(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font color="ff6000">mylife,

u can refer to this chart for avent teats size guideline


maybe u missed my earlier post...can share what kind of insurance u bought for Rylee ? thks

hi mummies,
pls put down yr name if you are interested.

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior

Tag-along US$3.50

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50
Kel, I'm also looking for PT cleaner. House so dusty, I even have hives due to dust mite. :p

Miracle, how much does your cleaner charge per hour?
wah...gd for u. Your ILs dotes on yr girl huh, first granddaughter? For my case, MIL quit her job to look after bb, their 1st grandson. We paid for the full month catering &amp; all baby necessity like diapers &amp; FM. Since we'll be having dinner at ILs' place during wkdays, hubby will be giving $600 monthly for MIL allowance. We decided to bring baby back on Friday &amp; Saturday evening when i return to work. Cannot imagine whether can cope anot. My FIL is retired so monthly hubby also gave $200. Which means monthly, we gotta put aside $800 bucks for ILs. Not forgetting the bb insurance, car loan, petrol, daily expenses etc...really budget, gotta cut down on luxury shopping &amp; restaurant liao!
hi kel, kitsune,

I am using FIRSTCARE AGENCY. Local aunty, she come my hse fortnightly &amp; charges $10 per hour (min 3hrs) incl. ironing, mop &amp; vacuum floor, wash toilets, kitchen cabinets, windows) I've been using her service for 2yrs liao.
ya, they really dote on her. When I was having confinement, they brought BB to see PD and polyclinic, also they pay. Kidslink very ex leh, $151, almost fainted when I saw the bill but FIL don't want to take. FIL will call cab somemore. If me, sure take cab from roadside. Hubby used to give $350 per month. Now, don't know want to increase or not.

Your ILs also looking after BB for you at night? My ILs offered though we didn't ask. Hubby is thrilled but I a bit "bu she de" to dump her there at night. But I know if we look after her at night while working, will be a zombie so hope she can sleep through the night before I go back to work lor. :p
Steph, Miracle Thanks for the contacts for PT cleaners. Prefer someone who can clean windows (1 set at a time) as well. Miracle, does yours do it?
Steph, checked out Firstcare website. Wa, $138 agency fee and $12 per hour for weekend service. Not cheap hor. How come yours is $10, you do on weekdays? My house weekday no one at home leh...
now, i am on maternity leave so nite time i look after, if cannot tahan then alternate nite. Which means, Mon, Wed &amp; Fri - ILs side then Tues, Thurs &amp; Sat - i will handle. At first, i also "bu she de" to dump Zander at ILs' place but after few days, u'll feel less stressful &amp; slowly adjust yr life back rather than to cope with a newborn 24hrs, no joke:p
So, when are u returning to work? I will be back to work probably 15March.

3years ago, i paid one time agency fee of $80...wah...didn't know they increase price liao.
And the price for domestic maid was $10 per hr. The aunty is ok to do on wkends, Sunday. She is quite flexible too, sometimes if i not avail on wkends, can change to wkdays too but must give advance notice. Sometimes, my mop head spoilt, she also buy &amp; change new one without charging me at all ley. But i paisey, hubby say must pay la so 2nd time when she buy &amp; change new one, we ask her how much &amp; pay her accordingly
yes, she does n she does not impose min charge. sometimes she finished cleaning my hse in 2 1/2 hr and she will charge me accordingly- $25.
if u want you have to call her asap cos her weekend slot is pretty full!
Angelsky, me also using MIM sarong sling.

Icy/Luvv, me also the same. We need so long to pump just to get these amount. I bought the ameda dual pump. Collecting next fri. See whether can pump more and save time or not. Often pump one side and the other side also get letdown.
thanks step &amp; miracle for sharing the cleaner contacts!

my house v greasy n dirty, cant wait to do a proper cleanup soon

btw, does confinement ends on 28 days from our date of delivery or 30days?
mil was telling me tht i shld do at least 40days, wanna faint liao
luvv &amp; verene sengkang
mei &amp; i punggol

anyone else nearby?

i know a gang of u are in Pasir Ris, and sommore are in Tampines, and sommore around Eunos, and sommore in Boon Lay.

hey blackbatz
wow u use the old model so long ah. I think i quite chor lor.. the neck v fast crack. Anyways if u need the funnel without the neck, i still have it!
baby sling, the one i got is from littlepods, anyone using that? I tried a few times but then my girl looks very low in the sling le. I wonder if I put her correctly
Icy was asking me about pumping.....

Yes, it's quite hard to feed and pump milk at night. Last night, I fed my baby at 0030hr, 0300hr, 0600hr. I pumped milk only once at about 0400hr. The previous pumping was done just before 0030hr. Anyway, during the 0600hr feed, I was soo sleepy and tired that I kinda fell asleep while feeding my baby. The teat actually was poking my baby's face instead of being in his mouth! *LOL* For night feeding, I don't wake up my hb as he still has to work the next day. So I switch on the TV (turned down the volume) to keep myself awake lor. Daytime, my mum is around these few days. So she helps me feed while I concentrate on catching up with my milk pumping.

My hb is leaving for US this Fri for 2 weeks. Will be alone like u too. =( But thank goodness my mum will come over to stay with me to help me out. If not, i sure die. Will u be having any help while your hb is away?

icy, Luvv &amp; Kitsune

I used to spend 1hr pumping just to get total 80ml of milk for both breasts combined every 3hr interval (during my 2nd and 3rd week i think). Nowadays, no time to sit so long. Thus, i spend like only 1/2hr for both breasts. Hmm.. But it does seem like the supply has increased even though the pumping time has shortened. eg just now, I pump after 2hr, total can reach like 180ml already. Guess it does take time for milk supply to be established. Currenly, my son is eating about 100ml about 9 times per day. So I have enough to store a bag of milk (150ml) every day + 2.5 bootles of milk in the fridge for standby. Btw, I am still eating fenugreek, but really not sure if the milk supply is due to it or not.

My left breast definately has more supply than my right breast . Also don't know why. Anyway, milk will shoot out from quite a few ducts in the beginning. But after a while, milk will continue to shot out from my right breast ; for left breast , milk will only shoot out from 1 or 2 ducts.

Last night, my left breast suffer from engorgement! I nearly fainted as no matter how I pumped, the hardness just will not go away. In the end, I have to use hot water and towel to massage my poor breast. =( Like self torture like that.

Thanks for hy our feedback. Will call up Kidslink tmrw morning. =) I find morning the busiest for me as I have to feed, pump and bath my baby. But will make sure I slot in time to call up Kidslink.

Btw, will call up your recommended agency for local part-time maid soon. I think I need one as my house is turning into a mess with piled up un-ironed clothings and unfinished housework. My poor hb has to bear the majority of the housework now. =( Feel bad for him.

Btw, I read that u r going back to work next month. So u will be taking the 3rd month maternit leave later on?
kitsune &amp; angelsky

Btw, I read that both of u are using PIS to pump. Me too, but mine is an old old pump from my colleague. Anyway, I used to keep on looking at the level of the bottles while pumping. But nowadays, I will read or watch TV. I noticed that the bottles will fill up faster this way. Guess checking the level often makes me stress. =P Perhaps kistune will like to divert attention away from the milk levels away for a while? I think this will help prevent strained neck and time does go by faster like angelsky said. =)
AhCapp, I think so too, I use the pumping time to catch up on things I wanna do, like watch TV, read the forum etc

Part time cleaner, since now I also staying with my parents since hubbie overseas, my hubbie suggested to hire a part time cleaner to help my mum out. Becoz although like now I got CL, the 3 of us already super busy, my mum busy with washing and stuff, coz she find the CL not clean enough wo, or rather my mum is quite particular about the way she likes things to be done, so thinking of getting a cleaner to help clean house and she can do other stuff like cooking and help ease the work load a bit.
Usually for ironing, is there a limit to number of clothes they iron? I was reading ah ma on wheels, their website state each session about 10 pieces only le. My mum say where got enough.
<font color="0000ff">AhCapp,

I delivered on 7th Jan so maternity leave start on that day since it's a Monday. HR policy for maternity leave is 12 calendar weeks so if take 3mths straight, then gotta return work by End March. So, i will take only 2.5mths since not BFing. The balance 2wks flexible
How abt u?
I'm also using Littepod Sling, also dun know if I'm using it correctly. Somehow, can't squeeze my bot's head inside the sling.

I'm staying at Hougang, near the border of SK. Other days, I'm at Bishan cos my parents help me to look after my kids.

I agree. Pumping must relax, then got milk. Stare and star, the milk just won't flow out. I'll just watch any TV programme, newspaper. Sometimes even zzz. As for feed until sleep, one time, my BB almost fell off the bed. Luckily, wake up in time to "catch" him. Otherwise, cham liao. Now, I make sure I feed in the middle of the bed and not near the sides.
Blackbatz, you cant squeeze ur boy's head in, my girl looks so small inside the sling and the sling looks so big. So I also don know if I use right or the small wrong?
kitsune, Luvv &amp; mylife,
Yah, I wonder if that is the reason why people can fast fast pump so much in 15 mins, and I had to spent 1 hr. the first 30mins can get 80ml if lucky.. the rest of 40-60ml really drip drip and drip to get that. Dunno if what can be done to unblock the ducts.. else very troublesome to squeeze and squeeze. Sometimes must massage and rest for few minutes before pumping again.

Let me know if you find pump which work faster, i had been thinking of getting a electronic one but many people say it is not as good as Avent Manual one. Pump so ex.. so I keep thinking without action.

I feed ard the same timing as u. I try to pump after a feeding if there is an interval of 4 hrs.. say ard 3-4am.. then like you the wee hours of 6-7am always very easily tired.. even if 8am, I also can't wake up and pump, end up wait 5-6hrs then pump.. very werid lah, seemed my SS max is to pump 140ml.. not more than that. Had not been increasing much since last week. I a bit worried that my SS would soon cant match my boy demand.

I think my MIL will help me with the 0030 feed, while I go sleep early first. Then I have to cope with the other 2 timings, with some luck, BB will sleep 4-5 hrs for the 3-4am feed then the next feed at 6-7am, he will be more awake and take some times to get him to sleep. *sigh* Have to tahan for at least 6 months.
Steph, oic, your rates were better 2 years ago then. From $80 to $128 &amp; $138, super inflated rates man. I'll ask around first, prefer not to pay so much agency fee leh. Wa, Steph, you good leh. I even apply for 1 more week of annual leave plus 1 more week of half day leave. I'm so scared of taking care of baby alone at night so want to stretch my ML so that hopefully she can sleep through the night by the time I go back to work.

Miracle, any communication problem with your Myanamese cleaner? Can she speak English or Mandarin? Do you leave her alone when cleaning or must be at home?

Ah Capp/Angelsky, thanks for the tip. I think I'll bring my PIS to the study room or living room when my CL goes back. After I tried the bra method, I find that SS is lower but I think it's because my cheapo nursing bra is set too close together so the pumps are not positioned at the right angle to maximise the flow. Will try out with different bras and see if it's better.

Kel, Grace's number is 9106 9942.
Like you, want to find electronic one but procrastinating. By the time I buy, don't know whether got milk or not. I like Avent cos I can pump anywhere I like, watch, shopping mall etc.

Although I have the Medela dual electric pump, somehow it didn't serve me so well this time. When I had my #1, I was doing EBM with Medela, every pump 140ml. This time, got 100ml,very good liao.
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Hi mcfluffy,</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Please check if your order for LG Prime Sweet Bear is confirmed? I have a hard time to get in touch with you. Do let me know if you are dropping order too, thanks</font>

Oh yes, I intend think of getting a part time maid to help my parents with their housework too. This is especially so now that my mum is helping me and she will also help me when I return to work.

I have not tried reading the forum while pumping =P My PC is in my study room while my pumping station is in the living room. I read at the other thread that we can get some accessories to make the pumping 'hands-free'. Sounds pretty incredible right? ;)


I very KS, taking full 3 months of maternity leave. But now, I wonder if I can tahan another 2 more months of staying at home. Feel a bit not very productive when all i do is feed, change diapers and carry my baby. I am more used to running about and talking to my vendors/ contactors about work. ;)


Have u turned on your leapfrog thingie yet? Quite cool I find. =) But I have figured out where to insert the cartridge yet.

My current fav TV program in the middle of the night is "home affairs" @ 4am starring Zoe Tay and Zheng Pin Hui. "Hui Zhu Ge Ge" @ 5am is also another nice one! *LOL*


Wah, we really same man. I also can't really wake up in the morning like 8am to pump. But nowadays always woke up by my son, so no choice. =(

Frankly speaking, my mum is worried how am i going to cope with night feeding when I return to work. And don't forget the pumping. I also don't know. When I return to work, I think it will ultra difficult for to me to pump be it in office or at night. Will see how. When u say tahan 6 months, is it because u intend to pump and feed breast milk for 6 months?

I am sure your supply will increase. It takes time. R'ber I say i started off with 80ml? Now I am about 100ml more than that. Jia You!


When my CL is still around, i still take off my top and pump in front of her! *LOL* Not that I am not shy or what, but I just can't be bothered anymore when I need to pump. =P Btw, when I pump, i take off my bra for easy access. Still can't really get the hang of nursing bra as it tends to restrict my pumping. But then again, nursing bra is not required for me now as I am feeding my baby with EBM using bottles.
Ah Capp, ya lor, I walk around my room half naked too if only CL and hubby are around. Last time, it's because too hot cos CL don't let me switch on fan, but nowadays it's because can't be bothered anymore. But if MIL or mum around then I close door. Hee.

Haven't tried my system yet. Better do so cos one of the mummies' system malfunctioned. Aiyo, I bought Littletouch and Leappad..Buy already always hide from my mum and hubby.
may i know who is ordering the diaperbag express? i want to get 3no...

<font color="ff0000">2 denim/red &amp; 1 black/red interior</font>
hi mummies,
pls put down yr name if you are interested.

The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior &amp; 1 blk/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior

Tag-along US$3.50

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50

*LOL* When u mentioned about being half naked, makes me laugh. =P For me, I am always half naked behind my curtain, pumping milk in the living room. My CL was soo used to seeing my half naked that sometimes she will forget and open the front door while I am still pumping milk! As I said, now that I have given birth, my hb will never ever see me the same way again. Gone were those days when I am his sexy wife, now I am just another half naked woman busy pumping milk!
re: unblocking ducts
Since i pump 99% of the time now, my right breast's ducts get blocked easily. So every morning, I left my baby suckle on that side and wala, I pump after that, the ducts are clear! Think the baby is still the best pump. Unfortunately, my baby don't want to cooperate with me.

I realised that my baby is getting very uncooperative. I give her 80ml of milk. She drinks half of it. I give her 40, she drinks half of it. And falls to sleep. Any of you facing this problem? My PD said that for my baby's age now, she should be drinking 90-120ml of milk. But now, she even have problems drinking 80ml at one go... and can last about 1.5-2hrs only. Really tiring. Every night wake up at 2hrs interval.

Those using NUK teats, when do we need to upgrade to a bigger hole teat?
I agree with you. Nowadays, I just pump half naked, too tired to care. Only close door when my dad is around. And I feel totally like a "huang lian po"

i think upgrade to bigger hole teat if giving FM, cos FM thicker, now u giving EBM no need to upgrade ah..

re NUK teats vs AVENT teats

NUK teats less gas leh i realised, i burp baby after drinking from AVENT bottle, ALOT OF GAS AHHH!!! BUUUURRRP! but with NUK, burp less..
Hi mummies
Long time never post here. Im quite busy with my 2 kids. How is everyone doing?
I like to join in your bp
The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50

Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
1)miracle-1 denim/red interior
2)angelsky-1 blk/red interior
3)godsent-2 denim/red interior &amp; 1 blk/red interior
4)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 denim/red interior

Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
1)angelsky -1 choco/aqua interior
2)ariesmum(jenie_1979) - 1 navy/turquoise interior

Tag-along US$3.50

Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50
all u half naked mummies... tsk tsk.. wait neighbour shoot picture and send to STOMP how? kekeke.. actually i also always half naked pumping. got 1 time opposite block got this old man staring at my direction, donno if he saw me or not. :/
