(2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

you make icecream in office?

serious?? i must go! i love daiso, cheap and good!

ya lor, actually he has not really liked solids (in general) much, and he's already 10 months today. only today he took more than 5 mouthfuls at each meal, which is amazing. so far he seems ok with rice and veggies/toufu/meat that is cut up small enough. but he's q erratic, so sometimes don't like. hope he's not going to be a picky eater!
everyday muz chiong home to help mil. esp on days when it rains, i must go fetch big A from cc. very very tired and stress but i think i enjoy myself more without a maid. more freedom. no need to get myself angry or upset over mistakes they make.

as for hsehold chores, we got a pt cleaner to come in. so we only need to do the daily maintainence.
Iso, ql, thanks for explaining. I suaku n never saw it before. :p

Hi, Raeanne will tell me/maid every morning that i dun want to go to school, I am tired n every night chant I dun want to sleep. Duh... Hope it's a post holidays phase. :p
hello everyone!!!

anyone ordered from these prada outlets before? Some offer free international shipping and some offer USD20 nett shipping for any number of items purchased.

They claim to be 100% genuine.

I'm so tempted. I mean, why buy from SGP if you can get at 80% off at these outlets?? I'm tempted, but skeptical.

have been searching for a bag for a loooooong time!
is the thermomix icecream recipe made by frozen fruits or the thermomix can make it cold?

how many teeth A has? can eat cut up food already?
my small C gets choked easily, even though she has 2 teeth, she can't really take thicker texture.

good good good. as long as you are happy.
just endure for a few more years....

i didn't bring her there.
she's quite well behaved during mealtime now. 2 reasons:
(1) she's afraid of being throw out of the house if she doesn't guai guai eat her food
(2) school teacher arrange her to sit together with good eaters (the japanese kid), and she copycat.
i am much relieved now..
you having problem with A3 now?

when they are too cheap, i am quite skeptical about it.
morning mummies!

I re-call u mentioned phil FDW from a 2 regions are a no-no cos they have a tendency to be vain, would it be possible to let me know the places again? my friend is hiring for the first time so wanted to help her out with some 'checks'..

I think its too good to be true...
he only started "growing" his teeth these last 2-3 weeks! i've been giving him rice with meat and vege or eggs, but all cut up pretty small. and rice that is quite soupy. so far seems ok, just that he can only eat like 5 mouthfuls at the most, then after that no interest.
Thanks for recommending Aunty A to me. She came first time today. I really appreciate that I don't have to teach her to do things. You know what I mean? She's experienced enough to know what needs to be done first and she even knows how to use my rainbow!

Mommies, just to share a link for bulk milk powder: http://luvbabies.weebly.com/index.html
My colleague shared with me. I compared the Mamil Gold prices with the promos in NTUC now. It's cheaper but I just bought...sigh, no space to keep!
wahh,what kinda magic cooking machine is this? interesting...can make soup and ice cream? i believe making cream soup should be easy. Can it bake?

Hair loss
Was someone asking about hair loss shampoo? I bought this Phyto Secret professionel hairloss shampoo, the serum and conditioning balm. Wahh!!! very very good! I must say it's one of the best products I've ever used. Hair feels so soft, lovely and nice to run fingers through. It's expensive but damn nice to treat yourself to a nice shampoo at end of the day. Also noticed that hair dropping out less. So I guess it works lah.
hey bkk,
i am glad that the arrangement with Aunty A is good.
she owned a rainbow herself and uses it at many places she work (include my MIL place). am going to engage her for bi-weekly cleaning too.
i hired a 1-off part-time maid from agent last week to clean up the grilles, window and curtains. then Aunty A just need to be here for tasks that no need to climb high.

do you receive the $5 off voucher for Mamil Gold?
it turns out even cheaper if you use the voucher @ giant/guardian/carrefour/shengsiong/ntuc..
i slowly stock up on milk powder too.
piglettail, XY, I didn't mention, think it was Junesgprincess. But my maid is from iloiloi, the 'hiao' maid stereotype. And yes, she is very vain, but ok lar, at least I can still tahan her for 2 years and now renewing her contract after her home leave in June lor. ;P

bkkgal, congrats on getting a good part time help. Will be a load off your domestic chores. Hey, I use Phyto too, even signed up for the treatment packages at Wheelock place. Very pampering but hair still not much lor. :p
Thanks XY n kitsune! :)
Now fren been recommended Phil FDW with ex middle east experience,not sure if anyone has any prior experience with that?
Thou I agree I will be better off w FDW or even part time hel w experience n "know what to do".. Cos I really dun have the patience to train n tolerance for many simple mistakes at the end of work day.
Hair loss:
I had major loss 4th month aftr birth n went to c GP n was prescribed a hair spray called grow well or something. Bought in pharmacy but need dr prescription.
Xy, am so glad for u. Hope she keeps it up. It's become a form of struggle for us at meal times. He will play a fool, distracted or just refuse to feed himself. I scold him until I sian.

Bkkgal, I was talking abt hair loss. Why, I also usigthe same shampoo. It's expensive but works well for me. Where did u get it from and how much? I bot a 1litre carton for $99!
Actually hair loss at 4th month is v common in both or either you and baby (but most likely you), so it will pass too
when i had #1 i was already warned by my hairdresser.

I found that with #2 we both lost more hair than when #1. lucky we both still got q a bit of hair so can't really notice, but it was just scary to see the amt of hair dropping.
Pigletail, Fili maid with ex Middle East experience should be not bad. Last time, my agent recommended me a maid that had such experience but I didn't choose her cos she looks very big size and her looks didn't appeal to me. In the end, my agent took her to look after his own kids so I saw the maid a few times cos his kid and RaeAnne go to the same playgroup. She's really not bad and she can interact with the young kids much better than mine. But in the end, too bad, my agent's mum was too picky (chase away many maid liao) so in the end, my agent bo bian got to transfer her to another employer cos his mother cannot get along with the maid lor. :p
Gd morning mummies,

I'm 6 weeks preggie n cannot contain my joy anymore.. Yay! On the hindside, I have been spotting since last Thursday.. Ordered for 1 week MC.. Thankfully it has subsided today..

My previous gynae was YY Tan, but she doesn't do delivery anymore! Frankly at a lost becos need to get a new gynae. Criteria Female n Hospital preferred Eastshore. Anyone has any comments for these 2 doctors? Pls share w me.. I have shortlisted Esther ng n JJ Chee..

gong xi gong xi again n again!!!
spot g stopped, gd for u but pls .... u gotto stop carry g ur big C that weighs 16kg ok??

sorry, eastshore no idea ???
Thanks! :)

Congrats! Afraid I can't help on the gynae thou..

Just realized theres a huge report on maids on ST yesterday..made SG employers sound so bad.I'm thinking, if SG employers/SG pay is really so bad, how come there is still FDW willing to come here?it's got to be free mkt forces rite? Unless they been conned onto the plane or what.
My current is ex-HK for 1 month b4 her employer terminated her service cos they hv a nanny-her story lah. Who knows if this is true or not cos the bio data I had was completely different n it stated she didn't even go to HK at all.anyways that's not impt now but I'm just curious there's has to be something positive abt SG that still sees a supply of FDW willing to work here( thou numbers are declining)?
Thanks piglettail & Leila..

The salaries in HK & Taiwan are indeed much higher.. the salaries here are lower.. shucks.. i just applied for new indo maid becos my philipino maid's WP is expiring.. hope she won't give me problem..

Re: B'dae Bash
I just refunded Artemis & Bluegin, sorry for the delay..

Funds Transfer To Other DBS/POSB A/C POSB Savings 109-37121-1 S$4.50 6628786008

Funds Transfer To Other DBS/POSB A/C POSB Savings 103-74281-1 S$25.70 6628787155

I'm quite a prada fanatic as well! hi-5.. seriously, some of the pics on the website don't look authentic.. a bit dodgy.. guess u should scrap the idea.. not sure if you heard of reebonz.. they offer 20~30% cheaper than boutiques.. confirm authentic.. can check it out..
Congrats Eliaw!!! Such happy news, after tubao's twins, long time never hear good news on this thread.
I saw both dr yy tan n dr Esther before. How come dr Y y tan stopped doing deliveries? She is not that old leh. Dr Esther's waiting hrs r crazy, :p
Kitsune, Not sure exactly why she's stopping.. But she's not renewing her insurance already..
I heard of Esther ng's long queues.. She doesn't practice appointments. So just walk in & wait. My fren went on 2 occasions and had to come back another day cos there's just too many patients..
Congrats Eliaw! You must tell C to walk by himself now. Gg to be kor kor already! (that day K saw C and L being carried by their respective mummies, she asked me to carry her and when I said no, she's big enough to walk herself, can see she didn't buy my line! :p aiyaya, power of peer influence! I should have said mama not as strong as Aunty E and Aunty J!)

I so sianz when i see reports like that on ST. Last week, my old agent called me. her mom's maid not renewing anymore, asked me wanna interview or not, so i said ok and we supposed to arrange with maid ourselves. in the end, the maid fly kite on me. I suspect she is shopping around for employer. probably trying to look around for expat family. WEll, that is the reality of maid situation now. They are employing us, not us employing them!

Til now, we have not selected any maids. As the days go by, the pain of not having one is lessened by A) our standards dropping, B) our joy of having no stranger in the house increasing. haha.

i bought through my boss' sis who owns a salon. it was special price, can't remember liao...but i think i cant get that same price anymore. where did you buy yours? i need to replenish....
ya lor sometimes i wonder does the ST want to publish such articles on purpose, for the benefit of the FDW? i saw mine reading the article over the weekend, infact, she brought that section of papers into the room and 'slowly read' at night. i didn't intend to 'hide' the papers from her but now i am thinking i still need to do something to manage her expectations lest she gets all worked by the reports.
but hey, the salary was agreed upfront what... i mean it's all about 'being presented with the right opportunity at the right time', isn't it? just like us, say we go for an interview and accept a job but few days later a better opportunity comes along, what can we do right? it's about deciding to take what's available to waiting for a better find. just that i'm worried their minds a bit too simplistic to understand this and get all upset becos they have been made to sound like they have gotten the raw end of the deal.
i'm all for fair trade and salary based on demand. but out of the few agents i asked, they quote the same kind of salary and benefits range (the standard of what we are giving now, not as good as reported in the newspapers lah)
I too am infuriated that the media does not seem to helping the cause of employers. There was an opinion piece two sundays ago about how we should teach our children to pick up after themselves and how lazy Sporeans are, they need to have an army of FDWs behind them, the article criticised SAHMs who need to hv maids as well (btw, this morning's ST had a picture of this army boy booking into camp and an FDW was carrying his backpack - ok, I think it was hilarious and really worrying that our boys are so pampered! who is gg to defend our ctry if our boys can't even carry their own backpacks???!) Anyway, the point is that the media should learn to differentiate those truly in need - there are young families and families with handicapped/elderly who really need that extra pair of hands and simply admonishing people to get their children to pick up after themselves is not helpful. I do tell my 1 and 3 yo to clean up after themselves too but hey, i'm a working mom and i have no other means of getting help right? the govt tells women to work, get back into the labour force, childcare costs are high, then how? I think it's safe to say many many employers do not want to hire an FDW but it's a necessary evil for them otherwise, they cannot survive.

Btw, there is a difference between SAHMs who tend to very young children and SAHMs who have teenagers e.g. I know of SAHMs whose only jobs are to drive their teenaged kids to classes and enrichment and they have maids. Like all of you who have kids under 5 years old, I think it's really tough to attend to more than 1 child who is clamouring for your attention ALL THE TIME. So, it is forgivable for SAHMs with young kids to have another pair of hands isn't it?
congrats!!!! so exciting!
when is EDD?

u want to try my agent? so far i'm pretty happy with mine, but i guess only 2 months also, a bit hard to say. but she was recommended by my friend who has had her (first) maid for over 3 years now.

actually even my maid say she want to learn chinese and go to HK or TW to work too. it's not bad that she's q focussed and eager to learn.
Hi Iso
I'm still considering whether or not to change agent. Is your agent responsible and scrupulous? I"m so scared of encountering a bad agent who just wants to palm off bad maids. Can PM me your agent's details?
ya I shook my head when I saw that pic of the maid carrying the backpack! He's my cousin's fren. Omg!! Super cannot make it. It's a tough job ahead to make sure our next generation must be resilent and able to take hardships in comfy Singapore! Read about the money article too in Sunday times. Also important to inculcate right values.

Yes we r still going ahead w Easter gathering! My MS is not too bad.. A little here n there.. Felt faint 2-3 times.. But no puking yet..

Sometimes c still wants to be carried.. Guess I also pamper him in this area n give in.. But becos of the spotting I have tried to carry less but the occasional lifting to wash hands n pee? Should I stop that also?
Congrats Eliaw! R u excited to start the whole thing all over again? Its a gd age gap for ur 2 kids. i do miss the preggie times.

Back from Mel.. totally shack out.. the flight there was fine, Sumo K slept after playing a while.. since it was a night flight and close to his sleeping time. But on the return flight it was very bad... he cried and wanted to be carried all the time.. made so much noise, when he plays alse very loud, scream and growl like a little tiger.. and refused his daddy to carry, only wnat me.. i have to ergo him on the flight.. super tiring and embarrassing.. getting naughtier and more active each day... now i count my blessings that i had a ger first.. else i might not even want #2. Really impressed with all the mummie swith boys.. i can imagine how much more energy to put in to just geet them "under control"

Sumo K is like a koala bear now.. will keep quite when he is being ergoed.. and rather be ergoed to sleep then cradle carry.. i think ergo has become my best investment for #2.

Travelling w big groups
Darn.. have learnt my lesson.. not gd to travel in big grps esp when u have kids.. cause they need to be stopped and fed or changed diaper..others may feel sianz...

piglettail, wow ur helper also reads papers?

bkkgal, agree w wat u say, sometimes u just need that extra pair of hands...btw thanks for the beatutiful clothes, i kept reminding G that she is wearing K's clothes and she cannot dirty them.. haha.. she loves the black top!! In fact she finds all of them pretty.. haha


When? When is Easter? the Marina barrage har?
congrats eliaw! gd news for a blue monday!

genice - welcone back! wanted to chat w u on sat one.. i signed heidi up for cold storage run at US.

any 1 interested in signing ur kids for the vold storage run? its on the 22nd may, 800m, parents can accompany
Money values
Talking about this....I am getting worried for my own kids' mentality about $$..recently, anything that is spoilt, K will say "It's ok mama, we buy a new one ok?". This morning, when we discovered pages of a book was torn out and when we asked "who da culprit?" straightaway lil Miss K point her finger at mei mei and said S did it! But of cos, S is a babbling 1 yo who can't say her own name. I didn't believe K but hb said I should give her benefit of the doubt. Anyway, we focused on the damaged book and took it away from them. We said if they cannot take care of their toys, they cannot play. K said, "mama, it's ok, we just buy a new one". (!!!!! aiyaaa!!! I told her cannot everything buy new new new, some things cannot be bought! How? I dunno how to teach her. Why does she have this "disposable" mentality? Who taught her this?)

should try not to carry heavy loads in first trimester ok?

glad that clothes came into good use!
yeah, travelling in big group, though got more hands to help, also quite pai seh to inconvenience other people right? but i hope your fellow travellers were understanding...
Eliaw, i had spotting for Raelynn cos i kept carrying RaeAnne. Try to minimize carrying, put a stool near the toilet bowl so that Carter can step up n pee on his own.

Genice, understand that feeling, I also did the huge entourage thing in hong kong in dec 08. End up the adults hardly got to shop cos weather is cold n they didn't want to expose Raeanne to it.

Bkkgal, LOL. Everyday, Raeanne will tell me she wants to go shopping n buy a new toy. I always tell her Mummy got no $ to buy cos I am not working n she'll tell me to go and work. Hubby went back to work recently after his hl, i told her Daddy go n work so that we have $, and she'll say no, Daddy go n buy toys for me. Cheh. :p
that's cos mummies with 2 boys can't keep them under control! LOL.
your photos look nice! looks like u guys enjoyed!

better not carry if you can help it, esp if spotting. can use a stool for him to stand to wash hands?

i was thinking about that clearing up thing too. before i had 2 kids i always thought that even if i have a maid i will try and get my kids to help out. but it's not easy at their age because it's hard to get them to do anything and sometimes i'm too tired to keep pushing them. and sometimes i'm too tired to set example and do things myself, rather just let the maid handle. hopefully they won't grow up spoilt...

actually hor, having said that, no maid also can be q spoilt - by mummies! Hubby is classic example. think piglet will agree. LOL.
Iso, Edd 17 Nov

thanks mummies for the advice. Will try to minimise carrying heavy things. Anyway today went back to office to clear some work, I asked the worker to help me carry my files. Felt so loser. During my 1st pregnancy I was so gungho! Carry heavy things, go job site for site walk. This 2nd one I need to think twice liao!

Re: Money
we have to start to be careful about money issues. Every small thing we do will start to impact them. For me, when we go out, sometimes we don't buy anything. It is a bad habit to buy something everytime. I will usually tell C we don't need it. We already have xx at home. Or when we finish then we need to buy somemore. Food & books, I will buy. Toys I won't buy.
As for the damaged book or toy, maybe we can teach them that we need to repair it. So there's no need to buy a new one.
Sometimes I feel the entire family must take an active role in supporting this money issue. Sometimes grandparents just spoil the kids by just giving in. My hb also guilty of it. But after a few rounds, he's finally getting it n has curbed his habit of buying rubbish.
Remember C was into dinosaurs.. The whole family bought so many dinosaurs.. The dinos were those super expensive type.. C had too many until it's not special anymore.. Remember those days when we were younger n we only had 1 toy and it was our treasure.. Now, all the dinos are in the pail! What a waste of money!
gongxi gongxi!!!
you added some life into this thread finally..
i think Andrea(royalblue) got a gynae deliver in eastshore. Andrea, can you confirm? *wink*

frankly speaking, i think sometimes punishment is the best weapon to curb the bad habit.
re: $$ values
C learn it from school.
when something spoilt, she will say: mummy buy again. >.<
now if she spoilt things, i will tell her: mummy no money to buy again. you be good girl, earn money to buy next time, ok? :p

so far we seldom buy things for her when go out. if want to get anything for her, we will buy it when she's not around. so she seldom will pester us to buy her things. but think she's deprived of the joy of shopping somehow.
Eliaw, we are more guilty regarding toys esp hubby cos he is a toy collector who was deprived of toys when young. We have so many toys for Raeanne that we can't hardly find any new toys for Raelynn that RaeAnne doesn't already have. I we have a son, I'm sure he'll go even wilder buying spaceships and star wars. :p

Actually, RaeAnne doesn't ask for exp toys. And so far, she is ok to return the stuffed toys back to their shelves after hugging them and saying goodbye. But she loves those capsule toys cos they can be found everywhere from NTUC to Toy r us to food outlets. :p
i've a few items to give/sell
if no take, will post it to WTG/WTS thread liao

Give away
(1) Kodomo toothpaste sample

Sell away cheap cheap
(1) Orajel toothpaste
(2) Traditional Medicine Pregnancy Tea
(3) Pigeon breastpad
i told C that she need to 'earn' enough stars in order to get the thing she wants. mummy no more money to buy her so many things.
finish her meal - 1 star, finish her water - 1 star.. etc. when she got 3 stars, she can get xxx

she still doesn't seem to understand the rule thoroughly and forgotten about the stars when she throw tantrum.
hope slowly can let her associate the stars to $ when she's bigger.
Hi eliaw,

Congratulations! Lol... You would just remarking about it during the gathering. Were you already pregnant then?

RE: picking up after themselves

I always advocate picking up after yourself. I started Danica on this even before she was 2. Before she can start on 1 toy, she has to keep the other. I very firmly told my maid not to pick up her toys for her. If she did not pick up, she could not go out, watch tv or have snacks. Now Danica always picks up after herself. Of course, sometimes, when she is in a funk, she dawdles. In this case, I will make it a competition and tease her for being a slow poke at picking up her toys.

I have firmly told Danica to carry her own backpack to school. When she asks the maid to carry, I will ask her, "Whose bag is this?" She will reply "Danica's" Then I would remark "So who should be carrying it?" Sometimes she will say "Danica" and carry it but if she is in a funk, she will start complaining that it's too heavy etc. I will normally inspect the backpack to ensure that it is not too heavy and just insist that she carry it and not be a lazy bum bum.

RE: speaking expletives

My HB and I are both guilty on this. Sometimes when things go awry, we go "Oh shit!" Danica has picked this up from us. @@ Not sure how to tell her that it's not something a little gal should be saying.

hello mummies,
long time never log in and participate... can hardly find time at work and at home to sit down and write... but this whole discussion re $$ values got me interested again.

congrats !! hope your spotting will go away soon... go easy with your activities..

haha - that is why i notice that more 2nd time mummies are those with #1 girls... yes, boys are more difficult to contain than girls - very very active...

Re : money,
i agree we have to be more careful - i started off by asking C to always choose 1 toy when we go out - but then realised, if we buy 1 toy every week it will also be a lot. he also knows now that mummy has to work to earn money to buy toys, food, books etc (but not sure if this is a good thing we are teaching him or not).

For C we also try to restrain ourselves from buying too many toys but i will continue to buy books for C as he loves reading with us - whenever he gets a new book he will ask us to read to him. We have strong believe that reading books will be beneficial for him in the long run - no matter how busy we are, before we go to bed we will always try to read at least 1-2 books and these days he will tell us what books he wants to read

Re: saving money
One of my church friend taught the son how to save money to buy a toy that he really wanted which i think is a good idea.

XY, your approach is interesting too - hope C will learn the value of the "stars" she is earning

Re school
btw, can I ask - is it normal for kids to still do not like school even after attending for more than 2 months? C still does not like going to school... things were ok the first 2 weeks of school and after CNY hols it just went downhill... today we let him stay at home as we were in a rush and he immediately say he doesn't want to go to school. Usually what will happen is that he would willingly go to school but once we reach the classroom he will say "i don't want to go to school, i want to stay at home" followed by a cry when we leave him behind. it is getting tiring for me every morning - should i change the school or should i keep him there first. thing is, once we leave him behind - teachers said that he is ok... and i have never got into extreme case where the school called us to bring him back home... so is it just anxiety or really don't like that particular school or just the concept of school?

Re speaking,
artemis, we consciously watch our language now since C also has a tendency to pick up whatever we said. I had to tell my sis as well to mind her language coz she often says "shit". I think the adults have to put a conscious effort for the benefit of the young ones... it is a habit so as long as you break the habit, believe Danica will follow suit. it is not too late - after all they are in a stage when they can easily pick up and easily forget.
