(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

eRnMum, I went F&E before in Japan. I think must plan the trip properly because it will be a bit more expensive as compared to going with the tour group. We went for about 8 days, just in Tokyo coz we won it from a lucky draw. Actually if you plan, can even travel out of Tokyo on their train. I did not, so end up only stay in Tokyo itself. Its actually very easy, look at the maps and look for the train stations. The thing in Tokyo is that the shopping centres are either on top of the station or nearby, so you stay near a train station it will be easier for you.

For food wise, we just walk and then if we see something good and reasonable we will stop and eat.

You can also park your stuff in the lockers in the train stations when you go shopping, but must remember where the locker is and go back to the same one, because the train stations are really big and there are many exits.

F&E, you get more flexibility, no need to rush with the tour group, you get to explore more as well. But with tour group, you dont have to squeeze on the trains and carry all your barangs around since you travel by the coach.

As for language, I dont think it really matters, since in Japan, its quite safe?
Hi JanBB,

I am the one wondering how u all cope with bathing babies without the tub at public pool. Now i got it. =)

maybe i would try to bring him to the pool after bb has his last injection.
Disneyland is same everywhere like HK and US.. all the land theme, Disneysea suppose to be more adventurous.. exciting.. to me it doesnt feel like disney.. more like disney side character but the plus pt ism, it had less Q and less crowded! 70% lesser.. hahaha

Anyway me stayed in tokyo before..but I was preggy then lah.. a lot of things cannot do.

I got travel central japan under Chan brother, not much time for shopping and exploring in tokyo. so even if going by package, better to extend a few days in tokyo. :D

Maybe can checkout my blogs, have some entries on disneysea and disneyland and some other places in tokyo. 1 tips hor.. when travelling ard tokyo, try to use the same company of the train.. can save a lot of money.. example like try not to use the subway.. errr,, dunno if u get what I mean.

when is tokyo, buy Blue Label, fancl, the pharmacy with beauty products like shiseido etc etc.. hahaha

Language wise, a bit handicap for makan.. else menu just recognise a few chinese character can already.
eRnMum, thanks for the advice. Will go taka to buy the pigeon food before we go. Which hotel did you stay when you went with your #1? Stroller not convenient ah? Wonder if it'll be ok if I stay at Langham place hotel and only shop there? May be boring though...

I went Japan twice but before getting married so not sure how it'll be like with baby. One thing I hate about Japanese subway is that there are hardly any escalators not like Singapore so I kept on lugging my luggage when moving from one hotel to hotel. :p
My baby has been babbling since 8pm, at first I thought it's because hubby was letting her listen to FM88.3. But the radio has been switched off since 9pm and she's still babbling. Wonder if she'll be thirsty and if I should feed her water though I have not fed water since BF. Anyone's having the same experience?
Hi Ladies,

My son surprised us by pulling himself to a standing position for the past few days. There is simply no stopping him now. =S We have just lowered down his bed to prevent him from climbing out.

Nowadays babies at 6months can really do lots of things and faster than I can follow..



About lasik... actually, the only cons I can think of is night vision and easy to get tired at night.

For me, the night vision was ok. Everyone was talking about halos at night. But mine was ok though. Actually, I am so used to my new vision that after some time, I just think everything as norm.

I do noticed that after lasik, my eyes get tired easily at night. So after my lasik, I try not to strain my eyes too much at night.

Other than the above 2 cons, I think lasik is great. =) Not more foggy specs.
any mummy stopping BFing now

I have dropped my pumping session from 4 times to 3 times per day. Er.. is this the correct way to slowly stop the BM?
Evening, no need to be envious, my gal is 6 months old then I start recording and posting videos, a bit slow lar but always better late than never. ;)

Evening/JanBB, realise why the link to your blog don't work, got some exclamation marks at the end of the address, I probably copy and pasted without checking. It should work now liao. Jayden so handsome and his smile lights up his whole face, makes me want to carry him. haha.

Ah Capp, I still don't dare to stop BF cos just started rice cereal and don't know if she'll take well to FM. Yup, think you are doing the right way, and don't pump all the way when pumping, just comfortable can already, then BM will naturally reduce.
AhCapp, I anyhow stopped my pumping when I stopped. It was painful man, when I was trying stopped I was telling myself why did I wanna BF in the first place, that time I was quite pek chek. What I do was to try and lengthen the time I need to pump. When I feel really engorged, I will pump a little till I dont feel so full and then I stopped. Just kept repeating it. But not sure if its the right method though. It took me about a week I think.

Wa, your boy is 6 months? Hmmm, okay I better put my girl on the floor to sleep now.

Lasik, I really very very tempted. I would love to be able to watch the tv till I fall asleep without having to take off my glasses.

kitsune, totally agree with you. The time I went with my hubbie, I literally feel like sleeping and not move at all after a day of shopping and walking in Tokyo. The hotel I stayed in need to walk about 15 minutes from the station.
Angelsky, ya lor, tokyo hotels very expensive so I could only book those cheapo ryokan with no meals included and most of them are more than 15mins walk away from station. :p

I actually HATE to be connected to the pump all the time. =( I feel a bit wasted since I still have milk. But I think pumping is putting a strain on my energy, my time and my family. I get tired due to lack of sleep. Now that my son is more active, I want to devote more time to being with him. Also, I want to spend some time preparing solid food for him since I am a busy working mum. Next month i will be away for a business trip. So I guess it should be a starting point for me to stop pumping. =)


Only 1 week? Ok, I guess I have to be more determined. As I was saying, I am determined to get this pumping thing over. But I also feel a bit sad. *sigh* Mixed feelings I guess.

So after 1 week, no more milk and no more engorgement for u? I hate lumps and blockage man! *sob*

Do take a look out for your darling's progress. I think nowadays babies grow very fast. Just b4 u know it, your darling might be moving all over the place very soon. =)

Lasik allows me to kiss my hubby without our specs clashing onto each other! *LOL* My hb still wears specs though. =)
Ah Capp, ya know what you mean, as it is, my gal is less attached to me cos she only sees me for milk and the other half of the time, I'm pumping away. Sometimes, BF can also lead to less bonding time with bb. Haha, LOL, both hubby and me wear specs but no problem with kissing during paktor days leh. Hee. ;)
AhCapp, my hubbie no wear glasses, he loves to watch TV at night before sleeping, so we were so lazy that we will set the tv on timer so that we can watch and then sleep, or rather he is so lazy. Coz I hate to be the last one sleeping, so halfway through the movie or show, I will make myself sleep before he does since he can easily ZZZZZ, while I still need to take out my glasses, dont wear I cant see a thing.

Yes, about a week or so, I same as you, got mixed feelings when I stopped, coz I actually like the feeling of hugging my girl near me and frankly to nurse and latch is so much more convenient than making FM. But that 1 week was quite horrid, becoz suddenly you can feel very full and can be quite painful. So when I feel full, I will quickly pump so that will lessen the pain and fullness. But then hor, not sure if its really true becoz my gf used to tell me when we stopped BF, our chest will be smaller than before, I dont believe her, but now I do feel that my chest is smaller than before
hi mummies. need some help but dunnoe where to post.

I'm looking for a weekend escape wif my family. Any idea which hotel(local hor) is baby friendly? As in they have baby pool..

Cannot remember got leh. Sentosa got anot har?? Help me think think.
Yep man..boobs sure shrink as compared to previously.

Ya la..kinda of miss those moments when BB drank liao, the looked at you and smile. Well, then there are more time for otehr activities cos BB is bigger and demand more interaction.

Cannot stopped suddenly la, sure got lumps. Just reduce the number of times you need to express. 3 times for 2 days,then reduce to twice a day and then once every a day, followed by once every 2 days..Then voila, no more milk. Not everyone shrinks so much. You BB is really strong.

Those suggestions for food in HK is good. Really depends on your BB and yourself. I stayed at Langham and literally shopped there. After son goes to sleep at 9 plus, continued to shop till they are closed. In HK, to get across the street (2 lane traffic), also must use underpass. Yours is Combi, should be ok. Otherwise, when visit big malls, rent their stroller (Combi, Mclaren etc). I think deposit is refundable. If your BB is the "bao bao" type,then good luck to you.

I think it all depends on BB's characters, my eldest boy is definitely fussy. When I brought my elder son to Sydney when he was about 11 months old, I literally brought the whole house along. Pampers, a big tin of milk powder, a small slow cooker and his potty. Thankfully, my mum and dad and sis was with me..
enjoy reading your blog soo much. jayden's soo cute =) can't wait to see him on sat

yah my boobs went smaller lor after my #1. scared totally disappeared after this round...
re bfg boobies
>> i read that boobies sag due to pregnancy, not bfg. whatever it is, for both my kids i bf'd so what i know is that i went fr a C-cup to current B cup. When i stop bfg this time round, may end up with an A cup. Then i can save $$ & wear Bee-Dees. muahahaha.

re: Langham
>> ex leh... compared to some other cheaper hotels. Langham is over S$250 per night? Some good ones i chk'd only abt S$130 per night.

re: no poo
my #1 record didn't poo for 11 days when he was 5-6m old. Now 3yo, we ensure his diet has lots veg.. he can't take too much fruits due to persistent cough.

i also relied on lots of Pigeon instant food when we brought #1 for short trips to JB & HK. Very convenient, but i scared the flavouring etc. Expensive also! But beats bringing the slow cooker & all the raw veg/meat to make porridge. FOr my Dec HK trip, since bb will be 11m liao, maybe i just give him plain porridge fr teahouse. By then he would've "graduated" fr cereal to porridge, so if i give him cereal & jar food again for a whole week he may not want. Coz that was what happened with #1 when i brought him to HK @ 17m. I carted a whole lot of jar food to & from Sgp. SO heavy.

ah capp
for me, apparently some lumps stayed permanently fr the days when i bf'd #1. Coz when i was reducing my pumping sessions, I didn't massage during expressing. Few months back @ TMC Parentcraft, Mrs Wong said the lumps leftover fr #1 bfg days became hardened breast tissue.
As for lasik.... i'm always put off by the $$ issue.. i don't need it la. i'm still so vain and like to wear diffrnt coloured specs =)

re: baby pool
>> when bring bb swimming, i think it's so difficult to do it in baby pool coz adults will hv to drag their butts around. Try those pools water that reach your waist or chest. mylife u dun hv to tread water while holding rylee... select an area of the pool where u can still walk.
re: gripe water
>> yes i think it helps, esp if u haven't given your baby any before.
actually 4-5 days without poo for bf baby is ok. my PD said she will wait up to 7days.

re: bathe baby @ public pool
>> no hot water... i'd rather bring bb home to hv his bath.

re: rejecting fruit juice
>> try dilute? then the flavour not so strong, they might accept.
ahcapp, ur boy really fast!!! ;) can pull himself up liow....so cannot leave him alone. u make me v tempted to do lasik leh....
where did u do ur lasik har, cos nowadays so many places offer the service.

re: shrinking boobs...
aiyoh, u all scaring me leh.....i was an A cup b4 pregnancy....so may shrink to nothing ah? *peng*
i am trying to stop BFing. Have already reduced my pumping to 1 time a day ... but I jz can't bear but to latch my son whenever I reaches home cos he will cry when he sees me. Even if he jz had his milk, whenever he sees me coming back, he will cry. Heart soften and will latch him after I shower.
AhCapp..i was also thinking of doing lasik this year..but so far it's only thoughts..not sure if i really wanna do it or not. My hubby did it 1 year ago..keep saying i should do it too...but i really scared!! Hahaha....

Violetlce, thanks for the info on the swimsuit yesterday..I managed to get a last piece at Raffles City yesterday! So quite happy...

JanBB - think I just read somewhere that you also keen right? I don't know if there is any other outlet that have..coz i did find out whether AMK hub or United Sq have..but both also dun have....
hammies>i wanted to do lasik too, but always put off by the same $$ issue. My degree very jialat. around >1000 degree per eye.. (i know all of you would have fainted by now)..
hence the charges will be even more compared to those patient with less degree.

by the way , any recommendation for lasik for pp with high degree ..whenever i took off my contact lens, i look like a beaver...small eye and big tooth..keke
Morning mummies,

Can I ask how you fully introduce FM to your baby? Currently I only give him 1 feed FM, the rest are BM and cereal.

I am thinking of slowly weaning him off BM as I need to go on a business trip next month so wld like to introduce fully FM to my baby.
ahhcap> you are the champion liao. you baby can stand.. keke...so cute..

alamak mine still wobbily wobbily. if i put him on sitting position, in less than a minute,he will sure to fall forward and 'greet' his toes..sigh..is my development too slow huh?
not too slow. My grandma has guideline: 7m sit, 8m crawl, 9m cut 1st tooth. For my #1, he was advanced by 1m except for cutting teeth he was on-track. For #2, i think he shld b able to sit steady by 7m. Now 6.5m, he's wobbly... few mins he'll topple. Sometimes i think he purposely falls on his back coz he tired of balancing.

hey maybe non-bfg moms can share... did your boobies shrink/ sag even tho u didn't bf?
amy your description of yourself makes me laugh...very funny....

icy, what is your blog address?

wendyg, i have received the swim diaper. Thanks a lot. Hoepfully can bring my two boys for a swim on weekends =)
Sad to declare "Me" loh, one of the non-bfg mums, actually me only bf for 1 mth but due to 2 times breast infection & fever keep going up & down. So doc advised me to stop & gave me the pill to stop the milk flow.
Have heard abt taking the pill, will cause boobies to shrink. Even the doc also said that. However, *touchwood* so far manage to maintain the same cup before preggie! But i did find that boobies tend to be softer, thinking to buy those firming gel to boast my esteem up!!!
u are so lucky to get the last pc of swimwear!! How much did u pay for it after discount? I was thinking to go to Raffles City yez too... So did u get the arm ring as well?
i jus rem i didnt answer ur question on the cheap baby stuffs. Dunno which one u referring to, there's a discount outlets of diff brands in Tung Chung, and then there's the popular Stanley Market where people go to find Carter's, Calvin Klein rompers, etc. Both are quite out of the way and no good hotels nearby.

u also coming to HK in Dec? U very familiar with HK liao rite? If got time, can also meetup with me lah!
Noted on the pool thingy.

Baby Food in HK
Aiyah, no need to lug the food from Sg, here in HK also got sell what, i saw got quite good selections, Healthy Times and some other ang moh organic brands also avail. If go teahouse, can feed plain porridge, otherwise, can buy off the shelf food jars (if u all dont mind)

But i agree with Blackbatz, here very stroller "unfriendly". Most of the time if i know i'm going somewhere with hubby, then i bring stroller, but if i'm out on my own, i will definitely jus use the Ergo carrier. Cos HK got a lot of staircase!

I also went to Tokyo (for a last 2 person trip before giving birth!!) Tat time didnt manage to meet up with Icy. But yah, i'd prefer to go F&E. It's quite simple lah and most of the Japanese are very polite and friendly people. Most important phrase in Jap i MUST learn is "To e ri wa, doko des ka?" Tat's Jap for "where's the toilet!" kekekeke

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">CHAYE!!!!</font></font>
really long time never "see" u around wor! Yah...me comoing back for a short trip in Sept. See if anyone got organise anything lo.
Yah, me miss that time we all turn up with big tummies at Fish&amp;Co too. I rem it was a Tues but dunno why felt like Friday rite? So many people. Hey, thanks for your sms-es advices back when i gave birth!

wahhhh ur boy very "sud" leh.

it's normal to have this feeling, weaning shud be done gradually, both for the sake of mommy's feelings, baby's feelings and the boob (to avoid painful engorgement!) So take it slowly! The rule of thumb for weaning is "dont offer, dont refuse". Meaning u dont offer, but when baby needs it (for comfort, etc), u dont refuse too.

*high five* Yah me too, intend to let baby wean herself. Planning to BF as long as i can.
Dun have to highlight my name so big leh ! kekeke. Do you still have my hp no. ? I lost my hp last mth and lost all contacts and most importantly all my kids fotos !!! *Sad*

Re : Holidays
I'm planning my holiday too ! To Perth again but this round will bring my #1 and leave my #2 at home :p Has anyone book tickets with Zuji before ? I tot of getting online tickets and self drive in Perth.
my mil also wanted to go to disney japan. she wish that our whole family can follow..me still considering la, all because of $$$ issue, and considering whether i should bring baby there too. if i bring my boi there, he wun remember a thing,but if i dun bring them there, then i feel bad leaving him in singapore..
I'm one of those non-bf mums...so far still ok but of course not as perky as before lah. But maybe becos I only increased a cup size from B to C during pregnancy so the difference is not so obvious. I've seen some ladies with such engorged breast during pregnancy so probably the impact would be greater for them.
yvonne> my breast size also did not changed drastically. but my tummy size upgrade from pre-pregnancy size D to now size F... hahah.. me getting fatter ,didnt managed to flatten that tummy after i gave birth.
Jan BB - i can't remmeber exactly how much is it after discount..coz my hubby was the one who went to buy it. But i recall someone told me before discount is $23 is it? So gg by tt..it should be $11.50 aft discount? I bought the arm ring too...that one $3 lor. In fact...just now i went w my colleagues to Fox Baby at United Sq..end up spending like $80.....

Question for mummies who post blog in blogspot....

I just created an account. Want to start blogging. May I know after I post a blog, is it editable? Once published, cannot change anymore ah? Thanks in advance for answering, I am very new to blogging leh :)
babling....when the plane take off, do latch baby or feed the baby milk...so that she/he cannot feel the ear pressure.

during the journey, you may need some toys to entertain them

it shld be editable coz i read b4 that the authors can remove posts, for example, if it generates unwelcome attention.
