(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Oh I see, okie, I'll try out with my nursing bra later, think must adjust the straps until loose then can cos the medela bottles quite long. Max speed quite painful sometimes, but I'm lazy mah, hold also pain, look down also suan so chop chop lor.

I think most pp who can afford it go for 6-in-1 leh, should be ok for BB bah.

Thanks, Steph. I called up the PD clinic at Tampines, she said the price for 6-in-1 is $115, 5 in 1 is $90. Over 6 mths, BB will need two 6-in-1 and one 5-in-1 so total price is $320. Hmm... looks like it's cheaper than Kidslink.
Tried calling Tampine polyclinic but always no answer. :p

intro bottle aft 6 weeks, will it cause the supply to drop?

wahhh...u power ah...can pump and do other things..i have stop pumping for now cos intend to only build the ebm stash only aft i go back HK, but the last i rem back when i was busy pumping, i had to squeeze my breast to get the milk flowing out, otherwise, very slow...now i dunno la. U stuffs the funnel in, still can have suction meh? tot the medela, once loose got air cannot pump liao?

re: bottle teats
i dunno dat bigger must change teats one ah...jialat, dunno where to get "upgrade teats" when i'm in HK. Headache
Kitsune, Avent Isis Mnual Pump pckge t ck tang $88 only. got therml bag,and pillow.dditional 8% disc for today and tomorrow.
Now I know my Avent pump is the old model. I used to wonder why it has so many parts. It was a hand me down from cousin after she delivered in 02.

I tried the front down method recommended by you. Kind of works.
6-in-1 at the tampines PD so cheap, can give me the contact? Thanks.

re: teats size
i upgrade my girl's teat size when she was 3 weeks' old as suggested by my PD.

i think upgrading of teats is a matter of time, maybe you can just get them to stand by 1st before going over to HK.
Thanks, Blackbatz. Aiyah, promo today & tomorrow only ah. My hubby working late today so no car. Tom, got to bring cake vouchers back to office cos it's her official full month. :p

The Paediatric and Family Medical Centre Tel: 6783 8743
Their opening hours very luan so better call them to check. Today, they are open 2-4pm, then 6:30 - 8pm.

My BB still using Avent 1 teat cos we using 125ml bottle, so far ok.
re: Avent teats size

can i chk since we upgraded the teat size from 0+mth (1hole) to 1+mth (2hole), do u all throw away the 0+mth teat ? can keep if next time planning #2 can use ? I just bought Avent 2 x 3+mth (3hole) to standby at $6.20...goosh didn't realise that each teat cost ard $3bucks...ex hor.
thanks for the contact, just called them for the opening hours. Good thing is, they are open on sat afternoon and certain sundays when other PD are closed. But they don't accept appointment, all by walk in, so got to go early if don't want to wait.
thks 4 feedback
I've two newborn teats which are barely used for 4wks by my son!
Hey, thks for sending the breastfeeding articles
Step, welcome. We are all here helping each other to know more of bf and how to increase supply. More supply is better than not enough supply.
i have been a silent reader of this thread, learnt a lot fr the mummies here. May i join in?

EDD: 15/01/2008
Actual: 21/12/08
Baby's Name: Max
Weight: 2.3kg
Hospital: KKH
Doctor: Dr SF LOH
i've stop BFing aft my son full month. I am blessed with gd supply but at the same time, suffered bad engorgement + fever...in the end, gave up BFing.
Thks ! but I've activated my sis to get for me both NO. 2 & No. 3 teats at Metro Woodlands ! and they are having 20% discount now ! She told me they have No. 1 to No. 4 teats available too

your gal is not on milk strike la. It's juz tat she prefers to sleep more than drink milk ! which is what I'm hoping for to happen on Tate ! No need to wake her up for milk. BB will wake up for milk when they are hungry, juz let her sleep ba.
you have stopped bfing ? But your supply is really good ! does it mean to say u have enuf stock in the fridge to last thru another mth or so ?
Chaye, Maureen,

i know it's a pity but no choice. It was a tough decision for me. The painful engorgement...breast like forever engorged, if i stop pumping for more than 3hour, breast hard like rock then fever, gotta take panadol. Zander keep demanding for feed like 1.5 to 2hrs during his 3rd & 4th week. At that point of time, i also keep having fever on & off, in the end gave up, popped the pills to stop BM. My last supply at 4wk was approx 550ml (24hrs) from both breast combined.
Chaye, Metro 20% sale still on? Any idea if metro compasspoint also have sale? I'm eyeing Avent ISIS manual pump, if got discount, I can go this Sunday.

Steph, it's ok. You can always try to BF no. 2 instead. I hope I won't be working by the time I have no. 2 so that can try TBF. From Day 2, already supplement with FM while at hospital. :p

Luvv, that's good. You staying in the East too? Where?
kitsune, mylife, can u try
. once start pumping it will be quite firm one. will not be loose, but then once in a while u must check, for me i scare spill milk if bottle drop.

baby slings, anyone bought? i trying to understand how to use, so far only know cradle carry, still got so many types, some can cross bb legs, is it ok for them to remain cross leg for so long in the sling?
hi mummies,

i would like to get the diaper bag express, it was selling at $29 in the bulk purchase thread and i missed it so i wrote to them directly and this is the quote. pls note there is no min qty. just would like to share this lobang with u.


The Little Pocket Snack Pouch US$3.50
Diaper Bag Express US$8.00
Joey Stroller Tote US$5.00
Tag-along US$3.50
Tiny Treasure Bag US$1.50

if we have more mummies interested then we can save on shipping cost!
Hi kitsune

My sis told me the metro sales at Woodlands is on selected brand and items only. Avent happen to be having sales but I duno abt the manual pump leh.

I just called seng kang metro for u. they are not having sales at the moment wor. You wanna call them at 67333322 to chk ?
yes, definitely will try TBF again for #2 (if any). The pros of a SAHM is being able to TBF longer. Anyway, i must salute mommies who still BF after they return to work, keep it up man

i have a hands me-down MIM sarong sling from my sister. Have yet to try it out...wonder if baby will kick a big fuss. I am also trying to understand how to use...me sure garang gabok!
Wonder if it is only me who need to pump 1 hr to get 140ml from both breasts. I am also using Avent ISIS, must sqeeuze and massage my breasts then can get the flow.. and seemed like only intial 1 min then have more ducts "shot" milk.. else I keep relying on 1 duct on each side to "shot" out the milk.
hi mummies
anyone has recommendations for a cheap & reliable part-time cleaner?

me staying at aljunied area, hoping to get a part time cleaner to clean my dirty house.

kitsune: read tht u engage grace for massage?
hw much is she charging ? coz i tot of getting someone to massge my mil ... she complainin backaches recently,
i'm staying in sengkang but the price here is too high, my hubby is working in the east so can drop us off at the clinic unless he don't want to make the detour to tampines :p

my fren gave me one MIM sling, been using it to put my girl to sleep when she's too grouchy, my hubby say it's a magic sling cos she can stopped crying almost immediately when she's slinged. but i haven try other method of slinging yet, think got to wait till her neck is stronger. cons is, my hubby refuse to use it and ask me to buy a carrier for him...duh.
Any mommies letting your ILs/MIL/own mum taking care of baby after maternity leave? Can i chk how much allowance $$ u all give ?
Any idea how much nanny or infant care is charging?
i'm having the same problem with you, need to pump longer to get that amt. and initially a lot of ducts are squirting milk, then subsequently only one duct and thereafter i don't even know where the milk come out from..haha

Which method u use to sling yr girl ? For newborn, we can only try either Cradle Hold or Snuggle Hold ? So far, i only use Yao Lan when Zander is cranky for napping time/aft feed. Slinging is more for outdoor right?
Angelsky, I tried just now liao. Hee hee can work leh. Too bad, after pumping just 40ml, BB wake up and cry so got to latch on instead cos long time never latch on liao. Yesterday, she was on 100% bottle feed soy milk and FM. Scared she don't know how to suckle.

Icy, Luvv, same problem for me especially for the left breast, only 2 ducts shooting milk initially, after a few mins become drip drip drip. For right breast, got about 4 ducts shooting. That's why ss always more than left breast. End up combined only 80ml.

Chaye, thanks for calling for me. I cslled them, got transferred from line to line. No one can answer a simple question whether there is promotion for avent. Buay tahan man. Finally, a lady answered the phone and said 20% promotion only for Avent milk bottles but not for pumps. :p Then when I ask for the price, she went to check and said Avent ISIS manual pump got 20% discount, Sunday still got sale. Yeah.
kitsune n angelsky, r u all using pis traveller or adv? adv like only 1 button.

I borrowed a traveller but seems like higher pressure slower the speed even on max. Anyone know how best to get most milk out?
i'm using cradle hold but i still hold her head with one arm else i feel that the position quite uncomfortable for her. I don't use yao lan at home though.

ya and end up one boob bigger then the other..faint.
hi mummies,
if i do not remember wrongly,there is a mummy here who sells tupperware,i have some to exchange n at the same time need to buy some new ones. do u kn wh mummy?
same, when i was pumping, also got to squeeze breast to get some "shots" of milk out. so tiring

can i get those avent teats from kiddy palace? is it only 1-4, ie maximum is 4 issit? how we know when to upgrade to 2, 3 and 4? any age guideline? sorry ah..very sua ku
hi miracle, it's me!

hi steph! aiy #2 sleep daytime. nite time awake. panda me. so tired. but #1 dun let me sleep during day. AH!! oh my blog is only for my contact friends. But i already accepted ur invitation liao leh. hmm...
Mei, I also sign up to see your blog but end up still cannot see the BB photo. Can add me in too.

Babe, I'm using Medela Pump in style too.

BB just cried just now. Latch her on at 4pm and she fall asleep. Unlatch her, she wake up and play. Just now, 5pm cry again so got to latch again. :p

Kel, forgot to reply you. Grace charged me $38 each session cos last time got promotion. She said she'll be charging $45-50 and may charge transport for faraway locations like Tampines. Where do you stay?
oh yes i went to dye my hair yesterday ..... i wanna do mani n pedi but no one help me look after tong tong
Haha, QQ, that's good. My gal was also 4.2 when we went to PD on Mon. She was 27 days old then. How old is your gal now?

I sign up for Multiply but don't know how to add people. Can advise?

Luvv, really ah, will be 1 boob bigger than the other? I never check. Must keep letting my gal latch on the left boob then... :p
Steph, I'm asking ILs to look after baby. Don't know how much allowance to give them leh. I asked hubby a few times already but he act blur. I also sian to ask him liao. But then, my ILs quite ok cos FIL is retired teacher with pension. He even paid for our BB's full month catering. But hubby said should pay him lar. ;)

hi kel,
u may try my part time cleaner, she goes all over singapore. Her name is mon mon, myanmese chinese, her hp # 82099758. she is young therefore very fast and detail. she prefs to hand mop my house cos she said its cleaner since i have dog at home.
