(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

tong tong

is ur friend's friend?!?! oh dear... poor baby...
she only innocently walk past nia!!!! this maid will rot in hell.
just viewed the video....it is sick....i dont think the maid is stupid.....would she have done it if it is her own flesh and blood!!!
Oh, my godness, this is so SICKENING!!!

Tongtong, how is the poor child now? I almost cried watching it. How could someone do things like that to a young toddler. She kicked her so hard and stood on her! Already made police report or not, should ban this maid forever.

Cheryl, the title said "Maid In Singapore Abuses Child"

That's why I will NEVER consider getting a maid to take care of my children (if no adult is there to supervise her). How do you know what maid will do to your child? Sometime as a parent we will lost our temper, maid is also human being, she might get very upset at times when the kids (esp more than 1 kid) throw tantrum, and she can do anything unreasoable to the kids. Even nanny, I also couldn't have peace of mind unless it's recommended by friends.

Can someone tell how's the child now???
<font color="ff0000">GATHERING WITH MYLIFE and Little Rylee!
Date: 11th Apr Sat
Time: 3-5pm. </font>
Venue: Go Go Bambini http://www.gogobambini.com/promotions

Child 2-11 yrs = S$15 for 2 hrs play (unlimited for wkday)
Child <2 = S$5 unlimited play
Adult = Free (finally!! we are free!!)

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Mummies below, please confirm your attendance: </font></font>
01) mylife - ok
02) valencia - weekend (my jan08 contact list no your contact. can u pm me details?)
04) grumpus - ok
05) angelsky - depending on which days
06) blessed serene - 10th ok. 11th after 1pm ok.
07) VioletIce - Saturdays - No preference in timing
08) mei - tbc

09) cheryl - ok
10) dorothoy - ok
12) babynikkiong - ok
13) kitsune - 10th ok after 3pm.
14) sg_audrey - 10/11th ok. (i don't have your contact details in Jan08 contact list. can you pm me details? tks)

15) elmo_78 - ok
16) mcfluffy - tbc
18) QQ - ok
yap. i think nestle cereals are sweet. why?

heard the maid abuse is in msia. a mummy from this forum informed stomp and they posted it there and gave it a title. there's a thread on it.
<font color="ff0000">GATHERING WITH MYLIFE and Little Rylee!
<font size="+1">Date: 10th Apr Good Friday
Time: 1-3pm. </font></font>
Venue: Go Go Bambini http://www.gogobambini.com/promotions

Child 2-11 yrs = S$15 for 2 hrs play (unlimited for wkday)
Child <2 = S$5 unlimited play
Adult = Free (finally!! we are free!!)

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Who is coming?</font></font>
01) mylife
re: gathering

many mummies replied sat 10-apr cannot. thus changing the gathering with mylife to 10-Apr Good Friday. proposing 1pm. please indicate your availability. tks.
my sis i think got sell the 1st teeth coz she buys bulk from the supplier before it stops production. if you are keen, i help u check?

can check for me on the 1st teeth too?? I am interested to get too. Thanks.

My son did like the white rice cereal too.

How much are they selling outside??
and me too. I'll be collecting oldnavy stocks from her on next mon, if possible, can pass me on dat day? Else other days also can.
dear all,

yea, i saw it yesterday night, totally no mood after that and i dunno why i screamed at my hubby?!
I cant access facebook in office ( yucks) now so dont know what's the status, will check it out tonight.
hi mummies
who wants first teeth pls email my sis at [email protected]

she is selling the toothpaste only @ SGD10, and the toothpaste set (with brush) @ SGD11
tmr i go to her place to pickup my ON/gap items, who wants collect from north east area, tell me so that i can pick up from her immediately oso, then pass to you all accordingly.
else, settle your own collection bah..
vereneting ... is at riverview hotel #03-01
33++ lunch is 11.30am - 2.30pm
dinner same price - 6-10.30pm
today time pass very slow
cant wait to get home...fetch my boy back yahoo

but later tonite got conference call
i just encountered a real life drama! (and it was a long one)

A lady (from China) sat down beside me on the mrt, on my right. At Raffles place station, an auntie (mid 40's) came in with a plastic bag. Inside was a cup of coke. Those you see from MacDonalds or KFC. She was holding onto the cup, and a drop of coke spilled onto the China Lady's (CL) jeans.
She looked up and saw that the coke has pooled at the bottom of the plastic bag; the bag has leaked, and coke was slowly dripping out of the bag.
She asked compensation (!!) from the auntie (Victim), and the V just shrugged her off. She found a seat 2 seats away from me. The V offered to wash the CL's jeans but CL refused.
Then the CL cannot take it, stood up and quarrel with the V. I was beside her, she keep banging onto me coz she was very agitated. She asked $10 from the V to launder her jeans (!!!). The V refused. Then, CL walked over and took the bag of coke and smash it all over the V!
The V got angry, took whatever remains of the bag, smashed it back onto the CL.
.........I kena coked by them lor.

Bitch fight going on. By now, apart from the V and CL, me and another guy kena coked. The whole cabin looking at the commotion.

I super tulanz, then ask someone to press the emergency button. They keep shouting at each other.
The guy who kena coked, walked over, shouted to the CL. Asked her how to settle his shirt. the CL feebly said "no food and drinks wat". The guy retorted "do you know what is the difference between holding a drink and drinking a drink??" Then asked the CL if a drop of coke=$10, how to settle his shoes and shirt!!
I oso very tulanz so i say me too. how you gonna settle me?

the MRT fiakedup oso, no staff came to see what was wrong. taking a break bah...

everyone angry at the CL. some scolded her delay their journey. some scolded her for being so rude. she wanted to get off but ppl just pushed her back onto her seat. say wait for MRT staff to come n settle her.

her excuse? "sorry, just now i was very angry"

then someone shouted to both CL and V to settle somewhere else, we all want to go home. the CL just shoved her way out of the train...we all urged the V to chase after her.

then the mrt staff finally came, unlocked the button. then the train finally moved.

i think train was stalled for like 10-15mins at tj pagar

OMG, i cried watching the video. The child is so innocent, did u all see at the end of the video, the maid came out and held the girl's hand? The girl also innocently took it back. She must have sayang back the girl in order to prevent the girl from telling? Not just physical injuries, mental scar will always be with the girl, she must have think i am naughty therefore kena beaten. I can almost hear my own gal crying when the girl cried loudly...yet the f**king maid STILL carry on beating and kicking her! Even my mom said so pitiful.

Seriously if a maid abuse my baby like that, i'll beat her up! My mom lagi best, said if a maid dare do this to our baby, she'd chop off her fingers and toes, dont care if she'll go to jail cos she old liao, dont let her have any chance of ever working again. Very cruel hor?

I so wanted to find out what happened to this maid. Hope she rot in hell!

Ok, on a lighter note, I'M BACK!!!! But i totally forgot how HOT the weather is here! Aiyoh,step out of airport only like engulfed by a thick blanket of HEAT! Buay tahan liao....

As for gathering, i'm ok with 10th or 11th. Dont have also ok lah. Like i said, not a must lah.

I'm keen for the First Teeth toothpaste (without toothbrush). Does ur sis have ready stock? Can get before i leave town? Ur story damn funny, i asked my hubby come and read, he also laughed and laughed, kept repeating, "I kena coked...i kena coked" Perhaps that's the next famous tagline? Hehehehe
lol, i just came in to read the thread and read yours. SUper funny but I could imagine how frustrating it had been. So drama!
u try, i won't. if i try, pls shoot me thanks. =)

wah top mgt hv time to come in here.. i small fry already busy like mad. but then again, i dun work in stat board. i'm so dam busy i dun think they will axe me. I decided to work hard on my backlog and dun come here and FB when i'm in the offc. see how long i last muahahaha.

eh super DRAMA ley. If the CL practise a bit of tolerance, could've been a happy ending isn't it... bring out a tissue and inform that the bag is leaking. A spot of coke not going to destroy her jeans la... not as tho it's a white nurse uniform. Maybe she needs many more years of Singa the Courtesy Lion. "Courtesy is for free, courtesy is for u and me" blah blah.

those who had went to HK before. Could please let me know the hotels that u had stayed in and ur reviews pls (like cleanliness, size...etc).

I know Mei just came back and Wendyg been there.

I am planning a family trip there perhaps in July or August.

Thanks alot.
very drama leh!! did anyone stomp it?

i stayed in panorama hotel at tsim sa tsui...quite clean and the staff are very nice.

i want to shorten my online hours at home if i start work also..haha...dunno if i can.

verene, actually it depends on the price that you are willing to pay for the hotel rooms too

i stayed at L hotel tsuen wan...5 stars hotel.
Room very spacious with 2 double beds, so no need to pay for child with bed.
Clean rooms as it is still consider very new.
Good tim sum nearby
shopping centre opposite

down side is that it is far from city. Take train will be about 30 mins. take cab can accpet 5 adults. about S$20 from city to hotel...so spilt to 5 still consider cheap
