(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

mylvera: pass ur bbdust to me

hmm, dun u guys like daughter? then can compare the diff between bring up a son n daughter?
nothing against having daughters.... just a personal preference
daughters are definitely good too. no matter ger or boy, will still be our precious forever
i wan a gal! haha but i get tired tat of unsuccessful cycle after cycle. so i jz try n bd on the day i tested +ve for OPK lor.


i wish all here to get preg again (hehe including wendy :p)
jess: sadly hor, my girl onli call 'papa' n refuse to call me! she is such a daddy girl.
does ur son call u? or ur hubby
When u all get #2 then u consider about yourself having #3... when u hv #3 then u can ask people to join u. in the meantime i'll enjoy my 2 lovelys thank u very much.

we jz wana help u fulfilled your dream :p i rem u said u wanted to hv a few kids when u r young rite? hehe

i have enuf boys ... i wan a gal whom i can doll up haha n my hb's aunties already say if gal, they will sponsor clothing ..
OPK = ovulation prediction kit
u wanna help me take care of my kids anot. for me, getting preg and the 10 months and the giving birth is the easy part. Even the newborn months with the 3 hourly feeding and going thru 10 diapers a day are a breeze.
hi Wendyg,

really amazed how they find time for manufacturing when they already have a pair of twins...

just the other day, i saw a couple with 5 kids and 2 maids at the Kallang KFC....really think they are amazing...
I know OPK, but what is bd?

I read from the Sep09 MTB thread, one mummy is expecting her #6!!! also has a pair of twins.

I want 4 kids, if financial permits. I am happy that I have a girl. But I know deep down in my heart, I want a boy. Reason is - I don't like dolling up the girl, though I must say the girls can be sooooo adorable with pretty dress on. I am not good at that at all, so will have to leave that to my hubby.
Manufacturing process very fast one la. but the results (consequences) are a lifetime!!!! dun play play ah.. hee hee hee
BD = Baby Dance.. another term for *ahem* ML

hey, "if financial permits"
can la... u very CAN one! top management ley.. dun play play...
at most everyone move back to m'sia where u can enlist help of extended family/ inlaws? then u hv to close one eye on their methods lo..

aiyoh, like I said, my title sounds nice, but not much $$ one. Infant care already $1.2k per kid per month leh, no subsidy from your government. Still have to pay full tax somemore. Ya, initially we plan to move back to Malaysia in 5 or 10 years time. But now, 5 years is definitely no go. 10 years, I doubt. Getting more and more comfortable living here, how to move back? Extended family also cannot help already lor, parents and PIL too old, other relatives have their own problems.
i also duno wat is bd, but roughly knows it means ML.
aiyo, y make it so cheem.. baby dance..

u really like kids so much? or u just want a big family?
aiyah.. my hubby said he wants 30 kids and he can buy a bus to bring my kids to school. Hhahha. My hubby likes to have big family coz he comes from a small family. so we are targetting to ahve 4 kids at least. ;)
Haha, i knew you would suan Kam.

But you planning to get nanny for #2 right? Hao Re's cc fees will also reduce when he turns 18 mths right? Do PRs get any baby bonus?? If yes, then #2 will get $4k baby bonus, $6k CDA and $10k parenthood tax rebate. At least some help for the first few years.
Waaaahhh, aiming for 4 kids. Jia you! Jia you!

I ever saw a family with 7 kids on a bus. Parents look like in their 40s but the youngest is still a baby. All 7 kids are super well-behaved...board the bus, find a seat without any pushing or shoving among themselves, sat down and read! I was so impressed with the parents for coping so well with so many kids and amazed at how the toddlers behaved and how the older kids helped with the younger ones. Must really give them an award or something.
re: gathering
no one replied for gd fri gathering for mylife? guessed it shld be cancelled.

mylife, think got to cancel liao? no one can make it on gd fri. only luvv but she got to leave at 3pm for cousin's bday.

Yes, I like kids A LOT! I came from a family of 4 myself. Always fun to fight with my siblings.


No, nothing at all. No baby bonus and no parenthood tax rebate. Nothing. $0!

Yes, after 18 months the fees is decrease, but still about $800 a month leh. Yes, trying to get nanny, but I doubt we will find one we like, so most likely going back to the same infant care (if the teachers are still there).


if the subsidy is giving out by the job title, I would immediately change to another job. I was given this opportunity because my ex-boss left suddenly, so they let me try because of my education background, not because of my work experience leh, I am still young in this company. But the golden opportunity in front of me lah, how could I say no. Honestly, doing that for 1 year with no salary adjustment, cos our board don't allow out cycle (out of financial year) salary adjustment. Now economy is bad, wonder if I would ever get the adjustment, even if I do, will be minima. But still okay lah, at least I am learning new things. No stress at work. No overtime needed. Can log in to SMF freely, no complain lah.
i remember watchin this gosselins family on tv, it was about buying beds for the children. While the mum is trying hard to decide on wat kinda bed to choose, 1 of d boys r having bad constipation, n d daddy has to "dig" the shit out..

i'm nt into big family, i find it hard 2 love n give them equal attention if i have too many kids.
no worries on the gathering lah. I foresee that oredi. Like i said, i was merely suggesting the gathering cos so long never see the babies. But it's ok

Congrats on getting a gal for #2 tis time round! Jiayou on the 4 kids plan ok! Hahahaha

I am also for the concept of taking care of kids myself. Like angelsky, i hired maid purely for my mom cos she complained of fatigue to help me take care of Rylee and housework. So i'm quite stubborn in the sense that i dont let my maid touch my baby at all (cos she's inexperienced)...i know some people say i'm rigid lah, stubborn lah, but i'd rather do all the hard work myself. I'm now rewarded with the fact tat my gal always prefer me and i know her inside out cos she's a high need baby.
pixiepixel, bo bian, if I dont do it, she will not sleep and then its a vicious cycle all over again. So between my mum and me, she prefers her to me lo.

yvonne, really!!! great I look forward to seeing that
Its a great motivation to me.

mylvera, really, didnt happen to me le. My first was a gal. Second I also used, but I cant remember though.

Actually I dont mind having #3, but not sure my health permits and my hubbie not too keen. I used to want #3 before expecting #1, then after that the motivation not so great. But now since both are gals, I may wanna po one more time, but if fate determines I have no boy luck, even if its a gal, I will also be happy. But after that its close shop, think #4 is too much for my hubbie, imagine if #4 also gal. kekeke.

I had a classmate, her parents wanted a boy, but end up had 6 gals. kekeke.

congrats on ur good news on the test and bb gal.

according to the citeria on the MOM website, think if i remember correctly, if the child is a singapore citizen, there is baby bonus mah. Haore is not sg citizen huh?

thanks all mummies who had given reviews on HK hotel.
My body is aching everywhere and didnt sleep well at night cos Javier co-sleep in between hubby and I last night cos my mum not feeling well. He laughed aloud in his sleep twice ans screamed once last night and keep slapping my back and kicked me.
Jess, thanks for explaining. I didn't know maid levy can use cpf. That one I like cos I still got cpf but no cash!

Kam, think I forgot to officially congratulate you. Congrats for having a princess! No lar, little gals not not just about dressing up, I hardly dress up RaeAnne, she looks tomboyish. :p But it's the hugs and kisses, remembering you on mother's day, stuff like that, to me that's sweet part about having gals.

Yvonne, we must choose our own path. Technically it was my CL and ILs who spoilt her re: the sleeping part. But anyways, we all have our own personal choices on what kind of parents we want to be lar. For me, it is important for a child to know family values, social values etc. But the rest eg. whether can sleep on their own, or need Mummy's hugs and warm body to fall aleep, if can close one eye, I'll close one eye lar. Some mummies chose to co sleep cos it's their choice, I can't because our queen size bed is too small. If I got a king size bed, maybe I can also cosleep with her. When she sleeps on my bed, she falls asleep super fast. Anyways, maybe one day, I'll look back at these days with fond memories. ;)
arrrrgh, hv to rein in my spending.. already i only hv 2 boys but still i'm finding ways to spend on them. unnecessarily! My #1's wardrobe is bursting at the seams, and i'm still tempted to buy new t-shirts for him.. coz they're of his fav cartoon characters! Already he has several Buzz Lightyear & Lightning McQueen t-shirts, but i tell myself that he doesn't hv a Wall.E t-shirt, and the new design of Buzz Lightyear t-shirt looks pretty good too! after all, i only buy stuff when they're on discount, and they're authentic Disney.com apparel!
Most of his wardrobe are hand me downs. In excellent condition, very comfortable to wear, some even branded like CK, Polo Ralph etc! But no one gives him Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Handy Manny clothes. Actually my aunt is right, the child doesn't really bother abt what he's wearing as long as it's comfortable. Oh sure he'll get a kick when putting on a t-shirt of his fav character, but when he's engrossed in his writing or toy or cartoon, he's not going to bother abt what t-shirt he's wearing. It's only the adults who see and make comments. And it's only me who beams with joy when he looks so good in what he wears, coz i was the one who made the decision to buy! Even tho he has tons of other clothes! Not even my husband will compliment him/ me regarding the choice of clothes.

He looks good in hand-me-downs too, but i think it's more of me... i don't feel the emotional connection in that piece of clothing. Only that it was given by so-and-so, and it was worn by her son when he was younger.

and i think it's also me.. the little girl who never owned a Barbie t-shirt.. just wearing generic comfy hand-me-downs.. plain white cotton vests & singlets (looking at my baby photos). Oh well, my time is over for these things right!

here i am ranting, when i should be glad that i save lots of $$ by receiving hand-me-downs. So i think it's better to avoid temptation by not frequenting the Spree threads!
ya, my boy is also a daddy's boy. he everyday papa now... hehee..

Re: Maid Levy
i duno y can lei. tat time when sign up, the agency just ask my hubby so we just decide to deduct from CPF lor.... or maybe my memory failing... is GIRO?? hee.. later i check liao let u knw again.

back to office. thinking of cancelling the course cos I attended b4!! jz tat the dept never update!! then i can refresh the screen here with u haha :p

No, my Hao Re is same like us, a Malaysian with Singapore PR status. We don't want to make the decision for him, he can choose later if he wants to continue to be Malaysian or Singaporean, his own choice :)

Thank you all for your well wishes. I also received lots of well wishes in the FB, very heart-warming :)
