(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

me too. no tv for bb. but hb sometimes play pc games and carry him so he watches too sigh...

when your older one start tv? can still rem?


Seriously planning a trip to HK. Really need a breather, told my mum and end up she also wanna go. So maybe have to bring my whole entourage along. LOL. End Sept to early Oct good to go HK? Will it be too cold for baby? I was thinking of 4D3N, but my gf say not enough. Hmmmmz. The packages on zuji like about 800plus? Reasonable? I think of having to squeeze with the crowd at NATAS. I headache.
WendyG, ya lor, I got conned so many times that I immune liao. Another thing I learnt is that school holidays is always the most exp time to travel, airline surcharge lar, no free upgrade, hotel full, cannot extend if take package tour. For me, really bo bian cos hubby is teacher :p but if you can avoid this period, can get better deals.

Steph/We,ndyG, the cheapest I found so far is Farmosa Holidays which quoted $863 for 4D3N including admission ticket to Disneyland but the fare only until Sept cos Oct onwards, rates not out yet. Will check out zuji as suggested. Me trying to get entourage, so far MIL already rejected cos FIL don't want to go and she doesn't want to tag along with us. But my mum and aunt may be going.

Angelsky, the lonely planet guide book said Oct to Dec is good time to travel so should be ok bah. Mid Dec will be colder (as low as 10 deg) so better to go before that if scared of cold.

We also don't let our baby watch tv except the Luli baby channel on mioTV. But even that my baby lose interest cos not as 'flashy' and 'noisy' as adult tv.
delay switching over to stage 2 for formula milk

Some people told me that it's ok to continue to take stage 1 formula milk all the way to 1 yr old, then just direct switch over to stage 3 or FM for 1 yr old. They said the stage 1 milk is more nuritious and better.

I only know that stage 2 has more protein. Anyone delay the switching over to stage 2 due to the above reason?

I just started my son on stage 2. But half stage 2, half EBM. Not sure if its the right move to go for stage 2. Or should I wait?
organic food for bb

Are all of u buying organic food for your bb? I just found an organic food store which sells organic food + veg in Clementi West.

I just started my son on freshly made pumpkin puree today. He likes it. =) I must now agree that freshly made ones smell so much nicer than ready made ones. Will leave the ready made ones for going out use. =)
Steam the carrots, dun boil. Cos anything boiled, the vitamins will go into the water. Steam is better. And blend the carrots. Last time I tried to mash oso, I find it doesnt' give a nice texture. Better you blend. Then maybe when wan to eat, add a bit of bm to mix. If you blend too thick, add some water.

Personally, I prefer to steam the veg/fruits for bb first, since they quite young. I somehow feel taking raw a bit raw for them... hee... Older then ok.
Hi mommies,

My gal has this habit - sometimes when I bf her, she will drink for a minute or so, then pull away and quickly go suck her thumb (like an addict heh heh). 3 sucks and she goes back to look for milk and so the cycle continues. I can't figure out why she does that leh. I thought it's cos my milk flow too slow, but I squeeze got milk leh.

Any mommies experience the same thing, can enlighten me? Thanks in advance...

Oh, my gal started teething and she bites when latched. All I can say is OUCHHH!
precious moments, sometimes my gal will suck her thumb and also wanna drink from the bottle. her habit is she will drink a bit and then stop, she will try to get up or push the bottle away. Very seldom she can finish at one shot. 1 bottle of 180ml, she needs a few breaks in between. Currently I stretched her feed to about 4 hours, so far ok.
preciousmoment, same thing happens for my gal, when she does that during latch on, it usually means she's no longer hungry so distracted liao so i will latch her off.
My boy does tat, i think cos they are older liao, so easily distracted. Any little noise will get distracted. When my #1 had teeth, some noise, she jump, bite my nipple and pull it in opposite direction. Imagine the pain!!
when he was abt 18m, i was taking care of him on my own for 2 months. He would watch max 1hr of nursery rhymes while i shower, trim his nails, wash bottles etc. From then on, sometimes my folks would let him watch an hour of children's educational programs, even the oldies singing program that my dad likes to watch. Then my husband showed him some Disney cartoons when he was abt 2.5yo & there was no turning back
But he can't sit still to watch the entire 1.5hr cartoon, unless he's v tired. He will get up & run around during boring parts.
Few wks back (nearly 3yo), hsbnd brought him to watch Kungfu Panda - his 1st time in cinema. In less than 1hr, he couldn't take it & came out.

4D3N $800+... i think i can get cheaper...
u try misatravel.com.sg

our first trip with child was 4D/3N, truly not enuf. 2nd trip was 5D/4N, we felt just nice. This will be our 3rd trip, but 1st time bringing 2 kids. Must pray hard that they will be co-operative. Chey, i talk as tho i'm leaving tmr. From now until Dec still 5m to go!!!!
WendyG, are you referring to http://www.airfares.com.sg/AirlinePackages/CX/FE_CX_HKG_Supercity_Hotel_3D_CX.htm ? I like MISA cos everthing listed on their website, saves time. But this time they are more expensive leh, 3D2N for Langham place hotel already costs $804 for low season and it excludes taxes!?! Hubby and I went to Hong Kong two years ago but didn't do sightseeing, only eat and shop. This time going with a baby, don't think i'll be too adventurous to climb Lantau Peak or spend whole day at amusement parks or cross over to Shenzhen. So think 4D3N should be enough bah.
<font color="0000ff">AhCapp,</font>

I'm considering getting a high chair, like what you've said, to let him sit while feeding. Now he's sitting in walker during feeding.

My doc said, the reason for switching to Stage 2 is because of iron content. Coz when baby was in our womb, their iron supplement is from us and can only last 6 months. Not sure if it's true.
precious moments, they older liao. everything else very interesting to them. my boy also like to fiddle on my manual breastpump cos me one hand pumping one side while feeding him sometimes.

wendyg brought my gal to few times movie. first few times she was younger either sleep or just eat popcorn. but kungfu panda, totally jialat. running all around the theatre. started @ 18 mths too. she adores disney princess movies, got those fr jb to watch. dun dare let her watch telly without supervision. always started watching the dvd tog with her first. but max also 1hr haha den asking for mummy liao. sigh now handling 2 by myself. i resort to turn on kids' central for her for an hour everyday @ 12 when putting #2 to sleep plus washing dishes &amp; laundry cutting fruits for her. she can even tell me "dwuw"! (do what you want). any other ideas to let entertain themselves while we attend to chores? can share? the rest of the unimpt chores i do when they take afternoon nap.
my girl slipped and broke a glass cup yesterday!!! when i ran over, she was sprawled over the shards! heart dropped. heng she is ti (1) kong (1) kia (1). no cuts, only me kena when i tried removing from her.

then just now, she rolled down 5 steps of the staircase @ my in laws! big baluku on the back of her head... heart dropped again... my silly precious really so active. girls nowadays really just as active as boys yah?
evening, girls can be as active as boys. when i was young, i wanted to imitate those stunt men on tv, and proof that after going down the stairs with it I will still be upright. I went down the stair case at my grandparents place with my tricycle. end up broke my 2 front teeth. I was only 5 years old. so malu to start school with no teeth. :p Now i see my girl kick and then move her four limbs all the time, I kinda worried.
steph, violetice,

come to think of it now, its really a long journy... but however tired ... still have to tahan till arrive...

talking abt going back sing... my ticket is dated 3 Oct, which I plan for exactly 3 months (the united airline staff also say 3 oct is max for 3 mths), but the nightmare is the custom gave me till 2 Oct to leave... so it is 90 days instead of 3 months... got to waste money to amend the tix... sigh... but is also looking into option of extending stay till feb and go back with hubby... but chances is low cos got to get out of the continent, apply visa, then fly back. air ticket very ex now, so maybe cannot make it... sob sob... will be alone w baby again when back in Sing...

Shop Shop Shop...
Will be going to factory outlet tomorrow ... any mommies want me to check any prices? PM the details before 11pm Singapore time... refer to the shops in the link.
it's true abt babies needing additional iron when they hit 6m.. dat's why hv to start solids even tho i wish my baby can survive with just milk! lazy mummy...

i think my #1 boy not as active as your girl wor.. he quite "no guts" one.. scared to fall down, scared to hurt himself etc. Dat's why he only started walking @ 15m... didn't dare lift his foot off the ground.
>> try involving your #1 in the chores? teach her to fold clothes. muahaha.
bbdear, wow ur journey in the plane on handling bb alone reali very siong ...i dun thk i can as my bb quite cranky at times &amp; quite active....

ya lor, i am thking of investing a fd processor, which model do u recommend ...also thot of using it to grind brown grain ....
wendyg my girl helps me to hang laundry plus fold her hankies into quarters =P she no scared die or fall down wan. fall down bo la sa... mine gal leh...

thanks to jan bb for arranging today's session at BJG, think our babies enjoyed themselves and kinda surprised us with their reactions... wah the materials quite cheem hor.

jacelyn i use gaia baby calendula lotion. good and smells nice. thin layer once will do. after application will look redder but it's alright cos beeswax working as barrier.
my gal also have, very fierce angry rashes. I applied calendula cream no use, steroids prescribed by PD also no use, some say it's eczema, some say it's jus drool rash. Anyway, key thing is to continuously wipe it with wet cloth and apply either emulsifying lotion or vaseline petroleum jelly. It works for me, now slowly the rashes subside altho still got abit.

my La Leche leader told me the info on "iron depletion" is overrated. BF babies still get iron from their mommy's BM unless the mommy is severely anaemic (iron shortage). Otherwise, a baby's mahor nutrition source is still BM, the solids is just for exploration of textures, taste and practice up till they're 1yr old.

so nice of u to offer! I went to see, wahhh got Carters and Gymboree! But dont think can buy cos too wide range liao

wahhhh ur gal so gung ho one ah? I also suspect my one gonna be like this next time *headache* Cos i was also a very "cho lo" gal.

kitsune/precious moments
my gal also same. Sometimes even sneakily wants to put her thumb into her mouth while latching on. I was doing some readings, then realised why suddenly so funny, got something additional. Now got to hold her other free hand while latching. kitsune When they pull off, it doesnt mean they're not hungry anymore, sometimes it could jus mean her curiousity got the better of her and distracted her (whatever that was holding her attention). So we have to keep offering, or take her to a quiet room and contd to BF. If she doesnt get proper food during day, night time will wake up to make up for her lost feed! I also read, that by 6months old, babies suddenly discovered they can be mobile, so they "forgot" to eat, so we have to remind them and occasionally take them away from all the stimulation and feed them.

thanks for mailing me...replied!

when i got time, i will reply your mail in detail ok!

Hong Kong trips
Anyone making trips to HK are welcome to meet up with me and my gal. Will help to store any food/strollers, etc for easy access

Dunno why u all saying your babies like the porridge, etc but mine hor, still dunno how to swallow well. She'll be 7 months next week liao. Still pushes out solids from her mouth. I also dunno intro porridge yet....
ruggard angelsky &amp; chor lor mylife, yep she takes after the gung ho mummies... my mom said i was a terrorist last time. my ger's back to give me the same treatment haha...
hello all long time never post liao...
i see some mummies weaning off bm...envy leh...last time since my avent duo motor died on me, i bought a new set from another mummy in the forum...sgd250, quite good deal considering she was the 1st user...
actually realised manual pump is better, same like wendyg, i now pump manual...lazy then use motor...i intend to bf another 6 more mths...total 1 year, coz so used to it liao...see how long i can tahan lor...

just now buy car seat...maxi cosi...it was selling at 268 at toys'r'us, usual price 431...didnt believe the usual price so walked over to mothercare to take a look...it was 450++ over there so chiong back and buy it...i hope i got a good bargain? any mummy knows the retail price of it? priori SPS...
today apart from buying car seat...picked up our new car...so hopefully strike 4d with my new car plate...will post if i kena heehee

i see all the posts about travelling..super envy...i wish i can go...

about tv...i let my boy watch...but i subscribe babytv on starhub cable...4sgd+ per mth, so ok lor...but bo hua coz he is at home only during weekends...but 4 bucks is cheap enuff anyway!!
hi wendy,

i dun have friday papers,can share me the advertised good travel deals for SA??can email me if not convenient here,thanks so much!
Mylife, I always feed her in my bedroom on my bed with only a dim toilet light leh, she still like that. Okie, will try but usually she will arch her back when I take out her finger and stuff nipple in so I conclude that she 'bo sim' to drink milk liao so I also lazy to waste time fighting with her. :p Yeah! my aunt managed to convince my mum so I think my Nov/Dec trip on liao. Where do you stay? Can meet up? I'll have an entourage though. Hee.

Pixiepixel, I wanted to buy the same model too, Kaki bukit hyperstore selling at $238 but only for last year's colours. Yours is boy still ok but the colours are grey, blue patterned, light blue etc so a bit boring for my gal leh. I'm quite tempted by Prior XP cos it's more compact, has seat belt tightener and adjustable seat belt height. Did you see that at Toy r us?

Let my gal try mashed avocado today but she doesn't like it. Her reaction so funny, close eyes like want to puke like that. MIL very 'sim tia' but told her sometimes baby not used to new taste, must continue to let her try. Cannot give up so easily. Got time, will post the video on my blog. ;)
hello how u all post video on blog ah? I used my digicam video function but think it's too big to be on blogspot. Tried uploading to YouTube also got problem.

i stay West Kowloon, right above the Kowloon station of the Airport Express station. Also above the Elements mall. Of cos can meet up! I wan to meet RaeAnne too!
Let me know when is your trip exactly yah!
forgot to add, mine also like dat, arch her back and protest right? So i usually will bring her up, burp her, let her look around, and then calm down liao, contd to latch, usually she will accept. Kaypoh finish oredi... hehe. Dim light also, can kaypoh one, my gal will kaypoh looks at pattern of my bedsheet. *faint*
Mylife, need to edit the video clip after downloading to the computer. I'm using Sony handycam. I realise if I keep the edited clip to less than 30sec, can upload to blog faster. If not, wait until I fall asleep. :p

Me want to see Rylee too. I'm planning to leave on 22 Nov or 29 Nov or 6 Dec for 4D3N, not confirmed yet cos waiting to get good travel deals before deciding cos sometimes certains dates can be more expensive.

Yes, true true. Wait a while continue to latch, she will accept but will still suckle for shorter and shorter duration each time before kaypohing again. So I impatient lar, latch her off. My gal will also use her fingers to scratch the bedrest behind me. She used to look at bedsheet design too so I make sure the pillow is well hidden behind my back nowadays. :p
Advice needed....urgently.

Tried to make carrot puree. I steamed it and then mashed it but it did not seem soft enough. Wat must i do more?

Or should i get a handheld blender? Which blender is good?
Hi Mommies,
Haven't chatted in the forum for a long time. Been busy with work. Besides, my boys are down with flu, cough, fever for more than a week.

Now that Natas is here again, very tempted to plan my year end trip. Hubby wants to go Aussie but the surcharges are exhorbitant. Deciding between bringing extended family on a cruise (which saves me a whole lot of headache) or a trip to Gold Coast.

Hi Mandy,
Mummies here either use the Philips / Braun blender. The pureen are very soft and smooth.
Hi gals, my daughter been so sick. She's down with cough and alot of phelgm. Can cough till vomit and now fever keep coming on and off after med wears off for the past 3 days. My little one also caught it..sian man!

Any mommy start porridge straight without going through cereal? Coz my mom said cereal heaty and my boy sick shouldn't give and should just give porridge.

Any mommy wanna exchange for enfa pro A+ 400g (x2) and Frisco 900g with similac stage 2? My boy drinking similac now. otherwise willing to buy? I've got 2 vouchers from enfa to give away asap b4 expire. collection at novena

Can anyone share how much our babies should be eating now?
The purees/cereal is jus for them to have their first taste? Its not to replace a milk feed is it?
And if we feed puree, can we feed cereal after that? My boy still seems hungry after his puree.
Will reply ur email when I free. Very busy with two sick kids. And tmr Mon liao, will be busy at work. I juz wanna add, iron fm BM is not sufficient for our bb now. Vernice's pd had prescribed her iron supplement. But not necessary to intake on daily basis if she constipate.
hi all, just to update. i have received the gift from mt e. but its just a tin of 900g enfapro a+ and its carrier. there's no j &amp; j sample. those who received is this what u got?
Iron for bb
My #1 never had iron supplements leh!! I din know must leh!! NEver read abt it b4, so serious one meh? Faint, I better ask the PD when I see him for #2 the next time ard.
babe, me too. i found my boy is fast too. he can sit very steady now but sometime he will fall back. my baby don't really know how to crawl but he will flip, turn back, flip to reach his distination. and his 1st teeth have grow. so whatever things in his hand will be in his mouth next especially he like to pull and hair and put in his mouth. he smile a lot too. now he sleep less in the daytime after 20-30min per nap and like to play a lot.
Your girl don't like avocado huh? My boy loves it! But more like he loves everything...very "tam jiak"...pumpkin, sweet potato, avocado, apple, green peas, rice cereal...all also open mouth big big and cry when we wipe his mouth becos he know it means there's no more...haha. He will even drink 150ml of milk 30 mins after finishing his solids...wa piang! Really born in the year of the PIG.
I had the same question some time back, strangely, it went unanswered. I also unsure how much solids to give my gal and when to increase to bfast &amp; dinner.
mommies feeding solids
ur babies all can eat and swallow well oredi ah? Mine still like spitting out, next week 7mths liao, tongue thrust still there, still "blerragghh" out when i feed her solids.
how o is your girl? i give my #1 flumucil when i hear the possible phlegm producing. very good. reduces phlegm well. was prescribed by doc n my client who's a doc recommends it as well. can get from pharmacist. gave a few packs to a few mummies and they agreed. can try a pack first then buy in bulk from watson (posb card further discount). note must stir till fully dissolve in small cup of water else the globules may irritate the throat. full sachet for 2 yr o above half sachet for 1 yr o above. but do check dosage with the pharmacist again.

re: iron supplements
if check with pd can share their advice with me? didn't take for #1 either. dunno whether need to take now since both relying on TBF.
Babe, aiyoh, poor thing, both kids sick. You must take care ya? When I was sick last week also very sian, scared I spread to her. Take med, end up so sleepy, can't do night feeds.

Yvonne, ya, she don't like but I'm not giving up for now. Actually I also dun like avocado initially but now can accept lar. Hee.

Mylife, mine ok leh, not much tongue thrust except when she's not hungry. She "blerragghh" out the whole mouthful of rice cereal when I tried feeding her at my mum's place this evening. Think she's either not hungry or distracted. I stopped feeding her after that. :p

Sigh looks like I can't stay at Langham place cos my entourage (made up of retirees, hee) complain too expensive. They are thinking of BP international instead. I've not been to that hotel, where's the location? Is the location for Stanford hotel better?

Anyone has decent 3-4* hotels in Tsimshatsui area to recommend? priority is location, prefer baby cot service, if not at least a king size bed.

<font color="0000ff">mylife,</font>

Initially, Baby Ian was like that too but I realized it could be because the cereal wasn't too runny so I added more milk and he will be able to swallow it easier. Why don't you make it more runny?
