best fren.
Bkkgal, yup, rises in tandem with property prices.

Blueginger, sigh, just found out hubby has to go back to school this sat so cannot cos I am already bringing RA. :p

Xy, Hugz. Big C so sweet, know how to comfort you. I usually walk away n give silent treatment so at least quarrels r not so blown up. :p

Quarrel about hands-on? Like educating our kids, assign small tasks at a time, don't talk anything big to them.
Ql, it depends. There's hand, foot, mouth + groin area. Not all the spots will appear at the 4 areas together. My kid's hfmd episode last year, he didn't have it in his mouth n my friend's son who got it later had spots only in the mouth. I think it shld be hfmd in yr dd's case coz of the spots + fever.
Ql, sounds like hmfd. Drink more water ok
Hi all I wanna get an infrared thermometer from shalom bp, anyone wanna share with me? its 2 for $50.
re: music class
This sat should be fine. Hb's appointment still cannot confirm.
wondering should try Discovery or Playtime class since this is her first time try music class (except in school).

Juzmusic Junior Playtime class (2.5 yrs and up)
23/Jul this sat 2 time slot: 1030~1115/ 1130~1215 (pls state)
They do not have sunday class yet.
1. Bluegin (both timing OK)
2. xy (both timing OK)

Juzmusic Junior Discovery (1.5 yrs and up)
23/Jul this sat 1045~1130
1. Bluegin
2. xy

Pls note that a fee of $8/pax will be charged for attending the class.

since started the Sunday morning class, our weekends seems to be quite packed (though can be packed in more activities.. :p) since we also go for weekly waterplaying/swimming

what can kids do at Pasir Ris Park playground?

slowly.. just tag along with your mentor and learn loh.
hope i can be your customer next time (means i've got $ to buy a 2nd property!!! hiak hiak hiak!)

re: junk at home
my mum was here and helped to tidy up/throw away stuffs a bit. luckily...

any reason for renting a place instead of staying your own place? *just curious....

re: quarrel of the adults
i read from a book stating that it's ok to 'argue' in front of kids (provided no bad mouthing, shouting, etc). argument is not always a bad thing, cos there's always a need to solve a conflict, right?

yes, i can see the quality of 'elder sis' in #1. very sweet of her to be so emphathetic. :D
Xy, thanks, yes for encouragement. i am going to start tagging along after my course next week. You r welcome.
I i also hope to be my own customer n have $ to buy 2nd prop too. Hee. ;)
hai.. it's an explosion over time...
root cause is communication problem. i do wonder what's the point for me reading/learning so much regarding communication while he chose to remain status quo?

regardnig hands-on part? i don't 'talk' much about it recently - feeling sian. just 'throw' whatever i need to do to him.
getting less patience nowadays.

Ahhh~ Was out-station ytd. Today my work pile up. So busy. only able to log on forum now.
Pasir Ris Park playground, picnics, sand castle. U can cycle or ride pony during weekend.
I tried to let the kids sun-tan. It is good to have some Vit-D.

For juzmusic, look like this sat just you & me. U need me to fetch you? I will register with the PIC tonight.
For Junior Playtime class, do you prefer to run concurrent with Junior Discovery, time slot: 1030~1115?
One parent has to accompany the kids in both class.

yeap - thought so ! coz i saw her bp once... i am still interested.. btw, are you getting because of the problem with the school thing? (saw your fb stat)
sorry i didn't specify carefully.
small C has not reach 1.5 yo. i was wondering if to let big C go for the playtime or discovery...
don't need to fetch me, thanks. appreciate your offer.

infrared thermometer not as accurate as the traditional kind. the reading affected by environment.
the ear thermometer also more accurate than the infrared one.
dear mummies,

i've got a SGD161 voucher for photobook singapore to let go.
I bought it @ $48 (70% off). can be used by Apr 2012.

reason for selling is photobook malaysia is offering the similar offer (70% off) and available with less value RM208.
Big C will be in Junior Playtime right?

Errrh~ no different. School are also using Infrared thermometer. Place it nearer to their forehead. Of cos I would prefer a ear thermometer for accuracy, but most of the kids do not like it.

Can buy and sell your own flat as a property agent meh? I thought need another party to do it, conflict of interest.
i thought playtime is a continuation program of the discovery.
since she hasn't been attending the discovery before, maybe she need some 'introductory' class first? :p
which outlet for the juzmusic are you going to? sorry i missed out the post for which outlet it is..

i'm still trying to move my stuff over from ILs, so reluctant cos my place is getting stuffed to the brim!! dunno where to put everything. Lucky we got storage bed/divan, can put luggage, etc, so handy! but still, not enough space...
OIC. Discovery class mainly playing and introduction.

you still have malaysia floor area?

yes parkway centre
in this case, will go for the playtime.

can't keep too much things at my parents' place in malaysia. my mum is a clean freak. :p
in this case, will go for the playtime.

can't keep too much things at my parents' place in malaysia. my mum is a clean freak. :p
i am ok with any timing.
thought bkkgal may be able to make it for Sat 1130 slot?
shall we choose the 1130 timing so that she can join also (since we both are ok with 1030 or 1130)?
do they require advanced booking?

<font size="+1">calling BKK, do you still want to join us this Sat?</font>
bluegin, i cant make it for 1130 coz got a swimming trial. U all go ahead. Update us on how it goes.

iso.. e groupon deal seems gd.

pauline, thats gd, think she still enjoys e lessons :D BTW, u noe where and how i can do valuation.. thinking of selling my place.. got any lobang haha

Tute, still owe u e jacket.. so sorry, if u dun need it and dun mind selling to me , i can get it from u else i will try to meet u next wk?

Tubao.. ur bk as well.. its really a gd bk but i have to surrender after e 1st chp coz i really get a bit blur after reading the words.. too many chinese characters.. so lousy of me rite.

Ql, hope big H is fine, HFMD need not appear on all areas, previously, G has it mainly on the mouth area.. must drink more water, buy those qin re water for her.
u got call them to ask the class timings? i called to ask about katong,
Tues 4-5pm
Sat 1-2pm, 230-330pm, 430-530pm if anyone is interested.

1130 also ok, just hope that #2 won't be too sleepy!
oh i meant class for #1, but if i bring #2 along he can walk around with helper and wait.. but on second thought i think not such a good idea, he's v restless one!
Genice, where is your place? Most agents will help u get a valuation if u r a genuine seller. Even if u decide to pay for it yourself, can sell the valuation report to buyer cos they will need it for both bank loan or cpf loan. It should be $100+ - 200. If u really wanna sell your place, pls pm or SMS me cos I will give a discount off commission for friends.
i am fine to go for the groupon deal together too - just for fun.
if for Katong branch, 430 pm is more suitable for me.

not sure can get slot easily or not? The previous Groupon voucher for photoshoot need 3-4 months advanced booking.
pauline.. i want to check out the valuation before i decide, got quite a few factors to consider including the COV now. u noe where i can get valuation, i dun mind paying it on my own. Sure, will lk for u too, i am keeping my options open since i duno noe other agents too... :D most impt gd price bah... keke

Iso.. i did check out the class timings, on sat 9.30 and 10.30 i think . However, i just realised that this is like a sub-con thingy, swee lee actually collaborate w 2 other music schools that has no connection with them... they cant provide any details of the course and the teachers.. so i am thonking 2x will go view the details again.
It's ok, no hurry.

Xiao yun,
Thanks for link. Your friend is so sweet and hardworking. I enjoy reading her blog. Haiz..... I regret that I didn't make it for the talk. Hope for Next time.
I'm thinking of going to either of the earlier ones because that's when #2 is napping... maybe 2pm class.

think the katong one is swee lee themselves, so not too bad?

btw only got like 2 hrs left for the deal!
Genice, here's the info on the fees of valuation report, must submit request online, http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10322p.nsf/w/SellFlatCost?OpenDocument#Valuation. But valuation report is only valid for 3 mths. So do it if you are very sure you wanna sell the flat liao. If not, got to pay $ and redo then wasted liao. :p

If you just wanna know the price estimate of your flat, no need to do valuation also can find out. Just key in your street name here http://services2.hdb.gov.sg/webapp/BB33RTIS/BB33PReslTrans.jsp, and you can see the recently transacted prices in your area this month or in the last 6 months for trending.
