(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Hi Candyclau here...

Is the trial class we are attending on 11 Oct for (6-48mths)....?

Could I register for my nephew also who is 23mths...? Can you slot in 2 more (my baby and nephew)for the 10am slot?

hi mei

ok for me.

Slot #1. 10am - 10.30am
1. VioletIce - ok
2. janbb - ok
3. pm_babe - ok
4. blessed serene - ok
6. superbee - ok
feeling super drained today...

My son skipped his afternoon nap so he was basically up and about since 12:30pm. Finally he went to sleep at 8:45pm. I feel like I have fallen apart after all the housework and looking after my son. Need to hit my sack soon...

Any babies had flu and cough before? Javin is down eith flu and cough for almost 2 weeks already. Took antibiotics as well as other cough and phelgm mixture but still have not totally recover. His flu is still there and the medicines are finishing soon. Seen doctor 2 times liao but still not recovered got better only... Am really worried...
yeh! 20% is a lot!! end 2 oct <font color="ff0000">2008</font> or <font color="ff0000">2009</font>?? why "however"??? any terms/conditions eg. how much min then can utilise?

sorry. 6 babies per slot max. can ur nephew join u in slot #4?
<font color="aa00aa">AquaDucks Trial - 11th Oct Sat @ The Pines Club non-heated pool
- infant swim trial
- photo contest with prize to be won!

Hi, mummies. I got to send the list to Aquaducks on 2-oct (a week before the trial).

Slot #1. 10am - 10.30am - <font color="ff0000">ONE more space left!</font>
1. VioletIce
2. janbb
3. pm_babe
4. blessed serene
5. superbee

Slot #2. 10.30am - 11am - OK!
1. QQ
2. lu_meihua
3. lyn78
4. shorty_gal
5. Godsent
6. mcfluffy

Slot #3. 11am - 11.30am - OK!
1. mandygoh
2. tracy_lazy
3. kitsune_sg
4. Tansy x1
5. Tansy x2
6. vereneting

Slot #4. 11.30am - 12pm - <font color="ff0000">TWO more space left!</font>
1. candyclau - ok
2. angelayong - ok
3. bbdear - ok
4. elmo_78 - ok

Slot #5. 2.00pm - 2.30pm - OK!
1. manuka_chan
2. babynikkiong
3. grumpus
4. babyship
5. zhu_baby
6. babyshannon

it is 2 Oct 2008. The word however is there cos 2 Oct 08 is here soon ... duno if you all can make it in time to place order or not

"**Coupon and sale prices expire at 11:59 pm on October 2nd 2008 and coupon is valid for the sale price of all products. Discount does not apply to shipping charges."

Free US Shipping for purchases above US$100 (that is nett of discount).
haha. ya ya i know. but just wanna make sure. haha....wondering is violetice is shipping to a US address or directly to sg??

violet violet, where are u??

so far i only have hammies03/godsent orders leh. ah!! panic panic again.
<font color="ff0000">paging paging, Mummies, PLS PLACE ORDER FIRST!! </font> http://www.babymallonline.com

haha. so much for mon rush!! haha...
haha i know wat u mean by no life without msn :p i can't live without msn too.. tho nowadays seldom chat :p
Shipping to SG thro Babymallonline... wouldn't it be more exp? I do have Vpost / Borderlinx account if you wan me to help order. Aiyah .. u shd have told me earlier ... I just ordered from Babymallonline few weeks ago for my nephew's full month.

hehe currently no nephew bday coming up... next bday in line is my #2 lor ..

But I do hv some items fr amazon going to my borderlinx account ...
ordering from amazon, is it better than ordering from babymallonline?

hmm. i may order somethings from amazon. can tompang?? haha.. when u closing order?

ok ...here's my "findings"

1) babymallonline is cheaper in terms of clothings (eg luvable friends)
2) bottles cheaper from kidsurplus. Mayb the website diapers.com will be cheaper for bottles but the teats are definitely cheaper in kidsurplus.
3) amazon .. nothing cheap ... but can find unique products that those 2 places dun have.

i m not organising any spree for amazon leh .. but if u wan, jz tell me (I got Prime account too, so if your items are in that category, can get it faster)
Morning mummies
My gal really can call her daddy "Papa" now. She started from yesterday evening during dinner, but mix with her other baby languages, so we thought it's an accident. But nthis morning, she woke up at 545am, and trying to wake me &amp; hubby up but no response, then she called my hubby so clearly "PA-PA" and pat pat my hubby somemore. We both woke up with surprises and HEART MELT.
) Mummy is still on waiting list.. hhahaha

Mei, so you will go slot #1? Then like that, I go lot #2??

Face book: Any mummies here on face book? -)
Blessedbaby, morning!

Surely. PM-ed you my e-mail address. Got ID one meh? I thought it's by the e-mail address? I am still kinda new to FB.

Wah, so nice, your gal can call papa already. I am patiently waiting and waiting and waiting for that moment to come. 545am very early leh, she wakes up that early every day?
My boy kept calling me mama last weekend but this week don't want to call anymore...sob sob. His real grouchy and clingy these few days cos' he's teething...my poor boy.

Hao Re started coughing since Saturday. Just cough. Can hear phlegm clearly. Gave him medicine, but if still not clear, will bring him to see his PD tonight. We stopped bringing him to swimming after he developed his last cought a couple of months back. Just brought him for swimming again the weekend before the last, and he started coughing 1 week later. Make me wonder does he really catch the bug from the pool water or just a coindicent??? We still brought him to swim on Sunday despite his couhg (evil parents :))
Mei: am ok with 1030am. We can swop. -))

Kam &amp; QQ: how I add you in my friend List? I am new to FB too. Will PM both of you my email address so maybe you can add me in first. ahahha

Kam: my bb normally wakes up at 645am, only today, she woke up so early... hehehe
Btw, how did you feed your bb the egg yolks huh? Yesterday I tried with porridge but she didnt like it. Looked at me wit her straight face like "mummy, why you feed me this funny food?" -(

Am looking for becoming SHAM... 2 more days to go.
<font color="aa00aa">AquaDucks Trial - 11th Oct Sat @ The Pines Club non-heated pool
- infant swim trial
- photo contest with prize to be won! </font>

Hi, mummies. I got to send the list to Aquaducks on 2-oct (a week before the trial).

Slot #1. 10am - 10.30am - OK!
1. VioletIce
2. janbb
3. pm_babe
4. blessed serene
5. superbee
6. lu_meihua

Slot #2. 10.30am - 11am - OK!
1. QQ
2. blessedbaby
3. lyn78
4. shorty_gal
5. Godsent
6. mcfluffy

Slot #3. 11am - 11.30am - OK!
1. mandygoh
2. tracy_lazy
3. kitsune_sg
4. Tansy x1
5. Tansy x2
6. vereneting

Slot #4. 11.30am - 12pm - <font color="ff0000">TWO more space left! </font>
1. candyclau - ok
2. angelayong - ok
3. bbdear - ok
4. elmo_78 - ok

Slot #5. 2.00pm - 2.30pm - OK!
1. manuka_chan
2. babynikkiong
3. grumpus
4. babyship
5. zhu_baby
6. babyshannon

wow...envy you for becoming SAHM. I still have yet to pick up my courage n give up on my current lifestyle. Doubt with my inpatient character, I can be a SAHM.
so is ur friend coming to be our FOC aquaducks event photographer? would he/she be there from slot#1 to slot#5?? his/her contact??

Added you in FB already. I am not that free, but I do multi-tasking :) But my company strictly no FB or online shopping etc during office hour. That's why can only add you after 12noon (will be locked again from 2pm).

Wah, you will become SAHM in 2 days - ENJOY!!! and all the best :)

I prepared the egg yolk and ask his teacher to mix with his porridge. According to his teacher, he took it very well leh, didn't "complain".
<font color="aa00aa">Birthday Bash - Venue </font>
below are the venues I've asked and their replies:

<u>Not available: </u>
1. GoGoBambini - not available for pte function on 20th dec.
2. Gymboree Harbourfront/Tanglin Mall - not available cos' they are holding their xmas party. and their max is 18-20 babies. We've 34 babies.
3. Orchid Country Club - OKidsSpot under renovation.
4. Jewel Box - Function Rm. S$88++ per head. Too exp.
5. Safra Mt Faber - Function Rm not available.
6. Safra Pioneer Spring Restaurant - not available.
7. Kindermusik Tanglin Mall - max 15 babies.
8. myGym GWC - 20th sat not available. 21st sun available.

<u>For Consideration: (sorted in price order) </u>
1. Hard Rock Cafe Singapore - Lion's Den &amp; Partial use of party floor. Per head S$25++ Cocktail Food. Kids meal available.
2. Orchid Country Club - Function Rm. Per head S$30++ Chinese food; S$38++ International food.
3. Hotel in Ochard - Function Rm. Per head S$48++ lunch menu. Free 20% parking + free flow drinks.
4. Gallery Hotel - Function Rm. Per head S$48++ International food. waiting for revised quotation.
5. Holiday Inn Atrium - waiting for quotation.

<u>Condo Function Rm (can accommodate so many peo?)</u>
1. lyn78 - pasir ris drive 4
2. mcfluffy - location?

Dec is peak season. many places not available and prices were marked up. Perhaps we choose a cheaper one - MacDonalds?? \
Keep searching...welcome places suggested.

I decided to be SHAM by faith. I am not a patient mother, as what my hubby always says, but I do enjoy spending time with my gal. hehehe. Will it make any difference? -)

Kam, these few days, I am so free in office, nothing to do, thats why I pick up my FB and start on it.


Invite you to be my friend in FB.

Hard boiled egg yolk, have to boil until egg yolk becomes totally solid. I didn't cook with porridge. I cook separately and add later. But of course you can cook together. But must be careful cannot add any egg white.
