(2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

Yes u can write ur blog in multiply then just click the tick on the bottom to duplicate the same entry in ur blogger.

marriot durian mooncake nicer than Goodwood? Had been 3 yrs since I ordered durian mooncake but my parent love them.. used to ordered from Tok Lok but seemed like they no longer have durians.

If I wanna order, can I collect from Punggol?

ok 3 boxes from marriott for u. u not getting from goodwood?

hb tried marriott and goodwood. he still prefer goodwood. a...i cannot deliver to punggol sorry BUT wendy stays punggol. heehee..
me also on facebook.

[email protected]

Can add me in too?

my girl also so far not liking any of the food I give her, I go by 4 day rule, tried peas today, she face was like so so only :p

mei, birthday bash sounds GREAT!!!!!

erm... both my sons on Nan 2HA. I tink the milk powder is more for those babies prone to have allergies. My hb n myself have lots of allergies, so hb decided to feed them with HA lor. As to size ...erm ... both of them tend to b on the bigger side. imagine, #2 weight was 9+ kg when he barely pass 7 mths! faint leh. but his size is not due to FM cos he was on total BM for first 6 mths. as to whether contain palm oil or not...i heard fr my colleague tat if FM bot in M'sia, they contain palm oil. if manufactured in SG, den no palm oil. din really cfm tat. but PD was shocked when she knows my #1 on Nan HA n ask if it's cos of allergies?
actually i believe all FM are abt the same. only thing is does yr bb like e particular FM or not. I have seen cases whereby bb doesnt like the FM and ends up drink very little n hence slower in development. if u are trying new FM, pls take extra caution to see if yr bb likes or not.
thought u stay at Punggol. lol.. Anyway if I wanna buy from goodwood, where can I collect from u? self collect or also at ur work place?
shld reward those mummies who gave birth since last package. at least this group of mummies responded to policy. why aug 17? not aug 1? not jan 1?
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">hi mothers of 1st child < 1 yr,

I think we shld fight for the addition
Children Development Co-Savings (Baby Bonus) Scheme to be given to us. As we too, have small child to look after and requires childcare education subsidy.

Please let me know if you are keen to petition on this matter. [email protected] </font></font>
morning everyone, thanks for all the congrats.

yunbb, good news for you. the new benefit started on 17 aug 08 so meaning you are entitled to the 4mths ML. but as for the baby bonus still waiting for approval. think shouldn't be a problem sure will approve one. really thanks to those giving birth this year mummies feedback and government did the adjustment if not very lugi...

mei and luvv, where to place order for the story book sound so interesting.
mummies who have recently introduced formula milk? may i check with you how your child is taking it?

receptive or also take some time for them to accept

i am thinking of starting my boy on partial formula
If you don't mind.
I have added QQ, Amy, Steph, Wendy, Yunbb and Mei to my facebook.
- Err... that's who I think I can identify for the Jan mommied gp.

How shall we go about petitioning?
i'm loyal customer of Marriott's durian snowskin. other brands i tried don't come anywhere near, so i dun bother to remember they're from where. hee hee.
i can help to collect fr mei &amp; u come to Pg to get fr me, on these conditions..
1) not too many boxes coz i gotto carry fr Marriot to offc to home on public transport
2) only baked skin coz my freezer limited space.. u know la, the ebm takes a lot of space ley.
Trying to do up my multiply....Heee....quite difficult to use for me.....

How do i add you guys???
How do i give permission to ppl to see my blog. I dont want everyone to see everything....

can help?

Anyone going for the syc breastfeeding at suntec tomorrow??
Morning Mummies is TGIF

eRnMum - I introduce my boy FM so far he is happy with it. Drinking as much as BM.
wow! u still breastfeed!? wendy, pls remind me nearer to the date that u nid to collect hor. otherwise wait i forget. haha...will let u know exactly hor much. 25% off. i charge fee for using my name. hahaaa kidding.

refer to above url that i've posted for QQ. oops, i haven pay money. hee...better transfer to seller....
How do i also change the heading of multiply??
Eg. from Tan Site to something else.

One more question...sorry for having so may questions.

How can i make my blogspot to be viewed by permission only....:p
<font color="ff6000">Birthday Bash</font>
am thinking of prior xmas, cos i think xmas day and xmas eve, most of us would have our own plans and friends gatherings. so i thought put earlier. and it's a sat. anyway eve lunch i can't cos' working on eve mah. but i haven go source for venues. <font color="ff6000">suggestions, pls...</font>.

re: sound book
hmm to me it seems nice lor. as long as bb like, it's nice. haha...u get 1 to try first. if babysoft can mail early to u before the bp over, u can try and order again before bp over.
I think prior to xmas eve is better also, xmas eve i guess we all have our own plans already as for the venue, mei i'm very bad at it, it depends on the budget ba..if say $30 per adult..what about roxy square hotel? heard the food's not bad, per head less then $30.
do we just wan to eat or we need a bigger space to move ard, to cut cake, to mingle, etc. like that we nid a bigger rm = more $.

anyone has lobang to any place? eg. function rms? hotels? resorts?
i asked 1 hotel in orchard who quoted me a 3-hrs use of function rm with free parking, free drinks with high tea food. abt S$40 per adult. Is it too high?
hmm mickey mouse restaurant ah. can ask. but that place no good food. haha. and 吃不饱的.

i would not reco cos' its realli not worth and no gd.
eh .... ok ... i just throw in venue I can think of hahahaha .... ok KBOX hahahah they have big rooms!!!!
dat's a good deal, S$40 so many things hor. But likely i can't make it one. So i just cheer u on ok.

disney restaurant
>> It was a MAJOR disappointment. i wun bother to go all the way there again.
Aqua, I put my name down liao, mainly for the CDA account too. Hoping govt will change their mind, if not the 2008 babies will be split into the 'haves' and the 'have nots' once they reach schooling age and need to tap into CDA accounts. :p

for the bb swimming contest,is there any goodie bag?just go in any time from 11am to 5pm to swim??need to book the slot?

dat's not swimming ley, that's a dip in a tub.

saw that u joining petition for your #2 born Jan 08? no revision in benefits for #2, u petition to gain what ah?
