(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

wnedyg, your exclusive pump or you also got latch on?

wa say....you can really pump a lot

my max is 200ml per pump...but i only pump twice...the rest latch on...

but like i say...menses coming...sometimes one whole day i can only pump 250ml leh.


you make me envy you leh

each time only pump 15 mins

actually to say the truth, no such thing as fair or unfair....a few years back...when they up maternity to 12 weeks....also start in aug.

guess its give and take lor....

if they backdate, mummies in 2007, 2006 etc will also want right?

No end one lor
i purposely over supply.. hee hee. if i make an effort to ignore the discomfort & stretch the pumping times over several days, surely supply will go down. But i keep up with the pumping, so my boobies keep producing. Blocked ducts can still happen anytime during breastfeeding career, so hv to be diligent to clear lumps. If baby is awake & i hv to pump, he will be rolling around the bed, or looking at me trying to grab my pump, and i talk/ sing to him until someone comes to carry him out.

actually when i wear a bra, i dun really feel the engorgement discomfort. Sometimes i'm too engrossed at work & forget to pump coz i'm just sitting at my PC. At home bra-less, i can feel the fullness esp walking around the house doing everything at the same time, and carrying baby against my chest. Sometimes leak.. ewwww.

i latch on when i'm with baby.. weekday nights & weekends.
bm goodness for #1.. hope his system will be strengthened esp coz he's in childcare & HFMD on the rise again. All these months i didn't get flu even tho my family all kena. All except me and baby. I get the occasional stress-induced headache. But that one can't spread la. hee hee

U are blessed with a lot of milk. How i wish i have that much....
Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime

Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy:)
for my 1st time, also not much milk. Try the Motherlove More Milk Plus. maybe it works for u. Available at Vitakids/ TMC Pharmacy/ Camden Pharmacy.
thread lost leh...

about MLMP, icy, you said can buy from vitakids, can tell me how much is it per tin and how long can this tin lasts?

wendy, wahhhh pei fu you *kowtows* can feed #1 & #2 leh...

right now i still on total ebm, plus 2 meals of solid a day, baby drinking 150ml every 3 hours, i have extra 6 pkts of ebm (lansinoh to the brim) every week. like what a lot of mummies said, working doesnt results in much output...supposed to have 300ml per 6hrs but i can get 250ml per 6hrs nia...sob sob

i really dread menses coming

btw, who have lobang for window grills because i need to do it since my boy can start to crawl and climb liao
wendy, same, i also purposely over-supply...switched from 8hrly pump to 6hrly pump so over supply, boobies engorged cannot feel when wearing bra at work, but at 12noon everyday, the milk starts the gush out no matter how eary or late was my previous pump. this clock more accurate than my baby's cries liao...

at home also no wear bra so sometimes my boy cry i still can get stimulation and starts leaking...

did anyone of you read the straits times article about the french govt banning/discouraging tv (babyTV and another channel i forgot) for babies under 3years old? article says tv for babies under 3yearsold no good?
weekend i need to pump and clear stuff, sometimes put my boy infront of babyTV for prolonged time, a bit guilty...
I used the tincture, which is a small bottle of concentrate. Hv to dilute & drink until achieve desired supply. $40 lasted me abt 2 wks, everyday drink 4 times a day.
mei, i will TCC next year because new job and my boss told me that she is TCC-ing end of the year and we have promised each other after her turn is my turn

i will pop out #2 and close shop forever.
Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime

Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy:)
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB
Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime

Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy:)
05. QQ : 2A + 1TT
no la v easy one. there's a dripper, just measure out 1ml & top up with bit more water & gulp down.
I think also hv capsules
WendyG, ya lor, it's a online petition after all, if no one is willing to use real names etc, how can it be taken seriously? Like that, might as well be silent protestor, protest in their hearts enough already.

ErnMum, actually I will not petition if it's 1 Jan 09 but think not far to split half - half like that for 2008 babies, but then in 2004 also like that lor. :p
looks like tea, tastes like herbal drink. But i just held my breath & gulped down, and washed down with red-date tea (that time confinement). So it didn't bother me too much. Increasing supply is more impt to me than these things.
Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime

Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
I bought in apr. The bottle cost ard $50+ for me, I think because there is 2 types. That time when I go Vitakids, only left with the Alcohol free one,. that why more ex. It lasted me until now (4 mths) because I dun take it everyday. I only take it when my ss dropped. Min 1 time a day and max 4 times a day.

Its brownish colour and taste like chinese liang cha(not sweet) effect much faster than fenugreek capsule.

I also take the tincture with droper, only add like 20-30ml of water to drink it with a small cup.

Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime

Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
07. babyshannon: 2A + Baby Shayne
<font color="ff6000">Birthday Bash - Birthday Present for Our Birthday Boy/Girl!</font>
ok, I'm sourcing now and been talking to some. and if you've any lobangs, please share with me so that I can communicate with them. Tks!!

<font color="ff6000">Birthday Bash - Event Photographer</font>
ok. I gotten my friend who has agreed to be our Birthday Bash Event Photographer. He's not a professional photographer but he enjoys taking photos. He helped my another friend to take his wedding photos. I guessed most of us would be hands full and so busy with babies (mummies talking to mummies and daddies taking to daddies or chasing over babies crawling), I thought if we would have a photographer to go around taking photos. Of course, you can still continue to bring your own camera to take photos la. Ok with you? Don't worry, no $ needed lah, but at least we provide him with some food/cake/drinks can? Hee. What you think??

<font color="ff6000">Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime</font>
Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
07. babyshannon: 2A + Baby Shayne

...i seemed to be the only one excited over this...haha..wait end up gathering cancelled...haha...
Hello all,

Not able to follow this thread as the link disappeared.

COMEX is coming this weekend. Would like to ask if anyone would recommend thier camera? Which brand and the pros? Thanks!
Hi mei,

I am interested too!

Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime
Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
07. babyshannon: 2A + Baby Shayne
08. elmo_78 : 2A + 1 BB
Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime
Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
07. babyshannon: 2A + Baby Shayne
08. blessedbaby:2A+ baby Johanna
mmm.. I dunno if I remember right.. Feels that after delivery and staying at home with bb.. It is making me very forgetful...

Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime
Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
07. babyshannon: 2A + Baby Shayne
08. blessedbaby:2A+ baby Johanna
09. icy: 2A + 1BB
Hahaha... you dun have any business in town area sounds so funny...

I think many pple couldn't find the thread.. tats why quieter.
So it's ok to mix ebm &amp; FM together? I tried to introduce FM during midnite feed (although my gal still slpg with eyes closed!) she doesn't take the FM, even mix ebm with FM! She took 1 ounce &amp; cried n refuse anymore feed. So I gotta latch her on, she continue to latch n slp.

I wanna introduce FM (NAN 2) to my gal liao cos my target of TBF for 6mths is up and wanna wean her off slowly. But then, she doesn't or refuse FM. HOW? How can I let her enjoy goodness of FM too?
Birthday Bash - 20 Dec Sat Lunchtime
Or shall we see who can make it before deciding on venue?
01. mei : 2A + 1C (2.5yrs) + 1BB
02. mandy : 2A + 1BB
03. serene : 2A + 1BB
04. steph77 : 2A + 1BB + 1 in tummy
05. Jacelyn: 2A + 1BB + HB --> so 3A + 1BB?
06. QQ : 2A + 1BB
07. babyshannon: 2A + Baby Shayne
08. elmo_78 : 2A + 1 BB
09. blessedbaby:2A+ baby Johanna
10. icy: 2A + 1BB
babe: my son has started solid but he din take kiwi or dragonfruit leh. but i took and still bf him. strange leh. anyway nwo his poo ok liao .. will continue to monitor. thanks!
Hi Godsent

You are not alone. I also plan to wean off soon but my gal rejected the FM - Friso Gold Stage 2 when I introduced her last Friday night - last feed of the day. I am worried as my current supply level is unable to meet her demand which is bet 150 - 180ml per feed and my frozen ebm stock is dwindling. Hmmmmmmm.....
haro mommies

today panda eyes cos yday only got 3hours of sleep. Dunno why rylee acted up. She kept trying to sit up in her cot, she will flip to her tummy and cry, kept adjusting herself. Around 12plus, i lifted her up and brought her to our bed with us. Same thing but cry even louder. She snuggled close to me, slept liao, then flip and all goes downhill from there. Kept crying and crying. Can tell she wants to sleep but it's like her body got a mind of its own, jus kept flipping and her butt kept lifting up, like wan to go on all fours. Is this common? I really hope it's a once off, if happen again, can die.

Really ah...cannot watch TV?? I also guilty of sometimes letting her watch a bit of dvd to pass time.

Yes, I also have been experiencing hard time putting baby Hao Re to bed at night recently. It's not the first time. I think it's temporarily, as he was difficult for like a week or so last time, then became easy again. Just last week, he started to be diffcult to handle again, difficult to put him to sleep and can't sleep soundly, kept waking up and need to pat or carry him to sleep again. I think it's because he tries to learn something new (I read from somewhere when baby learns new thing, it might affect his sleep, as he unconciously still doing the act when asleep). Last time, I think he was learning to crawl, which he did manage the crawling skill right after that difficult nights. This time round, I think he tries to walk. I don't link it to teething. And not tv either, as my son doesn't fancy the tv at all.
Hugs* &amp; hi-five!
Zander also behave like that last weekends. But of course lucky he doesn't tekan me &amp; hubby so jialat. I only got less than 5hrs of staggered sleep. After his last feed ard 9.30pm, put him to Zzz ard 10pm &amp; wake up ard 2plus(AM) toss &amp; turn, flip to his tummy &amp; lift his head to look at us from his playpen. If we ignore him, he will make noise/cry. Gave pacifier also he dun wan. Pat him to sleep &amp; then later 4plus(AM) wake up repeat same things all over again! No choice, put him to our bed with us &amp; then guai guai Zzz till 7plus(AM). In between, also toss &amp; turn (his butt kept lifting up too)...once his pacifier drop, he eh eh eh &amp; then have to quickly put the pacifier in his mouth so hor, i not enuff Zzz while hubby is snoring by then:p
haha... my boy was also like that last week. Thank God last few days he was back to normal, sleep fm 9 plus to 7am the next morning. I can understand how tired it was...

forgotten to add I think he was back to normal after a tired workout one of the night. He was busy crawling up and down in his mat ;p after that day he was ok.
