(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

i have more or less made up my mind to ship her off cos when i told her off on fri evening, she did not appear to be truely sorry even though she did shed a tear and said so. cos she was still laughing at the begining and was attempting to twist the story around, and then adding on "but Ah Mah (my mil) also 'did her wrong' by blah blah blah", somwhat like trying to justify her rudeness as a tit-for-tat. it was only when i told her it's not funny and gave her my death stare did she turn emotionless and started to cry. i think she was trying to 'psycho herself' and force some tears out of herself actually. then once the episode was over, she behaved like nothing ever happened.
i think she has basically gotten wat she wanted, n she knows by irritating me i might just ship her back, hence she would have gotten a few months salary for 'free' - there's no way i can ask her to return the money mah.

mummies who have sent maids home before, how do we go about doing this? where do i buy a ticket and where should i buy a ticket to? Jarkarta? i dun feel like contacting the agent whom i got the maid from cos they have completely shirked their responsibility once the loan period is over. am thinking of getting a new agent, do i get the new agent to do this for me, since i presume he/she would be willing to do it in order to get my business for the next maid?

Hi, piglettail,

Sending maid off, you can read more info from this website or google search. http://singaporemaid.blogspot.com/

Maybe different agent has different approach.

My view is not to worry about next job next Monday. New job needs some spirit, forget all the loss and just move on, Good luck!

r u here?

need ur advice on preparing vegetarian meals 4 my Double Cs...

Receive a brochure on "Be Veg, Go Green 2 save the Planet" yesterday. Suddenly tot of letting my Cs try vegetarian meals for at least one or two days per week. Hope to "cleanse" their bodies... Hee...

Any receipes 2 share?



if u dun wan go thru agent, u can jz buy a ticket and send her off to the capital of her country. (tink the contract shd state tis)

BUT hor... u gotta 2 be prepared tat she "create trouble" by hiding when time 2 board the plane.

Initially i aso wan 2 send mine off jz like tat, but kena "frightened" by the agent. so i tink better leave her to the agent to settle the issue. but of cos u gotta 2 pay 4 the levy and lodging while she is still in SG.
Esther ya I m a silent reader here hehe. Difficult to post like previous workplace cuz the com banned smh.

I m delighted that u wanna prepare vegetarian meals for them. I have so much to share but dunno where to start! Hehe. Pm me, talk in email easier?
Esther, tong,
when you say vegetarian, is there a certain type of thing that you need to do, or a certain method? or just don't eat meat can already?
Hi Iso,

I duno wor...

I'm tinking of letting my Cs take a few vegetarian meals per week.

So far i oni try preparing quinoa+millet with veggies/mushroom/black fungus/potatoes etc for a few times. Lucky my Cs eat. Hee... I worry not enuff nutrition tat y seek Tong's advice. She's an expert here.

My gf told me tat some master advise her not to let her gal consume meat as her gal kinda of having a fiery character. So in order to mellow down, introduce more veggies. So since then, her gal's diet consists of veggies and fish only. My gf told me tat her gal indeed behaves better...
Iso , if u wanna eat veg meal , have to make sure it's not those oily vegetarian or mock stuff sold in hawker centre . Healthy veg is wholefood including grains , beans, veg, fruits, sea veg etc.
Hi, Piglettail,

How's your new job, and maid?

Hope that everything goes fine for you, not easy to be working mum.

Have a nice weekend for mummies here!
Hi all,

My husband just started his new job as a remisier last month after working as an engineer for 12 years.
Need your support! If you encountered anyone would like to open a share trading account and needed share investment tips, please let me know.
Opening the account with him is FOC. :p


have you all get the letter from MCYS to open CDA account for Feb 08 kids?
thought it supposed to send by end Jun, but i didn't receive any.
heard ppl saying they might credit the amount into #2's CDA (if any), but i don't see it either.
hi there,

found more updated info here:

b. Parents whose eligible children do not have existing CDAs

They will receive a letter from MCYS in June 2011, informing them to open a CDA to receive the Credits. Parents can open a CDA at either one of the two banks engaged by MCYS – the OCBC Bank or the Standard Chartered Bank. They will receive the Credits in the month after the CDA has been opened. For example, if a parent opens a CDA in August 2011 for the child, the Credit will be paid into the CDA in September 2011.

For new births between 29 April 2011 and 31 December 2011, instructions to open the CDA will be given to parents in the Baby Bonus kit provided at the hospitals. The Credits will be paid into the CDA in the month after the CDA has been opened.

MCYS will send a notification of payment to all eligible parents, indicating the amount of Credits paid, within two weeks after the Credits have been transferred into the CDA.

Deadline for Opening of CDA

Parents of eligible children who do not have an existing CDA are advised to open the CDA as soon as possible and before 30 June 2012 so as to receive the Credits.

The CDA will be closed on 31 December of the year the child turns six years of age. Hence, parents of children born in 2005 are advised to open the CDAs for their children before December 2011 to receive the Credits, as these CDAs will be closed on 31 December 2011.

Where to Get More Information

For more information on the Child Development Credit scheme, parents may call the Baby Bonus hotline at 1800 253 7707 or +65 62537707. They may also visit the Baby Bonus website at: http://www.babybonus.gov.sg.

think need to call them to enquire the missing letter.
Clover, hmm... how much is each child supposed to get? I got a letter that there is top up of $1k into RL CDA.

U mean no. 1's share has been credited into no. 2's account too? I was expecting a letter to open CDA a/c for RA. :p
wow, thanks for sharing! anywhere i can start reading more? i think we don't eat enough alternative proteins like beans and stuff...

i also din get a letter :S
Iso , are u taking meat? Protein shouldn't be a problem. If u r not, veg itself got lots of protein too. Every growing plants have protein that's why they are growing. Btw excessive protein is not necessary. Everything on moderation is the key .
Just called to check with mcys, the $1000 is the final installment of $4000 Bb cash gift Cos RL reached 18 mths (given at 6 months interval). The letters to open no. 1 cda a/c will come latest by 2nd week of July. so everyone can relax.
ok.. finally received the letter yesterday!

got to fill in the form to choose the bank for CDA - send back to MCYS. then they will send a letter to you to bring to bank and open the account. a bit lehceh right?
the photobook has been delivered!! but i sent it to Malaysia cos it's a bit cheaper after conversion and cheaper shipping cost.
can't wait to see it!!
Esther, i stayed at Disney Hollywood hotel. It was worth it cos my package included 2 day tics for 2d1n stay. Very convenient fo bring the kids back for the rides we missed. The food at the hotel is quite limited though, either a cafe that serves heat up microwaved food or a full buffet restaurant that's quite steep. :p
Finally received the letter from MCYS last night. But~ So many forms to fill up. I will have headache.
BTW~ which bank do all of you who received choose?

Which photobook? I can't wait to see it too. Bring along next sunday, ok?
it's the printed photo album i ordered from www.photobook.com.my (singapore website is www.photobooksingapore.com).
i posted the soft copy onto my FB. sure sure, will show you next Sunday. :D

for the CDA account. I chose OCBC CDA Extra this time.
cos the interest rate is 1.2% with monthly savings of $50. slowly save up the $ for her childcare fee.

for #2, we chose StandardChartered. interest rate is 1%.
but we get to enjoy 1% for our spare cash inside the E$aver account.

now we get to enjoy the best of worlds!! haha.... :p
Blueginger, think I will probably choose ocbc again cos logistically more convenient, go to 1 bank, can settle both gals' cda accounts.

Xy, but stand chart rates seem quite good if they give 1% for esaver account too.
yes. e$aver is 1% too. in the end we put all our cash into that account to earn 1% interest. :p
i dun mind different bank for both of them as i don't see there's a need to visit the bank to settle the CDA stuff. probably the next time you go will be closing the CDA account before 7 years old? :p


U mean RA can take some of the rides? Did she njoy the fun @ disneyland? I din c pics in ur blog leh... hee...
Hi, xiao yun

I'm interested to go bubu's talk. But don't know how to go there. Want to go together?



wow, petaling jaya. It's at KL.
too far le.
Carrie still got class on Sunday morning.

i read her blog and know about her talk in Malaysia. too bad it's so far away. hopefully she can make a trip to singapore next time.
Xy, I have just received the CDA letter too! I must have remembered wrongly... Paiseh.

Just yesterday I am seriously considering to send back my maid. She is still periodically emo. Ok... But recently she spoilt more n more things. The aircon bracket holding the aircon filter, my nursing shawl n new undie has a hole. Then the iron! Seems that she stood further away and was tugging the cord while ironing. Wah lau... She has no common sense n so rough with our things! We will need to spend more money to replace the thing she has spoilt... I want to send her back to agency but hb will be away for 2 weeks from Monday and I do not wish to get my mil to chip in, so how to do it by myself? Dilemma... Bbkgal commented that to get hb tk chip in. My hb is usually not ard and gotten too complacent coz of the maid.
i finally got my letter too

hmm.. my mum's maid also like that, like to use brute force. she can even break the vacuum cleaner head and chip part of cabinet laminate off (they just reno last Sept!) with her roughness.. i not encouraging you to keep her but i guess some maids are just like that?

do you think that couples without kids have an "easier" marriage? while kids bring so much joy and love, sometimes it also feel like they bring a lot of turbulence to a relationship...
Xy, oh because RA & RL's Mighty savers accounts are also there. We are lazy so everything open at the same bank. We still need to go down quite often cos when we transfer their CNY or birthday APs to their accounts, we dun get the free gifts unless we visit the branch. :p

Esty, yup, she went for the Flying dumbo ride, rotating teacups, carousel, train ride. Until now, she mentions HK disneyland very often, and keeps telling me she wants to go back to Disneyland.

Got HK photo at my blog lar but one only. Haha, bo bian lar, I've been maidless for more than 1 month liao. No time to be online or post more pics to my blog unless I sacrifice sleep and surf net late at night after the kids sleep or if I'm off running errands on a particular day. :p
Iso , agree. Single couPle would have enjoyed their marriage more than married couple. Unless both couple with kids are working hard at the same time in terms of looking after the kids. Else the guy would grumble that the wife no lOnger attended to their needs while the wife would complain that the husband never do enough to help lessen her burden. All these can be changed through mutual communication though. Heart 2 heart talk is important lo
just to share with you about time management being a PTWM.
my sis is my role model and i am still trying to learn from her as much as possible.
she is working with 3 kids and
- had time to study and be certified to sell unit trust.
- able to call home and the siblings (staying at different places) almost everyday to check how's everybody doing.
- had spare time to read books/magazine
- able to find time for phyiscal/online shopping for the things that she needs.

1 of the tips that she shared with me is:
"many things can be settled by just a phone call."

(1) she wants to tabao dinner from outside (restaurant/food stall/coffee shop). she always ask if there's phone number to call and place order. and she will do advance planning, place the order while driving. by the time she reach the place, food is ready for her to collect. just pack and go, no need to wait.
wondering if the food stall/coffee shop didn't publicize their phone number? answer is - JUST ASK. they sure have. if they don't want to let you know? then change to another shop. :p

(2) she calls home while doing house chores - multitasking

there are many more that i can't recall now.
but 1 thing for sure, she has a very supportive/hands on husband despite the very busy work life (architect).
i find the mighty savers gifts are those soft toys that i've too much at home. and their interest rate is not attractive and very troublesome to withdraw $ from the account - no ATM card.
since the kids are still young, i just keep their $ in a normal savings account.
for AP $, i just transfer from my account into theirs. And the cash notes keep at home for my daily uses - save the trip to ATM as well. :p

kids causes 'turbulence' while enhance the bonding between husband and wife. the relationship grow in the progress of raising up a child. both has the same goal - to love the child and raise the child. and this makes the marriage long lasting.
to me, i feel that i grow more matured after having kids too.

for childless couple, it still requires lots of effort to make the 2 engage in the same interest. otherwise, why need to get married?
Xy, actually so far I never got the free soft toys from ocbc cos we have too many at home but we have collected free kids sized bath towels, baseball caps n stickers, useful for cc, excursions or just use it to entertain the kids for a short while. We use the $ sometimes when no time to run to the bank but will count the $ first, write a cheque then deposit into the bank. Can get free gifts this way too, no need to queue n wait.
xiao yun/tongtong,

Seems too difficult to go there. Never mind, maybe next time. Never see bubu come to Singapore for talk. Pity.

Xiao yun,
Your sister and BIL is super. Share with us more if you recall. My husband sometimes saw me think and struggle, commented 'you need more super/beautiful women friends to hang out with.' Haha......
yes, we need more inspirational stories!

tongtong, xy,
sometimes i think that it's "easier" for the marriage when you don't have kids because there are less things to quarrel about! and things like discipline, both have to be very aligned. not even discipline, there are a zillion other little things to disagree on. of course it's very fulfilling, and wonder when our peers get to their 40s and 50s whether they will get bored if they don't have kids.

Iso, Tongtong, xy, depends on the couple bah. I took quite long to conceive RaeAnne. I think it causes tension if the couple wants kids but just cannot have them. But if both husband n wife dun want kids then it can be a happy marriage. :p
