(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Morning all,

Yesterday my boy poo for 7 times and vomitted. I brought him to see a doc. Cannot much can be done just make sure let him have a lot of water and change his FM to soy milk.

Didn't dare to let him drink milk before he sleep as I worried he might puke again. Only let him drink a bit in the middle of the night when he wakie and cry.

my BIL wrks in GV. :p

I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button alone yest, nice movie, go catch it if u hvnt done so.

Last time when my boy vomitted badly due to stomach flu, problems seemed to be gone once we switched him to soy milk. Have to make sure give him enough fluids, how about giving him fruits if he is willing to take.
morning mummies
today is my 5th wedding anniversary! later going for dinner with hb

that sounds bad. hope your boy get well soon!
raeanne has stomach flu too, Fever reached high of 39.4. Loose stools but luckily no vomitting. Brought her to kidslink cos regular pd not open, very exp nearly $90 cos repeat consultation alone already $50, even hubby commented. :p
wah... congrats!!!..
5th year lei... me only going 2nd year this year.. hahaa.... but hor, i am not shotgun de hor.. hahahahaaa

ya, hows ur durian feast yesterday?
I bought from the chaichee there one of the fruit stall on mon... YUCKS!!!
welcome to the bleeding club. kidslink is always this expensive one leh. when i see dr heng @ jurong branch, always very sian

it was good. we had XO, D24, and the mou shan wang. 8 durians for $120. a bit steep but all the durians were good meat kind...just durians for dinner lor
Hi Pixie.. i've checked already.. my side punggol field is consider central zone.. bt the lady say depends on which block u staying wor.. u wanna let me noe yr postal code.. i can check for u.

Anyone going to the expo this friday? My gal has been shortlisted for the bb contest.. so i'll be going and can meet up some mummies here (if ur r going).
heehee thanks jess
i think hor, must enjoy a bit more before having a bb, but never regret having xandall.
i miss him!! yesterday and today not seeing him. only tmr evening then can see him.......sob sob....
hi yvonne
540150. i rivervale crescent leh. kns. sengkang cc should serve sengkangers mah, dunno why serve punggolians....

hey congrats on the shortlist!
tink u enjoy quite abit of couplehood before having xandall rite.... about 3 years? me May married, June found out preggy liao... no couple time... hahahaa....

i thot wed nite u normally go over and stay?
I was married for 8 years before giving birth to Jayden. Hehehhe...longer couple time......we went on a lot of holidays. Twice or 3 times every year.... Longest was backing in Europe for a month and Canada for another month :p

So now..kinda miss long vacation days...

Just yeaterday, hubby asked when are we going diving again.....*sign*
i think u are quite fortunate to be able to enjoy couplehood, esp when u dont need to sleep with a kid at nite

So going where for romantic dinner tonite?
wah... 8 year lei.. heehee... so nice. can enjoy couple time and travel so many times!!!!! envy envy. but my hubby cannot wait so long la... he old man liao. haha.... so guess i have to wait till Javier abit bigger than can go travel as a family

at least ur mum helping u to take care nw mah. u can still take short trips with ur hubby
i same with u, but less one year, enjoyed married life for 7yrs before having Rylee. Also missed the traveling the most. Particularly the 1mth long Europe trip we had as well! Which part of Europe u went to? We went Italy, Zurich, Paris and London. Would love to explore other parts of France, Germany, and Spain! Dunno when we can do that again!
agreed. i am quite fortunate to enjoy couplehood, since xandall is at my mil place from mon-fri. I'm a weekend mummy!

I'm going to Dozo for dinner today. Its a Jap restaurant, heard of the rave reviews. When i called to make reservation, they asked if it is for any special occasion. I said yes and told him, the person on the line congratulate me and promised me a quite, nice table. wah!

i oso wanna go travelling. unfortunately, my hb doesnt like to travel (he is a sucker for his own comfort zone kind of guy). last time oso backpack blah blah, and i miss my yearly shopping trip to BKK. sighs.............i wanna travel!
but i dunno how to dive tho hoho
but jess's hb is an old man hohoho. their age gap quite a bit if i remember correctly.

ok lah, let me post topic for the moment:-
how old are you?
how old is your hb?
yvonne & mylife,
i dun think it's colic or wind. When we carry him, he stop crying but still the mouth like searching for nipple to suckle. When latch him on, he suckle few mins then fell asleep. I think later might need to give pacifier ah otherwise he treat my nipple as pacifier then jialat.

Now #1 & #2 is sleeping then managed to have some ME time alone. MIL went marketing, will be back in awhile. Later got to pump cos i feel breast got hard lump.

envy leh & enjoy yr couplehood!

to ans yr Q:-
how old are u & hb? same 32yrs old, 1977
arghhh the weather is soo hot today...got excuse to bath!hee

my lunch is here...
Lean meat with ginger & spring onion
Broccoli with chinese mushroom
Fish Tail & Papaya Soup
*I missed my chix cutlet & steak & french fries:p*

Missed going to BKK also.

Have visited Italy (Rome,Florence,Venice,Milan,Pisa), Switzerland, France (Paris), Spain (Barcelona, Madrid), Portugal (Lisboa), Netherlands (Amsterdam), UK (London, Liverpool). Also managed to catch 2 football matches live in Madrid and Liverpool.

I would love to visit Eastern Europe the next time...
My boy loves strawberries and blueberries!! He will cry and kick his legs when I tell him no more...hahaha!

Me, one year lesser than mylife. Married for 6 years before having my boy. We also travelled alot to Japan, NZ, Switzerland...really miss those days. Of course can still travel with a toddler now but will be resticted to city areas lor...can't go to those secluded little towns, mountainous areas liao. But I told hubby we can wait until my boy is bigger and able to carry his own backpack then we go travelling again.
Happy Anniversary! You always quarrel with hubby but also 5 years already...aiya, "bed head quarrel be end make up"...hahahaaaa

Maybe you can give him pacifier, see whether he wants to suck. Some babies have a stronger "sucking desire" than others.
let me answer pixie question. and my last time saying my hubby's an old man. keke...

how old are you? 24 years old
how old is your hb? 36 years old
heehee harnor, always quarrel, oso past 5 yrs liao hor

dozo is at valley point, at havelock road. i heard its very good, impeccable service. tmr, i have full update here! and take pics, post on fb...
the 7 course menu is 59++, which is around SGD70. not bad since the food/sashimi is very fresh! their url is http://www.dozo.com.sg

ur #2 is exactly like my boy last time. just want to suckle. i think mummies generally let it be aka continue suck at nipples whenever your bb wants, or give pacifier. i gave pacifier. after that, xandall not much crying, or waking up, or wanting to comfort-sucking liao...just the std 3hrly feed lor
call me weird or wat, i always feel ticklish and kinda shy feeling when bb suckle on my nipples.

I'm 34, hb 38. I'm old too... boohoo!!!
erm, after 1 week or so, i switched to expressing.

Anyway, I'm those "low in milk" kind, can never satisfy my bb.
pixie's lunch menu for week 4

tue: <strike>chap chye and steam egg</strike>
wed: <strike>chap chye and chicken w/ lap cheong</strike>
thur: chap chye and steam egg/mince meat
fri: chap chye and chicken w/lap cheong, and toufu (prepared by my colleague)

today pantry aunties saw my chicken w/lap cheong, they wanna try too. so fri, im cooking for 4 pax....open restaurant liao hurhur

Another old woman reporting here.......

how old are you? 35
how old is your hb? 33

My hubby younger than me :)

That day someone happened to take a photo of me while I am at work, zoom in one some more, and oh no, I looked sooooo old and dull, really very different from before having my boy. Don't want to admit my old age also cannot already lor.....
