(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

<font color="ff0000">Hi,thanks to all who have supported our first petition,sorry it did not work out. Now we are just going to focus on the $6k CDA account to be extended to all children born in 2008. For those who have PM me, please PM me again your hubby's name and IC number. We need more signatures! So far, there has been positive feedback from the MPs we have met.
A group of us are going down to meet PM and Teo Ser Lek (Minister in charge of baby bonus) We need more signatures to show them, please circulate and ask your friends also to send in their <font color="0000ff">names, IC number and husband's name and IC numbers</font> thank you very much for everyone's help and support!</font>

How come only 2 adults? How abt your bb?

Ok, then I will have 2 adults, 1 child and 1 baby. Haven't decided if I will bring my helper along.
I think anyone who comes to our thread join the bash lor, no need to specially ask other thread mommies to join, cos we oso dunno them. Tats MHO lah.
no la, i resigned that my kids r not the sleep thru type. used to it liao, so live with it haha

teo ser luck right?

did TT cry very loud, poor thing
Jacelyn she ok after i pick her n coax her ..... and gave her the teether

wendyg ya loh she cry loud but for a while only
babe yan, dun worry....it will still be adjusted as more teeth come out

btw, which mummy is the one staying in HK? May i check with you whether 17 Sep is school holiday or is it a public holiday in HK?

Although baby inherits genes from daddy and mummy, it's not as simple as baby will follow the trait of either of them like that. There are gene variations, gene-enviromenet interaction, etc. No worries, too early at this stage to get worry :)
RE: dogs
many possible reasons: ezcema, skin allergy, shampoo problem...
a vet will be able to diagnose the actual reason.

Mine has a severe allergy to many things, including grass, trees, yeast, blah blah so he is on permanenet jabs for the rest of his life

baby fair at taka ended already.

thanks on e dog info. will bring her to vet again (3rd time)
burn BIG BIG hole in my pocket

Besides, any good vet to introduce?
<font color="ff0000">Any mummies engage GPLS Confinement Care Agency for confinement lady before? Any feedback is greatly appreciated
dont say liao, vet is as ex as PD. Let me just tell you what i have paid on my dog:-

-Luxating patella surgery: 4-5K
-dental: $500 till date
-monthly injections for his skin allergy: $200 per year
-recently has a blood acculumation in the ear flaps: $300
-yearly vaccinations: uncountable
-cataracts medication &amp; such: never count

*almost went for cataracts operation but decided not to because he is getting old...
*even did research on this skin allergy and went to chinese medical hall to "grab medicine" and brew for him to bath. If you asked me if it works, yes, it works. Who is interested in the mixture, PM me, I charge for the secret recipe (at least can get back some $$)

till date, i have spent close to 10K on him...
Bebe: ok sorry, never answer your question, i was going on and on about my $$...
one of the better vets who are good in skin problems in town is dr casey in mount pleasant springside, who is also my vet.

just go to any mount pleasant clinics lah. i think: springside (sembawang), serangoon north, east coast, and the main hospital if you want to
nolah, mine is a permanent itch, no flaking....
flaking is on and off, usually when my dog flakes is because of below reasons:-
-shampoo too dry
bebe, skin problems very difficult to diagnose one.
same as our bb. it can be saliva rash, milk rash, heat rash, eczema...oso dunno which is which liao...sometimes i just tell my hb: rashes lor

it takes time to get your dog diagnosed re: his skin problem. sometimes skin are just as such; they go haywire once in a while...its a very draggy affair. what medication are you getting?
oh sounds like what my dog has. she is taking steriods. Not the best idea but it does control the scratching. fur flying and baby likes to catch it. (Dog is long haired and large)
how cum our thread ganna lost? =) missed chatting with you ladies keke

Re: Free EBM
Serene (Bukit Merah), Wendyg (punggol), Evening (Jurong)
yup, I'm the one staying in HK *waves*. As far as I know 15sept is a public holiday (for mooncake festival) and 17sept is not but I'm not sure if its school holidays though. Let me chk with some mommies here that have schooling kids ok?
re: HFMD
my girl's playgroup teacher mentioned that some kids gotten the virus while swimming. prob refraining from bringing my kids to the pool for awhile.
Thanks to all mommies for sharing with me ur "sleepless nights" too

at first I also tot it cud be her trying to learn sitting up or crawling that makes her frustrated but aft observing and hearing from experienced mommies, don't think it is cos learning won't make babies cry until so cham one lo.

*touch wood* past 2 nights still ok...she wakes up crying but soothe-able. So conclusion is I think its teething. Or like someone mentioned, cnstipation? I hope tat night was a once off. Sigh. What do u all give to ur baby to relieve teething pain other than baby panadol? Tylenol? Or anything to apply on the gum?

QQ! Poor Tongtong! I think I will also flipped!

So nice can have birthday bash! Too bad I'm in HK! Rylee won't be able to join
btw...forgot to add, last call for "orders from HK"!!

Anyone wants me to buy for them anything from HK? I guess lots of u all coming HK hor?

Let me know by this 2 weeks so I can hv time to go and buy for u all. Now my trip change to 10-16Sept liao. Eh, is our mini gathering on 13Sept still stands or not? Who's coming?
mylife, can we have another mini gathering in the east or not? I not keen to go United Square lar, no direct transport and limited parking for hubby.

Saw you trying to buy an 18mm bumper mat from Alien, too bad it's so big, if not I can help you bring over when I go to HK.

sorry but i still duno if i can celebrate my #2 bday as my grandpa died 10 april 08. doubt i can make it cos my mother will be angry with me for being "disrespectful"

but i am keen in bringing my sons to zoo during 1 weekend
any mummies keen?
Recently my elder son is down with fever and diarrheoa and now is getting better. He lao sai for a few days and sometimes forced until there is blood came out.

My baby is now with 2 teeth coming out from the bottom. Sometimes when latching on he will bite me. When I scolded him he will smile and laugh.
babe yan,
dun worry...mine also crooked.
no. 1 that time upper top 2 wide apart...then as more teeth come out, it will close up.

then his bottom also bit crooked.

well, neat or not their teeth in future is not something within our control.

mylife, thanks for checking on 17 sep. reason why i am checking is cos i am going disney on 17 sep and hoping to go disney hotel for bf on 18 sep. But i couldnt book in advance. Heard from my neighbour very hot one the bf, so must book in advance. If no school holiday etc, situation should be better hopefully.

Btw, do you know whether it is worth going sai kung for seafood dinner?
hi mummies!

i was too buzi to check e thread lately...

mei: i wanna join e birthday bash in dec. 2A and 1BB.

mylife: "Welcome mylife and Rylee bac to sin" is on 12 or 13sept? drop mi an email once cfm.. my little prince Rayden wanna mt princess Rylee.
[email protected]

evening: i heard e same thing fr my niece (4yrs old), she told mi her classmate got HFMD fr swimming...

Re: HFMD...

duno where i read... a mummy brot the child to the condo swimming pool even tho the child is having HFMD... scary rite??
