(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Ah Capp, I usually feed my BB one last time at 12+am before I knock out. Then CL will take over after that and feed FM but no fixed timing yet, sometimes 1+, 2, she cry liao. Sometimes, quite good, 3+,4am, then 7+am usually one more time.

Blackbatz. Ya lor, March hols, BB still too small. June hols, don't know my boss happy or not, just come back from ML in end April then take leave in June.

Sept hols very short unless go somewhere near, Dec hols a lot of places winter, may be too cold and I've already been to Australia & NZ where it's warm. Must also consider which countries are child friendly and urbanised. Thinking of Taiwan but don't know whether child friendly or not. If not, go to HK and look for mylife lar. Haha.
eh..i tot i replied u oredi leh...was saying it's very nice and i oredi got one 2nd hand from another mommy, but it's nice so i bought another one from small small world as spare.

i wear nursing wear...but actually, thinking perhaps it doesnt matter cos the cover is quite big, so it MIGHT actually be easier if we wear non nursing wear, cos u jus flip open and unhook your nursing bra. The few time i wore nursing wear, unhook bra liao, still got to spend time searching for the "hole" in the nursing wear...si beh ma huan.

Yes, the place u mentioned shud be "chin sui wan" in cantonese...ie Repulse Bay...hot fav for tourists.

thanks for the tipoff. Only pkway and centrepoint? Will go and chk it out!

Re: HK trips
Yay!!! Am jotting down all potential mommies making trips to HK. Sassy, Babe, Kitsune...anymore!!! Looking forward to meeting up with u all. Just keep in touch via email or msn [email protected]. Will give u all my HK mobile via msn next time.

re: gathering
i also dont mind offering my house as open house for the gathering. I stay in Tampines...but i also got doggie, but i dont lock my doggie up cos she quite poor thing leh...oredi kena banned from the bedroom that SHE used to sleep in. Can see she got sad look on her face..i guess if we can get into her mind, she must be thinking, this is the roo i sleep in, why shoo me out now?
I feel bad for her also. But i digress...anyone wanna come for impromptu gathering...me leaving on Sat liao! Or u all can group up and send me off at the airport!! kekeke
ru tbf or feeding FM? If tbf, how come so good last feed at 10pm, then can tong till 3-4am?? 5hours? How old is ur bb now?

lately in the evening Rylee has been fussing alot, around 5pm starting time, like today, can tell she's quite sleepy, but kept crying wans to be carried, and cuddled. Carry oredi still must stand up and walk...she jus cry, not not wailing, but more pleading soft soft cry. Hear oredi very heartpain, then around 6plus, she started rooting, so i latch her on, but she kept latching, then break away from nipple, and cry. I dont think it's OAL, but i read babies between 6-8 weeks suddenly will get this "evening fussy" time for no apparent reason. Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Hope it'll go away soon.
TBF. Dun know leh, It has been like this for sometime. At night, he wants to sleep and I don't wake him up. I would only feed him when he makes noise / cries. Daytime, his feeding interval is 2hr to 2.5 hrly.
<font color="0077aa">angelsky</font>

i bought 2 small hooks to hang light things! keke.. went AMK hub with baby n hubby this evening. managed to hang 1 small cup of chin chow on the hook, walk n shop n drink chin chow. life is good... UNTIL... ms-fussy decides that she NEEDS her milk NOW NOW NOW!
Hi all,

Eh, one question, how to regain back pre preggy figure?!?!?!?!?!

I have 4kg more to lose... and 7 inches off the waist to lose....


OIC, i'm still not sure whether to give the 2 vaccines or not as i'm intending to send baby to infant care once i going back to work, but PD also not sure as there is no long term study done on this 2 vaccines
Hi mummies,
Any 100% effective birth control method to recommend besides condom. My hubby do not like condom. Me do not want to get pregrant again so soon.
Hi blackbatz &amp; kitsune,

Thanks for your feedback. If can, then I don't have to worry so much. =)

last night, my bb cries for milk every 2.5hr to 3hr. Sometimes I found that he can't finish up his bottle of milk. =( Only my CL manged to make sure he doesn't waste milk so far. Quite hard pain to see my EBM wasted. In the end, I feed my bamboo plant the remaining 50ml of EMB. Hope it will resolve my bamboo's leaves shedding problems. ;P

Hi mylife,

My bro is back from HK but will be back today. If can, I also want to go to HK to visit him and maybe visit u. =) Happy that u r joining your hb in HK very soon.

My baby also likes to fuss alot around evening time. (He is on EBM) He will be fed at about 6pm, don't want to sleep. Will cry and fuss till his next feed at about 9pm. Quite a nightmare as we can't sit down properly for dinner.

I read that baby knows that evening time is the busiest time of the day when everyone is busy with cooking, dinner, after work, etc etc. So they tend to crave for attention. Don't know true or not.
Itok, I didn't pray every month. Unless like baby everynite never sleep well doesn't want to sleep etc then I will pray again. My kids are big liao I am still praying but don't know pray until how old.

Blackbatz, different baby are different. First one reject doesn't mean 2nd will reject too. I bf my 2nd child until 19.5 mth until I am pregnant. Every nite we will lie on the bed to nurse no need to carry. During daytime I will pump. For 3rd baby, is my last chance to bf, and I do enjoy alot when bf my 2nd child. So I will try to bf him as long as I can until he reject latch on.
Hey, thanks a lot for your sharing on the Chuang Mu..

How about you? have you checked with the confinement lady on chuang mu?

Ah Capp
You just had your full month? Did you pray to Chuang Mu?
maureen, I'm meien loh....my email [email protected]

Mylife and mom2nat, how come dun c u on msn one?

Blackbatz u v fortunate bb can sleep thru so fast...my gal was like that, dunno y this one always need feed..share wif us ur routine?

Any of u cosleep with bb?

not all birth control is 100% I suppose. last resort is the ligation. there are different brands for the pills, those with slimming effect, &amp; those with beautify skin effect are more expensive. can cost up to $25 or so on a monthly supply. I had not took pills for years already so there mayb changes in the price. some GP do sells pills, if not can consult ur gynae of the various brands.

some side effects can be weight gain, pigmentation...depending on the brands bah.

but the + point is that ur period will be very regular. will come on the same day every month.
Ya. Quite fortunate, at least I have a good 3.5h to 4h sleep. His routine is very much like any of the other babies. He's quite a light sleeper in the afternoon (30 minutes to 45 minutes, then wake up for next feed). he can only sleep pecefully b4 his gor gor comes bk at 12 noon. From 7pm on wards, he doesn't sleep.
My baby has been naughty for past few feeds. Always fall asleep in the middle of his feed and has remaining milk. But yet, when he cries for milk, he will be so impatient that both my hb and I have to rush to heat up the milk. I finally used my 'stern' tone of voice on my baby just now. He finally listened and finished up his milk. Goosh, I am becoming more like a mum nowadays...

Hi itok,

Yes, my baby celebrated his full month yday. Nope, we didn't pray to Chuang Mu. But that's because my hb and i are free-thinkers. So I am not really a good example. =P
How do you BF for so long? Are you a SAHM?I tried to lie on the bed to nurse but my position is very awkward. Do you lie down at an angle?
My baby also fuss alot in the evening...now daytime also fuss alot. I think they know how comfortable it is to be carried around so now they want to be carried every minute while they are awake. Mine cried from 8plus until 11plus last night. Then he also woke up during the night crying and wants to be carried. So I have to let him sleep on my chest becos I'm also very tired and sleepy. But he slept in the sling throught the 2 hrs when we went out for dinner last night. I think they like to carried close to us, just now he was also fussing and crying after his 10am feed, so I put him in the sling and he just fell asleep.
mine dunno what happen these 2 days..keep sleeping...eat sleep...after feed I juz left him in cot to pump abit he fell asleep too...yesterday been like that from morn till evening n finally I woke him and tried to keep him awake for 30min from 6plus pm. Put him sleep at 830pm and guess what, he woke up for feed 11pm for feed slept but at 1.30am he woke for feed again and dun wanna go back to sleep with eyes big big...left him lie on bed beside me. Fed and pat. Only slept finally at 3.30am and woke again at 6.30am feed. Wonder if he sleeping too much in the day...
My guess is try to avoid napping atround 8.30pm. It happened to me and his eyes were wide open at from 2.30 till 4.30 am.
Thanks a lot. Sorry. Just realised my boy's backside like getting bigger when I changed him. My existing pack of huggies is S, trying to use as quickly as possible. hiaz..
Blackbatz, every morning I will either pump or let my 2nd child latch on. At work I will pump at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. Reaching home, after bathe, I will pump at 630pm then latch on all the while till next morning. I will lie side to let him latch on. I do thinking of giving up when sometimes the supply is low and very difficult to get let down when I am stressed. Every morning, I will take oats milo and bread with either tuna, cheese with ham etc. Tuna and cheese will help to increase supply.
Verene Ting,
oic.Then phamacy can they just sell the pills like that or need doctor prescription? What is ligation? Well for me the ideal age for second child is about 2 years lor.
maureen..i try pump after feed v difficult to get let down...how? Wow u take a big breaskfast ya...

Blackbatz...mine sleeps whole day n cant wake him...haha...mayb i shld b like u keep him awake..from 7-10pm no sleep? wat u do wif him?

dont think pharmacy sells them off the shelves. have to get thro doc..but subsequently, think can just buy from the doc...no need consultation. ligation is permanent birth control by cutting and tying up the tubes.
are you still Bfing? my gynae told me that if bfing cannot take pills as the contraception, she told me can either use condom or insert IUD but not pills.

if you go back to work, who'll be looking after baby? i have to let my maid handle cos i work from home and sometimes i need to go office.But i'll bath baby and clean her myself.
hey u can go google.com and search "birth control"
100% effective method is to ABSTAIN or LIGATE or VASECTOMY.
No other method (pill, IUD, patch, diaphgrahm, condom, rhythm) can guarantee 100% effective
Carry here. Carry there. Put him on the sofa. Let him relax. Hear all the noise created by TV.

Wah. So systematic. Once I work, very difficult for me to pump at scheduled timing and can only pump in toilet. Will eat tuna and ham and cheese..Thanks
Babe, I found that if I don't eat, the milk supply will drop. So I have to eat.

Luvv, my mil will be at home looking after the baby. The maid will help with the 2 elder kids.

Blackbatz, no choice me have to maintain the supply cos I was also feeding my girl too. I didn't bf her, cos lack of knowledge of bf I gave up. So everyday I will add one bottle of EBM to her milk. I also pump in the bathroom. Nobody use that.

Actually gynae told me ligation is not really 100%. It is 99%. I did mine when I delivered my baby. 3 is enough for me.
maureen. then how u lose wt? by right bf lose v fast but me think time like can't lose n I cant fit into prepreggy clothes...I waiting for the day I could pump excess for my #1....now still struggling...

After 1.5h after previous feed my boy fuss n i tried to put him to sleep but he cried so fed. After that still dun wan sleep n fuss n I sling him n went for walk...he slept till now juz back. So I really dunno if it's coz my ms not enuf since latch can't c or he too tired n cant sleep.
express out your milk and experiment for a day. I was like you, every time latch on, i need to feed every hour or so. very very tiring and sore.
So I tried EBM one whole day and found out, with 70ml of EBM, my gal can sleep through 2 hours! So wonderful..and I can get some sleep too. furthermore, i roughly know what time she wants milk so whenever she makes noise, i know.. "milk time" and can attack the problem straightaway instead of wondering, is she hungry? sick? or whatever.

Previously with latching on, I hardly got any rest. Same for the baby. Vry poor thing.
So I think either inproper latching on or my baby lazy.. coz she latch one breast, tend to fall asleep.

So maybe it's not your ms not enough? Try expressing out whatever you have first. In that way, you know how much you are producing and how much your bb needs.
Babe, I haven't lose all the weight yet. Some can wear some can't. I can't exercise now too cos my wound still pain. All of them are delivered by c section as my girl wasin the breech position.
hihi, everyone

Finally had time to check forum. Very tiring day cos doing BB full month party this afternoon. Food from Fu Kwee was good if anyone is still considering caterer at this time. Only thing that friends/relatives said was not nice was the oats prawn cos prawn shell too hard, not crispy enough. Had slightly more than 60 guests and catered for 50, had enough for 5-6 guests to tapow and my family and ILs to tapow for dinner.

Mylife, thanks for invite. I'll definitely look for you before I go. MSN me your HK mobile number ya? Already hint to hubby liao so that he'll warm up to the idea. I love travelling but he's usually not very keen. Hee. ;)

Itok, I asked my CL liao. She said unless I'll prepared to pray to Chuang Mu every time, if not better don't start the tradition. I know I'm the lazy type so better don't start lor.

Sagitarius. FIL today asked us to quickly have no. 2 again and they'll help us look after. With no. 1, already life topsy turvy, how to even have mood to ML. Our best form of birth control now is abstainence. Haha. LOL

*remb. to ask for free goo.n sample from diapers.com to be delivered together with all your orders ya. Can ask for M size sample if u r ordering S size already.
Re: lochia discharge/mucus

hi mummies,
chk with u all...aft lochia discharge, izit normal to have some mucus (light yellowish) discharge like egg white? I am having alot of mucus discharge at 6wks nw.

Me too, having alot of yellowish mucus discharge after 5 weeks. I think it's a sign that lochia is finishing soon? But our menses will come soon after lochia end right?
