(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">Enfagrow</font>

It comes in vanilla and original favours izzit?? Bought a few tins to stock, open up v strong vanilla smell...arghhh. Shd hv look properly if i knew.

Enfagrow comes in original, vanilla, and one more flavour (can't remember now). I only bought original so far. Personally (my own review, not my boy's) I think Enfagrow tastes nicer than Enfalac and Enfapro.
My boy are having loose stool these 2 days and like diarrhea. He would poo after food/milk and it can be like within half an hr 2-3 times.

Should I send him to see doctor or anything I shld do.

Btw, my menses finally came
wow that sounds quite frequent.. chk with doc better..
feel relieved re: menses... dun take chances if not prepared =)
ya stay with parents good.. if no/ little friction &amp; they can also help lookout for your kids.

eventually u will move back to Florida? Let me know when, then i can bring Tobey for swim date at your place hohohohohoho.
Issit far fr your sch?
serene, i just called mamil gold cos my boy pooed much more often with step 3 and she says normal.

If a baby poo 6-7 times a day, that is considered diarrhea already

think bring to see doctor la

My PD said if poo more than 4 times a day. Start to monitor. If getting worst, advise to see PD immediately. Meanwhile make sure he takes in lots of fluid........
wah! menses finally came. you are one of the later ones? mine came 3 mths ago...sobsob
i hate menses. really hate. tok about it, i get very agitated hurhur

nez, can exchange the tins since you only opened 1 up? or all you opened liao?!
huh mei
if i were u
2.30 oredi hungry liao lor
cannot eat too much leh. pumping stop liao. cannot eat as much as before liao. lun lor

u know the only way to make yr menses stop coming for a moment mah... jz tat u hv agreement with yr boss ... btw ..yr boss hvn strike ar?
i had duck rice for lunch. though i am not really hungry nw, my mouth itchy la. just feel like eating things.

next month going back to gynae for pap smear test. my gynae definitely say i fat alot. stressed.....
why not you try steam chicken and veg like french beans and carrots for next day? Keep in the fridge then bring to office microwave during lunch. I used to eat tat when i was on diet! hahah. but my mom was sweet enough to steam fresh ones for me every am so I could bring to work.
if u could do it all over again, would u go to the same schools, take the same modules, apply for the same jobs, marry the same man

I think the topics are very interesting... =P
- I don't mind going to the same schools again. I love my mix of friends from my schools =)

- I will NOT take up Chemical Engineering again as I think it's just plain boring.. hahahaha.. I think I would want to do something more fun. Business, Arts?? Anything besides engineering..

- I would still marry the same man again as he is the most patient man on this planet! N yet I am still able to make him lose his temper once in a blue moon! LOL

Will be mailing yours out tmrw. =) Thank u so much!
<font color="aa00aa">Kam</font>

I dunno abt the taste but it definitely smells better than enfalac/enfapro..hee.

<font color="aa00aa">pixie</font>

I threw the receipt away liaoz!! Din realise it's all vanilla favour till i open one tin couple days ago...no choice lor, next time muz rem to look carefully b4 buying
Called my PD and she said no need to see her if he is feeding well, active and alert. Just make sure I give my boy more fluid and he doesn't poo more than 5 times.

So far from in the late afternoon till now he is ok so I hope it is just a tummy upset. Will monitor him for tomorrow as well.
Wendy, haha, I know Gladys, she married Kim Hock, think he's from Blk 23, my block. Haha.

Brought RaeAnne to the library today, put her at ILs place in the morning. 4pm was good timing, she's woken up from her nap and had her milk. But evening time, realised that she was running a low grade fever, don't know if it's because of chicken pox vaccination or because she's teething, keep running her tongue over her teeth. Cry until so 'kelian' when we were trying to make her sleep at night though it's her usual bedtime. :p
ah yes u know her.. how come she's not on your FB list =P
some people i know, but i dun think they know me, so i can't add them..
Duh, I didn't see her so didn't add her lor. I'm still quite blur about FB, I only add when people ask to be added. Hee. Is she your friend in FB? ;P
Sorry.. i got one very stupid qns to ask..
The SengKang bb contest u mention previously.. those staying at Punggol Field can join or nt? How to define Punggol Central Zone?
No she's not on my list, but can just search her name &amp; she appears =) I dun think i can add her coz i guess she may hv forgotten me by now.

Yvonne (gerger66)
would u like to call up the Community Club to ask, coz pixie herself not sure.
Little Neuro Tree: anyone orgainse new trial class? I am keen..

Baby contest: I would love to bring my gal for baby contest.. it's fun to join but unfortunately, I have no info on this. So far, only bring my gal for baby contest at Eastpoint when she was 9 months old. ;)
