(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs


you are not alone... i just managed to put danelle down and she is finally asleep. she was awake since this morning and keep wanting ppl to carry. nobody help me to carry her as well... once put down she will cry. even though i know tat its "attention" cries, i had no choice but to carry her cos i cant tahan her cries. u try to identify his cries, whether is it "attention", "hungry" or "discomfort" cries??? mcfluffy might be right... how much are you feeding him? is he drinking enuf?

Hi mummies,
im a dec mummy, sorry to intrude on your thread.
Ive a BN pack of Drypers diapers for sale cos baby has outgrown them. Packaging torn cos elder daughter tore the packet but diapers are unused. Bought at $12.80, selling at $11.
Self collect at tiong bahru, khatib or yishun mrt. Other areas pls sms me at 94248246 to arrange.
Thanks alot! ;)
Dear All..

i have a S size PETPET for sale at $7.50.

USED Avent Manual Breast Pump & 10 Avent Cup Selling at 50.00


Interested Pls Contact me at 97979554

if u are interested, I can give u the contact of my prudential advisor. I bought saving insurance for my bb for his future education. I did not get life insurance.
Hi All Jan Mummies,

I'm looking for a good Massage Lady, anyone can recommend one and let me know how much is she charging?

Thanks. Please PM me regarding the Massage Lady contact.
Hi Steph

I tried call Kidslink many times. But always no answer. =( I need to schedule my baby's 6-in-1 jab soon. Any problem when u call them up?
Do u pump in the middle of the night? How to you manage to feed bb and also pumping? Me find it ok when hb ard to help, but he wont be with me anymore next week, I wonder how to cope.
Yup, I am taking up insurance policy for my boy, agent is finalising the details. I took up this endowment plan for education and also comes with protection against 30 critical illness and 7 child related illnesses. I put in about $100 per month for this. Another policy I took up is MyShield, deductible from our medisave every year is $144. This is to cover hospitalisation costs. If you are interested, I can recommend my agent to you as he’s my husband’s friend. He is from Manulife.
sleep on stomach. desperate measure.. in the end he slept so long we had difficulty waking him.

my boy started cooing and smiling to us liao. Evenings no one to help me put him to bed, so i'm the only one carrying him. and when he smells me, he wants to latch. Fall asleep on breast. when i unlatch but still in my arms, he's ok. but when i put him down, he'll protest and it starts all over again.
Come to think of it, this happens with every nap time. Die liao la, need to train liao. o'wise end up like my #1 and i gotto wake up 3-4 times in the night when he can't fall back to sleep on his own.
wendyg, my girl also same, will cry all the time when unlatch and put down to sleep.

For those mummies on total breast feeding, when I can bottle feed my girl? Now I latch her, and the milk when I pump out, I get someone else to bottle feed her. But I got to bottle feed her at some point becoz I will be managing her on my own and I wanna be able to see how much she is drinking, especially for the last feed at night so she can last longer before she wakes up in the middle of the night.
Another question, if she falls asleep like now, should I still wake her up in 3 hours time to feed? Or I let her sleep till she cries?
Mine just won't sleep in any directions. Will take cat naps. The minute we put him on the bed/cot/sofa, he will open his eyes and cry.

Like you, I'm afraid that he might use my breast as "comforter". My SIL told me her son does that and he is 3+ years old liao.

I'll be driving too. Not sure if I want to bring my little rascal out..
i also scared baby use me as comforter...so scary...blackbatz, 3+ still like dat???

i prob will have the same questions as u when i go back HK.

it's gonna be tough when hubby is away, but jus got to grit ur teeth lo. Dat time rem i was lamenting how my hubby went away? During the nite, i also took care of bb on my own..altho i didnt pump, but still initially also quite havoc cos when bb cries, i cant let her cries escalate too loud else will wake my mom up. So i had to scramble and get the breast pillow, get hanky ready, sometimes got to change her diaper quick enuff...si beh stress...u'll be better aft much practice.

my bb also got do cooing and aahing...and got smile at me a bit...jus this morning she smiled at me..so touched.

i bought insurance from AIA for my bb liao. Settled it early by hubby cos we relocating ma.
WendyG, same same. CL also letting BB sleep on her tummy most of the time nowadays. She said it's ok cos my gal can already turn her head.

Anyone has experience with BB with partially blocked nose? After visiting the PD yesterday, she has partially blocked nose (think air con was too cold), xin tong to hear her breathing going "kee kock kee kock".
Cannot drink her usual amount of milk at one shot cos she gets frustrated. I have a pigeon nose tweezer but no use cos no obvious nose snot near the edge. Really sian to bring her back to see PD again. :/
hi mommies

im considering to buy insurance for danelle as well but cant decide wat to buy. can share wat u mommies alrdy bought for ur little ones? TIA

the AIA consultant visit me today regarding the free 6 mths accident & child critical illness package offered for Mt E/Gleneagles/East shore hospital. still considering whether to take up the enhanced package after the 6 mths free.

currently, I bought a prudential policy for Javier ...savings plan...pay premiums for 15 yrs and collect the money when policy matured at 25th yr. That's for education. the coverage is for hubby as it was bought under hubby's name before Javier was born.

is there any cache for the free package by AIA? do we have to buy from them after the 6th month???

as for the prudential savings plan, the policy matures only at 25th yr... by then ur son should be graduated already right?

For AIA: you can opt to just take the 6 mths free. not necessary to continue if u dont wish to. if u wish to continue, there are 3 diff premiums rates to choose from. the consultant sure persuade u to continue by saying it is a discounted rate for parkway group hospital and most bb do fall sick in their younger years. this policy can claim for outpatient accident (such as fall, burns...hospitalisation due to dengue fever or food poisoning. claim for HFMD

For prudential savings plan: I think it matures before the child goes to Uni. I cant remember the year. let me double check again. yet to receive my policy cert. besides the pay 15 yrs kind, there is another traditional kind which u pay per month till policy matures.
<font color="aa00aa">mcfluffy</font>

if only cover mouth works... hahaha

<font color="aa00aa">insurance policy for baby</font>

no wonder my AIA agent called me yesterday. think she wanna recommend some policy for baby liao. pay 15 yrs n matures when 25 ah? hmm..
<font color="aa00aa">wendyg</font>

your #1 dare to carry #2? so cute leh.. siblings.. everyone has indicated that we should have a #2 soon. zzz
Morning ladies,
Last night brought my boy to TMC to see doctor becos he really cried non-stop until 8pm and I'm really worried if he's sick. We went to see Dr Ang Ai Tin who happened to have her clinic opened on Tue nights. She said normal for babies to cry at this stage. Said my boy is big and having growth sprut, got some wind (which all babies will have) and stomach acid (silent reflux as mentioned by Wendyg) causing heartburn. She said this will probably go on for 1 more month. Prescribed Zantac for his abdominal pain/acid and Ridwind. Advised to let him continue sleeping in stroller/rocker and also switch to Friso Comfort (actually it's mixing 50/50 Friso Gold and Friso Comfort). She said condition should improve or at least cry a bit less otherwise will have to bring him back for urine and blood test to rule out urinary tract infection. He's drinking 120ml every 3hrs which PD said is adequate. And he actually put on 300g during the past 3 days. He was 5.28kg last Friday when he went for his Hep B jab and yesterday he weighed 5.525kg at the clinic!! Really going through growth sprut!

He started screaming and crying after seeing PD that PD actually thought of giving him some sedative to calm him down and let him sleep! But didn't do it lah. Luckily he slept after we went home. This morning so far so good but usually his crying will start late morning so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Wish me luck ladies.
angelsky, you can start to introduce bottle to your baby at abt 6 weeks. Dun do it too late...my number 1 was kicking a big fuss last time when i only train at 10 weeks

now my boy 8 weeks...on and off i give one bottle a day
hi yvonne, your boy is colicky now?

can understand the stress...you must take care. Get hubby and someone to help you when he cries

how old is your baby now?

mine also grow very fast...at 4 weeks plus, 5.5kg. 8 weeks 7 kg....gain abt 4kg since birth as his birth weight is 3.155kg
omg so heavy.. arm aching when bf him hor.

u mean we dare to let #1 carry #2. Daddy was behind him supporting la.
rE: #2
just now i was just thinking.. why on earth did i hv kids. electrical bill up, water bill up, medical bill up, travelling expenses up, personal time down... etc etc. ?!?!?!?! I must be out of my mind to have 2....

*hugz* more power to you!
anyone of u using avent bottle to feed bb ? I'm currently using no. 1 teat and my mum complain that it's very slow cos my boy take half an hour to finish his 120ml milk ! and sometimes he will frust a lot while drinking ! so my mum suggested to buy no. 2 teat.

I've been looking for no. 2 teat but cannot find leh. It's all the variable flow type nowadays. Has anyone seen no. 2 teat selling in the market ?

take care ! my bb is like tat at times... cry cry cry.. sigh... hungry cry.. tired also cry... put him down to sarong he will sure fuss a while before he dose off to sleep.
<font color="0000ff">AhCapp,
I called up Kidslink this morning, was able to get thru &amp; booked appoint on 25th Feb for 6in1 jab. Try to call Kidslink in the morning, some days in the afternoon aft 12.30pm, they are closed.
<font color="aa00aa">hi Verene,

The prudential savings plan...pay premiums for 15 yrs and collect the money when policy matured at 25th yr, they sound like endowment plan for education to me. Can i check how much are u paying monthly &amp; the sum assured ?

<font color="119911">hi itok,
thks for sharing. Yesterday evening, the AIA consultant visited me &amp; hubby regarding baby insurance. We took up the endowment plan (21yrs) for education. The sum assured is $40K + rider &amp; monthly abt $230plus. Also include protection for illness...i can't remb the coverage details but will be meeting with the agent again next monday when the policy is ready for our signature. Another policy we intend to take up is HealthShield A+...izit the same as MyShield?? Mm...i will chk again wif the agent on Monday.

<font color="ff6000">mylife,
can share what kind of insurance u bought for Rylee ? thks
hi Chaye,

where do u stay? I have some extra no.2 teats, brand new to give away. but they are not in a box. it was passed down to me. my cousin bought the avent 260ml bottles and no.2 teats come with it. so she remove them and use other teats for her children.

if possible, can meet up and pass to u.
hi steph,

I paid about $155 monthly. sum assured $31000

policy matured in 25 yrs time. money collected after bb graduate if he goes to Uni.
eRnMum, I already introduce her bottle le when she about 2 weeks plus, becoz at night she is bottle fed by my CL so I can rest.

She is about 3 weeks today, sometimes she drink from bottle or from breast, she can get quite pek chek and make all the eh eh sound. But got milk flow le. Is it becoz the flow too fast?

Today I woke up and pump milk becoz my girl already drank 1 hour before, wa the supply pathetic, I so depressed, I think dropping. I only managed about 5 oz. Pengz.
My son also makes a lot of eh eh sound when he drinks.

5oz after an hour is quite alright as your girl had drank earlier.
I am Apr MTB. My due date is 3rd Apr. Need help fm u gals. I guess some of u r still doing confinement. My confinement lady informed me tis morning dat she can't help me wif confinement.

Anyone who is v satisfied wif your confinement lady can pls email me at [email protected]

yes nowadays hard to find #2 and #4 teats. #2 teats are still packaged with the 260ml bottles, but #4 teats seem to be obsolete.. or someone's buying lots &amp; hoarding. Maybe it's time to wean #1 off bottles liao..

were u asking how my ISIS can spoil? My first ISIS was given by my fren who used it to bf her 2 girls. It was old model, where the neck and funnel are 2 separate pieces. That one easy to spoil coz if twist too tight, the plastic will crack. Bought spare part fr Avent HQ during #1 bfg days, but within few months crack again. By then another fren already sold me the new model where the neck and funnel are 1 piece. But hor, i use 2 pumps simultaneously to express in offc.. saves time. So i bought another new model.
Then after i stopped bfg, i saw someone selling a set at good price, so i bought another one.
So now i hv 3 lor. Can leave here leave there, esp home and offc. Not scared if arrive in offc &amp; realise that i left a spare part at home, coz got extra set in offc. I can be so blur i forget to pack bottles with the pump. Thankfully i had a colleague who was also using ISIS &amp; she was also expressing &amp; she had spare bottle! O'wise i would've had to buy new bottle just for that day.
Steph77, how much is the 6-in-1 vaccine at Kidslink? You stay in Jurong area right? There's a Kidslink there too? I went to the one at Bedok North before, wonder if it's a branch.

WendyG, tell me about it. Just received the utilities bill yesterday. $150 from 10 Jan - 11Feb, usual bill only $60+ (cos never use air con) plus I only came home on 24 Jan after delivery!?! And only switch on aircon in the day initially when I'm BF and a few nights. Mar bill will sure exceed this month's bill. :/ Saw the Avent ISIS at BHG tampines, selling at $91+. But never see it at Kiddy Palace, at least that one I got some vouchers. :p

Angelsky, were you the one with Medela PIS? How long do you usually pump? I realise I usually pump 15 - 30mins (max) and sometimes right breast still a bit heavy but I can't tahan to pump any longer cos of my neck strain, keep checking the flow cos my left breast is not as productive, got to keep adjusting position. :/
dunno what happen to my baby gal. she seems to go on milk strike today. yesterday nite, she drank at 930pm then sleep all the way till 430am drink 90ml, 730am drink 90ml, then wake up n play on her own then 1030am seeing that she wants to sleep, i gave her another 90ml, but she refuses to drink, still i kind of force her to drink it and then she sleeps. nw at 2pm, she refuses to drink her milk again and keep sleeping.
this is the first time that this is happening as she usually will cry for milk every 2.5 to 3hrs. dunno what happen to her. should i wake her up n force her to drink??
kitsune, yup I have the PIS. I usually pump 15 minutes to about 20 minutes. Wa, after 30 mins still heavy, means u still got quite a lot of milk right? GOod for you le. Me about 15 minutes, soft already.

I dont check le, I put the pumps into my bra, adjust properly, then either I watch dvd on my com or I surf the web.
Then very fast time will pass.

Need to buy new teats already ah. Hmmm, okie, I still using the teats for #1.
Angelsky, my 30mins include break time of 5-10mins. But sometimes I'm lazy, just pump at 1 shot 15 mins, max pressure and speed 3. After that, off it liao. Sigh, I haven't master the put in bra part lar. What kind of bra do you use? Mine is the cheapo $4.90 type.
kitsune, me wear any bra also can stuff in. Nursing bra from Marks and spencer also can, normal bra also can. You stuff it in, then you adjust make sure that the suction covers the nipples and then you start the pump, once the pump starts then its ok already. You use max speed? Not pain ma? I use low only.
