(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

As usual, my baby was fussing and crying just now after his feed. Very tired liao but refuses to sleep and kept crying. So we swaddled him and he stopped crying immediately?! So surprised becos he doesn't like to be swaddled and we stopped doing it a long time ago. Wonder why he wants to be swaddled now. Anyway, I'll try anything that helps to stop the crying and put him to sleep. Tomorrow must go and buy a few more swaddling blankets...my existing ones are too small for him now.

gd question...when will our regular menses return aft lochia end? i think having the mucus means lochia ended & we r back to our cycle.. meaning ovulation starts. If we start ML, there is a high possibility of getting pregnant right?

I've stop swaddled my boy after his full month cos now he is sleeping in Yao Lan during the day. We used to swaddle him like dumpling & he hates it, will struggle very hard to get his hands free. We don't used swaddle blankets, we use normal diaper cloth "niao bu".

i think the ideal age gap for #2 would be 1.5 to 2years apart bah. If i have the luxury of having a caregiver (MIL) & a maid to take care of #1 & hsework, i wouldn't mind having #2 at 1year apart then chop chop close shop liao
Re: Getting back to shape & into pre-preggy clothes/figure

Errr...forgotten who ask this Quest? Anyway, my massage lady recommend "Shimizu Slimming Salt" from Watson at $13.90
I bought it to try, main purpose not to slim down but more to scrub away dead skin, stimulate blood circulation & eliminate impurities. Shimizu also claims to activate & burn fatty acids from the body. No harm trying since price is affordable. Have only started using it during shower on Friday. I've another 3kg to lose but my hip, butt & thighs has expanded so some of my fitted/straight cut jeans still can't wear
jialat,,,,anyone colour their hair themselves at home...yday i did dat cos cannot tahan the grey hairs and no time to go salon...then today my fren visited me and scold me say cannot colour our own when bf cos sure kena scalp...shd let salon do it with care...she told me to stop bf...so upset now...how???
mylife, I did that when I was pregnant. I touched up on my grey hair about 5-6 times. But I did ask hubby not to touch the scalp but Bb turned out ok. Yesterday, also went to colour my hair at salon (they did not avoid scalp at all cos I didn't tell them not to) black to cover grey. Today, BB seems fine. Don't worry, think should be ok lar.
Hi mummies finally .... I am out of "jail" hahaha .... today is my baby full mth celebration ... am so tired now ....
mylife, i bought some nursery wear, but I also find very mafan. Now I practicing at home while I watch TV I will use the cover and latch my girl on. I wear normal clothes and normal bra le. When she fuss, I really find it very troublesome to unhook the bra even, I just pull down the bra and lift up the top all behind the cover. Haha, going to spoil many tops and bra.

Jabs, you mean for all the vacines, there are packages, how come my PD never say. Very ex to take the injections plus consultation each time I bring her.

Windy, ok I will try and get the hook, else sometimes buy some small stuff, the basket so small and my bag also so small.

Yesterday I went Isetan for a while with bb and hubbie while my hubbie see golf stuff, I brought m y girl upstairs to the nursing room, I was stuck in there for like 1 hour, becoz she dont wanna be put down on the stroller suddenly and she was like crying and rooting, but then latch her she sleep, put her down on the stroller she cry. DUH. Until in the end, she poo poo, then managed to change her and get her on the stroller and then meet my hubbie.

Color hair, when I was preggie I also colored the ends of my hair le, bb also turn out ok. Actually my hair stylist say its ok to color hair wo, coz she stylist when preggie also got to color hair and perm, her bbs all turn out ok.
But I guess, we have a choice so we are KS a bit, I also tahan for a while before coloring.

I am also so tired, my bb girl is 19 days old today, but some feeds she can drink 5 oz of BM already.
Cant imagine that sometimes she drink so often also not enough.

She drank finished and then when about to sleep, she woke up again and started rooting. Sigh. Actually she should be very full because she just had her milk. My mum say she must be missing mummy's smell (which I assume is mummy's breast), she suck for 5 plus minutes and then she fell asleep. Sigh, now wonder if I should just give her the pacifier to help her sleep. Because sometimes when she pek chek, she will take her fingers and wanna suck them, but they are in the mittens.
ya i also v sian to bring bb out for shopping coz i'll be stuck quite long in the nursing room. Esp more kancheong if in town and drove there, coz carpark exp!

re: vaccine pkg
some doc hv package, some don't. Some dun charge consultation coz the vaccine already expensive.
i bought the avent ISIS.

WONDERFUL!!!!!!! maybe is becos i was previously using a pigeon. yucks. toopid electric pump. so noisy n slow.... and doesnt empty my breasts as well as the ISIS.. love my ISIS deep deep.

previously pigeon can only pump 240ml. tonite i pumped 300ml with my new love.
You can pump 300ml! that's a lot! the max i can only pump 140ml.

You'll get used to bringing baby out soon :)
giving baby pacifier might not be a bad thing afterall, my girl only wants the pacifier sometimes to help her to sleep, sometimes when she does wants the pacifier, she'll only suck for 5 mins and the pacifier will drop off when she fell asleep and i'll just keep the pacifier.
Hi mummies,

i got a AVENT ISIS Manual Pump for exchange to NTUC Voucher.

Everything included except the 125ml bottles and Sealing Disc.

Condition 9.9/10 [Used only once]



Interested pls PM me...

mylife: i color my hair last wk and immediately reach hom i latched bb..
gotta do my rebond either end feb or 1st wk of Mar.

Car Seat:
Can i ask which brand or model car seat is gd? heard they hav those car seat for infant to like 3yrs?
thanks for the reassurances...my fren kept telling me cannot touch scalp, MUST go salon and tell them not to touch...i guess shd be ok bah

u colour at home yourself or go salon?

sigh, this morning my gal do some mini projectile vomiting again.
I hv oredi burped her and even held her upright for 15-20mins liao...put her down to her rocker and she continue sleeping at a tilted angle...i also fell asleep, i kept hearing her making the "urgh, urgh" stretching sounds...woke up to check several times, nothing, so i lie down again, then i heard a "putttt" vomit sound, sat back up and saw she vomited..and it reaches the beansprout pillow i placed slightly below her chest near her tummy area...her top also all kena, with wet trails, must have been projectile to reach there lo...she continued sleeping, but it must have been discomfort for her cos i can see she was frowning. Poor Rylee...mommy cant help her...felt so useless.
yay, one more potential visitor from Spore!

yah...evening fussy time gotta carry, do everything also cry...sigh...carry also not enuff, must shake and rock while carrying, and cannot sit down, must walk around, aiyoh, back aching like nobody's business. I read must tong until about 3-4months before this "evening fuss" wears off...
Am keeping my fingers crossed. Actually i dont mind the fussing, but i'm more concerned with the vomiting. If only she doesnt vomit, i'll do anything!

when i reach HK and settle down, would like to start pumping to build a stash of reserves for emergency use. Would like to check with mommies who are pumping and latching, how many times u all pump and when? me so far latch directly all the time, really dunno when to start cos if i pump AFTER she finish eating from latching, i doubt i can get any good amount left for pumping...really pei fu those who can STILL get like 100ml AFTER latching!

Rylee's mini projectile vomiting is very much similar to my boy. Zander also vomitted twice yesterday during his 5pm & 8pm feed. His milk also kena the beansprout pillow & his top too
The milk not only out from his mouth but also his nose. Then he will be so pek chek & wail loudly. We need to carry him & walk ard the hse until his wailing stop then can put him into yao lan (this usually takes another 20mins to calm/settle him down). That's not all, we gave him pacifier so that he can fall asleep otherwise he also make the "urgh urgh" noise...ma jiam like pple gg to slaughter the pig!! Anyway, PD say Zander has no colic problem & he say vomitting is normal for all babies??huh? Ask me just gave Zander gripe water to ease any discomfort will do.
Steph, u still using the hotstone? wonder if u are keen to sell..me starting to have some of such problem and breast pain last night..
nope, not using the hotstone. My hubby used it to ease his tight muscles. Sorrie, I dun intend to sell cos Mdm say her hot stone v popular & out of stock. Wanna keep it in case plan #2 can use. You can sms Mdm Rokiah to chk for stock. The hotstone is really gd to help for engorgement.
steph, how pdtell if bb not colic

mylife, if bb evening fuss, try put in sling n walk ard...works for me everytime so far when he fuss when carry n pat doesn't work. After sleep can take bb out.
RE: Jabs
What is the diff between 5in1 and 6in1?

You must be looking forward to Sat, where you can be with ur hubby. My hubby leaving for japan this sat, dunno when he will be coning back.. maybe be few mths if he going taipei, then I only get to see him ard June when BB 6 mos.

I also wanna gto HK, but maybe when BB older. :p
I still waiting for hb to confirm if he going taipei, me also headache over moving BB things over if it is confirm. Moreover, the power supply isdiff from sg one which means certain things I had to buy new one when I am in TPE. Makes me hestiate when I need to buy new stuff in SG.

for BB full mth, we just cut a bit of Xavier's hair. That's all. :p We just had a full mth celebration on sat.. very tiring.. dun have time to talk long to anyone.

I also need to 'huan yuan' cos I pray to the "SOng Zi Niang Niang' In Long Shan SI in Taipei.

I also had my full mth celebration on sat, full day somemore. SO tiring. I EBM to Xavier, feeding time ard 2.5-3 hrs. He is like feeding between 90-100ml. Me also like you, at night, I only feed when he wake up, else I don't. Yesterday he sleep for like 5.5 hrs before demanding for a feed, I am so happy. :p
Windy, wow you can pump so much. So envy you.

Me has temporary stopped taking fenugreek as I am taking antibotics now. Will start again by end of this week.

can understand that most bb vomit can consider as normal but not thro' the nose kind..my PD says that a bit more serious than normal vomitting which happens to my bb boy, due to reflux. very scary and worried whenever i see milk flowing out thro' his nose. bb will get nose congestion after that. my bb has difficulty breathing smoothly due to that. got mucus (dried & wet) inside the nostrils . PD prescribed nasal drops for him.

PD chk by pressing on Zander's tummy & using stethoscope to listen...he say not much wind inside, not really colicky. I told him that bb also vomitted thru his nose but he never comment anything that cause for alarm, no medication needed. He say as long as baby put on weight & feeding well, shld be no problem. Can give 5ml gripe water to ease bb stomach discomfort (if any).

Zander also have mucus (dried & wet) inside the nostrils. When he sleep, i can hear him snoring...izit difficulty breathing? or simply snoring?
had a rough night...

is vomitting milk normal for babies? how can it be normal? it's abnormal for adults to vomit what... :s

last evening, my mum was feeding my gal just 30ml of milk coz she had some earlier on, but she vomitted them out later.

think about 1 or 1.5hrs later, she started brushing her mouth with her hands and rooting, so we suppose she's hungry. gave her her usual dose of milk. but amist the feeding, she was gulping down the milk and then kept crying and crying. think she was hungry but feeling uncomfortable as well. we changed her diapers, she fell silent so continued to feed her. then suddenly, she vomitted a hell lot of milk out and just fell limp and went to sleep.

she woke up at 11+pm for milk. Bottle fed her but she refuse to use the bottle. even bite the teat and flung the bottle off my mum's hand! power sia. and she kept crying non-stop.. such loud wails.. woke the whole family up. In the end, I breastfeed her and she was ok and went to sleep after that.

2 hours later. wake up. the same thing happened. gave her bottle, she dowan. she cried n cried. so breastfed her and she went to sleep.

for the next 2 hour intervals, breastfed her until this morning, think she was totally awake already. come to the breast, she made a fuss and was sort of spluttering with milk coz one side of the breast usually flow very fast. and to think that i switched to givng her bottle feeding in the first place before all these shit happened coz of fast flow..she cannot handle it.

in the end, bottle feed her...she drank half of it, went to sleep. and then for the next hour, she woke up a few times to finish up the other half of her bottle.

am so tired.......
she dowan to bf, she dowan the bottle, then what does she want?!!

realised that my baby also make a lot of urgh urgh sounds.. stretches a lot until the face become super red. after a few rounds of stretching and gulping air, she hiccups. sigh.

how to stop all these??
I buy the mini "tongs" by pigeon to take out the mucus, then Xavier seemed more relax and better at breathing. But of course, only can do it when he sleeping. :p
i managed to change the order to M already.

re: Ordering of Nepia & G.oon
Wait till Nepia is sent over tomorrow then I meet up with you all. Next week ok or not? Coz I'm still in confinement acutally. Will end this sunday.
Maybe BB yhaving stomachache, sometimnes it happens to my boy. I apply Lu Yi oil and give him pacifer then he okie after a few farts.

My baby also make a lot of urgh urgh sounds, mil says he is stretching and growing wor.. also squeeze until face super red.. then sometimes will vomit milk and feel better cos he got something stuck in the throat.. My boy never burp lah.. out of 10 times only 1 x burp.

Did u burp bb aft every feed? Drink 30ml or little milk also must burp. Put baby sit 45deg, upright for 10 to 15mins b4 putting her lie down to prevent severe vomitting.
Almost 90% babies vomit. PD say if babies fed too much milk, not burp properly & stomach traps alot of wind & bb no fart at all, will trigger vomit de.
my boy also hiccups ley, give a little water, it helps for my boy.
How old is yr bb now? Using the wrong teat size could also be a cause why yr bb fuss or maybe confusion between teats & nipple since u r BFing.
how the mini tongs look like? specially design to take out mucus? My MIL use tissue paper & roll into a small thin stick, wet it with little water, swirl it inside each nostrils & take out, musus stick onto the tissue!
Pain/ aches when milk comes to breast?
Do u ladies feel aches or pain when your breasts start to fill with milk? Mine do. =( That's why I have to faithfully pump to empty my breasts.

hi icy
*hi-5* Good to know that someone share my boat with me. =) At least when I wake up to pump milk in front of the TV every night, I know there is another mummy out there doing the same. ;)

babe & steph
Actually when I look at the stone which I bought from Mdm Rokiah, I think it looks like an oridinary stone to me. My CL said maybe I should check out the aquarium shop to look for something similiar. ;P

Anyway, I do think the stone is pretty helpful too. I have stopped using it for some time but this morning, my boobs were so hard that I intend to use the stone again.

Wow, u really can pump a lot leh. Is that the amt without BFing? 300ml per breast or both combined? I can only reach 200ml+ both breast if I pump every 4hrs. So u can see that fenugreek doesn't really work for everyone.

my boy also make the urgh urgh sound. when he makes the urg urh sound, he will keep shaking his head. like half root, half pain. after drinking the EBM from bottle, if he unable to burp no matter how long we pat him, he also will have hiccups.
sometimes he's impatient when suckling, and drinks too fast, and his nose is blocked, he will choked on the ebm and will be gasping for air. like drowning like that....unable to draw in air for 10 seconds, and finally can breathe. i also dont know what to do...i give him the smallest hole teat he also can choke!
Any mummies have difficulty trying to trim their bb fingernails? My bb is a light sleeper so trimming of nails b'cums a challenging task for me. Do we need to trim baby toe nails too? For how long (how old, how many months?) can bb stop wearing mittens & booties?
my boy is 1 mth this weekend but i never trim his nails. i dont dare leh, like so delicate but his nails is veryyyyy long liao.
my mom say use needle and make/poke a tear, and slowly tear off the extra nail. something like that. she did that when i was a baby.
hey pixiepixel,
my MIl also suggested using needle method. When i hear liao, so scary...so i quickly stop her & say i will trim his nails after full month. So far, i only trim once cos very long & every bath time, Zander will scratch ah ma...hehe...painful ma...so MIL urge me to trim again else she will do it her way! NO WAY man...
hi mommies,

never post for quite sometime already.. there is so much to read up.


count me in if having farewell party for mylife.


i will be in hk from 13 mar -17mar, hopefully its still cooling then. will call u when im there. i really cant wait for the day to come...


my gal is also like tat... make a lot of urgh urgh sounds, stretches a lot until the face become super red. i guess its normal la. pd ever told me tat vomitting, hicups in babies are normal. dun have to worry too much.

JIA YOU on yr bfing. I peifu all BF mummies on yr perseverance. Shame on myself that i gave up

Thinking back, i could have just bite my lips & endure with the painful engorgement...aiya, feeling depressed again...
Re: hotstone
Hubby also say the stone look very ordinary, can pick it up from bukit timah hill?? but hor, will it traps heat well ?
i heard babies nails are very thin and soft so if use needle can tear off easily. i also dont know what to do leh. use the baby nailclipper i guess.
your boy's name is almost like my boy's name. we almost wanted to name him xander.
re: triming of nails
the needle thing sounds scary leh. i bought the pigeon nail clipper for my girl and tried to use it but it doesn't cut the nails easily. My mum ask me to use scissors but i don't dare to use the normal ones. Yesterday i went cold storage and saw the pigeon scissors for cuting baby's nails and bought it, tried it out yesterday, voila! so easy to use and fast, finished cuting her nails within 5 mins while she's sleeping.

the scissors cost $8.00, i think it's a much better way to cut baby's nail then the baby nail clipper.
i use Nuk baby nail clipper to trim. The nails are thin but not soft, still can hear clipping noises when u cut lor, try la...slowly, first attempt is always difficult.
Really? So, what's yr boy name? Initially, we wanted to name him either Zander or Xander cos both sound very close to his chinese name which is XuanDe. So, we choose Zander cos hubby prefer Z instead of X.
i tell you a joke.
my hubby's name is alex. he say named our boy xander. so next time if mummy call both of them, just shout "alexander!"
we just joked about it lah, but in the end, we really took it seriously. we thought xander is common so we rename it as xandall. around same pronounciation mah
hee...so cute, calling both at the same time! Xandall is a unique spelling

ok, gg for my lunch...catch up later ya
we also apply ru yi oil for her and sometimes it helps. she also seldom burp, but we'll try to sit her upright for sometime before putting her to zzzz.

my gal rarely burp one leh... even after we try for a long time. is it a must for her to burp?
actually for the past 2-3days, she was totally on bottle so i don't think is the teat wrong size? she tends to like to gulp down the milk. the teat size is the smallest already leh... heh. *headache* hiccups wise, water doesn't really help. :s argggghhhh...weird baby.

i do feel some kind of pins and needles when milk comes. just have to bear with it

SAME!!!!!!! really don't know what in the world is happening. sometimes she can drink without problems, yet sometimes she just makes a din out of drinking such that i have phobia feeding her. will it be a good drink / bad drink?

re: trimming of nails
i bought this baby safe nail scissors but it's not sharp one. so difficult to cut. plus, my gal a very little sleeper. nowadays, we make sure her mittens stay on forever but using medical tape to tape up her mittens to be tighter. heh. anyway, my aunt also told me to use needle to poke and tear the nail away.. eeeeks.. so scary.
was wondering what happened to u and if u're indeed going to Taipei...yah, me feeling very happy can reunite with hubby in HK...but hor, yday hubby told me, his boss may send him to London for 2wks assignment sometime in Mar/Apr..*faint*...wahhh...ur hubby going away for so long? U very brave, handling bb alone...if it were for me, faint liao...u all know how clingy i am lo...kekeke...so when can he confirm if u guys are indeed relocating leh?

yah, my PD also one of those who doesnt advocate too much meds for young babies. But u damn funny say "like slaughter pig" hehehe.

yah lo, initially when my PD from TMC say it's supposedly normal, i also disagree...seeing rylee writhe and wriggle in discomfort really pains me. Her tiny body will be scrunching up and she will pull her tiny legs up in an attempt to fart or maybe ease herself? I dunno. PD kept insisting it's normal...dats why i brought her to verene's PD, but when she prescribed a med dat may potentially have neurological side effects, i decided to stop. Now dilemma, give med or dont give med? Sigh.

Actually, now if she doesnt do projectile and forceful vomiting, i consider it lucky liao...if she jus regurgitates or jus a small amount, i can accept it. Sometimes the amount babies vomit may not be alot..cos u must pay attention if it's thick, it may not be the entire amount of milk they drank, rather it mixed with saliva and gastric juices, so look like a lot.

Re: Fingernails
Me too always trying to trim her nails cos i wan to take off her mittens liao...to let her hands develop, but she always waves her hands about like scorpion...must wait until she sleeps...but now going to HK, still cold, so have to put the mittens on again.

200ml also very good oredi!!!! Is it after latching or no latching?

^5...sama sama problems.

my boy oso dont burp. in the end, super colic lor. now we try to burp him as long as even 20 mins...die die must burp or else the wind gets trapped and he will cry the house down.

i use smallest teat, he uses a lot of "force" to suck because the teat hole is small, so he will be kind of breathless after 5 suckles.
after few suckles, he will be catching his breath. but his nose is block, he cannot breathe through his nose, so he will either choke on the ebm or like drowning like that cannot breathe for like 10 seconds...can literally hear him wheezing. drink milk also so 'xin ku'
now i give hima teat with bigger hole, not much choking, but he still likes to glup down the milk like your gal. sometimes i take the bottle out and let him catch his breath. you try?

take the bottle out and expect a whole lot of crying and kicking and screaming. i think my gal screams a lot. i'm already using the smallest size teat hole and she is gulping.. how?

anyway, do you all warm up EBM that you pumped out maybe like 20mins ago? or just drink as it is? my mum insists that we must warm up.. and my warmer's temp set at 40deg. issit too hot????

sigh.. sometimes i wish to go back to my work. handling my gal can be more challenging than work.
