(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wah seh.. pixie.. ur hubby so on.. flew home to ML... haha

wonder what my hubby will do lei.. but sianz la.. stay with in law.. confined to the room only.. and cannot too loud.. hahahaha

what undies you wear? buy something sexy lar
thongs, g-strings
but then again, some guys dont like their nu ren to wear skimpy underwear
we sleep separate room so no chance he'll join me in bed to discover me naked
Hb said he scare to intimate wif me cos scare #3 will come...lame excuse hor!
then you jump into the next room lar! heehee. after zander sleeps liao then you creep in. so thrilling. like novel like that
want to ask them go downstairs coffee shop for dinner also so difficult.. hw to go holidays?
anyway, they dun haf passport la... SIANZ!
huh why go downstairs for dinner oso difficult?
huh they dont have passport? how can any adult in SG no passport one? emergency need 1 how ah? so weird heehee

no nid passport oso can go holiday. book a hotel in sg lor :p else u n yr hb go stay in suite
got living room, bathroom, bedroom haha


dun like tat leh.. i oso dun hv passport. expired liao nv bother to renew haha
i dun feel comfortable wearing thongs or g-strings...i tried t-back & it was ok but not a big fan of such undies. I prefer the maxi or hikini briefs or hipster or low rise with little lace edged cotton ones
very funny your ILs heehee...but yes, some old ppl refer to stay at home all the time one leh

huh, if got emergency then need passport to rush to xxx country then how ah? mad scramble?

ok lar. a lot of my frens oso not comfy wearing thongs or g-strings. but i wear thongs on daily basis. except big auntie lai liao then must wear granny undies - boyshorts
my hb touch me and feel my boyshorts then he sianz half liao hurhur
topshop thongs affordable, sexy, cute, and comfy leh. wont cut your flesh kind
i miss my boy!!!!!!!!!!!
even with 36 photos of him stuck to my office desk partition, i still miss him!!

this fri take off again. wanted to go somewhere nature-y but dunno where leh
my MIL everyday just lie down on sofa... my FIL everyday just sit on those plastic chair (the ones we buy for our kids) at 1 corner of the house and watch tv all day long.... BTW, their house sofa.. is 7 seater de... duno y he dun wana sit... hahaa

stay at home lor. no nid rush haha rush will be saved meh? my kids oso no passport yet. once i made theirs, i will renewed mine.


cos yr MIL already occupied the sofa mah hahaa :p
sorry, i kept laffing at your posts. but super funny leh.
reminds me of my ex bf. his mom lie down on sofa and watch tv 24hrs a day. 3am still watching tv one leh
haha... so funny... MIL only occupy 2 lei.. how to occupy 7 seater?? hahahaha.... i also keep laughing when read and post
nvm nvm....
botanical garden = my hb not keen
farm=all in the west. got east farm or not? pasir ris farmway? wahahahahha
beach=good idea, can consider
sentosa=hb says next mth then go
zoo=he say dun want leh. what zoo dirty. dunno whats in his bird brain. singapore's zoo is top in the world. everywhere oso dirty. sentosa oso dirty wat??!
birdpark=west side no thanks.

mine is 4 seater sofa. L shaped sofa. but when my FIL sits, no other ppl can sit wor. except his darling grandsons who can sit next to him.
wah pixie...i can imagine how yr desk partition looks like leh...yr boss ok with it ah? mine only got 1 pc of Z on my desk & Z&R as wallpaper on my laptop

Here's a pix of R again...just can't seem to get enuff of him too! Then again, he kept getting milk/heat rash like eczema around his mouth

how your mil occupy 2 seats? your 7 seater is like how layout?
sorry, i still laffing. i very wicked but your posts darn funny.

lets share what our ILs funny actions have.
my mil dun like to flush. she saves flushing water. i think thats gross. and she likes to recycle everything. EVERYTHING
pasir ris only got dog farm rite... nothing much to see de.. i went with my hubby b4.
hmm.. go marina barrage play water with ur boy lor.. bet he will enjoy it...

tell ur hubby zoo now got the water playground lei. very fun de .... zoo very clean mah. i just went 2 weeks ago....
stay at home and ML all the day, my son will sure feel very lonely heehee

wah R clothes like very tight liao. and i keep saying: his eyes very biggggggggg not like my xandall leh
mentioned b4, my MIL never lock door when shower. so my #1 barged in n tiok scolded. hhee now with the war, if she does tat again, i m going to tell her off haha is yr fault, not my son's fault haha
he still got the mentality of zoo=dirty. that was 20 years ago leh.
now sg zoo is top class. he still dunno. maybe pester him again tonite. i keen in going to zoo leh
3 sofa to be exact... 2,2, and 3 seaters... she just lie down on the 2 seater de...

hahaha.. nvm.. lets laugh together.. heehe...
my MIL also dun like to flush lei... also recycle everything. then she come out of toilet also like never wash hands lor. faintz.... but she keep insisting she have la...
yr eyes very sharp! yup the romper for 3-6mths...abit tight for him but i still squeeze him in...haha *bad mummy* cos many clothes he can't wear liow....he's putting on weight fast man...now i think about 8kg! He was only 2.66kg at birth...small but gd weight preemie. Eh...how is your sister's bb gal ? She doing fine now?
wah!! 8KG!! sure or not!! wooot!!
after 1 yr old, their weight will hit stagnant or gain very slow. my boy dropped weight leh. from 13+ to 11+ now. coz never drink anymore milk liao

my sis's gal still small size leh. she doesnt drink much and shes still on bm. i tell my sis if she stops pumping because of silly reasons i will slap her muahahahah
my sis a bit a bit cannot take it one so must be hard on her sometimes.
Thanks mummies for your reply.

Another question - at this early age, should feed by regular interval or by demand? Can't wake her up leh, she seems to enjoy sleeping so much, and my breast is so full already.... any good tips to wake baby up for feeding?
how come xandall never drink milk anymore?
u were saying u change brand for him rite? change to wat huh? my stock running low liao.. time to buy new ones...
ya hor. i feel after becomin parents, our children needs are more important than ours liao, pyscho ur hb lar, for the sake of xandall.
i fed xandall by regular interval.
different ppl differnt opinions. my take is - if regular interval, you training her to feed at the right timings, somemore can monitor her intake. if demand, then you are at her mercy. your schedule will all go haywire.
go by feeling bah. although i go by intervals, sometimes my boy screamed for milk i oso LL bo bian. but i encourage regular intervals even if shes not hungry!

dun want leh. fm, fresh milk, choc milk, strawberry milk, soy bean drink, milo, chocolate drink etc all dont want. only want yoghurt milk, yakult.
so now i DIY my own yoghurt milk drink by mixing pediasure inside. bluff him lor.
at most, in a day, he drinks 180ml of milk nia.
sat i went to see pd, she say no choice one. give him more calcium rich food at most.
ok lar, i save fm $$ too

my pediasure smallest tin 400g hor - only half used for the past 4 weeks leh.
no ley jess
mine is suddenly 1 day completely reject all kinds of beverages. even those he loved before oso reject - milo, flavoured milk, beancurd etc
jess/pixie, my girl is opposite, she drinks alot of milk,around 1.2litres daily. BUT simply refuse to eat porridge, veggie or fruits, or meat. fish if she is happy, she will eat some... v headache!

R weigh 7.5kg at 5mths so now at 6.5mths, i supposed he's gained abit more cos he started semi-solid liow. Z only weigh 10.7kg last month leh....i doubt he'll hit 11kg or more but he is eating well & will ask for his milk so i am not too worry. just that he seem abit short for his age...cos hb is not tall la so it's in the gene.

your sis is fortunate cos u can motivate her to persevere in bfing but dun be too hard on her too cos bf suppose to enjoy bonding with her bb mah, dun stress her ya!
