(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

hi mummies,


i'm from June08 forum. Any good CL to recommend?? Urgently need one. thanks so much. Pls kindly PM me the contact.

Increase feed before bedtime...

I also want to increase feed. But once my baby is full, he will reject the bottle. =( Last night, he slept from 10pm+ to 3am+ (heaven!). I fed him from 3am+ to close 4am. I pumped from 4am+ to close 5am+. He then woke up at 5:30am+ demanding milk. I nearly dropped dead as I just fell asleep.

it's normal to have more milk in the morning. Me too. Don't have to worry about your milk supply. Some are borned naturally with more milk I think; while others like me will continue to struggle to make ends meet day by day.
AhCapp, I still thought I doing very well already, still so happy with myself that I can managed at least 2 oz every 2 hours and mornings I can get 6 - 8 ozes. Better buck up then. I managed to latch her, pump to store and then still can build up reserve in the fridge le. But look at some, who are like managing 300ml, WOW.
It's yellowish, like mustard. Sometimes, she poo so much that it reach the waist of her diapers. Within 24 hours, can poo about 10 times (big poo & small poo).
hum.. i take until supply enuf then stop. i guess can maintain by pumping/ latching. If i need to increase supply again, i'll start taking again. ke yi ma?

re: ISIS
All my 3 ISIS are 2nd hand, ranging from $20 to $45. At most i just buy the rubber parts from Avent HQ to replace, if the parts turned yellow.
i'm so hooked on ISIS, my neighbour offered me her double electric pump i also not keen to use... hee hee.

hey windy
how come u suddenly feel like buying ISIS? So many pumps out there.
WendyG, oic, price sounds reasonable. Will check out the first hand prices when I get to shop, hopefully this weekend.

why i bought the ISIS ah, cos medala and ameda like expensive and i was worried that they're not as widely sold as avent, buy parts like difficult... so... took a leap and bought it lor. i read on the forum that some mummies swear by the ISIS mah...

my girl poos once every 2 days leh... super huge poo, but only once every 2 days. how ah? normal?
I also want to limit his crying but so difficult. He just cry and cry and cry even when he's being carried and it's those screaming type of crying. I also mindful not to feed him to frequently cos scared his tummy will have alot of wind...so no choice but let him cry until 1hr or 1.5 hrs then I let him drink milk again. His crying is as if I torture him...sometimes wonder if my neighbours also think I'm torturing my kid...sigh!
How do you use the Isis until spoil? Everyday use.

Ever tried using a sling to carry the baby during his fussy time. Mine seems to like it and calms down when he is inside the sling.
which sling are u using?

btw, i read from "What to expect the first year", it says that u calculate the interval of feeds from the beginning of each feed. so for example, u started feeding at 8am to 8.30am. next feed at 10am, that is a 2 hr interval feed wor. so i think some of ur bb's interval v long!!!
I'm using Littlepod. My maid uses the traditional way, sarong cloth.

Daytime interval is 2 hrs. But late night interval is quite long. Mine is a "lan zhu".
mine is on 2-3hours interval, but nowadays, her night time is oredi on 3hours. Yday last feed at 1105pm, next feed was at 330am, got 4hours and i get some beauty sleep! Then next feed was at 730am. So maybe she is finally adjusting her inner body clock liao.

But she still fusses in the evening alot, cry cry, yday tried Yvonne's method of swaddling, it works! Then again, everyday is new, so dunno if it works again today. Am reminding myself to tong until she 3mths old...all these colic fuss in the evening will go away.

dont be disheartened. Even if supplement with FM, your bb is STILL getting nutrients from u.

<font color="ff0000">Mommies who latch AND pump</font>
can i check do u all pump AFTER latching? Me would like to start building my reserves of EBM in the fridge when i've settled down in HK...but wondering when to pump, is it after each latching? Nowadays, my breasts feel full and hard nearer to the feeding time, but aft bb finishes latching, it's all soft...think if i pump after latching, sure get pathetic miserable amount! I think my ss is enough only for latching only...
I jsut checked with my gynae regarding expressing. She said that best time is early morning. That's the only time where mommies can express adn store extras. As for the rest of the days, can forget about it as SS is low after latching
Hi all mums,

I intend to sell a bathing set (Lucky Baby). Its a bath tub and a dressing platform. My mum refuse to use this brand new set which I bought and since has only used once. She prefers to use the conventional plastic tub. I am willing to let go at $60. Interested?, pls let me know...
thanks...but even for morning...how? pump after latching? This morning my left breast very full and engorged, hard hard one, but after she latch, heavy drinker...soft soft liao
Just ended another crying episode...from 10.30am until now...just managed to put him down to sleep but dunno whether he will wake up crying again. Fed and burped, pooed and changed diapers, tried everything - play soothing music, swaddle, carry in sling, rock and sing to him, even brought him downstairs for a walk! Everything failed and he kept crying until "sa ya" already. He's very tired but still insist on crying...really dunno what's wrong. Any idea how much crying is considered excessive? Need to bring him to see PD or not? But last friday his PD said it's not colic and all babies like to cry. But it's really getting too much already.
hi mommies,

does ur baby sleep in the day? danelle refused to sleep in the afternoon and wants to be carried. once put down, she will start to cry. any remedies?
wat i mean is at 1105pm the night before, she latched on left side, then she wakes up at 330am to latch on right side, so by 730 (her next waking hour) it's time for her to latch on left side lo. Cos each feed i will alternate the breast for her (dats the advice for reflux babies)
I remembered your PD ask you to swtich to Friso Comfort to ease your girl's vomiting right? It can also be used for colicky babies isn't it? Did you try and is it effective? Thinking of trying out for a week to see if my boy's "crying condition" will improve.
i've asked some of u this before...but ask again...do u all sleep with the light all totally switched off at night? or do u all leave a night light on. My bb sleeps in the same room as me...from birth till now, i leave my bedside light on, quite scared to switch it totally off cos i need to check on her every now and then...but then again, worried this may cause her to be "reliant" on a light (however dim it is) to sleep next time....how?
is it due to the reflux? ie acid/gastric juice discomfort? i read some people always mistakenly treat reflux as colic.
Same here, I also sleep with a night light on. Need to check on him plus wake up to make formula and feed him. I read that it's ok becos babies can't really sleep in total darkness...think they will be scared.
so when can we start to switch off light totally ah?

another question:
do your babies have her/his les curled up when sleeping all the time? or they keep it straight? mine like always curled and crossed one..i scared she bow-legged next time
But reflux causes vomiting right? He doesn't vomit his milk, sometimes it just a little bit after burping.

Anyway, he just woke up again and just fed him. Put him back in the stroller, dunno whether he will sleep or cry again...sigh!
Any of your babies started smiling (not smiling in their sleep but smiling and interacting with us?) and "talking" (those coo, ah sounds)? I wonder if it's becos they are learning to interact with us that's why so pek chek and keep crying. My boy can't respond to my smile yet but he started makig a lot of ooh, ahh, coo noises...maybe that's taking up his energy so he very pek chek?

friso comfort 1 is a formula milk specially designed for colicky, vomitting and constipation babies. you can get it from guardian or the major supermarkets.


when danelle sleeps in my mum's room its total darkness cos her room got no table lamps. mine will be noisy with tv on and bedside lamps litted. danelle sleeping position is like the "S" shaped... like a snake.
if u all breast soft after feed, can still feel got a sth when u press all the way down? Is it block ducts or breast tissue?
After 7.30 am feed, mine will sleep till 9.30. Wake up in time for shower and next feed. After that, may take a short nap.
Now eyes wide open, won't sleep till at night. Thot he slept liao but put him down, cry liao. Wants to be carried. He would be awake all the way till 7 plus. Nap again. Then sleep around 11 till 4.30 am.

I have been sleeping without lights since he was 2 weeks old. I only switch on lights to feed him.
BB sleeping time seemed to get longer since he passed his 1 mth. I ignored him when he just make a bit of noise or just cry a bit, he would sometimes just go back to sleep - Go and pat pat him, sometimes worse.. he become awake after smelling me.

I take GNC fenugreek, take 2x a day.
there's such a thing as silent reflux.. the milk &amp; stomach acid comes back up the throat and burns a bit. dun overfeed &amp; keep him upright. His crying sharp piercing maybe he's in pain? need a burp? Carry him chest to chest &amp; c how.

re: lights
> in our wombs it's total darkness, so i dun believe they're afraid of the dark, just like i dun believe they're afraid of water. I turn off the bedside lamp once he's settled for the night. Anyway i open my windows &amp; there's some light fr outside.

my boy also... i've resorted to putting him on his front o'wise whole afternoon no need to nap liao.
I tried carrying him chest or chest and also let him lie on my chest, but he kept pushing away and continued crying. Just now fed him at 2.45pm and put him back down, thought he will go back to sleep on his own since he's yawning and eyes half open...but he started to struggle and cry again at 3.30pm...so put him in the sling and I walked around the house while mopping floor...he fell asleep and just transfered him to stroller...dunno whether will wake up again or not.

If it's silent reflux, it should happen almost after every feed right? But yesterday he was an angel and slept throughout the day except the normal fussing in the evening. The fussing and crying during the day comes every now and then, not a dailty thing so really dunno what to do?

Sorry ladies, I just need to tell somebody becos it's really frustrating to be carrying him whole day but can't stop his crying and dunno what he wants...and I'm alone so nobody can help me carry for a while.
is your bb drinking enough? i noticed for my baby that if she doesn't drink enough or still hungry, she will take cat naps and wake up very often crying. so must feed her full full to make her fall into deeeep sleep.

so happy that i managed to pump my milk and yet able to surf and type with 2 hands! before that, i can pump with just one hand..and now, handsfree! hahah.. inserted the pump into my nursing bra. luckily my bra is the cheapo type.. can anyhow stretch. heehee... pumping will be less boring now!
blackbatz, grumpus, windy, mspiglet,
our diapers have arrived! when are you all free to meet? Next monday in the day time? Can? You all can bring bb out for me to see. haha.. i shall leave mine at home since i'll be driving. no proper car seat for the bb.

or maybe evening more feasible la hor? since you need to carry the diapers and hubby can help to carry baby.

i'm ok anytime after lunch, morning got appt with PD and gynae...
i will bring bb along wif me...see if i can handle going out with her by myself...hehe

mommies, have u all started buying any insurance policies for yr baby already? I am looking into insurance which cover illness, hospitalisation, life insurance which cover death &amp; disability and also endowment plan... can i chk how much u are paying &amp; from which insurance company?
