(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wahhh i so long never post come in only Kam popped liao! CONGRATS KAM!

Seems like yday that she told us she tested +ve for preggie! Time really flies hor!

Haha, i know u sure say got BF topic i sure appear, but i just read about u saying ur milk factory dunno got enough or not. Actually successful BF is ALL about Demand & Supply. There's no such thing as "the woman whose milk is NOT enough" becos as long as u keep letting baby suck, u body WILL produce enough milk. Having said that of cos bb will also grow well with FM but ur on the right track of thinking u want to bond with baby thru BF...some more this one is baby girl rite!
Jiayou on BF and if u need ANY help, do pm me or emailed me, i will try to help whatever i can!

I'm AGAIN making a VERY short trip back to Sg on 24th Sept, leaving 27th Sept (for my papa's passing anniversary)...again, anyone interested to get anything from HK, let me know. This time i'm going to be superwoman, flying with Rylee on my own and settling her in Sg on my own upon touched down and whole of Friday cos hubby only joining me on Friday night. Bo pian gotta come back one day earlier cos received letter from Msia High Comm finalizing my termination of Msian citizenship and returning my birth cert to me, too bad they only open mon-fri so i have to come back one day earlier! Now psyching myself that i CAN do it!
Erm...since Kam's parents not here yet, wonder how night time is going to be since she said she MUST need her hubby to spend the night with her in hospital but how to settle Hao Re?
can one lar. you can do it. take it as just like any other normal day in HKG where you will be with rylee on your own (imagine your maid and mum disappear lor).
errr....magazines again? please dont buy so many ok. pok gai leh

get your gal to latch on asap. keep asking nurse when can bring my gal in to latch? hurhur. i did that last time. keep asking every half hr. im sure the nurses very frust with my repeated qns
i am sure u can do it cos afterall u r Rylee's main caregiver wor...sure no prob

errr...can help me chk estee lauder products from Sasa? Last year i went HK & bought estee lauder Idealist refinishing eye serum 15ml from sasa shop but i forgotton how much, can chk price for me cos SIN retail not selling this, only HK selling. It's pretty small btl so if price is right, can i trouble you to buy 2 bottles for me. Thanks!

no prob, take yr time, no hurry la
Kam, congrats! Wa, water bag burst at 530am, delivered at 13.23, quite a fast delivery this time.

Agree with mylife, BF is about demand and supply. As long as you keep latching Xiyu, brain will send signal to milk factory to make the milk. Any latching or BF problem, must quickly call in the LC while still warded at TMC since it's free. Keep calling them until you can latch properly cos it's important to start off right. Otherwise, very easy to get frustrated when you are home or give up.

Mylife, you back for short trip again?

I also tired of FB games liao. Don't know why. :p
Oic...gd leh flexi hrs plus can work from home hur! Sian...dunno dinner eat what? gotta rush to fetch my boys later...hb work late & gonna work on sunday too (no OT pay)...may last for few months
Sin govt encourage family work life balance....say only but alot of co nvr practise!
u mean take care of 1 is easier than 2 kids...yup i do cos maybe they very close age gap. If u r asking me to compare #1 or #2 easier to take care, i would say both oso not very easy....not mean they difficult to handle but is just that both needed our attention very much now...it's tough...i think you know what i mean since u also 2 boys.
flexi hours is after i ask permission from boss
WFH is permissible but must give reasons. not say today lazy to dress and go to work then can work from home one leh. must have valid reason eg headache, menses cramps

our co very work life balance but if boss is not, what to do? hahaha LL bo bian oso
yes comparison. i fully understand wat u are going through, i've been through it, dats y i asked.
i think yours should be tougher since its a 1 yr gap and u dun have maid. but i bring my sons back everyday, handle the night feeds myself, 1st year is very tiring, n i lost quite abit of weight along the way.
Steph, luca, 2 weida mama. The age gap between my 2 gals will be close to 2 years, can't imagine if it's close to 1 year. It'll be very tough. At least now she's learning to talk a bit so can express herself a bit better, starting to eat rice instead of porridge too. Now not toilet trained yet though. :p
toilet trained more mah fan than now coz you got to accompany her to toilet to pee, or when she wet the floor, bed then must clean up.
consider yourself lucky lor hahaha
Pixie, haha, I thought got maid easier to toilet train her mah cos got someone to wash and mop. But I got no guts to try yet. I bought waterproof mattress protector and 2 training pants thinking that I may want to toilet train her sooner or later. But looks like it's going to be later than sooner. :p
tks, not wei da lar, just doing wat every mother is doing

u really fully utilise ur maid, how is her performance, got improve?

Congrats!!! 3KG healthy gal is good!!! Never expects so fast. Too bad that you can't bring HR to the trial class tmr then... Rest well and wishing lots of supply!

I remember Kam wanted to ask TMC nurse if HR can also stay overnight with her hubby and her in their room. I hope it is ok... If not, who take care of HR?

Oh no, then it means I am next...
Luca, no lar, I hardly utilise her cos my gal is not with me most of the times while I'm training her to cook and do housechores. Even more weekends, my gal doesn't want her so she can't help with my gal. Still got to do all the things ourselves eg. bring her to toilet, change her clothes, diaper, feed her, bathe her, put her to sleep etc. My maid's so free that she goes around with a piece of rag trying to clean anything in my place. Even got time for afternoon coffee. :p Hubby said this morning, she's even trying to clean every single hole of the holely hook basket where I hang my clothes peg. Faint :p Aiyah, today ask her to clean windows, demonstrate and show her (2nd time doing it liao). End up she say she accidentally spray the window cleaner into her eyes. Also, when I checked, all the window corners were still dusty so I make her reclean those parts again. :p
Kam, Congrats!

Being a long time since I last posted. So busy with work that I hardly get time to read and post

Seeing so many mummies having no.2 I am very tempted and also worried how to take care of 2 on our own without any helper.
<font color="aa00aa">Wow, Congrats to Kam! mylife is right. Seems like just not too long Kam said she was preggie.</font>

RE: ChildCare ~ Kinderland Vs. Learning Vision

<font color="aa00aa">Anyone has any advice or feedback?</font>
not bad, shows that she pretty proactive, but just need more effort to do things better, at least must be up to ur standard.

alamak she needs to be more careful lar, y so careless can spray the cleaner into her eyes.. duh..

hows the trial at grace kids been?
Hello hello, all!

Thanks for your greeting! Back home, so nice to be at home. But my girl cannot come home yet, jaundice, luckily not very serious. Dr Keoy said 1 day under the light should clear it. Otherwise, everything has worked out very well for us.

Hao Re's teacher took care of him on Friday night and he has been behaving well there. The teacher is soooooo kind, really owe her a big deal! Saturday night slept with in the hospital, and in fact spent almost the whole day with us, don't want him to feel left out. He is happy to see his meimei, but don't know how to "play" with her. Let him have more time to get use to this new crying and moving toy. He has been such a good boy, really really really proud of him.

Has had a very enjoyable delivery this time round. Fast and smooth. Think <10 pushes baby already out. So energetic after that. My gynae teased me if not for the epidural, I can actually get down from bed and go home liao :) She even chatted with her when she was doing the stitching :) Cos only has epi for about 3 hours, so don't have any side effect after that.

Didn't enjoy the stay at TMC this time compared to last time round. 1 reason could be that have to take care of Hao Re. Second reason felt that the nurses are way too busy to attend to us. And there are A LOT of philipinos nurses, not that I discriminate againast them, but just felt a bit weird. There was 1 time, my hubby was away, I was alone, my girl was pooing and peeing and wet the bed. Has to ring the bell 2 times then someone came in, and ring another 2 times then someone got me a new swaddle and towe1. Room was renovated slightly (I stayed at 3rd floor both times), but somehow didn't feel that comfy. Afterall still not bad lah.

Come back to the most important topic - BF. I already latched baby while in the delivery ward, cos my gynae said I should do it, since I was so energetic. She latched on pretty well. After that I latch her on every 3-4 hourly. She sucks well, and 1 sesssion she can suck happily for 1 hour or more, although sometime can't wake her up. My gynae checked me this morning, and she said milk comes in already. So I take it as all good, so far. I try to not to make myself too stress out thinking of how successful it will be, so just relax and enjoy the process as much as possible. Now she has to stay in the hospital, I will try to pump as much as I can and will go back to TMC soon to latch her on (hubby and Hao Re are taking nap now, not me :))

My parents will be here tomorrow. So today hubby said he will cook for me :) So I just relax and focus on my pumping.

Update you all later when I have time or tune in to my blog for update :)
Congrats to u Kam! Happy for u!Enjoy breastfeeding and jiayou.


Can mafan u to help me buy Kee Wah pastry back. I like their panda biscuits and walnut. My hubby's customer bought a gift set assorted one for him so I not sure if the biscuits are selling separately. If they do, help me buy 2 packets of each panda and walnut and 1 packet of Chinese Sweet Crispy (马仔). thanks alot. 18 pcs in 1 packet, just search the website
Congrats Kam! Doing very well already on the BF part, try and rest more and drink more fluids.
Jaundiced babies tend to be sleepy, that's why you couldn't wake her up to suckle. When RaeAnne was hospitalised for jaundice, I was milk maid doing hospital delivery too. Jia you!
Happy to see your post and everything sounded so smooth for you! Haore's teacher is really so nice to take care of him. I was worried about that part. I think not many teachers are willing to do that.

My gynae said 2nd delivery will normally be smoother and faster. Good that you feel so energetic. 3 hours is pretty fast. I think my delivery is still be a hell for me coz I still don't want epi.

Enjoy the BF part and can't wait for your girl to be at home with you!

Kam congrats!

Wah.. so many of you planning no 2 or already had.... Actually we also kinda of wana start planning but I am worried la. SO need hold back plans esp my current maid is lousy and we are changing to ex sin indo by next month! Sian! and hiaz..we have no car ma.. so cant imgaine brining out two prams and right now we got not enuf rooms.. imgaine 5 room exec but not enough.. Haha...That why many many plans must hold back cos I need bigger and more spacious room even if mil and maid is temporily bunking with both.. Ha!

My current house... MBR and adjoining study room we use up..

My Elias sleeps with my mil in not a very big room.. Hiaz.. MIL already not staying here so that room basically she will sleep there when she comes three times a week... and maid on mattress next to him in cot... Cant imganie next time 2nd child sleep how? The best I can think is Buy a pull out bed... Elias on top. Mil bottom and 2nd child on play pan and pull back bed while maid sleeps on floor mattress.

Cos we guys dont pratice sleping with kids except when we play and watch baney on tv/Comp...

We are holding back bb plans till get a bigger house lah...DOnt know how many of you are like that... Also siince I am working Part time... Mil need to go with maid and 2nd child to send Elias to playshool next time.. Headache sia. Wonder if its ok for two kids go out tog cos I dont trust maid bring alone. Either I will go with maid when I am not working or mil will take over if I am working.

And we are able to get new house end next year cos 5 years up.. ANd we are looking at a massionetee la as bigger but dam sian no more new ones and we intend stay clementi this time cos we plan to send Elias to Henry Park pri school so more assebile for us be it car or by bus lor.. hiaz.

Any of you feel and think thesame way huh? Hehe!
