(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Thanks Wendyg,
I call them up and ask already.. really confusing.. I ask the lady how to identify the zoning.. she said by yr postal code.. and also it depends on which division u r staying..
she quoted something like if u r staying at 300+ then u belong to Anchorvale CC.. made me so confuse.. must really call them up and check.

its so quiet today... where's everyone?

that time u went to the Hort Park... where did u park? need some directions otherwise i duno how to go.. heehee

Thanks! Ya, he is super cute with his so-called dancing. Actually taught by his teachers :) BTW, added you in my FB already.


There is a car park right in front of Hort Park. Very convenient.
thanks!!... will try to go this weekend or next. this weekend packed, got to go to the baby fair as well
Hi mummies, finally i have time to come in. so many archive to read. i'm still trying my best to finish reading all the post.

so tired and busy looking after #1 and #2. Especially #2 have jaundice and the level keep going up after 2nd discharged, so have to bring him to polyclinic for blood test. till now he already have done blood test for abt 10x. so heartpain everytime see them poke his heel. tml stll have to bring him for blood test.

same as steph, breastmilk kick in on 3rd day and i managed to get 10ml to 20ml from both breast combined. today already the 13days the most i get is 70ml to 80ml from both breast combined. my breast keep engorged so i latch & pump till i hardly get a gd sleep. especially everytime #2 latch for 5-10mins and fell sleep, tried waking him up but failed, put hm back to cot 10-20mins later cried for milk and this can last through out the whole night.

steph, u only 4days no wash hair. i need to tahan for 1 month. now hair so smelly and itch. especially after massage.
if you know the zoming for sengkang CC liao hor, then you tell me ok.
check PPTC, they might be able to help u...

thanks for the suggestion. tmr is steam chicken with chinese sausage, yay!

cannot break agreement lah. i very paiseh to do so. like so kiasu. my boss havent strike yet leh...sighs...

next week jio you out for lunch, onz bo?

hi sunny, very very nice cupcake leh
wah joyce, hang in there
i know its tough. i cant imagine how i can cope with #1 and #2.
just a thought: if #2 keep sleeping at your boobs, why not bottle feed him ebm? then your #2 can rest longer without waking up feeling hungry, and you have more time for rest, and doing yr stuff...bottle feed at night lor perhaps?

I am also so tired.. Coping with a one year old active boy is not easy! My Elias is a little terror wantin things his ways if ot will throw temper by throwing head backwards hitting walls sometimes and my head.. Making me soo worried.. Cos its so hard to control him these days so gotta be very careful lor.hiaz!

Also. like to attach his latst pic but dun know how you guys shirkk th size leh. can teach? haha!
<strike>mon - bread with tuna
tue - beehoon soup with dumplings</strike> (dropped cos' got a treat from a nice mummy! hee. tks!!)
wed - fish porridge
thurs - bread with luncheon meat
fri - dried mee with luncheon meat
we adults will be sian coz we have choices infront of us.
but put urself in kids' perspective, they settle for sweets anytime. to them, they dont have a choice in the goodie bag and they would be more than happy to receive sweets and mini stationery.
kids will be kids, adults will be adults. think in the kids' shoes lah

hey so when will some nice mummy treat me lunch? LOL
hey mei, btw, those mickey and winnie the pooh water bottles (coloured transparent type), selling for $2 only leh. so WU HUA! suitable for kids wat.

then throw some sweets, and other stationery into the water bottle. dont even need goodie bag. tag the water bottle with a slip of bright paper. write their name onto the paper. instant makeover leh
back to the old school. buy the chocolate wafer lor hohoho
hey what do you give to the clasmates nowadays? not choc wafer liao hor? or rabbit sweets?!
haha. no la, just nw i went to hospital to visit a fren. so since our lunch is only half hour, i only came back 1 hour later. tats y didnt go for lunch lor. actually, we dun even have tea break de. it is self declared!!.. hahaaa...
mei, very lazy to type out the cards
lets just say ard 10
all rubbish ones and never use
only use the few 3...
ME. why? worried abt the china case ah? me too. haha....

and u know what? i just bot 18 packs of dumex mamil gold milk last thurs!
